Thursday, March 21, 2013

Nicole's Notes: Volume 27 (March 25, 2013)

Baby Gus Arsenault visits his proud daddy!
Happy Weekend TOSH Parents and Guardians!

I know I usually aim for Monday's with these posts, but I wanted to get some of this information out to you in advance of our return from March Break. I trust that all our students enjoyed the time away from the everyday and that we will see them all back on Monday rested up and raring to go! We're headed into the home stretch, and it is our hope that all will want to finish strong!

Mr. Arsenault and our rugby players have Summerside Storm playoff tickets on sale now for $5. The first playoff game is this Sunday, March 24 at 2 p.m. and the next home game is Tuesday, March 26 at 7 p.m. Both games are against the Windsor Express. If you would like to secure tickets for Sunday's game, you can ask any TOSH rugby player you happen to know or call Joel Arsenault at (902) 439-4894.

Welcome Back Pre-Service Teachers!!

TOSH welcomes back first year UPEI Pre-service teachers: Joel Banks (Krista Hickey) and Roslyn Riddington-Abbott (Mario Fiset)!

Upcoming Dates to Note:
26-28   Bluefield Friendship Hockey Tournament
27        Grad Easter event- 7 p.m. at TOSH (Easter Egg Hunt, etc.)
29        Good Friday- No Classes
30        Bluefield Friendship Hockey Tournament

1         Easter Monday- No Classes
2         Presidents' Council Meeting (11:45 a.m.)
8         Parent Council Meeting- 6:30 p.m.
11       Parent Teacher Interviews (After school and evening)
12       Parent Teacher Interviews (Daytime)
18       Semester 2 Progress Report Cards Home
19       30 Hour Famine Overnight Event
23-25  Climate Workshop Days
26       PD Day- No Classes

There was some confusion about the date chosen for our Grad Prom this year and I will be making an announcement to students when we return on Monday to bring some clarity and closure to the situation. The definitive date for the prom is May 25. We had originally chosen May 18 as our prom date and then the wrong date went into our Student Agenda book, causing confusion for students and prom organizers. As a result, our venue (Credit Union Place) was booked for May 25. When I called the CUP to see if that date could be changed, I was told that the weekend of May 18 is booked for the RBC Cup, so I guess May 18 was never really an option. I apologize for any inconvenience and unnecessary chagrin this mix up may have already caused our students/their families. The final answer is that the Grad Prom and banquet will take place on Saturday, May 25. More detailed information will follow as we get closer to that date.

March 26-28 and 30
TOSH has entered a Men's and Women's team (A and AA players) in the 2nd Annual Bluefield High School Friendship Hockey Tournament. All monies from ticket sales to TOSH games (with the exception of the final game) go directly back to our school! Tickets are on sale through team members or TOSH Athletics. Also, all 50/50 tickets sold in advance allows us a return of 44%. The proceeds from 50/50 ticket sales sold at the games go to Bluefield HS. The schedule is available via the Bluefield High School website: Hope to see lots of supporters out to cheer on our teams!


To Wylie Tanton (for facilitating) and Mitch MacNevin (for participating in) the YMCA program at TOSH over the March Break! (See picture above)

To James Dalton (Skip) and his team for winning the U-16 division Junior Mixed PEI Provincial Curling Championships! 

To Andrew Rafuse for winning the Overall Best Lifter and First Place awards at the Provincial Power Lifting Provincial finals! Andrew set a new provincial record for the bench press!

To Leanna Brown for winning GOLD in the Workplace Safety division of the provincial Skills Canada competition! Lea will be going to Vancouver with Team PEI to compete at nationals this spring!

To Bloyce Walfield for winning GOLD in the Welding division of the provincial Skills Canada competition! Bloyce will be going to Vancouver with Team PEI to compete at nationals this spring!

To Jonathan Gamble for winning SILVER in the Carpentry division of the provincial Skills Canada competition! 

To Carter Yeo for winning SILVER in the Auto Service division of the provincial Skills Canada competition! 

To Quentin Wedge for winning BRONZE in the Outdoor Powered Equipment division of the provincial Skills Canada competition! 

To Reese Hall and Austin Clow for helping to unload the Breakfast Buddies program food!

To Logan Maddix and Mitchell Fraser for unloading and delivering to the cooler all the Breakfast Buddies supplies!

To DJ Gaudet for his excellent Justin Bieber presentation!

To Ryan Nicholson and Logan Bigelow for supporting DJ in his presentation!

Challenge: Help your son/daughter set some end of the year academic goals. We don't have many weeks left to achieve them!

Quote of the Week: "When you have children yourself, you begin to understand what you owe your parents."~ Japanese Proverb

Enjoy this short week and Happy Easter!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Nicole's Notes: Volume 26 (March 11, 2013)

Ryan Nicholson and Ms Haire
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

Well, this is the final week before March Break! Woohoo! ;-) The second semester flies by quicker than the first (if that's even possible!!), and we're all going to have to dig deep this week for the fortitude and focus it will take to see us through to a well earned Break at the end of the day on Friday. If your son/daughter is going to be absent outside of the usual holiday time, please be sure to let us know in the office so that you can avoid those annoying Synervoice calls home alerting you to the fact that they have gone MIA from classes! It would also help to check in with teachers in advance to see what work can be done so that your son/daughter will be caught up in classes upon their return to school.

Upcoming Dates to Note:
13       EURO 2013 Bake Sale at noon
18-22   March Break-No Classes
29       Good Friday- No Classes

1         Easter Monday- No Classes
2         Presidents' Council Meeting (11:45 a.m.)
8         Parent Council Meeting- 6:30 p.m.
11       Parent Teacher Interviews (After school and evening)
12       Parent Teacher Interviews (Daytime)
18       Semester 2 Progress Report Cards Home
19       30 Hour Famine Overnight Event
23-25   Climate Workshop Days
26       PD Day- No Classes

(March 26-30)
TOSH has entered a Men's and Women's team (A and AA players) in the 2nd Annual Bluefield High School Friendship Tournament. All monies from ticket sales to TOSH games (with the exception of the final game) go directly back to our school! Tickets are on sale through team members or TOSH Athletics. Also, all 50/50 tickets sold in advance allows us a return of 44%. The proceeds from 50/50 ticket sales sold at the games go to Bluefield HS. Participating schools include: Bluefield, Colonel Gray, Montague, Souris, Westisle, TOSH, Kensington (KISH), and Kinkora (KRHS).The schedule of TOSH games is as follows:

Tuesday, March 26
Kensington Rink        KISH @ TOSH (W)  3 p.m.
                                KISH @ TOSH (M)  4:30 p.m.
Wednesday, March 27
CUP (Sside)             TOSH @ KRHS (W)  3 p.m.
                               TOSH @ KRHS (M)  4:30 p.m.                     
Thursday, March 28
CUP (Sside)             Westisle @ TOSH (M) 4:30 p.m.
Tignish                     TOSH @ Westisle (W) 6 p.m.
Saturday, March 30
CARI (Chtown)         
5:30 p.m.                Women's Final: #1 East vs #1 West
7:00 p.m.                Alumni Game
8:00 p.m.                Men's Final: #1 East vs #1 West

Please support this school fundraiser by purchasing tickets to our games and/or 50/50 tickets and come on out to cheer our players on!

Tickets for home games played by the Summerside Storm at Credit Union Place can be purchased through the Phys Ed Office or Main Office at TOSH for $5. All proceeds from these ticket sales goes to TOSH Athletics! The home games this week are March 14 (Thursday) and March 16 (Saturday) at 7 p.m.
Vote daily for our Summerside Storm players (Shout out to my adopted family member Antonio Ballard!) to help them make the NBL All-Star team

Rachel Parise: Angel on Duty!

Rachel Parise of Keeping Fit recently invited me to her Keeping Fit class at Slemon Park (Yes, I took one for the team and actually exercised on Wear Pink Day!!) so that she could present me with $800 raised by her members to help support a local Grade 12 Student who otherwise would not be able to come up with the funds to participate in the activities associated with their Grade 12 year (Grad pictures, College/University application fees, Prom, Grad Activities, etc). Funds were raised from their Class For A Cause, a portion of sales from Keeping Fit T-Shirts donated by Prodigy Sports, and Summerside Storm Ticket Sales. This fitness group is so much more than just an exercise group: it's a community-based team who want to help themselves while helping others. THANK YOU ALL!!


We are happy to be welcoming students from the Holland College Music program to perform for our MUS 421/521/621 and MUS 801 students this coming Wednesday in our school cafeteria. It always benefits our students to hear great performers and it will also lend some insight into this relatively new program being offered to post-secondary students at Holland College.


We wish good luck to our TOSH Powerlifting Team members as they head into provincial competition in Montague on Tuesday of this week:  Julien Caron, Andrew Rafuse, Clayton Smith, and Adam Moore. We also welcome Dakota Marshall from KISH who will be travelling with our team. 

Luke Thompson Guarding the Pool at the CUP on Saturday!

To the TOSH members of the Summerside Dophins Swim Club who competed and received medals at the swim meet this weekend at the CUP!

To those TOSH students who placed in the top three of their respective categories at the Skills Canada provincial competitions last week! NOTE:  Gold Medal Winners (announced at the banquet on Wednesday) will travel to British Columbia for the national competition this spring:
Leanna Brown- Workplace Safety
Carter Yeo and Quinten Wedge- Automotive
Jonathan Gamble- Carpentry

To Brandon MacNevin and Mike Murray for representing us so well at the Automotive competition for Skills Canada last week!

To Jenny McLean (Skip), Lauren MacFadyen (3rd), Ava Whitney-Coulter (2nd) and Emily Vaniderstein (Lead), from the Silver Fox Curling Club, who won the Under 18 Provincial Championships!

To James Dalton (3rd/Mate for the Alex MacFadyen rink) who won the Under 16 provincial curling championships! 

To Noah Richardson, Maria Brown, and Rachel Barry for representing TOSH at Rotary Youth Parliament this weekend!

Challenge:  Grade 10/11 Parents: Ask your son/daughter what courses he/she chose for the 2013-2014 school year?! Grade 12 Parents: Start helping your son/daughter begin to finalize their post-secondary destination or alternate plan for next year!

Quote of the Week: "Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement."! ~ Brian Tracy  

Have a wonderful week and a restful March Break!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Nicole's Notes: Volume 25 (March 4, 2013)

We're Pink and We're Proud! :)
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians! 

It is 11:25 p.m. as I begin this post, so I am happy that I am in under the wire and it is still "Monday"! Sorry for the delay getting this week's update to you. Sometimes, life gets in the way!

Many of you have already seen the media coverage of our incredibly successful "Wear Pink Day" last Wednesday. Our students and staff stepped up in a significant way and I was overcome by the sea of pink in front of me as I addressed the assembly before showing the documentary, "Bully". You could have heard a pin drop for the next 90 minutes and the discussions that took place in the halls and homeroom afterwards were insightful and encouraging. We have a good school climate but we also have lots of people who are committed to making it even better. Here are some links for you to enjoy if you wish:

Our Climate Crew's video production promoting the event:

CBC Compass coverage of the day (Scroll to 20:45): 

The day in pictures!:

Upcoming Dates to Note:

4          Parent Council Meeting- 6:30 p.m. in the Library
6          Grade 9 Parent Information Night-6:30 p.m.
7          Rescheduled Grade 9 Tours (SIS)
18-22   March Break-No Classes
29        Good Friday- No Classes

Grade 12 parents can stop reading and wait for all the Graduation blog information that will hit them in May and June! :) Grade 10 and 11 parents need to be aware that registration for next year's courses will take place in homeroom on March 5. The Counselors in Student Services and Homeroom teachers are always willing and able to offer consultation and advice regarding course selection, so please encourage your son/daughter to access his/her allies over the next couple of weeks as needed!


Congratulations to the Community Works Council members who participated in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters "Bowl for Kids' Sake" event at the Credit Union Place bowling alley on Saturday. They raised $929 for the cause and had a lot of fun at the same time! Thanks to Ms. DeCoste and Ms.Carruthers for offering staff support and modeling of technique! :-)


Tickets for home games played by the Summerside Storm at Credit Union Place can be purchased through the Phys Ed Office or Main Office at TOSH for $5. All proceeds from these ticket sales goes to TOSH Athletics! The home games this week are March 5 (Tuesday) and March 8 (Friday) at 7 p.m and March 10 (Sunday) at 2 p.m.

Becca Gallant serving up smiles at the CUP on Saturday!

To Bradley Murphy for winning the Senior Boys Division in 5-Pin Bowling for PEI! Brad is heading to BC in May to represent our provincePEI!

To Bloyce Walfield for his Top 3 showing in the Welding category at the Skills Canada competition!

To the members of the Climate Crew for their hard work planning for, and facilitating, the "Wear Pink" day!

To the members of the AA Women's, AA Men's and AAA Men's basketball teams on their Provincial Bronze medal wins!

To the members of the AAA Women's basketball team on their Provincial Gold medal win!

To the TOSH basketball players who were named to the provincial All-Star Teams:


Erica Gillis                    
Becky Clark                  
Jaime MacLean            

Michalea Walker          
Laura O'Neill              

Adam Gallant              
Pat Murray                   

Colin Arsenault            
James Meek             


Millee MacKay               


Andrew Rafuse              

Brady Arsenault       

To the members of the Choral Ensemble who performed so well at the Confed Centre on Saturday evening during the Provincial Home and School 60th Anniversary Gala!

Challenge:  Make sure that your son/daughter has his/her courses chosen for next year ASAP! Grade 12 parents can make sure that all entrance scholarship applications are in/criteria has been met as due dates for these are usually in early March!

Quote of the Week: "Love is giving someone your undivided attention."~ Author Unknown

Have a great week!