Sunday, November 24, 2013

Nicole's Notes: Volume 13 (November 25, 2013)

LED 621 Class ROCKS PD Play Day Friday!
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

The weather this weekend and the Christmas carols in the stores leave no doubt that we are approaching those busy, pre-holidays weeks! The talk around school at the moment (or "atm" if you're social network savvy!) is the Christmas Dance on December 7th from 8-11 p.m. I am providing some "myth busters" early for parents in an attempt to avoid any misunderstandings later on. The same was shared with students via a PA announcement last week, as we do every year:

Myth #1:  The Christmas Dance is a "Prom". Fact: It is a "dressier than usual" school dance and has not been called a "prom" for over a decade.

Myth #2:  You have to have a date to attend. Fact: Any TOSH student can attend this dance, as they can every other dance, with or without a "date".

Myth #3:  You have to spend a lot of money on fancy clothes. Fact: This is a semi-formal dance which means "dressier than usual". Parents would be well advised to save their money for when their son/daughter wishes to attend their graduation prom. That can sometimes lead to some expenses depending on personal preference.

Myth #4: Anyone can attend. Fact: The rules for student sign ins for dances is found on Page 24 of the Student Agenda book. The following people are welcome to attend the Christmas dance: 1) Students currently in good standing at TOSH (fees paid, outstanding books handed in, good behaviour, etc.), 2) Students in good standing currently in Island high schools, 3) TOSH grads from the previous year only (i.e. 2013). Sign in sheets will be available in the Main Office beginning on Monday and our admin team will be calling other high schools to see if there are any concerns with individual students attending our dance (as per usual). If there is an issue, we will let the student trying to sign the person know ASAP. NOTE: The quicker we get the sign in sheet handed in to us, the quicker we can approve the sign in.

CHANGES TO NOTE: Tickets will be sold at the door this year rather than in advance, and the price of admission is $10 (same as last year). The dance will take place in the Gymnasium and entrance to the dance will be through the main doors of the school. Picture stations will NOT be available at the school as in previous years, so parents are asked to make alternate arrangements for taking of pictures before students come to the dance.

The professional development day time spent by our staff on Friday was definitely time well spent! Our teachers formed their own teams with professional from across the Island who shared similar professional development goals and needs. Our support staff updated their training in First Aid and CPR, as well. The learning for all was specific and authentic to what we do, which means it is more easily transferred into everyday practice. I have no doubt that our students will feel the positive benefits of the work our staff continue to do as lifelong learners.

Upcoming Dates to Remember:
25           Grad Activity at Dooley's: 4-6 p.m.
27           Band Parents' Meeting- 6:30 p.m. in Lecture Theatre 
28           Principals' Meeting- Nicole Out

5             Band Christmas Concert- 7 p.m.
7             Christmas Dance (NOTE: Not "Prom"!)- 8-11 p.m.
12-14     TOSH Christmas Classic Basketball Tournament
20           Last Day of Classes-Christmas Holidays! :)  

2            First Day of Classes-2014


The Class Officers are hosting an activity for Grads at Dooley's on Monday, November 25 from 4-6 p.m. Grads can pay the $5 admission fee on Monday and all members of the Class of 2014 are welcome to come and make some positive memories together during their final year together at TOSH!


The TOSH Band Parents' Association will be holding a Christmas Tree Sale fundraiser at Three Oaks during the Annual Christmas Classic Basketball Tournament on Saturday, Dec. 14 beginning at 10 a.m. Trees will be selling for $30 and the proceeds will go to support our awesome TOSH Band program.

We're into basketball season now and our Athletic Council will be hosting the Island Storm basketball players for a practice at TOSH on Tuesday at noon hour. Our student athletes can learn a lot from watching players at the pro level perform and our school made some very positive connections last year with five returning players. We look forward to welcoming them and their new teammates!

TICKETS FOR SAT. GAME ON SALE THIS WEEK! Tickets for Saturday's home game will be on sale for $5 at the TOSH Main Office and the Phys Ed Office beginning Tuesday this week. All proceeds go to TOSH Athletics, so consider getting yours!

WE DAY 2013!

38 of our TOSH students will be traveling to Halifax on Nov.27 to participate in one of this year's "We Day" celebrations sponsored by Free the Children. Our students will have the unique opportunity to gather with other Maritime student leaders to hear top notch keynote speakers and focus on some of the issues facing our global community today. We Day is a call to solidarity and action and we look forward to seeing some of the "ripple effects" that come after!

To the members of the CUL 801 course for representing our school so well during their field trip to the Culinary Institute of Canada and the mushroom plant this week! Ms. Sullivan was very proud of you all!
To Rebecca Drummond for being my Climate Crew liaison during the Positive School Climate Days last week!
To Jacob Brown for being awarded the Major General W.A. Howard Award for being considered by his commanding officer to be the top cadet on the Island!
To the members of the LED 621 class for running an awesome "PD Play Day" for elementary students at the CUP on Friday! Many kids did not want to leave when their parents came to pick them up at the end of the day!

 To the members of our Improv Team (pictured above) for representing our school so well at their competition this weekend!

Challenge:  Help your child find his/her focus and be present to this full week of class time and learning. There is still important work to be done despite the many happy distractions this time of year!!
Quote of the Week:  "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
                                          ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Nicole's Notes: Volume 12 (Nov 18-22)

Hugs from Danielle on Friday :)
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians! 
I am SO excited to be back to school this week after my 6 week "hiatus"!! It wasn't much of a "holiday", but I am feeling well again and looking forward to arriving at school Monday and letting everyone know how much I missed them! I popped in for a few hours last week and was so grateful for the smiles and hugs I received from our students. TOSH is a very caring place to be, and I feel blessed to be a part of this school community.
I owe a debt of gratitude to Jason Gallant for the excellent job he did as Acting Principal, to Gerald MacCormack for keeping things running when Jason was out attending meetings on my behalf, and to Faber MacDonald for the great work he did in the office and with the Parent Blog. There was no "glitch in the giddy up" while I was away because our staff all work as a team and the success of our school is a shared responsibility. I was able to stay home and follow orders knowing that Three Oaks and our kids were in very capable hands!

Progress report cards were printed last week and were supposed to go home to parents with students on Friday. If your son/daughter has not shown you their report card yet, ask to see it! If they say they lost it, let us know in the office and we'll print you another one! Our teachers spent hours writing individual comments to students that offer descriptive feedback on each student's progress to date. I read all 800 report cards, as well, and I have to say that I am pleased with the progress I see our students making. Take the time to review these progress reports with your child and let the teachers know if you have any questions or concerns. We will be contacting those students who need some support as we enter the second half of this semester. Final exams in January will be here before we know it!
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
18-21      Bullying Awareness Week
22           Collaborative Planning Day-No Classes
28           Principals' Meeting- Nicole Out


5             Band Christmas Concert- 7 p.m.
7             Christmas Dance (NOTE: Not "Prom"!)- 8-11 p.m.
12-14     TOSH Christmas Classic Basketball Tournament
20           Last Day of Classes-Christmas Holidays! :)  

Bullying Awareness Week (Nov. 18-21)
Our TOSH Climate Crew have organized a week of activities to examine the topic of Safe Schools and Positive School Climate. Please note that Tuesday, November 19 is WEAR PINK DAY and we are hoping to have maximum participation from our students and staff. We encourage everyone in our school community to stand up for what is right every week of the year. At Three Oaks, you won't be standing alone!        

 "In Our Own Backyard" Campaign 

The TOSH Parent Council had a booth in our Craft Fair titled "In Our Own Backyard".  Their goal was to raise awareness and money for the TOSH Breakfast program.  

Thanks to their creative idea and the generosity of those attending the TOSH craft fair, over $1000 was raised!

TOSH staff and students thank the Parent Council for members for their time and effort in supporting our goal to keep our students well nourished.   

Pictured here are Karen Smith, Cheryl Gallant, and students from Ms Evans' Art class who helped prepare the Christmas tree for sponsor names.

Here is a list of items that could be donated to the Breakfast Program: Juice, Milk, Plates, Bowls, Plastic spoons, Plastic knives, napkins,  plastic cups, Cheese whiz, Margarine, Jam, Instant oatmeal individual packages, Cold Cereal, Bagels, Yogurt, Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Fruit cups, Cheese,  Granola Bars.  If you would like to make a donation, please contact the office at Three Oaks at 888-8460. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Food can be dropped off at the front office.  Donations are also greatly appreciated.  Please make any cheques made payable to: Three Oaks Senior High School.  The Breakfast Program is open to all students, and it will take all of us working together to keep it operating. If you have any questions, please call or e mail Tami Arsenault (Youth Service Worker) at school: 
PD Play Day 

Leadership 621 students, in cooperation with the City of Summerside, are planning "PD Play Day" at Credit Union Place on Friday, Nov. 22nd.  The cost is $10 per child and it's open to any children ages 3-12.  Drop off times are between 8:00am-8:30am at the main entrance of the CUP.  Activities will include: skating, bowling, swimming, crafts, and other games. Lunch options TBA, but pizza is very likely. For more information, contact Lauren Ryder at:
        International Cyber Bullying Conference: 
Charlottetown, Nov. 9, 2013
Members of the TOSH Climate Crew and teacher advisor, Mark Gregory, attended the International Cyber Bullying Conference held in Charlottetown last week. Our students returned with some good information around this topic and have some ideas of ways to raise awareness of this issue with our own student population.



The Community Works Council has initiated a tutoring program that will take place every Tuesday and Thursday after school. Students who are in Grade 11 and 12 who are interested in acting as tutors can receive Community Service Bursary Hours ($5/volunteer hour to a maximum of 100 hours upon graduation) and should see Mrs. Tammy Craig ASAP! This is a great way to help others!

Craft Fair Promo with Santa and Boomer !

We had another successful Annual Christmas Craft Fair fundraiser this year and we appreciate the publicity offered to us by CBC Compass! Thanks, Boomer! :) 

BURSARY BOARD-Grade 12 Students (Updated Nov. 12/13)
Due Date
Community Service Bursary
Up to $500.00
On going
On going
Boys and Girls Club Scholarships for volunteering. See Club for details
Up to $1000.00
On going
The D & R Sobey Atlantic Scholarship  Commerce program Queen’s University
Up $75,000.00
Dec. 1, 2013
Queen’s University Chancellor’s Scholarship nominated by school Letter and essay to Student Services
36 – 70,000.00
Nov. 14, 2013
Atlantica Centre for The Arts
On going
UNB campus tour
Receive a bridge pass and enter to win a prize or $2500.00 tution credit
On going
TD Scholarship
Up to $70,000.00
Dec. 6, 2013
National Scholarship and Citizen Award
Jan. 15, 2014
Schulich leader Scholarship science and math nominated student. Successful school nominee will be notified.
Late Fall 2013
Aboriginal Arts & Stories
$2000.00 + trip
March 31, 2014
P.E.I. Fisherman’s association member Scholarship
April 1. 2014
Terry Fox Humanitarian Award program
Up to $7000.00 per year to a max of four years.
Feb. 1, 2014



Dalhousie University (Halifax, NS)
Hall by Student Services-11:43
Nov. 25th
Memorial  University of NFLD
(St. John’s, NL)
Evening session. Pre-registration requested. Open to the public , as well- 6:30 p.m. start in the  Lecture Theatre
Nov. 28th

To Lexi Drummond who is representing our school at Encounters with Canada this week!

To the members of our Improv Team who will be traveling to Sackville, NB this Saturday, Nov. 23 for the "Just In Time Challenge Cup": Emma Banman, Santana McCue, Charlotte Sullivan, Mitch Rayner, Lexi Norden, Blaire Guptill, Emma Gaudet, and Vanora MacLean (alternate)!

To the members of the EURO 2013 delegation who represented us so well in Belgium and France this Remembrance Day week: Hailie Caissie, Danielle Gosse, Alex Gallant, Jordan Gallant, Kayla Heisler, Olivia Inman, Breanna MacDougall, Millee McKay, Jayk McLure, Kaitlin Morrison, Dempsey Perry, Jessica Procter, Scott Richard, Jillian Silliker, Ben Smith, and Charlie Steele!

To the 38 TOSH students who will be joining other student leaders from across the Maritimes and representing us at "WE DAY" in Halifax on Nov. 27!
To the members of Mr. Sparkes' WRT 421 classes who wrote Letters to the Editor that were then published in the Journal-Pioneer: Kelsey Richard, Hailey Johnson, Hannah Arsenault-Gallant, Brandon Costain, and Nicole MacDonald.
To the members of the Climate Crew for planning the Bullying Awareness Week events beginning Monday!

Challenge:  Sit down with your son/daughter and review his/her report card together. Make note of the teachers' comments and see where there is room for improvement in Term 2.
Quote of the Week: "Always kiss your children goodnight - even if they're already asleep. "
~ H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Have a wonderful week!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Nicole's Notes Volume 12 Nov 11-15

           Nicole's Notes - Week of Nov 11 - 15
Remembrance Day at TOSH
Scott Harvey was recognized during our recent Remembrance Day Ceremony as a Veteran in our midst. 

  Euro Trip 2013
16 Students from TOSH are attending Remembrance Day Ceremonies at Vimy Ridge.

Follow them on their blog

Our Own Backyard Campaign 

TOSH Parent Council had a booth in our craft fair titled "In Our Own Backyard".  Their goal was to raise awareness and money for the TOSH breakfast program.  

Thanks to their creative idea and the generosity of those attending the TOSH craft fair, over $1000 was raised !

TOSH staff and students thank the Parent Council for your time and effort in supporting our goal to keep our students nourished.   

Pictured here are Karen Smith, Cheryl Gallant, and students from Ms Evan's Art class who helped prepare the Christmas tree

Math 421 Showcase

The Math 421A students will be showcasing their math projects on Wednesday,  November 13th from 7:00-8:00pm at the school.  Parents, family members, friends and all others are invited to see how these students have created plans for such things as:  mini golf holes, dog agility parks, skate parks, math cakes, playgrounds, and many others.  Students have used their knowledge of the Imperial and metric systems, surface area, volume and right angle trigonometry to create some wonderful projects.  Please stop in to see what they have accomplished!

Basketball Coach

Three Oaks Athletic department is seeking a head coach for the AA Women's basketball team.  Any interested individual(s) are encouraged to contact Joel Arsenault by email at

TOSH was well represented at the International Cyber Bullying Conference held in Charlottetown on Nov 9th

        Volleyball All Star Games
Tuesday Nov. 12th at Charlottetown Rural. 
A Women at 5:30
AAA Women at 6:30
AAA Men at 7:30
Volleyball Provincial All Stars from TOSH
A Women
Shelby M
Grace S
Megan T
Jessica C
AAA Women
Laura O
Rachel M
Paige R
Alex D
James M
Tanner M


 Tutors needed.  Any students in Grade 11 or 12 that would like to tutor, please see Mrs. Craig.  This is a great way to help others and get some community service bursary hours.

This week at TOSH
Monday Nov 11th      No School
Tuesday Nov 12th      Basketball Tryouts  Women 3:30  Men 5:30 and All Star Game   at Charlottetown Rural.
Wednesday Nov 13th  
Thursday Nov 14th     
Friday Nov 15th  -       Report Cards Sent Home

Staff and Students Hanging out with Santa and Boomer !

The Month of November

7-17 EURO 2013 Trip (Mr. Chisholm and Ms. Power supervising)
15    Report cards sent home
22    Collaborative Planning ( No Classes )

Island AAA Volleyball Playoffs

Held at UPEI on Nov 9th

TOSH AAA Women took the bronze

TOSH AAA Men fought a hard battle against Bluefield, and came 4th on the Island

Midget AAA Hockey Team spent much of their day off on Friday doing Random Acts of Kindness....including raking over 100 bags of leaves from for people in need !

BURSARY BOARD – New updates are on the bursary board.
POST SECONDARY/CAREER – Information list outside Student Services.
NEW UPDATES – Of the school visit page and open houses.
CITIZENSHIP CHALLENGE POSTER – See contest details in Student Services.
ROTARY ADVENTURE IN CITIZENSHIP PROGRAM – Deadline Dec. 12th.  See Student Services for details.
EF TOURS INTERNATIONAL – Information in Student Services.
UNB – Pay the bridge if you are interested in a visit and tour.  See Student Services for details.
HOLLAND COLLEGE – Will be holding their 3rd Annual Open College Day on Wed., Dec. 4 from 12:00 – 6:00 p.m. at Center for Community Engagement on the Prince of Wales Campus in Charlottetown.

QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY CHANCELLOR’S AWARD – Any student who would be considered for this, please submit your resume and a brief one page point form outlining your leadership skills submitted to Student Services by Tues., Nov. 12th at 9:00 a.m.

In our Own Backyard

In a recent article in the Journal Pioneer on September 30th entitled “ Majority of Hungry on PEI Are Working” stated that” just over 15 % of households in Prince Edward Island suffer from some sort of food insecurity, compared to the national average of 12.3%”. “ The vast majority of that group — roughly 84 per cent — is the province’s working poor.”  Although this statistic may be startling to many, it is reality to the staff of Three Oaks Senior High School who have been providing lunches and breakfasts to many children each week.  Last school year, the school spent approximately $12 000.00 extra dollars to offset the cost of feeding hungry students. This does not include the cost to many staff members who have been providing lunches and snacks to students each day out of their own pockets. As educators and parents, we know that children learn best when they are not hungry; however, in order for this to happen, we need your help.  

Parent Council is asking that we as parents join together to help battle the issue of hunger within our school by providing monetary donations or food items to help offset the costs to the school through the program “ In Our Own Backyard” .

Here is a list of items that could be donated to the Breakfast Program: Juice, Milk, Plates, Bowls, Plastic spoons, Plastic knives, napkins,  plastic cups, Cheese whiz, Margarine, Jam, Instant oatmeal individual packages, Cold Cereal, Bagels, Yogurt, Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Fruit cups, Cheese,  Granola Bars.  If you would like to make a donation, please contact the office at Three Oaks at 888-8460. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Food can be dropped off at the front office.  Donations are also greatly appreciated.  Please make any cheques made payable to: Three Oaks Senior High School.  The Breakfast Program is open to all students, and it will take all of us working together to keep it operating. If you have any questions, please call or e mail Tami Arsenault (Youth Service Worker) at school: 

National Trade and Technology Week (Nov 12-15)
Next week is National Trades and Technology week which is celebrated across the country in an effort to increase youth awareness of the opportunities available in many fields. To spread the word among Island high school students Skills Canada PEI is launching a few initiatives - it would be wonderful if we could get the assistance of the high schools to create some buzz around these activities.

The National Skills Canada office has a very informative section on their website dedicated to National Trades and Technology week. This includes a number of small, easy to do in class activities that can be completed by students with very little time and resource - to get them thinking about the skills required in different fields of trades and technology. The link for the website is  The website is also available in French.

Students of the Week
Aaron D       Excellent test results in Math 
Jonathan W  Great results in Math 
Taylor Porier  Excellent work in Coop
Blythe L        Great marks to date in Math
Matthew W  Terrific effort in Math
Cindy G      Great effort in Math
Mackenzie C Fantastic work with precision drawing
Ashley B    Great drawings in Design Technology
Chis G       Great Test scores in Math
Matthew B  Great efforts in Design Technology
Jonathan W Terrific isometric work in Drafting
Brandon W  For a professional film pitch in Oedipus Rex
Marry T      For helping with some lunchtime painting
Kyle M       Excellent results on a Computer Test
Jill M         For a professional film pitch of Oedipus Rex
Nick M      Excellent work in ITC
Jenna D     Handing in a lost phone
Colin W     Keep up the great work in Carpentry
Morgan B  Handing in a lost phone
Brolin T    Handing in lost money
Alex R      Hardworking Carpentry student
Frankie R  For kindly offering his help in the library
Zak Farah  Great test result in English
Charlotte S  For a professional film pitch of Oedipus Rex
Riley M     Outstanding work with mechanical drawing
Shaelin R   Terrific work with Isometric work
Marc D      Excellent work in Coop
Sherry H    For her kindness and positive attitude

Parliamentary Page Program
Eligible for full-time students pursuing their first undergraduate degree in one of the four National Capital Region universities (Carleton University, Saint-Paul University, University of Ottawa and Université du Québec en Outaouais)
The Senate Page Program offers an unparalleled opportunity to serve within the walls of Parliament.  Senate pages work under the direction of the Usher of the Black Rod and the immediate supervision of the Chief and the Deputy Chief Pages. Pages are hired for a one-year contract with the possibility of returning for a second and a third year.

Senate page responsibilities include collecting and distributing official documents; acting as a link for senators to their Hill offices; serving Senate officials in various capacities; and acting as messengers for the Speaker, senators and table officers. These young leaders are also active in other page activities, working on special projects such as promotion, alumni events and albums, and organizing a number of guest speakers and volunteer events throughout the year.
For more information, please see Mr. Faber MacDonald in the office or go to

Dragon's Den Student Offer

With lots of budding entrepreneurs here at TOSH, I'm sure we can get a few students on the show !
An exciting opportunity for students in Grade 11, 12 across Canada. Dragons' Den star and entrepreneur Kevin O'Leary has $50,000 to support the next generation of "Dragons". His Future Dragon Fund contest will award 10 successful students with $5,000 each to fund and pursue entrepreneurial projects of their choice. The Future Dragon Fund contest portal opens October 23 and it's easy to apply! Details and regulations can be found online at Starting November 13 one deserving student will win $5,000 cash each week.

Grandparents Group

Are you a grandparent with significant responsibilities for raising your grandkids?  Or just interested in learning more about your grandkids’ world is like?  Would you like the support, encouragement and understanding of other people in the same situation?  Would you like some help bridging the generation gap?
Then consider coming to Credit Union Place on Monday mornings.  We host a gathering which offers information, learning and support for all grandparents who are taking part in their grandchildren’s lives.  There are speakers as well as time to talk and get to know one another.  Sessions include topics of interest to the group.  Facilitators are Reverend Andrew Richardson, Pat Poirier, and community youth workers, Arlene MacInnis, and Pam MacKinnon.

There is no cost to this program, and tea and coffee will be provided.  For more info, please call East Prince Seniors Initiative at 888-2177.  We’d love to see you there!

Bursary board 2013 -2014 Nov. 12, 2013

Due Date
Community Service Bursary
Up to $500.00
On going
On going
Boys and Girls Club Scholarships for volunteering. See Club for details
Up to $1000.00
On going
The D & R Sobey Atlantic Scholarship  Commerce program Queen’s University
Up $75,000.00
Dec. 1, 2013
Queen’s University Chancellor’s Scholarship nominated by school Letter and essay to Student Services
36 – 70,000.00
Nov. 14, 2013
Atlantica Centre for The Arts
On going
UNB campus tour
Receive a bridge pass and enter to win a prize or $2500.00 tution credit
On going
TD Scholarship
Up to $70,000.00
Dec. 6, 2013
National Scholarship and Citizen Award
Jan. 15, 2014
Schulich leader Scholarship science and math nominated student. Successful school nominee will be notified.
Late Fall 2013
Aboriginal Arts & Stories
$2000.00 + trip
March 31, 2014
P.E.I. Fisherman’s association member Scholarship
April 1. 2014
Terry Fox Humanitarian Award program
Up to $7000.00 per year to a max of four years.
Feb. 1, 2014



Dalhousie University (Halifax, NS)
Hall by Student Services-11:43
Nov. 25th
Memorial  University of NFLD
(St. John’s, NL)
Evening session. Pre-registration requested. Open to the public , as well- 6:30 p.m. start in the  Lecture Theatre
Nov. 28th

** Any parents/guardians willing to present an information session about their job during Career Day at TOSH is asked to contact Mr. Jim Donovan:


The PEISAA website ( contains some useful information for athletes and parents this year:  Standings for ALL senior and midget fall season leagues: Field Hockey, Soccer and Volleyball are on the website. Simply go to the PEISAA website, click on the sport you wish to check, click "Standings" and a PDF file will show updated standings in chart form with scores against each team played and point standing to date.

Also follow the Three Oaks Athletic Department on Twitter for news, updates, schedules, results etc.  Username is @TOSHathletics. 


There are many Councils, groups, and clubs at Three Oaks that cater to a variety of student interests. I have listed some of these below along with the name of the Teacher Advisor(s) and where those staff are located in the school if your son/daughter wants to join or ask some questions:

*   Auto Club-Mike MacKinnon, Scott Harvey (CTEC-trades-building)
*   Axe Outlet Bookstore-Sean MacDonald (114)
*   Carpentry Club- Rob Corkum (CTEC)
*   Climate Crew-Kelly Power (621), Mark Gregory(111) (Open to Grade 10 in February)
*   Chorale Ensemble-Shirley Anne Cameron (409)
*   DJ Club-Forrest Lilly (307)
*   Dungeons and Dragons Club-Erin Peterson (CSLC room)
*   EcoEthics-Rochelle Sullivan (420), Mike MacKinnon (CTEC)
*   Envirothon Team-Chris Higginbotham (611), Heather Pringle (610)
*   GSA- Mrs. Sheridan (Student Services)
*   Improv Group and Improv Team-Sandra Sheridan (Student Services), Rick Sparkes (109)
*   Lunch Buddies-Fran Gillis (421)
*   Reach for the Top-David Gallant (417)
*   Texas Hold Em-Chris Higginbotham (611)
*   The Oaks Newspaper-Barb Forbes(Library), Shannon Evans (617)
*   People Helping People/Free the Children-Tammy Craig (407)
*   Rotary Youth Parliament-Mike Trainor (306)
*   Yearbook-Rochelle Sullivan (420)

*   Activities-Dia Lynn Keough (609), Ashley Bell(613), Lyndon Oulton (309)
*   Athletic-Joel Arsenault, Sue Thomson (GYM)
*   Community Works-Tammy Craig (407), Erin Peterson (CSLC room-Library), Tracy MacDonald (406)
*   Fundraising and Finance- Carrie Watters (612)
*   Multi-Media- Shannon Evans (617)
*   Music- Krista Carruthers (205)
*   Student Government- Mike Trainor (306)

Students At Encounters This Week: none this week

This Weeks Challenge:

With Report Cards coming out on Friday, have a Parent-Child interview on how things are going.  Discussion can range from academics and social life, to school involvement.  

Quote of the Week:  “The Secret of parenting is not in what a parent does, but in who a parent is to their child."  Gordon Neufeld in Hold On To Your Kids

Have a great week



All school cancellations will be announced on local radio stations and posted on our websites by 7:00 A.M. If all schools are closed, it will be announced that all English language schools in the province are closed for the day. In some instances it may only be necessary to close an individual school or a “family of schools”. Partial school closures or delays will be announced by family of schools. 
NOTE:  The Three Oaks Family of Schools includes all our feeder schools:  Parkside Elementary, Elm Street Elementary, Greenfield Elementary, Athena Consolidated, Miscouche Consolidated, and Summerside Intermediate School.

If a decision on cancellation cannot be made by 7:00 A.M., a one hour delay will be announced whereby all schools and buses will operate one hour later than usual. A further announcement will be broadcast by 8:00 A.M.

In some instances, even in fine weather, buses may be delayed. Parents will be notified via radio broadcast that a bus will be delayed (i.e. Bus #97 is running 30 minutes later).

It may be necessary to close a school or a family of schools part way through a school day. Detailed announcements will be made on local radio stations and school board websites.

Parents who will not be at home when children arrive are responsible for making alternate arrangements for the care of their children on such days. Please notify the school of these changes as soon as possible.

Should Transportation Infrastructure Renewal and/or the RCMP recommend that school buses remain off Island roads, students may be required to remain at school beyond their normal dismissal time (unless picked  up by a parent or designate). Announcements will be made on local radio stations and school board websites.

1.     The final decision to attend school or to travel to school via school bus always rests with the parent.
2.     Please do not drop children off at school unless you are certain that school is operating that day and that staff are present to supervise the children.
3.     Please listen to the radio and check school board websites frequently between 6:30 and 8:00 A.M. daily to determine if schools are operating. Every effort will be made to have announcements broadcast by 7:00 A.M.
4.     Please do not call the school, school board office, or the radio stations for information on cancellations or delays. Such calls tie up telephone lines which may be needed for emergency use.