Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Nicole's Notes: Volume 2 (Sept. 29, 2014)

Frozen and Proud! #clippersfans
Happy Monday (Still!) TOSH Parents and Guardians! 

First of all, please accept my apologies for the missed and late blog submissions! I am usually VERY diligent with my posts, but I just returned from accompanying five TOSH students to the Canadian Student Leadership Conference in Kelowna, BC. We had a fantastic experience and I will add some pictures below for you to enjoy. Approximately 700 students and 250 teacher advisors came together at CSLC 2014 for five days of leadership training, networking, idea sharing and national pride. I stepped down as the President of the Canadian Student Leadership Association after a decade with this organization and, although I will miss the rich professional development I received from this, I am also looking forward to turning my focus to our school and its many initiatives. I'm sure that will keep me busy enough! :)

CSLC 2014

Collaborative Team Day Sept. 26
Our staff also participated in their first Collaborative Team Day for this school year this past Friday. Staff formed learning groups with others at the school and provincial level, depending on their personal growth plan goals for the year. I have asked them to share some of what they learned with me throughout the week, so I may be able to share some of that in future posts. I am hearing that the day was time well spent and that people came away from their groups with information that can be applied in helping our students achieve. Awesome! 

Our Leadership 621 class organized and facilitated a very successful annual TOSH Terry Fox Walk last Thursday in collaboration with the Community Works Council. The weather was beautiful as TOSH staff and students walked the route in memory of Terry and in support of raising funds for cancer research. We will know the grand total of monies raised once we count the final Charity Jars collection this week, so stay tuned! Thanks to all for participating and bringing in their donations.

A huge thank you goes out to our Parent Council and all the generous donors who have helped raised much needed funds for our breakfast and lunch programs. We received word this week that we will NOT be receiving any grant monies from the Breakfast for Learning program this year, as the demand for funds exceeded the funds they had available for support. Research shows that basic needs are the very foundation of learning, and we want to ensure that ALL our students have equal opportunity to enjoy a nutritious breakfast and, as needed, lunch at school. We will continue to raise awareness around this issue and accept donations of food items for the breakfast program and/or monetary donations in the Main Office. If people have questions, please feel free to contact me via e mail: nmhaire@edu.pe.ca or call the school (902) 888-8460.
NOTE: We are also in need of VOLUNTEERS to help us on TUESDAY mornings, at least, from 8-9 AM. Please contact the school if you are interested in helping. It would just involve putting the food items out and then putting them all away again. Our students are pretty self-sufficient!


Proceeds to: TOSH "In Our Own Backyard"          Breakfast and Lunch Program
Date:  October 11th, 2014 
Location: The Rotary Friendship Park (Entrance behind the PCH)

Registration is after 9:00 am.  Run starts at 10:00 am.  (Rain or Shine)
Cost:  $10 person.  $5.00 Students or Children.  $20 for a Family of 4 or more.
Refreshments:  There will be treats provided along the way by volunteers.

Friends and family are encouraged to start their Thanksgiving weekend off the right way by doing some good for the benefit of others.  Please share this with your colleagues, students, as well as any other friends of TOSH.  

NOTE: If anyone is interested in helping out, please contact Heather Matheson at: (902) 315-2302. If everyone can promote this walk to friends and try to attend, if possible, we should have a very successful fundraiser! Check out the Facebook page by searching for the event under "Friends for a Cause".  


Parkside Elementary is trying to win $10 000 through the Indigo Adopt-a-School program. They are in a tight race for 1st place with a school that is almost twice the size of Parkside, in a more populated and affluent area of the Island. Please help us show the Island how much heart Summerside and Prince County have!
NOTE:  Voting continues this week and all through Saturday, October 4th

The website address for voting is: http://adoptaschool.indigo.ca/eng/schools/278.

Parents/Guardians of students of all three grade levels are encouraged to mark OCTOBER 14 on the calendar! That evening, we will be hosting Career Day information for students and their families beginning with general post-secondary information from 6-7 PM in the Lecture Theatre followed by a tour of the many displays in the Gym from 7-8:30 PM.

Our Leadership class is facilitating this year's Magazine Campaign, and they kicked things off by handing information out in homeroom on Monday. This is a great opportunity to raise funds for our necessary school programs and to acquire one of many subscriptions available in the catalogue. Students were given packets containing all the necessary components to sell and purchase magazine subscriptions. The first collection dates will be Wednesday October 1st and Friday October 3rd; and any other dates will be announced at week's end.  Students who sell a certain number of magazines may be given the opportunity to pick a prize (which will be outlined in the packet). Also, selling certain magazines will give sellers an immediate prize of a super bear plush toy and a ballot to win various gift cards.  The more they sell, the more rewards they will receive both individually and for the school! There will also be a grand prize for the top seller. Anyone wishing to purchase one or more magazine subscriptions can do so through TOSH students or by contacting Joel Arsenault at: jyarsenault@edu.pe.ca.


Oct. 1            Academic Awards Assembly- 10:30 AM
Oct. 2            Lockdown Drill- 10:35 a.m.
Oct. 6            Presidents' Council- 11:50 AM with Ms. Haire (conference room)
Oct. 9-10      Annual PEITF Convention and CUPE Meetings/PD- NO CLASSES
Oct. 13         Thanksgiving Day- NO CLASSES
Oct. 14         Career Day: 1-3 PM (Students) & 7-8:30 PM (Parents/Guardians) in GYM
Oct. 15         Senior High Principals' Association Meeting- Nicole Out
Oct. 20-21   Principals' Retreat- Nicole Out

Nov. 2         TOSH Band and UPEI Wind Symphony Performance- 2 PM
Nov. 3         Presidents' Council- 11:50 AM with Ms. Haire (conference room)
Nov. 5         Principals' Meeting- Nicole Out
Nov. 6         Remembrance Day Assembly- 1 PM
                    Parent Teacher Interviews- 3:45-5 PM; 6-9 PM
Nov. 7         Parent Teacher Interviews- NO CLASSES
Nov. 8-9     Annual TOSH Christmas Craft Fair
Nov. 11      Remembrance Day- NO CLASSES
Nov. 13      Report Cards Home
Nov. 21      PEITF Professional Learning Day- NO CLASSES
Nov. 27      Principals' Meeting- Nicole Out

In an effort to accommodate the Grade 11 provincial Math assessment dates, the following changes will be made to our final exam schedule for this year:

Semester 1: January

January 22:  Grade 11 Math Assessment
January 23:  Block A Exam- AM Only
January 26:  Block B Exam- AM Only
January 27:  Block C Exam- AM Only
January 28:  Block D Exam- AM Only
January 29:  Conflict Day
January 30:  Turnaround Day- No classes

Semester 2:  June

June 11:       Grade 11 Math Assessment
June 12:       Block A Exam- AM Only
June 15:       Block B Exam- AM Only
June 16:       Block C Exam- AM Only
June 17:       Block D Exam- AM Only

June 25        Graduation and Safe Grad


Students can continue to sign up for Heckbert's grad photos on the lists in the main foyer of the school. The sitting fee is $25 and all our students need to bring are their smiles! Grad gowns and sashes, bow ties for the gentlemen, and corsages for the girls are provided.  If students prefer to have pictures taken at the studio, arrangements can be made directly with Heckbert's Studios for an appointment. 

NOTE:  Nominations for Class Officers positions close at the end of noon hour this Wednesday. 

Dia Lynn Keough accepting her award at CSLC 2014

To Mrs. Dia Lynn Keough for accompanying our students to CSLC 2014 and for being recognized nationally for her work with student leadership on PEI! She received the Leader of Distinction Award for PEI from the Canadian Student Leadership Association!

To Mr. Mike MacKinnon and Mrs. Tammy Craig and their crew for their work organizing the People Helping People Run last weekend. They raised over $700 for the cause and had great participation!

To Mr. Chris Higginbotham for his innovative approach to teaching Biology 621 this semester!

To Mr. Gerald MacCormack for being Acting Principal while I was out of province...meetings and all!

To Mr. Joel Arsenault for his leadership with the Terry Fox Walk and Magazine Campaign!

To Ms. Sarah Jane Barrett, Mrs. Beth Peters, and Mr. David Ramsay for their work sifting through the data we collected last year to help guide our school goal setting for this year!

To Ms. Barb Forbes for the creative way she displays books of interest in our library!


To Rebecca Smith, Colton Profitt, Bronwyn Bridges, Jordan Gallant, and Hannah Taylor (pictured above) for representing our school and province so well at CSLC 2014 in Kelowna!

To Grace Fisher, Darcie Martin, Emma Dawe, Ashley Stewart, Kyra Doyle, Briana Pineau, Hannah Hardy, Emily Steele, Allison MacNeill, and Grace Blacquiere for their help with the People Helping People Run on Saturday!

To the members of the Leadership 621 class for their organization and facilitation of the Terry Fox Walk and Magazine Campaign this year!

To Brohan Brennan, President of the Student Government Council, for making sure that the Staff Member of the Week gets publicly recognized each week!

To the TOSH members of the Summerside Clippers Football team (pictured above) for their definitive win over the Cornwall Timberwolves in their home opener!

Challenge:  Make sure that you have a SAS login and password so that you can monitor your child's progress and attendance. If you are not receiving e mails from the school with SAS updates, that means we need your e mail address! Please call Mr. Jason Gallant at the school or e mail him at: xjgallant@edu.pe.ca with any SAS questions or concerns you may have.

Quote of the Week: "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."~ C. S. Lewis

Have an awesome week!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Nicole's Notes: Volume 1 (Sept. 16, 2014)

All in the family! Jayden and his Nanny shop for TEAM 2017!
#dollarama #climatecrew
Happy Start to the Week TOSH Parents and Guardians!

Our 2014-2015 school year is well underway, and I trust that your son/daughter is happy, settled in, and looking forward to an awesome school experience at Three Oaks this year! I will be updating this blog every weekend and, if we have your e mail on SAS, you will be receiving a weekly reminder to check it out! If you are NOT receiving my e mail pushes, please let us know!: nmhaire@edu.pe.ca

Thank you to all who could make it out for our "Meet the Staff" evening on Wednesday. We had a great turn out, and we look forward to partnering with you in your child's education this year. I will send the content of my slide show via e mail ASAP, and please let me know if you have any questions re: the content. Our partnership is like a three-legged stool comprised of effort from: the school, the student, and the parents/guardians. When we are all working together at full capacity and on the same page, anything is possible! I have visited almost all of the Block D classes by now, and my message to our students is clear: Work hard. Always do your best. Ask for help as needed. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Buy in and get involved! We have every faith in your son/daughter's ability to be the best they can be, and we're looking forward to a great year of learning and sharing together!

Upcoming Dates to Remember:


Sept. 15         Fire Drill- 1:50 PM
Sept. 16         School Photos Start
Sept. 18         Lockdown Drill-1:45 PM
Sept. 19-29   CSLC 2014 (Nicole and Mrs. Keough Out-Gerald MacCormack Acting Principal)
Sept. 25         Terry Fox Walk
                        Principals' Meeting- Gerald Out
Sept. 26         Collaborative Team PD Day- No Classes
Spet. 27         Farmers Helping Farmers Run- CTEC building-3 km walk/ 5 or 10 km run. 
                        Registration: $10 with proceeds going to our sister school, Ndunyu Secondary School 
                          in Kenya, Africa. We're helping them purchase solar panels! For more info contact
                          Mrs. Craig: txcraig@edu.pe.ca
Sept. 29         Grad Photos Begin

Oct. 1             Academic Awards Assembly (2013-2014)
Oct. 2             Lockdown Drill-10:35 a.m.
Oct. 6             Presidents' Council Meeting-Noon with Ms. Haire
Oct. 9-10       PEITF Convention- No Classes
Oct. 13           Thanksgiving- No Classes
Oct. 14           Career Day- 1-3 PM (students); 7-8:30 PM (parents/students)
Oct. 22           School Picture Retakes
Oct. 28           Island Storm "In Our Own Backyard" Fundraiser- Exhibition game against the St. John
                          Mill Rats-7 p.m.- $5


We had an awesome start to the school year! Our Climate Crew and Activities Council worked together in fine form running the Welcome Back Barbeque for new students the day before school started, Welcome Back Week Activities, TEAM 2017 "get to know you" morning for our Grade 10 class, and Clubs Day. Their mandate is to connect with as many students as possible early and I have witnessed lots of our student leaders walking that talk! Here are some pictures:

 Welcome Back Barbeque 2014 







Our entire school community will participate in an abridged version of the Terry Fox Run on Thursday, Sept. 25 in the afternoon in order to raise much needed funds for cancer research and awareness about this terrible disease that has touched so many lives. Terry's dream of "$1 for every Canadian" is a good rule of thumb, so if we all bring at least a loonie donation to school that day, we will be able to make a substantial TOSH donation to the Canadian Cancer Society!


We have seven Councils at TOSH representing various interests: Activities, Athletics, Community Works, Fundraising and Finance, Multi-Media, Music, and Student Government. Each Council is represented by a President who sits at the Presidents' Council table with Ms. Haire on the first Monday of each month to discuss planning for school events and various school issues. Brohan Brennan (pictured above) is the one President elected by the entire student body. As Student Government Council President, he is the "voice" of his electorate and his Council's mandate is to evaluate and advise school policy and address student issues.

Mr Oulton stuck in Egg mode!
Congratulations to Mr. Lyndon Oulton who not only got married this summer but also finished his Masters in Education!

Welcome Back Mr. Mark Gregory who began teaching WRT 421 this week!

Kudos to all Grade 10 teachers who gave up instructional time for/participated in TOSH TEAM 2017 on Friday!

Kudos to Mrs. Keough and Mr. Oulton for their work supporting the Activities Council during Welcome Back Week!

Kudos to Mr. Lilly for providing us with morning music always and for DJing the dance last Thursday!

Kudos to Mme. Vialle and M. Fiset for some strong DELF results for our Grade 12 FI students last year!

Kudos to Mrs. Keough for being our staff advisor accompanying our student delegates to CSLC 2014!


To Bronwyn Bridges, Colton Profitt, and Jayden Reid for their leadership as Climate Crew executive!

To Olivia Enman and Jayden Reid for the excellent job they did planning Clubs Day!

To Jacob DesRoche for this positive attitude on TEAM 2017 day!

To the Climate Crew and Activities Council members for an awesome Welcome Back Week and start to the year!

To Kennedy Crossman for kindness shown to others!

To Bronwyn Bridges, Colton Profitt, Rebecca Smith, Jordan Gallant, and Hannah Taylor for representing our school at the Canadian Student Leadership Conference (CSLC) 2014 in Kelowna, BC next week!

Challenge:  Watch this Soul Pancake link with your son/daughter and discuss how it relates to the "Ms. Haire's 10 Minute Razzle Dazzle" they heard in Block D this week:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWiVDEtdkeI

Quote of the Week: "At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child's success is the positive involvement of parents."~ Jane D. Hill

Have a wonderful week and welcome back!