Sunday, April 29, 2012

Drug Information Sites for Parents

Here are some website addresses provided by Andy Cook at our Drug Information Panel Presentation that parents may want to consult:

He highly recommended both sites.

Nicole's Notes: Volume 3

Hello TOSH Parents/Guardians!

As hard as it is to believe, we are headed into May this week! With midterm assessments behind us, we are looking forward to the final term of this school year. Students were given their report cards to take home last week, so if you did not receive one to view...ask your son/daughter to show you! If the copy has been lost, simply call the school and we will give you the information you need.

Dates to Remember:
30      Student Government Council Party Interviews begin
1        Queen's Diamond Jubilee Tour, Small Halls Drama Presentation-Block C (2:10 p.m.) in caf for interested classes
3        Student Government Council (SGC) Elections Kick Off Assembly- 10:30 a.m. (Full school)
          Campaign Education Session for parties at noon
          Campaign Barbeque at noon
4        Area Association Day- No Classes
7        SGC Campaigns Begin         
8        Michael Kennedy Workshops (
9        Michael Kennedy Workshops continue 
         SGC Leaders' Debate in LT at noon (moderated by David Gallant)
11      30 Hour Famine Overnight Event
         Voye Rugby Tournament
14     Parent Council Meeting-in the library at 6:30 p.m.
         Parent Info Session re: PARTY Program to follow at 7 p.m.
18      Advance Polls for SGC Election
21      Victoria Day- No Classes
22      SGC Election Day
24      Full School Motivational Assembly- Tom Yonge-9 a.m.
25      Provincial SC Training Day
26      Grad Prom
28      SGC Oath Taking-Caf stage at noon

Drug Information Panel Night Follow Up
Our Grade 10 students were incredibly attentive and respectful as they listened to our panelists during Block D on April 23. Thank you to those who came to share their stories and expertise:  Andy Cook-RCMP; Dr. Steven MacNeill-Emergency Room doctor; Cindy Galt-Addictions Services Counsellor; and Mike Stevenson-Recovering Addict.
We had 55 adults join us that evening for the repeat session and thank them for their attendance. Thank you, also, to the approx. 10 people who came from our SIS feeder school. With over 800 students currently attending TOSH, we are considering ways to ramp up our PR and get the word out to our parents the next time we host an important information sharing session such as this one. "It takes a whole community to raise a child" and the current situation re: youth substance abuse is one that will require a team approach if we are to find a solution.

The next parent information is tentatively scheduled for May 14 at 7 p.m. in the TOSH cafeteria. With spring and prom approaching, this is a session to share information with parents via the PARTY Program about some of the at-risk behaviours in which students can sometimes engage.

TOSH Supports Easter Seals!  
We recently had a visit from this year's Easter Seals Ambassador, Luke Gaudet. The tally is still not in, but our Student Council (Executive members pictured here with Luke) have committed this month's Charity Jar donations to this campaign. Luke spoke eloquently about the choice we all have to make the most out of life and to see our personal obstacles as opportunities. We were humbled by his outlook and felt blessed to have met him. Those wishing to make a donation can contact the school or use the form found here:  
Small Halls: Diamond Jubilee Tour Presentation- May 1

TOSH will be hosting the Small Halls dramatic presentation celebrating Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee on Tuesday, May 1 for select classes during Block C.   
We saw this as an interesting and curriculum relevant experience for our history and Dramatic Arts students.

We Need Your Help!
We no longer have a "curb" along the walkway to the front door of our school. Increasingly, people are driving their cars and/or parking on our walkway as a natural "extension" of the parking lot. In fact, several people drove their kids right to the door of the school during the rain storm last week! We ask that all drivers (students and parents) respect the safety of everyone by keeping cars in the areas meant for driving: the official parking lot and roadways leading to/from our school. Thanks in advance for your help with this!

Michael Kennedy Workshops 

We are hosting workshops by Canadian director Michael Kennedy (of Little Mosque on the Prairie fame) ( in our Lecture Theatre on May 8 and 9. Shannon Evans has been our TOSH contact person as our CMM 801 students will be involved, and I thank her for her work to date with this project! Ken MacMillan will also be providing some tech support, so thanks to Ken, as well! Here is the tentative agenda for Mr. Kennedy's workshop days (Please note that times are approximate):

Tuesday, May 8:
9:00 - 10:20- Michael will begin with a session where he will show clips and discuss basic directing ideas.
10:30 - 11:45- He will view student work in progress and try helping each group.
12:45 - 2:00- He will present a primer on blocking actors
2:10 - 3:20- He will help our students with specific shooting and editing ideas and view work in progress
Wednesday, May 9:
9:00 - 10:20- Michael plans to screen the opening of a well known film and analyze it to show what good directing can involve
10:30 - 11:45- Will be another work session where Michael will help the students shoot and edit.
12:45 - 2:00- Start with a presentation on shooting and getting good coverage
2:00 - 3:20- Possibly finish with a screening of student work

Kudos to our Kids!  
*To Mark Matheson for being recruited by UNB to play basketball there (and study, of course!) next year!

*To the following TOSH Badminton players for their excellent showing in provincials this weekend:
Jesse Cameron (2), Colin Loeric, Logan McAulay, Luke MacKinnon, Nick Cameron, and Andrew Richardson were all Gold medalists. TOSH also took home provincial championship honours in the following divisions: Juevenile Men, Senior Mixed, and Senior Men. Thanks to Joel Arsenault for his support of our badminton players this season!

*To Noah Richardson, Hannah Graham, Nicole Gallant, and Dylan Gallant (12) for their work creating bullying awareness presentations for Belfast Consolidated School. They will be travelling to present there to grades K-5 and 6-9 on Wednesday of this week.

*To our BIOTECH students:  Mary Lynn MacFarlane and Brynn McCarthy for representing TOSH so well in provincial competition, as well as Smrithi Santhosh, Amanda Rundle, Janelle Bradley, Brandon Neal,Emily Oftedahl,.and Jenna MacKinnon who went on to represent TOSH at the regional competition in Moncton.

Student Council 2.0:  It's Election Time "2.012"!
Five "parties" have declared their intent to run in the newly formed Student Government Council elections this May. The kick off rally (full school assembly) will take place on Thursday, May 3 at 10:30 a.m. in the gym.  The Hon. Janice Sherry,  Minister of Environment, Labour and Justice and Attorney General
MLA for District 21: Summerside -Wilmot, will address our students as we celebrate our new approach to student governance and student engagement in the democratic process. Phillip Brown, former campaign manager for the Hon. Gail Shea (Federal Minister of National Revenue) will be doing a training workshop with our student campaign managers that same day at noon. All TOSH students are welcome to enjoy a "Kick Off to the Election" barbeque at noon on May 3 outside the cafeteria doors.

It looks like another short, but BUSY, week! We will be getting some press coverage (CBC Radio and possibly COMPASS, as well as the Journal-Pioneer) for our Student Government Council initiative, so stay tuned!

Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Nicole's Notes: Volume 2

Hello TOSH Parents/Guardians!

I just returned home this weekend, with my first born in tow, after she completed her first year of university. Some of you are in my boat and will be able to relate to the joy this brings. For others who will be rowing along with us this time next year, stay tuned! It is awesome having our family complete once again, but she is all the better for the adventures and learning this year away has afforded her. Win win! :-)

Important Dates to Remember!:
23      Cyber Bullying Awareness Campaign begins (Leadership 621students)
          Drug Information Panel- last period in the day for all Grade 10 students
          Parents and other interested community members are invited to attend a repeat session 
           beginning at 6:30 p.m. that evening in the TOSH cafeteria.
25      PISA Testing (identified 15 year olds-born in 1996):  9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
          **Participating students are asked to bring a ruler and calculator with them. Morning snack &

          lunch special provided. Attendance is expected.**
          Report Cards go home!
26      School Dance 8-11 p.m. $5 admission.
27      School Development Day-No classes

3       Student Government Council Elections Kick Off Assembly- 10:30 a.m. (Full school)
         Campaign Education Session for parties at noon
         Campaign Barbeque at noon
4        Area Association Day- No Classes
7        Student Government Council Campaigns Begin
9        Student Government Council Leaders' Debate in LT at noon (moderated by David Gallant)
11      30 Hour Famine Overnight Event (must have raised minimum of $30 and returned permission form)
          Voye Rugby Tournament

Drug Information Panel April 23, 2012-6:30 p.m.  
Try to make time in your schedule for the Drug Information Panel being hosted in the cafeteria Monday at 6:30 p.m. and bring a friend! This is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about the current realities of substance abuse, especially as they pertain to youth, and what parents can do to help. Hope to see you there!

PISA Testing on Wednesday!
Over 200 identified TOSH students born in 1996 will be participating in the international PISA assessment on Wednesday, April 25 from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. This is a regular school day (attendance will be taken in all classes) and participants will be rewarded with a morning snack and cafeteria lunch special. Please encourage your son/daughter to give their best effort on this test and remind them to bring a calculator and ruler on Wednesday morning. For more information on this assessment, you can consult this site:

Student Council 2.0 Begins!
You may have read the article in the Journal-Pioneer which let people know that we are revamping the way we do student leadership here at TOSH beginning in the fall. In short, our new model involves 8 Councils representing different areas of student interest: Activities, Athletics, Music, Fundraising and Finance, Multimedia, Extracurricular Activities, Community Works, and Student Government. Participation is voluntary and the executives for each Council will be chosen from within those groups with the exception of the Student Government Council Executive which will be elected by the student body this May. Nomination forms for interested parties are available in the main office and due back no later than this Thursday, April 26. Our kick off campaign rally will be held on May 3, and we hope to get some media coverage for this. We are one of 19 schools across Canada involved in this Heritage Canada grant project and the only school on PEI. Kudos to students, Noah Richardson (10), Hannah Graham (12), and Greg MacCormack (12) (see photo above) and teacher, Mike Trainor (absent from photo) for their hard work in visioning with me for this initiative.

School Development Day on Friday! 
There are no classes this Friday for students, but our staff will be busy learning about ways to encourage literacy development across the subject areas (this is not just a job for the English teachers!) and how to give more descriptive feedback to students on their work so that they will have a better idea what improvements need to be made. We trust that this day of professional learning will trickle back into teacher practice and benefit our students in the long run!
Dress Code Reminder
It is wonderful to see the warmer weather beginning, but we need your help in ensuring that your son/daughter comes to school dressed in accordance with our school's Dress Code. I have been on the PA a couple of times to remind students of the policy found in their student handbooks. Here are the particulars:

TOSH DRESS CODE -The Three Oaks Mission Statement encourages students to show respect for
themselves, their peers, and their teachers. In light of this, and in the pursuit of a positive learning
environment, the following are NOT considered appropriate school attire:
*  clothing, including hats, jewellery, or accessories associated with drug, alcohol, tobacco, sex,
obscenity, discrimination or violence.
* short shorts or short skirts, revealing necklines, exposed midriffs, or shoulderless shirts.
NOTE: Skirts/Shorts that are shorter than the ends of the fingertips when arms are held by your side are too short and spaghetti or bra straps are not appropriate.
* outer clothing that does not completely cover underclothes.
Students may be asked to change or cover up if their dress is considered inappropriate or makes
someone uncomfortable.

We seem to be having more of an issue with the girls than the boys at the moment. While we acknowledge their need to sport the latest fashions, some of what is currently "in style" is not appropriate school wear. Thank you in advance for your help with this!

Have a wonderful week and enjoy the many signs of spring!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Nicole's Notes: Volume 1

Hello TOSH Parents!

Welcome to my new attempt at "Connecting the Dots" a.k.a. partnering with you in your child's education! I have three teenagers of my own, so I know first hand the challenge parents have trying to keep on top of everything that happens in the run of a week at school. I hope this blog will give you the opportunity to stay as connected as you can and feel like you are a contributing member of our school community...because you are!

Here are some important dates coming up in the month of April:

16      No homework assigned for Blocks B and D
17      Midterm Evaluation (During Blocks A and C)-No homework assigned for Blocks B and D
18      Midterm Evaluation (Blocks A and C)-No homework assigned for Blocks A and C
19      Midterm Evaluation (Blocks B and D)-No homework assigned for Blocks A and C
20      Midterm Evaluation (Blocks B and D)-Happy Weekend! :-)

23      Cyber Bullying Awareness Campaign begins
          Drug Information Panel- last period in the day for Grade 10 students
          Parents and other interested community members are invited to attend a session 
           beginning at 6:30 p.m. that evening in the TOSH cafeteria.
25      PISA Testing (identified 15 year olds-born in 1996):  9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
          **Participating students are asked to bring a ruler and calculator with them. Morning snack &

          lunch special provided. Attendance is expected.**
          Report Cards go home!
26      School Dance 8-11 p.m. $5 admission.
27      School Development Day-No classes

         Cyber Bullying Awareness Campaign
As a follow up to our school climate workshops, I recently challenged our Leadership 621 class to come up with a week long awareness campaign that would help our students consider the damaging effects of cyber bullying. This Youtube video contains some good information about the issue: 
The LED 621 class are launching their campaign the week of April 23, and their catch phrase is: Think Before You Click! We have been stressing with our students the power that the "silent observer" has to help stop bullying, and we have been treating evidence of cyber bullying this year in the office as we do any other form of bullying: with zero tolerance! No matter where it happens, we feel the "trickle down effect" at school with our kids, and we believe that everyone has the right to feel safe and respected!

                                 Vimy Trip 2012
  Just look what happens when we set David Chisholm and some of the other Social Studies department teachers (Amanda Allen, Kelly Power, Forrest Lilly and Barb Forbes) loose in France with 39 TOSH students! Their experience was "second to none", "life changing", and "beyond words". We are happy to have them home safe and sound with us and grateful that they were able to attend the ceremonies during the 95th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge. They represented themselves, their families and school, and Canada so well and we're very proud of them all!
If you want to read more about their experiences, log on to their tour blog:

Welcome Home! :-)

30 Hour Famine
Forms have gone out for the 30 Hour Famine at Three Oaks which is taking place on May 11 this year. Students who participate try to go without food for 30 hours (Don't worry! We provide them with lots of juice and popsicles at school, as well as a bowl of rice that night!), and those who raise a minimum of $30 in sponsorship are invited to participate in the overnight event at the school. Three Oaks has been an active supporter of this cause for many years, and we have raised thousands of dollars to help World Vision help children in need around the world. Students who "do the Famine" are able to walk in another's shoes for at least one day, and many come out of it feeling very grateful for the gift of having their basic needs met. Not all kids around the world have that luxury!

                                        Drug Awareness Panel~ April 23
As part of our Positive Choices program for grade 10's, we have arranged for them to attend a panel session dealing with the issues around substance abuse on April 23 during the last class of the day. There will be a repeat session for parents, guardians, and any interested community members that evening in the school cafeteria beginning at 6:30 p.m. Our SHAPES survey results from last year indicate that we are facing the same issues that all are in Island schools: Student substance abuse stats are on the rise and all parents need to be armed with the best information possible. Our panel will include: an Emergency Room doctor, an Addictions Services counsellor, a member of the RCMP, and a former addict. We hope to see you there!

Nicole's Quote of the Week: 
"Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another."~ Walter Elliot

Enjoy your week and thanks for reading!