Sunday, May 25, 2014

Nicole's Notes: Volume 34 (May 26, 2014)

But first, lemme take a selfie! #ellenstyle
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

We had a great week last week which ended with our Graduation Prom celebration on Saturday evening. The Class of 2014 turned out in fine style and a good time was had by all in attendance. A huge thank you goes out to our Class Officers and their advisors, Mrs. Dia Lynn Keough and Mr. David McNeill for the hard work and time that went into organizing this event. The decorations were awesome, the candy bar was a hit, and it was wonderful to see so many parents, family members, and friends at the CUP. Our grads are truly well loved, and we are grateful to be welcoming them all back to school, safe and sound, on Monday morning!

There have been an excessive number of dress code violations lately. We have reviewed our expectations with our students and those who continue to be in violation of the dress code will be asked to cover up immediately or go home to change. Parents will be called, as well. We are having particular issue with shorts that are far too short (pockets sometimes lower than the hem of the shorts), as well as short skirts/dresses. Please note that shirts should be long enough to cover the stomach and spaghetti straps should not be seen. As I mentioned to our students, the school is their workplace and what might be acceptable fashion for social time does not always work at school. We want them to respect themselves and others as young adults, so please have a conversation with your son/daughter to make sure they understand the dress code policy. 


27      Climate Night- 3:30-9 PM (Permission Forms needed)
29      Principals' Meeting- Nicole Out
31      Band Banquet-5:45 arrival time
          Summerside Relay for Life

2       Final Parent Council Meeting-6:30 PM in the Library
3       Extra-Curricular Awards Assembly (AM full school assembly)
5       TOAD (Three Oaks Activity Day)- PM only
10     Grade 12 Final Exam- Block A (9 AM); Regular classes for grades 10 and 11
11     Grade 12 Final Exam- Block B (9 AM); Regular classes for grades 10 and 11
12     Grade 12 Final Exam- Block C (9 AM); Regular classes for grades 10 and 11
13     Block D Final Exam- All students (9 AM)
14     Athletic Banquet
16     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block A (9 AM)
17     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block B (9 AM)
18     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block C (9 AM)
24     Grad Breakfast and Rehearsal- 8:45 AM at the school until noon
24     2014 Graduation Ceremony- 7 PM Credit Union Place (Grads arrive 6:15 PM)
         Safe Grad Activity immediately following Graduation
26     Report Cards distributed to Grade 10 and 11 students (9-10:30 a.m.)
27     School Ends for the Summer


Next Meeting Date is Monday, June 2, 2014 at 6:30 PM in the Library. Everyone is welcome! We will be discussing a model for effective school/parent communication currently being practiced by Bluefield High School and an "In Our Own Backyard" fundraising proposal for September. This is the final Parent Council meeting until the fall, and we are so grateful for the faithful members who have attended meetings and worked so hard this year!


Grads who have purchased $10 tickets in advance last week will be headed to Crystal Palace for a Grad event on Thursday, May 29. Permission forms must be signed by parents/guardians and received by Mr. McNeill or Mrs. Keough before students will be allowed on the bus. They
 leave from the school May 29 at 3:30 p.m., returning at approximately 9:30 PM


Our Climate Crew is hosting a night of positive climate and empathy building activities at the school on Tuesday, May 27 from 3:30-9 PM. They circulated sign up sheets in homerooms and have put several calls out to interested students on Facebook in an effort to reach as many students as possible. We are still determining final numbers to a maximum of 100 participants who have received permission forms that require a parental signature. We are looking forward to an awesome evening of fun and fellowship. Supper will be provided with the workshop being facilitated by Ms. Haire.

This year's Summerside Relay for Life event is taking place at the Red Shores Raceway (overnight event beginning Friday evening until 6 AM Saturday). Over 30 students have expressed an interest in becoming involved thus far, and registration forms/$10 registration fee were due last week. Students are encouraged to do their own fundraising, and Charity Jars this month are in support of this cause. Sending a shout out to the Community Works Council and their advisor, Mrs. Tammy Craig, for organizing this campaign!


Members of Mrs. Power's Grade 11 History 521 class dressed up in period costumes on Friday to represent people and aspects of World history from 1600 onward. A lot of research and effort went into these projects, which is obvious when you take a peek at the pictures below!


Our Climate Crew has been hosting events targeting various areas of the school at noon hour this past month in an effort to bring some "fun" to all corners of the building and to encourage our students to visit one another's "hangouts" and share some laughs together. Last week, there was "Karaoke" happening in the Cafeteria! :-)


Noah and Minister Wes Sheridan

To Noah Richardson (pictured above) for his well delivered address to Prince Charles and Camilla in the PEI Legislature!

To Rebecca Drummond, Nicole Gallant, Bronwyn Bridges, and Jayden Reid for their work as the planning committee for Climate Night!

To Jacob Campbell for getting the Karaoke party started on stage in the caf on Thursday! He set the bar pretty high!

To the members of the Class Officers for their great work organizing the Grad Prom!

To the members of our two bands for an awesome Spring Concert last Thursday!

To our students who had a great provincial results for the Canadian Physics High School Exam!:
Patrick Steele- 1st Place
Brett Murphy- 2nd Place
Paige Gallant and Colin MacKay- Honorable Mention

To Kaitlyn Taylor and Hailey MacIsaac for representing our school and province at the Motivate Canada program in Ottawa last week!

To Hannah Arsenault-Gallant for being a wonderful prom date and friend!

Challenge:  There are ELEVEN school days remaining before our Grade 12's begin their final exams! Encourage your son/daughter to stay focused on the work at hand and finish this school year strong!

Quote of the Week:  "Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go: they merely determine where you start."~ Nido Qubein

Have a wonderful, productive week!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Nicole's Notes: Volume 33 (May 19, 2014)

Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!
Canadiens and Boston shake hands!

I hope everyone enjoyed the sunshine that graced us this long Victoria Day weekend! It has been a long winter and it is wonderful to see the many signs of spring surfacing all around. We will be celebrating one of our springtime rituals this coming weekend: the Grad Prom. This is always an important night of celebration for our students, their families, and our staff. Prom tickets are still on sale for $20 from Mr. McNeill (Room 310) for those who happened to miss the week of regular sales. TOSH Grads who wish to attend Prom must also have any outstanding school fees paid in full (student fees, textbooks, and library books). If there are any issues surrounding this, please contact Ms. Haire (; 888-8460) Prom sign ins are subject to the criteria found on page 24 of the Student Agenda book. 

The doors open for prom this Saturday, May 24 at 7 PM and the festivities begin at 8 PM. Doors close at 9 PM and the event will run until 10:30 PM. We wish all our grads a safe and happy prom night!

PARENTS AND GUARDIANS PLEASE BE ADVISED that "Prom Party" tickets are currently being sold to students, apparently. While our Grad Prom is a school sanctioned event, the after party is NOT, as it is highly dangerous and involves underage drinking and drug use--something we obviously do not support. We just want parents to be aware if/when their child asks to attend prom party what risks are involved. The potential for harm is substantial and tickets, in the past, have been sold to students as young as junior high age and to those much older than high school age. We ask that you please give your decision to support this event some sober thought. We worry...every year.

There have been an excessive number of dress code violations as the warmer weather arrives. I made an announcement on Friday asking students to review the policy in the student agenda book and to be diligent in meeting dress code expectations when they get ready for school each day. As of Tuesday, those who are in violation of the dress code will be asked to cover up immediately or go home to change. Parents will be called, as well. We are having particular issue with shorts that are far too short (pockets sometimes lower than the hem of the shorts), as well as short skirts/dresses. Please note that shirts should be long enough to cover the stomach and spaghetti straps should not be seen. As I mentioned to our students, the school is their workplace and what might be acceptable fashion for social time does not always work at school. We want them to respect themselves and others as young adults, so please have a conversation with your son/daughter to make sure they understand the dress code policy. 


19      Victoria Day- No Classes
22      Dept Head/Principals' Meeting-Nicole Out AM 
          Band Spring Concert (7 PM-TOSH Gym)
23      History 521 "Living Museum" afternoon classes
24      Grad Prom
27      Climate Night- 3:30-9 PM (Permission Forms needed)29      Principals' Meeting- Nicole Out
31      Band Banquet-5:45 arrival time
          Summerside Relay for Life

5       TOAD (Three Oaks Activity Day)- PM only
10     Grade 12 Final Exam- Block A (9 AM); Regular classes for grades 10 and 11
11     Grade 12 Final Exam- Block B (9 AM); Regular classes for grades 10 and 11
12     Grade 12 Final Exam- Block C (9 AM); Regular classes for grades 10 and 11
13     Block D Final Exam- All students (9 AM)
14     Athletic Banquet
16     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block A (9 AM)
17     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block B (9 AM)
18     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block C (9 AM)
24     Grad Breakfast and Rehearsal- AM at the school
24     2014 Graduation Ceremony- 7 PM Credit Union Place
         Safe Grad Activity immediately following Graduation
26     Report Cards distributed to Grade 10 and 11 students (9-10:30 a.m.)
27     School Ends for the Summer


Next Meeting Date is Thursday, June 5, 2014 at 6:30 PM. Everyone is welcome! We will be discussing a model for effective school/parent communication currently being practiced by Bluefield High School and an "In Our Own Backyard: fundraising proposal for September. This is the final Parent Council meeting until the fall, and we are so grateful for the faithful members who have attended meetings and worked so hard this year!


Winners of the draw were chosen by Mr. Rob Corkum on Friday.

1st Prize: Reg MacDonald
2nd Prize: Cheryl Ramsay
3rd Prize: Barb Robinson

Congratulations to all our winners and to everyone who bought tickets in support of our Breakfast and Lunch Program!


Congratulations to our TOSH GSA group for planning and executing the first ever provincial GSA conference on PEI!  We appreciated the support and attendance of Minister Janice Sherry who addressed the delegates Saturday morning. Kudos to Ms. Janet Bradshaw and Mrs. Sandra Sheridan for their organization and facilitation of this important event!

A warm welcome!

Smiling hosts!

Standing up for tolerance!


Crystal Palace tickets will be on sale this week (Wednesday-Friday) for a Grad event happening on May 29. Tickets are $10 each and permission forms must be signed by parents/guardians. The buses leave from the school May 29 at 3:30 p.m., returning at approximately 9:30 PM


Our Climate Crew is hosting a night of positive climate and empathy building activities at the school on Tuesday, May 27 from 3:30-9 PM. They circulated sign up sheets in homerooms and have put several calls out to interested students on Facebook in an effort to reach as many students as possible. We have a maximum of 100 participants who will be receiving permission forms that require a parental signature, and we are looking forward to an awesome evening of fun and fellowship. Supper will be provided with the workshop being facilitated by Ms. Haire and, potentially, Peter Bolo.

Our school has been an active supporter of Relay for Life (in support of cancer research) for as long as I can remember! This year's Summerside event is taking place at the Red Shores Raceway (overnight event beginning Friday evening until 6 AM Saturday). Over 30 students have expressed an interest in becoming involved thus far, and registration forms/$10 registration fee is due to Mrs. Craig by May 21st. Students are encouraged to do their own fundraising, and Charity Jars this month are in support of this cause. Students are voting this week for 6 male teachers who have agreed to be "dressed up" by the highest bidder on May 23! (i.e. Who wouldn't pay to see Mr. Chisholm bedazzled ala Montreal Canadiens gear?!) Mr. Sparkes, Mr. Oulton, Mr. Trainor, Mr. Chisholm, Mr. Lilly, and Mr. Hockin are "on sale" this week via donation jars sporting their names in front of the Lecture Theatre this week and next! The jar with the most money wins and all proceeds go to Relay for Life! That sounds like a WIN-WIN situation to me!! Sending a shout out to the Community Works Council for organizing this campaign!


Our Climate Crew has been hosting events targeting various areas of the school at noon hour this past month in an effort to bring some "fun" to all corners of the building and to encourage our students to visit one another's "hangouts" and share some laughs together. Last week, there was "Three Legged Races" happening in the Lower Skylight. :-)

Winning is a state of mind!


Carter scores some Ms. Haire Smarties!

To Carter Moase (pictured above) for being recognized at the Army Cadets Ceremonial Review recently with the Lord Strathcona Medal of Honour! Carter has also been accepted to Connaught Marksmanship training in Ottawa for 6 weeks this summer! Well done!

To the members of the R & B Band for an awesome performance Friday evening at Ecole Sur Mer!

To Noah Richardson for representing our school and Island youth in an address to Prince Charles and his wife, Camilla, in the PEI Legislature on Tuesday morning and for his emceeing skills at the R & B concert on Friday!

To the members of the TOSH GSA group for an awesome conference on Saturday! Members are:
Vanora MacLean
Lexi Norden
Keisha Clements
Jessica Brander
Sarah Compton
Taitania Calarco
Kaylee Boates

Challenge:  If you are the parent of a student attending the prom this weekend, have an honest conversation with your son/daughter about how to keep him/her safe that evening.

Quote of the Week:  "Nothing is impossible; the word itself says "I'm possible'!"~ Audrey Hepburn

Have a wonderful week!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Nicole's Notes: Volume 32 (May 12, 2014)

Happy Monday (o.k., it's Tuesday, almost Wednesday!)
TOSH 85 RCSCC Summerside (Sea Cadets) 
TOSH Parents and Guardians!

First of all, thank you for your patience in waiting for this blog post. I returned from my weekend CSLA (Canadian Student Leadership Association) Executive meeting in Calgary last evening and have been playing a bit of "catch up" ever since. I am ending my tenure as President of this organization (at CSLC 2014 in Kelowna, BC in September) and, while I have been privileged to work with so many master educators from across Canada for over a decade, it is definitely time to move over and make room for some new folks to take the lead. We will be sending a healthy delegation from PEI to CSLC 2014, representing TOSH and 8 other Island high schools, and I know that our Three Oaks delegates will return with lots of ideas and initiatives to share.

I have always been a big supporter of student leadership activities, because my involvement in these in high school helped shape the leader I became. Even when students appear to be having "fun", they are learning important skills and/or making important connections that can be applied in many areas of their lives. I have been a student leadership advisor since I walked into TOSH as a teacher in 1999, and I have been blessed to work with so many phenomenal student leaders over the years who took what they learned with us and went on to make a positive difference in the world.

A video link was shared with me this past weekend by a CSLA colleague that underlines the value that comes when students get involved, both in and outside the classroom. We have important curriculum to cover each year, and we do. It's the "alternate curriculum" that often goes unnoticed and, sometimes, unappreciated; that is, until years later when that knowledge or those skills come in handy! The video clip is American, but the facts are universal:

Students achieve more in school when they have a sense of belonging. We've seen LOTS of evidence of that!


9-10   Voye Memorial Rugby Tournament
12      Nicole Out of Province-CSLA Executive Meeting
14-16 Dept. of Education Survey for Grade 12 students (Block A)
16      Band/R&B Band Concert- Ecole Sur Mer (7 p.m. and $10 admission)
19      Victoria Day- No Classes
22      Band Spring Concert (evening)
24      Grad Prom
29      Principals' Meeting- Nicole Out
31      Band Banquet
          Summerside Relay for Life

5       TOAD (Three Oaks Activity Day)- PM only
10     Grade 12 Final Exam- Block A (9 AM); Regular classes for grades 10 and 11
11     Grade 12 Final Exam- Block B (9 AM); Regular classes for grades 10 and 11
12     Grade 12 Final Exam- Block C (9 AM); Regular classes for grades 10 and 11
13     Block D Final Exam- All students (9 AM)
14     Athletic Banquet
16     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block A (9 AM)
17     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block B (9 AM)
18     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block C (9 AM)
24     Grad Breakfast and Rehearsal- AM at the school
24     2014 Graduation Ceremony- 7 PM Credit Union Place
         Safe Grad Activity immediately following Graduation
26     Report Cards distributed to Grade 10 and 11 students (9-10:30 a.m.)
27     School Ends for the Summer


A HUGE thank you goes out to all our parents and guardians who contributed items for the Parent Council Bake Sale and worked the table during the Voye Memorial tournament this past weekend. We also appreciate the sponsorship of coffee and "fixings" from Samuel's Coffee House and ADL. The total raised was $153 which will go towards the Parent Council Scholarship offered to a deserving TOSH graduate!

Reg and Toby MacDonald have organized another draw with ticket proceeds going to our school's "n Our Own Backyard" Breakfast and Lunch programs:

1st Prize: $100 of lobster and/or scallops
2nd Prize: $75 of Epicure spices
3rd Prize: $50 gift certificate from Kelly's Flower Shoppe

This is the last week and tickets are now available in the Main Office. The draw date is Friday, May 16...just in time for the Victoria Day weekend celebrations!


Our TOSH artists are rocking the City of Summerside's Lighthouse 2014 Project! The aim of the project is to enhance the residents' and visitors' summer experience of PEI by creating dozens of magnificent 6ft lighthouse sculptures that will be finely crafted by schools and artists from across PEI. These lighthouses will then be placed across the city in a route that will make a wonderful summer attraction. At the end of the summer, the lighthouses will be auctioned off to raise funds for various Island charities, organizations, and causes. The lighthouses will be revealed on a special night on June 14 once they are completed for public viewing around Summerside. Kudos to Ms. Shannon Evans for supporting her students in this initiative. Check for more information and our recent coverage on CBC Compass!
 (Scroll to 9 mins after the commercial) 

Alex and Hannah-Class of 2012
The Three Oaks Class of 2014 is cordially invited to attend the Grad Prom taking place on Saturday, May 24 from 8-10:30 PM at Credit Union Place. Doors open at 7 PM and close at 9 PM. Tickets are $10 each and are on sale in Room 310 on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at noon this week. After that, remaining tickets will be sold at $20 each.
TOSH Grads have the option to come alone or bring along a prom date. TOSH students in good standing are most welcome, along with others who fit the specifications found on Page 24 of the Student Agenda book. TOSH Grads who wish to attend Prom must also have any outstanding school fees paid in full (student fees, textbooks, and library books). If there are any issues surrounding this, please contact Ms. Haire (; 888-8460)

Please Note: The 2014 Class Officers, in consultation with graduating students, made a change and chose to offer a "Mingle and Dance" at the prom this year. There will be Candy Bar and munchies offered throughout the evening rather than a sit down meal. Prom tickets (which included the meal) cost $35 each the past three years, and the Class Officers felt that graduating students would have more opportunity to connect with one another if they are not sitting at long tables "banquet style".  Be sure to get lots of pictures before coming to the CUP, as families and friends are not allowed into the prom area and picture taking spaces are limited. 
All graduates will gather for a full breakfast before their rehearsal at 8 AM on June 24, served by our staff, and the Grad Video will be shown to all at this time.

PARENTS AND GUARDIANS PLEASE BE ADVISED that "Prom Party" tickets are currently being sold to students, apparently. While our Grad Prom is a school sanctioned event, the after party is NOT, as it is highly dangerous and involves underage drinking and drug use--something we obviously do not support. We just want parents to be aware if/when their child asks to attend prom party what risks are involved. The potential for harm is substantial and tickets, in the past, have been sold to students as young as junior high age and to those much older than high school age. We ask that you please give your decision to support this event some sober thought. We worry...every year.


There will be a GSA conference hosted for PEI teens at Three Oaks on Saturday, May 17 from 9:30 AM-4:30 PM. Workshops will be provided by the Youth Project of Nova Scotia ( Registration, Lunch, and Fun are free! The focus of this conference is making Island schools safe for everyone. Kudos to our TOSH GSA members, Mrs. Sandra Sheridan, and Ms. Janet Bradshaw for their work in organizing this inaugural Island event!

Our school has been an active supporter of Relay for Life (in support of cancer research) for as long as I can remember! This year's Summerside event is taking place at the Red Shores Raceway (overnight event beginning Friday evening until 6 AM Saturday). Over 30 students have expressed an interest in becoming involved thus far, and registration forms/$10 registration fee is due to Mrs. Craig by May 21st. Students are encouraged to do their own fundraising, and Charity Jars this month are in support of this cause. Students are voting this week for 6 male teachers who have agreed to be "dressed up" by the highest bidder on May 23! (i.e. Who wouldn't pay to see Mr. Chisholm bedazzled ala Montreal Canadiens gear?!) Mr. Sparkes, Mr. Oulton, Mr. Trainor, Mr. Chisholm, Mr. Lilly, and Mr. Hockin are "on sale" this week via donation jars sporting their names in front of the Lecture Theatre this week and next! The jar with the most money wins and all proceeds go to Relay for Life! That sounds like a WIN-WIN situation to me!! Sending a shout out to the Community Works Council for organizing this campaign!


Our Climate Crew has been hosting events targeting various areas of the school at noon hour this past month in an effort to bring some "fun" to all corners of the building and to encourage our students to visit one another's "hangouts" and share some laughs together. Last week, there was "Human Bowling" happening in the 600 foyer. :-)

TOSH R & B Band
Our newly formed Rhythm and Blues (R & B) Band will be featured at a concert this Friday evening, May 16 at Ecole Sur Mer beginning at 7:00 PM. Admission is $10 and I can tell will ROCK out to the incredible talent that our students bring! If you know most of the words to "Mustang Sally", this is the concert for YOU!
Tickets are available at the door and we know that we will have a great crowd for this top notch performance, so COME EARLY!!

Just in case parents of graduating students were unable to make the Student Loan presentations from last week, here are some links that might prove to be helpful. I can tell you from experience (with three kids heading into second, third, and forth year of post-secondary study!) that you might want to check these out!!:

Kaitlyn representing student voice

To Kaitlyn Taylor for taking the time to meet this week with MLA for District 22, Gerard Greenan, regarding the involvement of Rotary in Island schools! 

To Noah Richardson for being selected as a Page in the House of Commons beginning this fall! We are proud to say that this is the third consecutive year that a Three Oaks student has been chosen to the Parliamentary Page Program: Greg MacCormack (2012) and James Brown (2013) are both currently employed as Senate Pages! 

To Nathaniel Lykow for being awarded the Sea Cadet Choice Award at the 85 RCSCC Ceremonial Review this past week!

To Brandon Costain for being awarded the PO2 Joey Cole Memorial Award for Sail at the 85 RCSCC Ceremonial Review this past week!

To Brandon Waite for being awarded the Royal Canadian Legion Cadet Medal of Excellence Award and the Top Sea Cadet on Prince Edward Island Award at the 85 RCSCC Ceremonial Review this past week!

To the TOSH members of the 85 RCSCC for their excellent representation in their annual Ceremonial Review this past week!

To our TOSH AAA Men's Rugby team (pictured above) who won the Voye Memorial tournament last weekend!

To our AAA Women's Rugby team for representing our school so well in the Voye tournament! The girls lost to the team who ultimately won the tournament (Avonview).

To the TOSH students who were involved in the Maritime Idol auditions!: 
Katie Geary, Taylor Sonier, and Destiny Bradshaw

To Alex DesRoches, Jordan Black, Jordan Smith, Chris Richard, Brayden Toombs, Matthew Arsenault, and Logan MacDougall for winning the Volleyball PEI Midget Provincials last weekend!

To our TOSH Men's Track and Field Team members who represented us so well at the Nike Grand Prix invitational competition in Toronto last week!:
Jack Fingler-400m, 200m
Jordan Gallant-400m, 200m
Jessie MacFarlane-100m, 4 x 100m
Alex MacFadyen-1500m
Nick Meade-400m, 200m
Daniel Meister-1500m
Ryan Merrett-1500m, 800m, 4 x 100m
Matthew Tanton-Long Jump, High Jump, 4 x 100m
Austin Taylor-800m, 400m, Long Jump, and 4 x 100m
Brittan Turner-1500m, 800m
Brolin Turner-800m, Long Jump 

Thank you to Mr. Jim Donovan for accompanying our athletes as Assistant Coach!

To the TOSH Students who were involved in the Fandango production of Jesus Christ Superstar!:
David McNeill, Mitch Raynor, Devan Surkan, Morgan Dehmel, Umara Muhammad, Devon McCarron, Charlotte Sullivan, Sarah Tanner, Reilly Doucet, Jolene McIsaac, Scott Richard, Mikaila Murray, Kaite Strongman, TOSH Carpentry students, TOSH Drama 801 class, and Charlie Steele.

Kudos to Mr. Tim Hockin and Mr. Scott Harvey for their acting skills and to Ms. Shirley Anne Cameron for her direction!

To Rachel Barry for representing our school at the National Student Commonwealth Forum in Ottawa last week!

To John Paul Rice for being the best prom date ever!

To the following students who were represented on our most recent "Student of the Week" board!:

Kristen Neal- For great work on scheduling in Phys Ed class!
Lauren Sheidow- For great work on scheduling in Phys Ed class!
Sabrina Gaudet- For her honesty in handing in a lost cell phone!
Jessica K, Campbell- For her honesty in handing in a lost cell phone!
Erica Raynor- For her honesty in handing in a lost cell phone!
Charlotte Arsenault- For her honesty in handing in a lost wallet!
Rebekka Woods- For her honesty in regard to a mishap in the parking lot!
Sherry Anne Hiscock- For doing such an outstanding job in her Coop placement and for her positive attitude!
Jessica Stewart- For helping out other students in the school!
Reyse Hall- For huge improvement in Math class!
Justin Laviolette- For coming by for extra Math help!
Brodie Arsenault- For great practical test marks in Design Technology!
Koby Bridges- Well done on all work thus far in Design Technology!
Jacob Gallant- Very precise work in all drawings in Design Technology!
Will Compton- Great work on survey graphs in Math!
Poala Trainor- Great results on all graph work in Math!
Keisha Poirier- Great teamwork to produce a great report in Math!
Kayla Heisler- Great work on survey project in Math!
Scott Richard- Great work all semester in Math!
Jalene Greenlaw- Good effort all semester in Math!
Isaiah Henderson- Great work all semester in Math!
Jack Gamble- Highly improved work in Design Technology!
James Myers- For improved attendance in Computer class!
Reilly MacKay- Great work ethic in Computer class!
Jake Cormier- For helping a fellow skateboarder put his deck back together!
Matthew Kennedy- Hardworking Carpentry Individual!
Zak Farah- For stepping it up as of late!
Colin MacKay- For being an excellent conversationalist!
Brohan Brennan- For being an excellent conversationalist!
Jillian MacIntyre- For being an excellent conversationalist!
Rachel Barry- For being an excellent conversationalist!
Morgan Dehmel- For her honesty in handing in a lost iPod!

Challenge: This is the final month of classes before Final Exams. Make sure that your son/daughter is caught up and keyed in to finish this school year strong!

Quote of the Week: "Do not plan for ventures before finishing what's at hand."~ Euripides

Have an awesome week and a wonderful long weekend!
