Friday, April 13, 2012

Nicole's Notes: Volume 1

Hello TOSH Parents!

Welcome to my new attempt at "Connecting the Dots" a.k.a. partnering with you in your child's education! I have three teenagers of my own, so I know first hand the challenge parents have trying to keep on top of everything that happens in the run of a week at school. I hope this blog will give you the opportunity to stay as connected as you can and feel like you are a contributing member of our school community...because you are!

Here are some important dates coming up in the month of April:

16      No homework assigned for Blocks B and D
17      Midterm Evaluation (During Blocks A and C)-No homework assigned for Blocks B and D
18      Midterm Evaluation (Blocks A and C)-No homework assigned for Blocks A and C
19      Midterm Evaluation (Blocks B and D)-No homework assigned for Blocks A and C
20      Midterm Evaluation (Blocks B and D)-Happy Weekend! :-)

23      Cyber Bullying Awareness Campaign begins
          Drug Information Panel- last period in the day for Grade 10 students
          Parents and other interested community members are invited to attend a session 
           beginning at 6:30 p.m. that evening in the TOSH cafeteria.
25      PISA Testing (identified 15 year olds-born in 1996):  9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
          **Participating students are asked to bring a ruler and calculator with them. Morning snack &

          lunch special provided. Attendance is expected.**
          Report Cards go home!
26      School Dance 8-11 p.m. $5 admission.
27      School Development Day-No classes

         Cyber Bullying Awareness Campaign
As a follow up to our school climate workshops, I recently challenged our Leadership 621 class to come up with a week long awareness campaign that would help our students consider the damaging effects of cyber bullying. This Youtube video contains some good information about the issue: 
The LED 621 class are launching their campaign the week of April 23, and their catch phrase is: Think Before You Click! We have been stressing with our students the power that the "silent observer" has to help stop bullying, and we have been treating evidence of cyber bullying this year in the office as we do any other form of bullying: with zero tolerance! No matter where it happens, we feel the "trickle down effect" at school with our kids, and we believe that everyone has the right to feel safe and respected!

                                 Vimy Trip 2012
  Just look what happens when we set David Chisholm and some of the other Social Studies department teachers (Amanda Allen, Kelly Power, Forrest Lilly and Barb Forbes) loose in France with 39 TOSH students! Their experience was "second to none", "life changing", and "beyond words". We are happy to have them home safe and sound with us and grateful that they were able to attend the ceremonies during the 95th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge. They represented themselves, their families and school, and Canada so well and we're very proud of them all!
If you want to read more about their experiences, log on to their tour blog:

Welcome Home! :-)

30 Hour Famine
Forms have gone out for the 30 Hour Famine at Three Oaks which is taking place on May 11 this year. Students who participate try to go without food for 30 hours (Don't worry! We provide them with lots of juice and popsicles at school, as well as a bowl of rice that night!), and those who raise a minimum of $30 in sponsorship are invited to participate in the overnight event at the school. Three Oaks has been an active supporter of this cause for many years, and we have raised thousands of dollars to help World Vision help children in need around the world. Students who "do the Famine" are able to walk in another's shoes for at least one day, and many come out of it feeling very grateful for the gift of having their basic needs met. Not all kids around the world have that luxury!

                                        Drug Awareness Panel~ April 23
As part of our Positive Choices program for grade 10's, we have arranged for them to attend a panel session dealing with the issues around substance abuse on April 23 during the last class of the day. There will be a repeat session for parents, guardians, and any interested community members that evening in the school cafeteria beginning at 6:30 p.m. Our SHAPES survey results from last year indicate that we are facing the same issues that all are in Island schools: Student substance abuse stats are on the rise and all parents need to be armed with the best information possible. Our panel will include: an Emergency Room doctor, an Addictions Services counsellor, a member of the RCMP, and a former addict. We hope to see you there!

Nicole's Quote of the Week: 
"Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another."~ Walter Elliot

Enjoy your week and thanks for reading!

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