Sunday, September 16, 2012

Nicole's Notes: Volume 3

Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

It was a sad and difficult week at our school as staff and students mourned the sudden loss of our Welding teacher, Mr. Don Phillips. Mr. Phillips shared his passion for his trade with our students for five years at Three Oaks, and we will miss the twinkle in his eye and his infectious laugh.  Our thoughts and prayers remain with his wife Kay; daughters Lynne, Sheri and Julie; and his grandchildren in the quiet days ahead.

This may be a first loss for some of our students or one that triggers past grief for others. Please let me or one of our Counsellors know if your son or daughter is in need of any support at school.

Thank you for understanding our need to postpone Welcome Back Week activities until this coming week.

Dates to Note in September:

17         POSTPONED our Parent Council meeting to Oct. 1
20         Green and Gold Day! (Wear our school colours!)
             Parent Information Night (6:30 p.m. in Gym)
             First School Dance (Green and Gold theme)- 8:30-11 p.m. Admission is $5.21          
21          Wear Your Sweats Day!
             Tyler Durman Presentation (Full School Assembly- 9:10-10:20 a.m.)- Shortened AM periods
             TEAM 2015 (Grade 10)
19         Class Officer Speeches (12:50 p.m.)
24         Academic Awards Assembly (2011-2012 school year)
25-30     CSLC 2012: Weyburn, Sask.  (Nicole out)
27         Terry Fox Walk (at TOSH)
28         Grad Photos begin ($25 sitting fee and grads sign up for a time here at school)


1           First Parent Council Meeting:  6:30 p.m. in the library. Everyone welcome!
8           Thanksgiving Monday (No school)
11-12    Annual PEITF Teacher's Convention (No school)
22         Career Day (7-8:30 p.m. for parents in gym)


TOSH Welcomes Tyler Durman! 
September 20 and 21
We are pleased to have motivational speaker, Tyler Durman, with us for Parent Information Night (Sept. 20) and for a full school assembly (Sept. 21).  Tyler hails from California  and he is best known for his ability to make people laugh while telling stories that bring hope and wisdom. Each year his live presentations reach more than 200,000 students and adults, while his written stories are shared in homes throughout the U.S. and Canada. Tyler's session with parents/guardians starts at 6:30 p.m. sharp in our Gym on Sept. 20. You won't want to miss it, so spread the word! Thanks to our sponsors: Quality Inn and Suites Summerside and CSLC 2008 Legacy Fund!
NOTE:  The Axe Outlet (school store located at the top of the 600's staircase) will be open that evening, as well, for parents wishing to purchase TOSH spirit wear. Great for Christmas gifts!

TEAM 2015
Our student surveys last year indicated that students have a difficult time finding a place where they can positively belong when they first start high school. We are making a concerted effort to help our Grade 10's find their way in this regard this year and "TEAM 2015: Together Everyone Achieves More" is the first step. We are keeping this project under wraps for now, so you'll just have to trust us! I will give you an update about how things went when I update the blog next weekend. Also, signs ups for the 8 TOSH Councils will be happening soon for all students!

Welcome Back Week!
We chose to take a hiatus from our spirit activities last week, but these will resume on Thursday and Friday of this week. Please encourage your son/daughter to get involved in whatever capacity he/she feels comfortable. School spirit is everyone's responsibility and it doesn't take a lot to keep the good feelings going. Just wearing Green and Gold on Thursday or sweat pants on Friday is "participation"! Our dances usually begin at 8 p.m. but this first dance will be from 8:30-11 p.m. to accommodate Parent Information Night.

Help Combat Cyberbullying!
Our students indicated through the survey last year that cyberbullying remains an issue for them. It is much easier to say something hurtful when you are hiding behind a computer or phone screen! You can help by talking to your son/daughter about appropriate text messaging and posts on the internet (especially via Facebook) and remind him/her that any slurs, threats, or negative comments they "type" to another person become written record. There is no such thing as "privacy" on the internet, and our Communities for Learning (safe schools) policy applies to on line activities that may transfer to trouble during the school day. Encourage your son or daughter to THINK before they click SEND!

Kudos to Our Kids!

To our Semester 1 Peer Helpers for representing our school so well at provincial PHP training in Charlottetown last week!

To Jaime MacLean for offering to help plan TEAM 2015 when everything was falling apart last week!

To Michaela Walker, Brooke Blanchard, and Katie MacKay for participating in the PEI CSLC 2012 delegate training here on the weekend!

To Zak Farah and Brandon Adams for scoring goals in their first ever soccer game against KISH on Friday!

To Brett Poirier for his hard work getting our TOSH Tube up and running!

Challenge:  We were reminded last week that life is short and unpredictable. Live every day to the fullest and show the love you have for those around you as often as you can!

Quote of the Week:  “Peace begins with a smile."~ Mother Teresa

Hope to see you all on Parent Information Night Sept. 20!


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