Sunday, December 9, 2012

Nicole's Notes: Volume 15 (Dec. 10)

Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

Let the countdown begin! Two more weeks until the holidays and we have lots to do at school between now and then. Classes will continue as usual, so please continue to encourage your son/daughter to stay focused and to get the work at hand completed. We will only have three weeks left of the semester when we return to school and final exams will be here before they know it! Students who have outstanding assignments for their classes should leave school Dec. 21 with a "make up plan" for over the holidays. Some of you, like me, will soon be welcoming home sons and/or daughters from their post-secondary studies. Having all the pieces of your heart in one spot is the greatest gift of all!

I began my visits to Block B classes this past week, and I will continue to visit every class from now until I finish. I call my chat the "Ms. Haire's Term 2 Gut Check", and I hope that our students will take this opportunity to "check" themselves against our school's criteria for success. I told them that if they feel they are taking care of business in all areas to give themselves a pat on the back for a job well done. If not, I asked that they consider how to make some personal adjustments as they move forward this year. The two topics I covered were: Academic Focus and Positive School Climate. I will be finishing up Grade 10 classes at the first of this coming week and then heading in to see the Grade 11's and 12's after that.

The EURO 2013 trip to Belgium in November, 2013 has been approved by the school board. Mr. Chisholm will be hosting an information meeting for the parents of interested students on Monday beginning at 7 p.m. in the TOSH Library.

Upcoming Dates to Note:
10       Meeting for all parents of students interested in participating in the EURO 2013 trip to
             Belgium in Nov. 2013: 7 p.m. in the Library
11       Band Concert- 7 p.m. in the cafeteria
15       Christmas Dance
20-22  Annual TOSH Christmas Classic Basketball Tournament
21       Last Day of Classes

3         First School Day for 2013
28       Final Exam- Block A  (AM Only)
29       Final Exam- Block B  (AM Only)
30       Final Exam- Block C  (AM Only)
31       Final Exam- Block D  (AM Only)


Our annual Christmas dance is this week on Saturday, Dec. 15. Tickets have already been sold for this semi-formal event, and we look forward to seeing our kids all "spiffed up"! Please note that this has not been called a "prom" for several years in an effort to make the dance more inclusive and less expensive for those wishing to attend. Dress code is "nicer than a regular school day". Loved ones are welcome to come to the school from 7-8 p.m. to take pictures in the designated areas and the dance runs from 8-11 p.m.

We need your spare change!! Every $25 raised will provide clean drinking water for someone for LIFE! Our student leaders have petitioned our feeder schools for help with this project and have put collection jars in the place of participating businesses around the city. Please give generously to this important charity initiative. The campaign ends December 18 and all donations can be brought to homeroom with your son/daughter or dropped off in the Main Office at TOSH.

Andrew Farag accepts the plaque from Minister Webster
The Hon. George T. Webster, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry for PEI, was at Three Oaks this week to present our Envirothon team with a plaque for winning the provincial Envirothon competition again this year. The team has earned the right to represent PEI at the Canon Envirothon in August 2013 to compete with the winning teams from the other provinces and states. This competition will take place in Montana, USA this year. Thanks to Dr. Pringle and Mr. Higginbotham for coaching and supporting our team!

 "Embrace the Storm"

To the Summerside families (some of whom have kids at TOSH) who have each "adopted" two Storm players for the duration of their season, agreeing to share a weekly meal and some Summerside hospitality with them:  Basil and Mary Haire (Zach Graham), the Poirier's (Brett and Taylor), the Murray's (Pat), the Richardson's (Noah), Mrs. Power, and Sandra Hickey.

To the TOSH students who will be recognized by Basketball PEI with awards to be presented at a banquet in January!:
Team of the Year: TOSH AAA Men (2011/2012)
Junior Male Player of the Year (17 and under): Patrick Murray (Co-winner)

To Noah Richardson for being nominated by Mayor Basil Stewart for the ACTIVE-8! Campaign which recognizes youth leaders who promote the empowerment of women and girls, global social justice for all, and/or environmental sustainability in their everyday lives! Also, thank you for representing the Student Government Council at the Parent Council meeting on Monday!

To Maria Dalton and Bradley Murphy for qualifying to represent PEI at the Youth Challenge 5 Pin National Championships in Gatineau, March 21-23 2013! Matthew Crozier – who attends KISH, but takes the Aerospace Program at TOSH each day-also qualified.

To Sydney Dalton for agreeing to represent TOSH in the Journal Pioneer's "Teen Scene" column!

To Jesse MacFarlane for showing leadership skills!

To Joel Hansen for agreeing to represent the LED 621 class at the Presidents' Council table this semester!

To our 8 Council Presidents for a GREAT meeting on Tuesday!: Becky Clark, Michaela Walker, Becca Gallant, Andrew Farag, Brett Poirier, Noah Richardson, James Brown, Jaime MacLean.

To James Brown and Dakota Oliver for sharing their musical talent and representing the TOSH Music Council so well (VERY early in the morning!!) on Island Morning for the CBC Turkey Drive broadcast!

To Breanne Hastings, CJ Kitts, Kaitlyn Bridges, and Jill MacIntyre for giving such a great interview to promote their Water for Change initiative during the CBC Turkey Drive broadcast! 

To Marcus Richard and Logan R. MacLean for taking the initiative to publish their original works of poetry!

To the AAA Men's Basketball Team for their excellent play this weekend at the Colonel Gray tournament!

To Millee McKay for representing the Community Works Council so well in the Journal Pioneer interview she gave during the Lights for Life event last week!

To Jaime MacLean for showing the true meaning of Christmas!

To CJ Kitts for walking the talk!

To the Activities Council members who volunteered their time at the Staff Kids Christmas Party here at the school on Sunday afternoon!

Challenge:  Look for ways to show the true meaning of the season through Random Acts of Kindness this week. 

Quote of the Week:  "Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love."~Lao Tzu

Hope you have a wonderful week and that you can enjoy the ride to the holidays!

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