Saturday, February 23, 2013

Nicole's Notes: Volume 23 (Feb. 25, 2013)

Music Council Folks at Samuel's
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

We are hoping for a much "steadier" week coming up after all the delays and cancellations from last week. Gotta love our PEI winters!! We managed to fit in a few Winter Carnival events here and there, and we are talking about rescheduling the school dance that had to be cancelled last Thursday for sometime before March Break. We will not be rescheduling the cancelled Meet the Teacher evening, but teachers will be sending course information to parents via e mail next week. If you do not receive my blog reminders via e mail, it means that we don't have your e mail address in SAS! Simply e mail me ASAP if you wish to be added to our mailing list at:
Green and Gold Day Friday!

A HUGE THANK YOU is extended to everyone who brought in food for our staff to enjoy during the Parent Council's potluck event and Bake Sale last Thursday. We very much appreciated the tasty treat along with this show of support for the work we do!

We are asking all staff and students in our TOSH community to wear pink on Wednesday, Feb. 27 in support of bullying awareness. We will be kicking off our school climate work for Semester 2 that day with the presentation of the documentary entitled, "The Bully Project" (  Representatives from the ELSB will be on hand to present our school with the 2012 Tami Martell Award, as well. Please help your son/daughter find something pink to wear on Wednesday and remind him/her to put it on that morning! It's time we all stepped up together to be part of the solution to this very serious societal problem!

Upcoming Dates to Note:

26         2013-2014 Course Handbooks distributed to students
27         Wear Pink Day!

4          Parent Council Meeting- 6:30 p.m. in the Library
6          Grade 9 Parent Information Night-6:30 p.m.
7          Rescheduled Grade 9 Tours (SIS)
18-22   March Break-No Classes
29        Good Friday- No Classes

Grade 12 parents can stop reading and wait for all the Graduation blog information that will hit them in May and June! :) Grade 10 and 11 parents need to be aware that Course Handbooks will be distributed to students on Tuesday, Feb. 26 with registration for next year's courses taking place in homeroom on March 5. The Counselors in Student Services and Homeroom teachers are always willing and able to offer consultation and advice regarding course selection, so please encourage your son/daughter to access his/her allies over the next couple of weeks as needed!

The English Language School Board recently launched its new website, which can be found at This site has a number of features that may be of particular interest to parents and students.  Images of recent student activities are featured on the Home page.  Storm closures, upcoming parent meetings, recent announcements, and other current news items will appear on the Home page; and these posts can be followed on the ELSB Twitter account(@ELSBPEI).  The site also introduces a translation option. Although the new ELSB website is still under construction, it is being actively developed.  As the website evolves, information and links will continue to be added.  Resources considered of particular interest to parents and students will be highlighted in the Parents & Students area of the site.


The non-profit Japanese youth program LABO offers one month language learning and cultural exploration for Japanese students aged 12-16 as well as year long high school exchanges. People interested in becoming a host family can visit their website  ( or call Michelle (887-3299) or Nola (859-3684) for more information.

Mr. Trainor's Political Studies 621 class was pleased to welcome Calgary MP and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of the Environment, Michelle Rempel, to Three Oaks on Friday! Ms. Rempel was very approachable and shared many insights into her work and life on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. We appreciate her taking the time to come to TOSH during her Island visit and for helping our students make these important, "real world" connections to their curriculum!

James Brown: Music Council President

To James Brown (shown above) and the Music Council Executive members for organizing and executing the "Coffee House in a Coffee House" event at Samuel's on Saturday!

To all the performers at the Coffee House on Saturday! You ROCKED!! 

To Nicole Gallant, Millee MacKay, Jesse MacFarlane, and Rebecca Drummond for their work facilitating the event happening on Wednesday!

To Lea Brown for her awesome work helping to organize the Grade 9 Tours!

To the members of the Women's AAA Basketball team for winning their semi-final game on Friday! They head to the provincial, Gold medal final against Colonel Gray on Wednesday of this week at UPEI!

To the members of the AA Men's and AAA Men's and Women's AA Basketball teams for their hard fought semi-final games this weekend. All will go for provincial Bronze this coming week!

Challenge:  Help your son/daughter find a pink shirt before Wednesday!

Quote of the Week:  "Wisdom is knowing what to do next; virtue is doing it."~ David Star Jordan

Have a wonderful week! :-)

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