Monday, October 14, 2013

Nicole's Notes: Volume 8 - October 14

Happy Thanksgiving TOSH Parents and Guardians!  

As we return to work and school with our stomachs laden with turkey and all the trimmings, let us be thankful for our families that nurture and support us.  One of my favourite quotes on families comes from MASH stars Dan Wilcox and Thad Mumford, “I don’t care how poor a man is; if he has family, he’s rich”.

Nicole Haire continues to recover from her surgery at home.  Although she may be out of school for the next several weeks, you can follow her on her own blog @ Cards of support and well wishes can be dropped off at the office.  Jason Gallant in the meantime, is at the helm.  Jason Gallant can be reached at 888-8460 or  

PD - What are they learning about anyway??
Many students and parents ask me, "What do you spend your time learning about on these convention days, anyway?".  This Thursday and Friday, teachers from across PEI will be attending PD on a wide range of topics.  The keynote speaker, Karen Hume, will be presenting on "Engaging the Disengaged".  Our own Phil Boyte is back on the island, leading a discussion on "The Connected Classroom".  In all, there are over 30 different sessions occurring, ranging in age and topic from Engaging the Kindergarten Classroom, to "Relating to Your Students with ADHD.  In fact, one of our own is presenting.  David Ramsay, in collaboration with Ron MacDonald from UPEI, will be presenting on how "Project Based Learning can Flourish in a High School Science Classroom".  A full listing of events can be found: at

Not only are teachers at full day sessions, but Educational Assistants, Administration Assistants, Youth Workers and the Custodial Staff all have PD over these two days.

In our Own Backyard
A new initiative at TOSH is to reach out to parents and businesses in the area to help assist us with supplying our breakfast program.  The program receives a bit of funding, but not enough to cover the cost of running it five days/week.  Currently the following foods are consumed each week by students, and donations of these specific foods would be greatly appreciated:

Juice, Milk, Cheese Whiz, Margarine, Jam, Instant Oatmeal individual packages, Cold Cereal, Bagels, Yogurt, Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Fruit Cups, Cheese and Granola Bars.  Donations of plastic utensils and bowls/cups would also assist us in feeding our students.

Food can be dropped off at the front office.  Donations are also greatly appreciated.  Please make any cheques made payable to: Three Oaks Senior High School.  The Breakfast Program is open to all students, and it will take all of us working together to keep it operating. If you have any questions, please call or e mail Tami Arsenault (Youth Service Worker) at school: 

Magazine Campaign
The magazine campaign is now up and running.  This is a fantastic fundraiser for the school.  All money raised goes towards funding various TOSH initiatives.  Students are encouraged to bring their subscriptions in every Wednesday.  All subscriptions will be collected in B block.  Magazines can be purchased from students, or though our website at

  Pumpkin Patrol
Pumpkin Patrol is an annual event where TOSH students pass out candy to children on Halloween night! We get upwards of 70 Three Oaks students and staff participating in this event every year.  When you see them out and about, be sure to give them a high five !
Career Day

On Monday, Oct 21st, over 30 professionals are coming to TOSH to speak to students about career potentials on the Island.  This is a great opportunity for students to ask questions and seek guidance from working professionals on PEI.

 Meeting Wed., Oct. 16th Focus on the Sanofi Bio GENEius Canada Competition.  This meeting is open to all students, not just Bio Club members.  Anyone interested in participating in this Biotechnology Competition is welcome to attend.  Please see Mr. Higginbotham in Room 611 for details.

Speed Skating & Canada Games Opportunities

Speed Skate PEI has openings in its competitive and recreational programs. Experience in hockey, ringette or figure skating helps athletes learn the sport quickly, though no prior ice sport experience is required. Experienced skaters, especially girls, would still have an opportunity to earn a spot on PEI's 2015 Canada Winter Games speed skating teams which will compete in British Columbia.  For more information about one of Atlantic Canada's largest speed skating clubs and speed skating opportunities, email
The Months of October/November
The months of October, as usual, has several interruptions to the regular schedule (Please see the calendar below).   Octoberfest is a great week long activity where school spirit shines here at TOSH.  Students are encouraged to be part of as many of the activities as possible.  Octoberfest is a great way to meet new people and try your hand at some action packed games.  As we begin to peak into November, highlights include the craft fair and Euro Trip 2013.

17-18 Annual Teachers' Convention-No Classes
21     Career Day (All Day)
         Staff Meeting after school
23     Student Photo Retakes.
24-31 Octoberfest Activities
31     Halloween/Pumpkin Patrol


6      Remembrance Day Assembly
7-17 EURO 2013 Trip (Mr. Chisholm and Ms. Power supervising)
7      Parent Teacher Interviews (Evening)
8      Parent Teacher Interviews (Day)-No Classes
        Craft Fair Set Up
9      Craft Fair 9 a.m.-9 p.m.
10    Craft Fair 10 a.m.- 6 p.m.
11    Remembrance Day- No Classes
15    Report cards sent home

22    Collaborative Planning ( No Classes )

Grad Bios!
Grad bios for our grade 12 students are due on November 1st by midnight. This year the yearbook staff are only accepting grad bios via email. They will not be reading any bios submitted in paper format. All bios, a maximum of 800 characters (approx 160 words)  are to be submitted via

Baby Pictures
Baby pictures can be submitted by graduates to the yearbook. They are due on November 1st by 3:00pm and are to be dropped off in the box marked baby photos in the office. Baby photos must include the student's name and homeroom teacher written on the back. The yearbook staff will return all baby photos before the end of semester 1!
You must be wondering who this adorable girl is?  It's Josie,  my little one year old daughter.

Yearbook Begins this week!

Our yearbook club is beginning again next week and new members are always welcome! The club meets each Wednesday from 3:30-5pm in the 619 computer lab. The first yearbook meeting of the year will be next Wednesday, October 9th and the Editors and Teacher Advisers would love to see new members! If your son or daughter has any questions regarding yearbook they can see Ms. Rochelle Sullivan or Mrs. Tracy MacDonald! 

Internet Safety
Try and have a chat with your child this week about internet safety.  Cyberbullying is an ongoing problem in High Schools across PEI.   Role model with your child how to properly engage with a cyberbully to diffuse situations.  There was also concern last week from a TOSH parent who reviewed their child's Twitter account. Police were contacted and are involved.  We ask you to discuss/review with your child their own twitter/facebook/instagram/blogs, to ensure their privacy and safety is being respected.   Two great websites are and

Grandparents Group

Are you a grandparent with significant responsibilities for raising your grandkids?  Or just interested in learning more about your grandkids’ world is like?  Would you like the support, encouragement and understanding of other people in the same situation?  Would you like some help bridging the generation gap?
Then consider coming to Credit Union Place on Monday mornings.  We host a gathering which offers information, learning and support for all grandparents who are taking part in their grandchildren’s lives.  There are speakers as well as time to talk and get to know one another.  Sessions include topics of interest to the group.  Facilitators are Reverend Andrew Richardson, Pat Poirier, and community youth workers, Arlene MacInnis, and Pam MacKinnon.
There is no cost to this program, and tea and coffee will be provided.  For more info, please call East Prince Seniors Initiative at 888-2177.  We’d love to see you there!
Parliamentary Page Program
Eligible for full-time students pursuing their first undergraduate degree in one of the four National Capital Region universities (Carleton University, Saint-Paul University, University of Ottawa and Université du Québec en Outaouais)
The Senate Page Program offers an unparalleled opportunity to serve within the walls of Parliament.  Senate pages work under the direction of the Usher of the Black Rod and the immediate supervision of the Chief and the Deputy Chief Pages. Pages are hired for a one-year contract with the possibility of returning for a second and a third year.

Senate page responsibilities include collecting and distributing official documents; acting as a link for senators to their Hill offices; serving Senate officials in various capacities; and acting as messengers for the Speaker, senators and table officers. These young leaders are also active in other page activities, working on special projects such as promotion, alumni events and albums, and organizing a number of guest speakers and volunteer events throughout the year.
For more information, please see Mr. Faber MacDonald in the office or go to



Dalhousie Open House
Dalhousie University, Halifax,NS
Register by Oct. 15. Open House is Oct. 18th
Universite Sainte Anne (Church Point, NS)
Student Services
10:30 a.m. Oct. 23rd
TOSH Career Day
In the Gym: 7 – 8:30 p.m.
Open to parents and students (Students also visit the displays during the school day)
Oct. 21
McGill Open House
McGill University (Montreal, QC)
Oct. 27th
Queens University (Kingston,Ont.)
Pre-registration required in Student Services-11:30 in Lecture Theatre
Nov 4th
Mount Allison University (Sackville, NB)
Hall by Student Services-11:43
Nov. 5th
Dalhousie University (Halifax, NS)
Hall by Student Services-11:43
Nov. 25th
Memorial  University of NFLD
(St. John’s, NL)
Evening session. Pre-registration requested. Open to the public , as well- 6:30 p.m. start in the  Lecture Theatre
Nov. 28th

** Any parents/guardians willing to present an information session about their job during Career Day at TOSH is asked to contact Mr. Jim Donovan:


Gus Arsenault leads the cheers!
The PEISAA website ( contains some useful information for athletes and parents this year:  Standings for ALL senior and midget fall season leagues: Field Hockey, Soccer and Volleyball are on the website. Simply go to the PEISAA website, click on the sport you wish to check, click "Standings" and a PDF file will show updated standings in chart form with scores against each team played and point standing to date.

A special shout out to the Girls Volleyball Teams (both A and AAA), who are having an outstanding season !

Also follow the Three Oaks Athletic Department on Twitter for news, updates, schedules, results etc.  Username is @TOSHathletics. 


There are many Councils, groups, and clubs at Three Oaks that cater to a variety of student interests. I have listed some of these below along with the name of the Teacher Advisor(s) and where those staff are located in the school if your son/daughter wants to join or ask some questions:

*   Auto Club-Mike MacKinnon, Scott Harvey (CTEC-trades-building)
 Axe Outlet Bookstore-Sean MacDonald (114)
 Carpentry Club- Rob Corkum (CTEC)
*   Climate Crew-Kelly Power (621), Mark Gregory(111) (Open to Grade 10 in February)
 Chorale Ensemble-Shirley Anne Cameron (409)
 DJ Club-Forrest Lilly (307)
*   Dungeons and Dragons Club-Erin Peterson (CSLC room)
 EcoEthics-Rochelle Sullivan (420), Mike MacKinnon (CTEC)
 Envirothon Team-Chris Higginbotham (611), Heather Pringle (610)
*   GSA- Mrs. Sheridan (Student Services)
 Improv Group and Improv Team-Sandra Sheridan (Student Services), Rick Sparkes (109)
 Lunch Buddies-Fran Gillis (421)
 Reach for the Top-David Gallant (417)
 Texas Hold Em-Chris Higginbotham (611)
 The Oaks Newspaper-Barb Forbes(Library), Shannon Evans (617)
 People Helping People/Free the Children-Tammy Craig (407)
 Rotary Youth Parliament-Mike Trainor (306)
 Yearbook-Rochelle Sullivan (420)

 Activities-Dia Lynn Keough (609), Ashley Bell(613), Lyndon Oulton (309)
 Athletic-Joel Arsenault, Sue Thomson (GYM)
 Community Works-Tammy Craig (407), Erin Peterson (CSLC room-Library), Tracy MacDonald (406)
 Fundraising and Finance- Carrie Watters (612)
 Multi-Media- Shannon Evans (617)
 Music- Krista Carruthers (205)
*   Student Government- Mike Trainor (306)


The ELSB has asked that we provide winter school closure information to parents early. I guess you just never know! :) Please see the notice below: 



All school cancellations will be announced on local radio stations and posted on our websites by 7:00 A.M. If all schools are closed, it will be announced that all English language schools in the province are closed for the day. In some instances it may only be necessary to close an individual school or a “family of schools”. Partial school closures or delays will be announced by family of schools. 
NOTE:  The Three Oaks Family of Schools includes all our feeder schools:  Parkside Elementary, Elm Street Elementary, Greenfield Elementary, Athena Consolidated, Miscouche Consolidated, and Summerside Intermediate School.

If a decision on cancellation cannot be made by 7:00 A.M., a one hour delay will be announced whereby all schools and buses will operate one hour later than usual. A further announcement will be broadcast by 8:00 A.M.

In some instances, even in fine weather, buses may be delayed. Parents will be notified via radio broadcast that a bus will be delayed (i.e. Bus #97 is running 30 minutes later).

It may be necessary to close a school or a family of schools part way through a school day. Detailed announcements will be made on local radio stations and school board websites.

Parents who will not be at home when children arrive are responsible for making alternate arrangements for the care of their children on such days. Please notify the school of these changes as soon as possible.

Should Transportation Infrastructure Renewal and/or the RCMP recommend that school buses remain off Island roads, students may be required to remain at school beyond their normal dismissal time (unless picked  up by a parent or designate). Announcements will be made on local radio stations and school board websites.

1.     The final decision to attend school or to travel to school via school bus always rests with the parent.
2.     Please do not drop children off at school unless you are certain that school is operating that day and that staff are present to supervise the children.
3.     Please listen to the radio and check school board websites frequently between 6:30 and 8:00 A.M. daily to determine if schools are operating. Every effort will be made to have announcements broadcast by 7:00 A.M.
4.     Please do not call the school, school board office, or the radio stations for information on cancellations or delays. Such calls tie up telephone lines which may be needed for emergency use.

Students At Encounters This Week: none this week

This Weeks Challenge:
Bake/buy some delicious snacks and plan a games night with your family.  Whether that's playing 45's, Crib, Trivia Pursuit, or whatever might interest your family.  The greatest gift we can give our kids, is our time.

Quote of the Week: " Spread love wherever you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier"  Mother Teresa

Have a great week

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