Sunday, December 15, 2013

Nicole's Notes: Volume 16

Jerika gets in the Christmas Spirit!
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

As I predicted, we had an eventful week past at TOSH filled with lots of great moments! We had students represent our school at a Global Issues summit at UPEI, I had the pleasure of dressing up and attending a "wedding reception" of sorts in English 611 class, Mrs. Milton's WRT 421 students launched full tilt into the production of their PBL projects, we had CBC in to report on our "In Our Own Backyard" program, and it brought a smile to my face to see so many students and staff decked out in Green and Gold on Friday. We have an AWESOME school and it's nice to know that our school spirit is alive and well!

Cody working the table :)
The annual Christmas Classic was a huge success, and I would like to commend Joel Arsenault, Sue Thomson, and the Leadership 621 students for their excellent planning and organization of this event. The team from Prince Andrew High School in Dartmouth, NS took home the banner, but our TOSH Men's AAA team represented us well with their athletic skills and usual sportsmanship! Friday was "Green and Gold Day" and we dismissed classes at 2:15 p.m.  Our students had the choice to cheer our team on in their game against Amherst, enjoy the Coffee House entertainment in the caf, or take in a holiday movie in the Lecture Theatre. Below are some pictures to give you a sneak peek into the awesome school spirit we have going on at Three Oaks!

Face Painted Fan

Colin made a great Santa

Bruce sporting Green and Gold from head to toe

Aidan and James on defence for the Axemen

School support for our team

Travis supporting the canteen

Green and Gold smiles

Santa has this mistletoe thing figured out :)

Mitch rocking the Coffee House

PLEASE NOTE that because the tournament was a week earlier this year, we will be having a FULL DAY OF CLASSES ON DEC. 20! This is contrary to our traditional afternoon off to cheer on our team and participate in pre-holiday activities. We had some time to celebrate this past Friday, so it will be "business as usual" this coming Friday.


16       "Twas the Week Before Christmas" activities begin
18       Living Museum-HIS 521(BLOCK D)
19       Choral Ensemble Christmas Concert (with Fandango) at Summerside Christian Church- 7 p.m.
20       Last Full Day of Classes-Christmas Holidays! :)
           Mr. Faber MacDonald's Last Day :(

2         First Day of Classes for 2014
6         Presidents' Council Meeting-Noon in Conference Room with Ms Haire        
13       Parent Council Meeting-6:30 p.m.-TOSH Library (everyone welcome!)
16       PBL Night- 6:30 p.m.
24-28 CSLA Winter Board Meeting-Nicole Out
27      FINAL EXAMS-BLOCK A (9 AM)      
          Principals' Meeting-Nicole Out
31      Turn Around Day-No Classes


Final Exams for Semester 1 are scheduled for January 27-30, 2014. Attendance is mandatory unless permission has been granted from Administration and alternate arrangements made. If your son/daughter must miss one or more of his/her final exams for whatever reason, we ask that you contact Nicole Haire directly via e mail: phone: 888-8460.


Our Activities Council has partnered with some of the other Councils in the school to provide our students and staff with a week of celebration leading up to the holidays! None of the activities planned happen during instructional time and they will help keep things upbeat and interesting as we move toward a well earned break from the action. Here is the schedule of events, barring any interference from Mother Nature's snow storms!:

MON., DEC.16:  Wear a Santa or Christmas hat
                                                  Teacher Trivia in Homeroom
TUES., DEC. 17:  Wear an Ugly Christmas Sweater-judging on stage in the caf at noon
WED., DEC. 18:   BYOM (Bring Your Own Mug)-Hot chocolate and cookie decorating in the caf at noon (50 cents)
THURS., DEC.19: Wear Red and Green Day!
                               Ornament Hunt
                               Teacher vs Students Trivia-Lecture Theatre at noon
                               Cake Auction-on stage at noon
FRI., DEC. 20:      Pancake Breakfast-free to all beginning at 7:45 a.m. until bell time
                              Wear Jammies or Comfy Clothes
                              "Elf" movie-in the gym at noon

Last year, TOSH basketball team members sold Storm game tickets. This year, they are taking orders for Super Value Coupon booklets. These are full of "Buy 1, Get 1 Free" coupons and are $20 each. They make great stocking stuffers and the proceeds from sales go to support TOSH Athletics. For more information, go to: and all coupons are good from the time of sale until Dec. 31, 2014. Booklets can be purchased from TOSH basketball players or through Joel Arsenault in the Phys Ed office:

The TOSH Class of 2014 members are invited to attend a Grad Potluck and Christmas Activities event on December 18 beginning at 6 PM. There is no cost to attend, but everyone is asked to bring something for the potluck. Grads are also invited to wear their Christmas pajamas!

                                                             KRAFT DINNER COLLECTION!
MANY of our students enjoy going to our neighbours', the Summerside Presbyterian Church, to enjoy a free lunch on "KD Thursdays". Ms. Peterson and some of her students have decided to give something back to this program by collecting boxes of Kraft Dinner to donate. Students can bring their boxes of Kraft Dinner to the CSLC room in the library, or community members can drop their donations off in the Main Office.


Mrs. Milton's WRT 421 class has taken a Project Based Learning (PBL) approach to the Inquiry section of their course. We have partnered with UPEI Faculty of Education researchers who are interested to see how work in the area of digital literacy impacts students' overall literacy skills. The folks from Compass visited the school last week to report on their progress. Take a look!


Food items for our Breakfast Program and monetary donations toward that and/or our lunch program are always gratefully received in the Main Office. We were featured on Compass for this program, as well, last week. Lots of "positives" to report from Three Oaks!

Just sit through the commercial and then scroll to 20:35:

Justin giving a toast to Lord and Lady Macbeth

Jill got stuck at my reception table :)
To the members of the ENG 611class (pictured above) for doing such a marvelous job of their "Best Man/Maid of Honour" speeches...and for inviting me to the "wedding"! (Sorry I was "that guest" who forgot to bring a gift!!)
To the Leadership 621 students who helped plan and execute the Christmas Classic tournament! Great hospitality!
To the members of the Carpentry class (pictured above) who are working hard to complete the storage shed they built for us to share with the United Soccer program!

To the students who have volunteered to be tutors at the free after school program on Tuesdays and Thursdays and to those smart enough to come out to access this service a month before final exams! (Picture above)

To the students who represented our school at the Global Issues summit at UPEI last week!

To Millee McKay and Kaitlin Morrison who will be presenting their EURO 2013 trip experience to the Board of Trustees and Senior Team Members of the English Language School Board this coming week!

To the members of the Activities Council for leading the planning for the activities happening this coming week!

Challenge:  End each day this week by remembering one thing for which you are thankful. Bet they are the "little things" in your day!

Quote of the Week: "Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas."  ~Peg Bracken

On behalf of our staff, I would like to wish you and your family all kinds of joy this holiday. We hope that you will have lots of time to sit and enjoy the wonderful kids you share with us each week, and we look forward to welcoming them back to school on January 2!





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