Saturday, February 1, 2014

Nicole's Notes: Volume 19 (Feb.3, 2014)

Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!
Mitch "stylin'" AND staying warm! :)

Semester 1 Final Exams are now behind us, and our students can look forward to the fresh start that Semester 2 always offers. Please note the important information about course changes below. The deadline for those is this coming Friday! Report cards go home via our students on February 10, but all Semester 1 marks will be available on SAS this week. If you require a SAS login and password, please call Mr. Jason Gallant at 888-8460 or e mail him at:

The information session that Mr. Donovan plans to do around long term course selection planning with all our Grade 11 students has been postponed until February 11 and 14. This session will be repeated with our Grade 10's prior to the 2014-2015 course registration deadline.


The final date for Semester 2 course changes is:
Friday, February 7/14. It is important to note that some courses are already full, but we will do our best to accommodate students who wish to make adjustments to the their previously chosen courses. If your son/daughter is not successful in one or more of his/her Semester 1 courses, parents should be considering whether this fact necessitates an immediate change for Semester 2. GRADE 12 students should be especially diligent in making sure that they have all the necessary courses needed for graduation in their current schedule! Students requiring changes should fill out a course change sheet in the Main Office and will be seen by Mr. Jason Gallant (Main Office) or Mr. Jim Donovan (Students Services) before Friday.



3        Semester 2 Classes Begin-Day 1
          Presidents' Council Meeting at noon (with Ms Haire)
7/8     Annual Sweetheart Women's Basketball Tournament
10      Semester 1 Report Cards sent home to parents (via students!!)
          Parent Council Meeting
11/14 Transition Planning Presentation to Grade 11 Students-Mr. Donovan
17      Islander Day- No Classes
18-21 Winter Carnival Week-list of activities to follow

19       Sr. High Principals" Meeting-Nicole Out
21       30 Hour Famine (overnight event)
25      2014-2015 Course Description Handbooks out to students
26-27 Transition Planning Presentation to Grade 10 Students-Mr. Donovan

27       Principals' Meeting-Nicole Out
28       Collaborative Planning Day- No Classes

4        Band Days

          Course Registration for 2014-2015
7        School Effectiveness Day-No Classes
10      MADD Assembly
17-21 March Break-No Classes


UPEI Info Session (Pre-register in Student Services)- Feb. 13/14 @ 1 PM
St. Thomas On Site Waved Admission Fee (Student Services)- Feb.19/14
UNB On Site Waved Admission Fee (Student Services-15 min interviews)- Feb. 26/14
UNB Evening Info Session (Loyalist Inn)- Feb. 26/14 @ 7 PM


We are grateful to the people in our community who have brought in their generous donations to our "In Our Own Backyard" Breakfast and Lunch Program since the story was covered by Nancy MacPhee of the Journal Pioneer over a week ago. We are issuing tax receipts for all cash donations received, and anyone interested in helping feed a child in this way can make cheques payable to: WSB Educational Trust Fund. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts!!


One of our TOSH families has generously decided to share their creative talents with us and donate the beautiful plaques (pictured below) for a draw fundraiser. Tickets will be available in the Main Office here by mid-week and are selling for $2 each or 3 for $5. There are THREE prizes to be won and the draw will take place on Feb. 14/14. All proceeds from ticket sales will go directly to our TOSH Breakfast and Lunch programs. THANK YOU to the MacDonald's for helping in this way and I would encourage you to get in on this draw! Check out what you could win!!!
First Prize- $75 value

Second Prize (Family Name plus 3 first names)- $25 value

Three Oaks AAA Women's Annual Sweetheart Tournament
~Feb 7 and 8, 2014~

Friday Feb 07

5:00: Game #1 at Athena:                  Amherst vs Bluefield                

         Game #2 at Three Oaks:            James M Hill vs Ch’town Rural

7:00: Game #3 at Athena:                  Miramichi Valley vs Col Gray

         Game #4 at Three Oaks:            North Nova vs Three Oaks

Saturday Feb 08

9:00 am: Game #5 at Athena:             Loser of Game 1 vs Loser of Game 3

              Game #6 at Three Oaks        Loser of Game 2 vs Loser of Game 4

11:00 am: Game # 7 at Athena           Winner of Game 1 vs Winner of Game 3

                Game # 8 at Three Oaks     Winner of Game 2 vs Winner of Game 4

1:00 pm: Game #9 at Athena              Loser of Game 5 vs Loser of Game 6         (7th place)

              Game #10 at Three Oaks      Winner of Game 5 vs Winner of Game 6    (5th place)

3:00 pm: Game 11 at Athena              Loser of Game 7 vs Loser of Game 8          (3rd place)

              Game 12 at Three Oaks       Winner of Game 7 vs Winner of Game 8      (Ch’ship)


To the members of our Women's AAA Rubgy team (2013-14) who are pictured here showing their national
pride and support of TOSH Alumni/Olympian, Heather Moyse!: 

To Caitlin Gallant, Jill MacIntyre, Noah Richardson, and Bradley Murphy for being undefeated champs in 
Reach for the Top!

To our Men's AA basketball team members for making it to the final of their tournament this weekend! 
Great play again Rural2!

To the following AA Men's basketball team members who achieved Player of the Game status at the
tournament this weekend: Zack Mallett, Ben Smith, and Logan Comeau!

Challenge:  Sit with your son/daughter early this week and review what courses he/she is scheduled for.
If there is some question in your mind, please do not hesitate to contact any member of the Administration or
one of our Counsellors!

Quote of the Week:  "The beginning is the most important part of the work." -Plato

Your son/daughter's new teachers look forward to welcoming him/her back to school! Enjoy your week!


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