Sunday, March 30, 2014

Nicole's Notes: Volume 26 (March 31, 2014)

Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

Well, Old Man Winter sure has been packing quite a punch lately! Wow. As a result, I don't have a lot of "week in review" stories or pictures to share. We look forward to getting back to business on Wednesday morning with all hands on deck, ready to go. We plan to make the best use of the instructional time we do have as we move toward midterm Progress Report time (April 10).

April 3 (Evening) 
Parent Teacher interviews are scheduled for this Thursday evening, April 3. I will be sending an e mail push via SAS and updating the blog with more specific information following our staff meeting after school on Wednesday. The snow days have prevented us from getting our usual interview sheets out to parents, so parents will be asked to sign up for times on the sheets outside individual teacher's rooms when they arrive. Friday will be a regular instructional day for all ELSB schools.


3       Parent Teacher Interviews- Evening
4       Regular Classes-PT Interviews CANCELLED!

7-11  DELF Testing (Gr. 12 FI Students)
9       Financial Lunch and Learn #2 @ noon-Location TBA
         TOPIC: Credit/Credit Management with Steve Senter, Scotia Bank 

                        (Lunch supplied by Sobeys)
10     Report Cards sent home with students
14     Parent Council Meeting- 6:30 PM
16     Financial Lunch and Learn #3 @ noon in LT
         TOPIC: Personal Finance with Rudy Smith, PEI Mutual
18     Good Friday- No Classes
21     Easter Monday- No Classes

22-25 2nd Block D Assessment of School Literacy Goal
23    Financial Lunch and Learn #4 @ noon in LT
        TOPIC: Entrepreneurship with Bill Martin, Water Street Bakery

23-24 Band Trip
24    Principals' Meeting- Nicole Out
30    Financial Lunch and Learn #5
       TOPIC:  Insurance with Mike Bradley, Cooperators Insurance

Speakers from the financial community will be coming in to share their expertise for 30 minutes each day at noon in the Lecture Theatre beginning on April 1. See the "Upcoming Dates to Note" section for scheduled dates. Parents are always welcome to come in and learn, as well! Topics include: Saving and Investment, Personal Finances, Insurance, Credit and Credit Management (Loans, Credit Cards, etc.), and Entrepreneurship. 

TOSH Grade 10 student, Kendall Paugh, is currently competing in the CBC Searchlight (, a competition to find original songwriters across Canada. Kendal is currently battling for the #1 spot on PEI and, if successful, will move on to the national competition level. Please consider casting your vote for one of ours and let's help Kendall showcase her talent on the national stage! Just click on: and vote up to 10 times per day. Her song is entitled, "Sundown in Paris"!

TOSH will be represented again this year by a men's and women's team at the Annual Bluefield Friendship Hockey Tournament beginning on Wednesday, April 2. Schools earn fundraising dollars that are then donated to local charities when their fans attend games, so we encourage as many as who can to come out and cheer our players on!

There are 8 men's teams and 6 women's teams and our TOSH team scheduled games are as follows:

Wed., April 2- 6 PM @ Community Gardens, K'ton vs KISH
Fri., April 4-7:30 PM @ Credit Union Place, S'side vs KRHS
Sat., April 5- 10 AM @ Credit Union Place, S'sde vs Westisle

Fri., April 4- 6 PM @ Credit Union Place, S'side vs KRHS
Sat., April 5- 9 AM @ Community Gardens, K'ton vs Westisle

PLAYOFFS-Saturday, April 5:
Women's Semi-Finals:  3 East vs 3 West-11AM
                                       2 East vs 2 West- 12:30pm
                                           (@Community Gardens, K'ton)

Women's Final: RINK A- 6:15 PM
                                           (@CARI Centre, Ch'town)
Men's Final: RINK A-8:45 PM
                                           (@CARI Centre, Ch'town)


To our TOSH Provincial Skills Canada Medalists who were honoured last week!:
Chris Gallant- GOLD (Aerospace Essentials)
Cody Cole- GOLD (Auto Service)
Bloyce Walfield- GOLD (Welding)
Jordan MacLean- GOLD (Workplace Safety)
Isaiah Martin- SILVER (Aerospace Essentials)

Congratulations to our trades students from KISH and KRHS, as well!:
Matthew Arsenault (KISH)- SILVER (Outdoor Powered Equipment)
Branson Mayne (KRHS)- BRONZE (Auto Service)

To James Dalton who skipped his team to become the provincial U-21 Mixed Curling Champions for 2014 last weekend!

To Maria Dalton for being selected to represent our school and province at the National Student Symposium in Toronto April 23-24!

Challenge:  Check your e mail Monday for further information about Parent Teacher Interviews this week!

Quote of the Week: "The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another. The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month."~Henry Van Dyke

Have a wonderful week!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Nicole's Notes: Volume 25 (March 24, 2014)

Calvin Sullivan MacPhail
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

I hope that everyone enjoyed a restful March Break, whether you traveled away or decided to stay put. It is always great to have that gift of time, regardless, and I hope that our staff and students will return to school on Monday renewed and ready to ride the quick wave to the end of this school year. Please take some time to note the "Upcoming Dates" below and be sure to mark "Parent Teacher Interviews" on your family's calendar. If you do not receive an appointment form delivered home by your son/daughter by the end of this week, simply call the school to book an appointment.

Baby Calvin (pictured above), son of Rochelle Sullivan and her husband Brandon, visited us the week before March Break. He was pretty easy to get along with!! We also extend sincere congratulations to our former staff member, EA Jeff Richard, on the birth of his baby girl, Gracelyn, this past week.

We recently activated the automatic e mail notification option on SAS, which means that if we have your e mail address stored on SAS, you will be receiving an e mail notification each time that new information is added to your son/daughter's SAS screen (attendance and marks). This has proven to be very useful to parents/guardians in other schools, and we hope it will increase our school community's usage of SAS as an information sharing tool re: student progress. We will send a separate e mail indicating what you can do if you do NOT wish to receive these automatic notifications.



24-28 Mr. Jason Gallant Out
28    30 Hour Famine Overnight Event (must be pre-registered)
29    Music Council presents: "Coffee House in a Coffee House" at Samuel's (11 a.m.- 1 p.m.)
31    Presidents' Council Meeting-@ noon in the Conference Room with Ms. HaireApril:
1 - " Financial Lunch and Learn", Session #1: Wealth Advisement (12 noon in LT)
3      Parent Teacher Interviews (Evening)
4      Parent Teacher Interviews (Day-No Classes)

        Parent Council Meeting- 6:30 PM TOSH Library
7-11 DELF Testing (Grade 12 FI Students)

9      "Financial Lunch and Learn", Session #2: Credit/Credit Management (12 noon, location TBA)
16    "Financial Lunch and Learn", Session #3: Personal Finance (12 noon in LT)
18    Good Friday-No Classes
21    Easter Monday-No Classes

23    "Financial Lunch and Learn", Session #4: Entrepreneurship (12 noon in LT)
24    Principals' Meeting-Nicole Out

30    "Financial Lunch and Learn", Session #5: Insurance (12 noon in LT)


I stopped in to visit Mrs. Tammy Craig's Grade 10 Math class the week before the Break. It was great to see the learning goal for that class prominently displayed at the top of each slide in her teaching presentation (See above). This is a great example of our School Effectiveness goal in action!

Mrs. Craig also used the formative assessment (practice) her students had done to help inform her homework assignment (See above). Students were assigned homework problems based on whether they were "Not Quite Getting" the concept, "Getting There", or were "Pretty Sure They Had It!" Great evidence of a teacher using formative assessment to drive instruction decisions! Plus, the group I participated in kicked those conversion problems to the curb! :)

Ashley, Jessica and Bronwyn present the cheque

A big shout out to the Climate Crew/SADD members and their teacher advisor, Mrs. Kelly Power, who organized an awesome awareness assembly on Wednesday before the Break. The video we watched was a powerful reminder about the devastating effects of drinking and driving, and we were grateful to Gloria McNeill for accepting our school's donation to our local chapter of MADD.

Kyle in search of a fork!

Mr. Oulton proved himself to be a master auctioneer last Friday when the TOSH GSA (Gender and Sexuality Alliance) group held its cake auction fundraiser on stage at noon in the cafeteria. Monies raised will go toward the inaugural PEI GSA conference that is planned for May at TOSH. The focus of that conference will be finding ways to support sexual minority youth in Island schools, and how we can better promote inclusion for all in our school communities and in society.


TOSH was pleased to host the Light Garden cross-curricular in service held by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development for Agriscience and Culinary teachers from Island high schools on the Tuesday before the Break. Herbs grown in the light gardens by Agriscience students will be used in recipes created by their peers taking the Culinary course. Thanks to the folks from the Culinary Institute who came in to help (pictured below with Ms. Michelle Silliker). The lunch was AMAZING!!!
Light Garden waiting for plants!

Ms. Silliker hosting a Dept. in service in her first week as TOSH Culinary teacher! :)

Mrs. Ashley Bell's Grade 10 English class is currently involved in a pilot project with Mrs. Kendra MacLaren, former TOSH teacher and now Language Arts Specialist with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. Last Friday, Mrs. MacLaren was filmed presenting a Reading Workshop to Mrs. Bell's students. The presentation can then be viewed on line by teachers wishing to use this strategy in their own Language Arts classrooms. Our students were great participants and added a lot of value to this important professional development opportunity for teachers. Mrs. MacLaren co-teaches with Mrs. Bell Tuesday-Thursday in her morning ENG 421 class this semester.

Speakers from the financial community will be coming in to share their expertise for 30 minutes each day at noon in the Lecture Theatre beginning on April 1. See the "Upcoming Dates to Note" section for scheduled dates. Parents are always welcome to come in and learn, as well! Topics include: Saving and Investment, Personal Finances, Insurance, Credit and Credit Management (Loans, Credit Cards, etc.), and Entrepreneurship. Check the blog each week for information about the featured speaker and topic!

The day is always brighter when your glasses sparkle! :)


To the students who acted as "Greeters" for the teachers coming for their in service on Tuesday: Ashley Cameron, Jessica Campbell, Jessie MacFarlane, Bronwyn Bridges, Kristyn Reeves, Justin MacEachern, Colin Loerick, Logan Maddix, and Millee McKay.

To Cameron Gillis, Christopher MacDonald, Ivy Walfield, Allison MacKay, and Kristen Mann for their excellent contributions during filming in their ENG 421 class on Friday!

To the TOSH members of the Kensington Wild Major Midget hockey team who will represent PEI at the Atlantic Major Midget AAA Championships April 3-6 in Pictou County, NS: Austin Taylor, Dylan Wall, Max Morrison, and Lucas Beaulieu!

Challenge:  Check your son/daughter's SAS screen to see how he/she is doing in his/her courses to date. That will help inform you as you decide which teachers you need to see during Parent Teacher Interviews.

Quote of the Week: "No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn."~ Hal Borland
(Here's hoping!! :) )

Have a wonderful first week back!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Nicole's Notes: Volume 24 (March 10, 2014)

Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians! 
Outcomes Made Clear in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

It is nice to be facing a five day week of learning ahead! We had a great School Effectiveness Day on Friday which focused time on our two school goals for this school year:

1.  School Effectiveness Goal- Our teachers have agreed to make the learning goals for each lesson clear to students every day by posting them on the whiteboard, on the slide show they are using, etc. so that every student will be able to answer the question: "What are you learning?" Research has shown that this has a significant, positive impact on student achievement. I visited Mrs. Bell's classroom on Friday and took a picture of the course outcomes she has posted at the front of her room (see above). The classroom work is clearly linked to these outcomes each day so that students will know why they are learning the material and how they will be assessed on it. This is just one example of the awesome work our staff is doing each day to set our students up for academic success!

2.  School Literacy Goal- Our data from the provincial Grade 9 common assessment (2013) and our own school common assessment given to our current Grade 11 and 12 students when they were in Grade 10 (2011 and 2012) suggests that our students need practice in Expository writing: writing to explain something or to support an argument or position. This skill applies to every course in our school and will be needed by our students after they leave high school. Our Block D teachers have already done a small assessment with their classes to see at what level students are achieving right now in three areas: Ideas, Organization, and Vocabulary. We will be using strategies in every Block D course at least this semester to see if we can help students improve their writing skills in these three areas. Two more small assessments will be done in April and May to monitor our students' progress in expository writing.

WELCOME to Mrs. Suba Aiyer who will be teaching SCI 431AR for the remainder of this semester while Mrs. Jennifer Halupa is out on maternity leave. We wish Mrs. Halupa all the best and look forward to meeting the newest member of our TOSH family very soon! Mrs. Aiyer comes to us with a Master of Science degree in Physics and several years of teaching experience here on the Island and in India. She is excited to be joining our staff and is looking forward to sharing her passion for math and science with our students!

WELCOME to Ms. Heather Doucette who is joining our staff as an Itinerant Educational Assistant in the afternoons!

WELCOME to Ms. Kayla Paynter who is starting her student teaching placement from UPEI in Phys Ed and Family Living 621 with Mrs. Thomson on Monday!

Daniel McKenna
Three Oaks has a strong tradition of students leaving our graduation stage to go on to do awesome things in the world! It is always wonderful to have visits with, or hear about the accomplishments of, these former students. As our current students make their course selections for next year, they might be inspired by the paths taken by some of those who roamed the Three Oaks halls before them! Here are a few who popped up recently:

Daniel McKenna (Class of 2008) stopped in on Friday to celebrate the news that he will be accepting his first teaching position in a middle school in Saskatoon, SK this fall. Daniel is currently finishing his BEd at St FX and was Student Union President of Mount St. Vincent University during his undergraduate years. He trained for that position by serving as TOSH Student Council President 2007-2008! 

Brett Montgomery

Brett Montgomery (Class of 2011) is the newest member of the Summerside Police force. He completed his studies with the Holland College Police Academy this year and has been hard at work ever since! On Thursday night, I was pleasantly surprised when he arrived to offer his security presence at our school dance. Brett was a Spirit Leader when we hosted CSLC 2008 and a Peer Helper. When I asked him what the best part of his current job is, he answered, "Just having the chance to talk to people and to help them." I felt very safe when he walked me to my car at the end of the night! :-)

Ryan McKenna
Ryan McKenna (Class of 2011) is studying Journalism at Ryerson Univerity in Toronto, Ont. This week, he has the privilege of covering the events at the Paralympic Games taking place in Sochi, primarily sledge hockey. Ryan had a passion for broadcasting when he was a student at TOSH. He was often heard calling the basketball tournament games in our gym and was one of the student "hosts" for CSLC 2008, lending his talents in French. In fact, we nicknamed him "Ry the French Guy" for that event! :-) 

Lauren, Daniel and Ryan Keefe
The Keefe's

Lauren Keefe and her younger twin brothers, Daniel and Ryan, were very involved in student leadership during their years at TOSH. All three attended a CSLC away and Ryan was Student Council President while Daniel served on the executive as Student Council Treasurer. Ryan completed his Business degree at UPEI and has had a successful career to date with DVA; Lauren recently graduated with her Bachelor of Law and Master of Business degrees from UNB; and Daniel just heard that he will be going to the University of Ottawa to continue his medical study in the area of Urology. I guess attending Math Camp in high school really helps a person get ahead in the world after all! ;-)

Heather and Kaillie Humphries
Heather Moyse (Class of 1996)
We are very proud of TOSH alumni, Heather Moyse, for achieving her SECOND Gold medal in the two man bobsleigh event at the Olympics held in Sochi, Russia last month! Heather has achieved a great deal, both academically and athletically, since she was a student here (, and we are brainstorming ways that we might be able to celebrate her accomplishments in a significant way here at school. Stay tuned!


It's that time of year again! All current Grade 10 and 11 TOSH students received a copy of the Course Selection Handbook for 2014-2015 from homeroom teachers and a course registration form to complete with help from their parents/guardians. Mr. Jason Gallant and Mr. Jim Donovan will be speaking with every homeroom individually between now and March 14 to go over a few key "look fors" and answer any questions students may have as they choose their courses for next year. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT STUDENTS CHOOSE THEIR NEXT YEAR'S COURSES CAREFULLY in order to avoid disappointment later. Here are some things for parents to consider as they help their son/daughter make these important academic decisions:

1.  Students should be choosing courses that truly reflect their academic ability vs their work ethic. We want all our students working to full potential so that they will have the maximum number of options available to them after graduation. Please encourage your son/daughter to take courses at the highest academic "level" possible for him/her. They will thank you later!

2.  Grade 12 students planning to attend university need AT LEAST 5 "621" level courses on their transcript at graduation time. Please note that not all "621" courses (i.e. FAM 621) are necessarily accepted by every university. It is important to know entrance requirements for the specific university and program your son/daughter wishes to attend. Choosing a rigorous Grade 12 program will help keep options open later on.

3.  Please read the section about Math courses CAREFULLY! There are two "streams" after Grade 10: "Arts" Math (521A and 621A) and "Science" or "Enriched" Math (521B, 621B and 611). A student can not take MAT 521A and 521B and receive two credits because the curriculum outcomes are too similar, so please only choose ONE of these. Also, MAT 521E should NOT be taken with MAT 521A or MAT 621A. Again, only one credit can be granted due to similarities in curriculum! MAT 521E is an elective credit meant for students in the "Science Math" stream.

4.  Students in Grade 12 are only allowed to choose one Study Period in their Grade 12 year.

5.  "Full Time Status" means a student is registered in at least 7/8 courses in a school year.

If you have any questions about your son/daughter's course selection, please do not hesitate to call Student Services (Mr. Donovan) or the Main Office (Mr. Gallant) to ask! The Homeroom Teachers will be helping students complete their registration forms, as well.



10     MADD Assembly
         Parent Council Meeting- 6:30 p.m. in Library
17-21 March Break-No Classes

3      Parent Teacher Interviews (Evening)
4      Parent Teacher Interviews (Day-No Classes)
7-11 DELF Testing (Grade 12 FI Students)
18    Good Friday-No Classes
21    Easter Monday-No Classes
24    Principals' Meeting-Nicole Out


Our Climate Crew is hosting a multimedia assembly Monday afternoon that is sponsored by MADD Canada. The Crew will be making a donation at the end of this assembly to our local chapter of MADD which will be represented by Gloria McNeill, a local mother who lost her son, Adam, when he was killed by an impaired driver. This assembly will kick off our Safe Driving Awareness Campaign week.

Safety First!!
Our students had the opportunity on Thursday at noon to experience how severely their judgement and perceptive abilities will be impaired if they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol and then try to drive. RCMP officer Guy brought in goggles that simulated this experience and the students who tried them on were asked to "walk a straight line" in the skylight. Not too many were successful doing that!! This awareness campaign will also shine a light on the number of people who text or use cell phones while driving. Statistics show that this can impair a driver as much as being under the influence!
Jessica wondering why that line keeps moving?!

There is a strong connection between good attendance at school and a student's academic success. Even an "excused" absence means 73 minutes of instructional time missed. If those start adding up, it can cause a lot of stress for the student who may find him/herself falling quickly behind.

If your son/daughter has to miss school for whatever reason, please inform us in the office by phone or submitted note and ask your child to touch base with his/her teachers to see where missed work can be located. This could mean accessing assignments on SAS or a teacher's course blog, asking for available handouts, and/or getting notes from a classmate. Many teachers offer extra help classes for all students, so that option is there for students who have missed time and want to come and ask questions.

Please be aware that the teachers of students who have to miss extended periods of class time for whatever reason may not have course materials on hand in advance. I have asked our teachers to provide what they have available when asked, and then inform students about what topics will be covered during the absence as well as how to go about staying on top of things/catching up. Teachers can not be expected to reteach material that was missed, but they will certainly answer any questions students may bring up in help class. If students are missing a lot of time due to chronic illness, please contact one of our Counsellors in Student Services to ask about the possibility of tutoring support.

We will be generating letters home to parents/guardians at 4 and 8 absences just to keep the lines of communication open. We are also going to activate an automatic e mail "push" on SAS that will send you an e mail each time that attendance and/or marks have been entered for your son/daughter on SAS. Our current data indicates that only 28% of our parents have logged into SAS since January, which means that this communication tool we thought was connecting our parents and teachers around student progress is not a successful one at the moment. If you do not wish to receive these SAS e mail notifications, please e mail Mr. Jason Gallant at and let him know.

We will be discussing strategies for improving student attendance (including the number of students arriving late for class) at the school and Board level in the very near future, and I will keep you updated on the progress of that.

Thank you to Kelly Drummond for taking the lead on organizing five lunchtime sessions on Wednesdays during the month of April centered around financial topics that our students could benefit from knowing more about. Speakers from the community will be coming in to share their expertise for 30 minutes each day at noon in the Lecture Theatre, and parents are always welcome to come in and learn, as well. The topics include: Saving and Investment, Personal Finances, Insurance, Credit and Credit Management (Loans, Credit Cards, etc.), and Taxes (Income Tax, etc.). There will be more specific information to come!

Our school will be hosting approx. 30 Agriscience 801 (Crops and Soil) and Culinary 801 teachers from across the Island on Tuesday, March 11 for a Department of Education in service pertaining to the Light Garden Project that will be happening as part of these courses next year. Our Culinary teacher, Rochelle Sullivan, had a leadership role to play in getting this project going, and it will see every high school equipped with a light garden in which the AGS 801 students can grow herbs that will then be used in recipes by the CUL 801 students. Partners from the Culinary Institute and agriculture sector will also be in the school on Tuesday to share their expertise with Island teachers.


Grade 12 students who are considering attending UPEI next year are invited to attend classes there during our March Break (Tuesday, March 18 and Wednesday, March 19). Lunch and tours of the campus are included, and there are a limited number of spaces available. Interested students are asked to e mail BY THIS THURSDAY to register!

Mrs. Bryson takes a "selfie" during Band Days on Wednesday! :)

To the members of our TOSH Band program (some pictured above) who represented us so well at the

provincial Band Days in Charlottetown last week!

To the TOSH members of the AAA Midget minor hockey team (pictured above) for their strong showing this year! Members are: Rourke Perry, Brady Albert, Owen Arsenault, Jessie MacFarlane, Logan Vander Velden, Kolton Stright, Kirk Arsenault, Chasse Gallant, Spencer Groom, Brett Arsenault, Dan Fingler, Jorgen Strom, Blake Arsenault, Ryan Campbell, Cody Deighan, Cameron Gillis, and Koby Bridges.

To our students who placed in the Skills Canada competition last week:
Cody Cole- Automotive
Jordan MacLean- Workplace Safety
Bloyce Walfield- Welding

Isaiah Martin- Aerospace Essentials
Chris Gallant- Aerospace Essentials
Congratulations to Branson Mayne from KRHS who placed in Auto Service and Matthew Arsenault from KISH who placed in Outdoor Powered Equipment. They are taught their trades by our TOSH instructors, so we celebrate their success in this competition as well!

To the members of our Men's Track and Field team who have been invited represent our province at the Nike High School Grand Prix Track and Field Invitational in May: Jack Fingler, Jordan Gallant, Jessie MacFarlane, Alex MacFadyen, Nick Meade, Daniel Meister, Ryan Merrett, Matthew Tanton, Austin Taylor, Brittan Turner and Brolin Turner!

To Jillian MacIntyre for being chosen by the Free the Children organization from students across Canada to participate in a humanitarian build in Kenya, Africa for three weeks this summer!

To Jacob Brown for being awarded a spot on the "Sub Zero Winter Expedition" to Labrador over March Break where he will be working with a small group of Canadian Cadets. Bring a warm jacket, Jake!!

To the members of our Women's AAA Basketball team for winning the Silver medal at provincials!: Jessica Gillis, Tiffany Cameron, Tara Campbell, Taylor McAulay, Julie Campbell, Charlotte Thompson, Carrie McGuire, Laura O'Neill, Ashley Simmons, Julie Woods, and Erica Raynor.

To the members of our Men's AAA Basketball team for winning the Bronze medal at provincials!: Tanner Mendoza, James Meek, Chris Richard, Colin MacKay, Mateo Gomez, Ty Wright, Max Hammer, Matthew Arsenault, Jordan Black, Aidan Smith, Matthew Tanton, and Jayden MacLean.

To the members of our Men's AA Basketball team for winning the Bronze medal at provincials!: Logan O'Brien, Hogan Arsenault, Jacob Majcan, Riley DesRoches, Colton Wadman, Logan Comeau, Braden Toombs, Mitchel Henderson, Devon Geary, Ben Smith, Zack Mallett, and Cyler Vos.

To the following students who received Student of the Week nominations recently!:

Jerika Slaunwhite:  For lending an extra hand in Mrs. Peterson's room and Mrs. Gillis' room. Also for washing the dishes in Mrs. Peterson's room!  :-)

Chelsey Wilson:For turning in a lost phone! 

Tanner Mendoza: For handing in lost money and for a great job on Pink Shirt Day!
Jasmine Geary: For handing in lost items!
Seabille Bergeron-Dawe: For handing in lost items!
Caitlin Gallant: For getting the highest mark on her biology test! 
Brittany McLellan: For getting the highest mark on her biology test! 
Cameron "Cam Cam 16" Gillis: Great start to the semester in Design Technology!

Logan Arsenault: Great skill development in Design Technology! 

Huai Yu Chang: Great dedication to learning in Design Technology!

Jedd Moore: Excellent skills thus far in Design Technology!

Jamie Doyle: Great start on first test in Math!

Katie Geary: Good effort and result in math test marks!

Kendra Perry: Great Math test score!

Keisha Poirier: Great Math test score on Test #1!

Jade Vidito: Practice makes perfect in Math! Great start!

Matthew Gardiner: Excellent score on Math Test #1!

Brandon MacIsaac: Great start in the semester in Math!

Bloyce Walfield: Huge effort in Math class each day!

Mackenzie Arsenault: Great start to the semester in Math!

Kiera-Lee Noye: Great result on Math Test #1

Tyler Strongman: Super effort in English!

Emma Paynter: For being a keener in Computer class!

Dylan Hutchinson: For helping people debug their code in Computer class!

Sara Compton: For receiving 100% on her first two English assignments and for working consistently well all semester!

Challenge:  Review your son/daughter's course selection form, sign it to show that you agree with the choices, and ask him/her to return it to the homeroom teacher by Friday, please!

Quote of the Week: "Take a rest; A field that has rested gives a bountiful crop."~ Ovid

Have a wonderful, restful March Break!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Nicole's Notes: Volume 23 (March 3, 2014)

Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians! 
Gotta love 8 a.m. rehearsals!

Monday again and February is in the books. Wow! Strap on your seat belts, because Semester 2 is generally a pretty speedy ride! There is a lot of good work and learning to be done before June, so we encourage all our students to attend all classes and complete all assignments on time. There is definitely a direct connection between those two things and academic success! If your son/daughter is doing both these things and still finding a class too difficult, please encourage him/her to ask for help sooner rather than later!

Our staff participated in a Collaborative Learning Day on Friday that saw people working in small learning groups with colleagues from all over the Island. This was a continuation from the work these groups did during the Collaborative Team Day in November, and the feedback from staff has been very positive. This is a new professional development experience for those of us in the former "West", but it has allowed staff to identify what their personal professional development needs are, and then seek out folks who are willing to journey with them in the pursuit of that. We will be participating in a School Effectiveness Day this coming Friday, as well, prepared by our TOSH School Effectiveness Committee, consisting of our two Department Heads, Sarah Jane Barrett and David Ramsay, as well as Beth Peters and myself. We look forward to the important learning it will provide for our TOSH staff and I will report back to you about that day in next week's post. Please know that it is time well spent collecting more "teaching tools" we can use as we strive to meet the needs of all our student learners.

CONGRATULATIONS are extended to Rochelle Sullivan and her husband on the safe arrival of their new baby boy, Calvin, last week! We can't wait to meet him!!

THANK YOU to all parents and guardians who contributed food items to the Parent Council Staff Potluck last week and for all the treats the week before! We very much appreciated being "loved up" in this way, and you brought a lot of smiles to our faces. Thank you!


It's that time of year again! All current Grade 10 and 11 TOSH students should have received a copy of the Course Selection Handbook for 2014-2015 from homeroom teachers last week. Mr. Jason Gallant and Mr. Jim Donovan will be speaking with every homeroom individually between March 4-14 to go over a few key "look fors" and answer any questions students may have as they choose their courses for next year. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT STUDENTS CHOOSE THEIR NEXT YEAR'S COURSES CAREFULLY in order to avoid disappointment later. Here are some things for parents to consider as they help their son/daughter make these important academic decisions:

1.  Students should be choosing courses that truly reflect their academic ability vs their work ethic. We want all our students working to full potential so that they will have the maximum number of options available to them after graduation. Please encourage your son/daughter to take courses at the highest academic "level" possible for him/her. They will thank you later!

2.  Grade 12 students planning to attend university need AT LEAST 5 "621" level courses on their transcript at graduation time. Please note that not all "621" courses (i.e. FAM 621) are necessarily accepted by every university. It is important to know entrance requirements for the specific university and program your son/daughter wishes to attend. Choosing a rigorous Grade 12 program will help keep options open later on.

4.  Please read the section about Math courses CAREFULLY! There are two "streams" after Grade 10: "Arts" Math (521A and 621A) and "Science" or "Enriched" Math (521B, 621B and 611). A student can not take MAT 521A and 521B and receive two credits because the curriculum outcomes are too similar, so please only choose ONE of these. Also, MAT 521E should not be taken with MAT 521A. It is an elective credit meant for students in the "Science Math" stream.

5.  Students in Grade 12 are only allowed to choose one Study Period in their Grade 12 year.

6.  "Full Time Status" means a student is registered in at least 7/8 courses in a school year.

If you have any questions about your son/daughter's course selection, please do not hesitate to call Student Services (Mr. Donovan) or the Main Office (Mr. Gallant) to ask! The Homeroom Teachers will be helping students complete their registration forms, as well.

We have been hosting tours at school for the Grade 9 students from our feeder schools these past few weeks, give or take a few snow days! A huge thank you goes out to Mrs. Sheridan and her awesome crew of TOSH Tour Guides for organizing and facilitating this first "welcome" to our Class of 2017! Please help spread the word that there will be an important meeting at Three Oaks on Tuesday, March 4 from 7-8 p.m. for the parents of current Grade 9 students. We will be reviewing the registration process, and parents will have the opportunity to ask questions of teachers in the following areas: English, Math, Social Studies, Science, Trades, Fine Arts, and French Immersion. There will also be the option to take a tour of the school at the end of the evening if they wish.



4       Course Registration for 2014-2015 Begins (due March 14)
5       Band Days 

         Principals' Association Meeting-Nicole Out      
7       School Effectiveness Day-No Classes
10     MADD Assembly

         Parent Council Meeting- 6:30 p.m. in Library
17-21 March Break-No Classes

3      Parent Teacher Interviews (Evening)
4      Parent Teacher Interviews (Day-No Classes)
7-11 DELF Testing (Grade 12 FI Students)
18    Good Friday-No Classes
21    Easter Monday-No Classes
24    Principals' Meeting-Nicole Out

Vanora rocks pink head to toe!


THANK YOU to all students and staff  who showed their support for the positive treatment of others during "Pink Shirt Day" last week. In 2007, David Shepherd, Travis Price and a couple of their friends wore pink shirts to their school in Nova Scotia as a show of support for a Grade 9 boy who had been bullied simply for wearing a pink shirt. Our Climate Crew took the lead in our school's support of this national initiative and our Crew Chiefs spoke very well to a PEI government film crew about why "Pink Shirt Day" needs to be EVERY DAY!:  Enjoy some pictures from Wednesday!
Not Mr. Oulton's shirt...can you tell?!

Saw Aidan's shirt when I visited his class and just had to take a pic! :)

Pink "fry line"!

Mitch and his boys!

Pink head bands ROCK!

Pink Shirt Day smiles


Pledge Banner #climatecrew

Jason representing!


Our four TOSH basketball teams are finishing good seasons with some still playing for provincial medals this coming week. All games take place at the Holland College Gym in Ch'town. Here are the standings as of Sunday evening:

AAA Men: Defeated Bluefield in the quarter final and then lost to Rural in the semi-final game. They play for Bronze TUESDAY @ 4 PM.
AAA Women: Defeated Rural in the semi-final game and play for Gold (for the 3rd season in a row) against Colonel Gray on TUESDAY @ 6 PM.
**There will be a Fan Bus leaving TOSH at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday. Cost TBA. Permission forms are available in the Phys Ed Office.** 
AA Men: Defeated Montague in the quarter final and then lost to KISH in the semi-final game. They play for Bronze on MONDAY @ 4 PM.
AA Women: Lost their quarter final game against Souris. Their season ended last Tuesday.

AAA Men: Tanner Mendoza and James Meek
AAA Women: Julie Campbell, Jessica Gillis, Charlotte Thompson, and Ashley Simmons
AA Men: Colton Wadman and Zach Mallett
AA Women:  Rebecca Parnham

Charlie keeping us all "patched"!


To Charlie Steele (pictured above) for the awesome, DAILY work he does keeping our TOSH Tube (in house tv's) current and interesting!

To Justin MacEachern, Brandon Worth, Kaitlyn Taylor, Maria Dalton, Rebecca Drummond, and Page Gallant (pictured above) for representing TOSH at the Learning Partner Review on National Student Dialogue on Canada's Education System last Wednesday! 45 students took part from several Island high schools, UPEI and Holland College. 

To Colton Profitt and Millee McKay (pictured above) who are representing TOSH this week at the Forum for Young Canadians in Ottawa, Ontario!

To Rachel Barry for representing us at the Forum for Young Canadians last week!

To Brandon Costain for representing our school at Encounters with Canada in Ottawa this coming week!

To Vicki Gallant for taking the time to make fudge for our teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week!

To Hannah Taylor for being nominated as Sport PEI's Junior Female Athlete of the Year!

To our TOSH basketball players who have been recognized as Provincial All-Stars for the 2013-14 season:
AAA Men: Tanner Mendoza and James Meek
AAA Women: Julie Campbell, Jessica Gillis, Charlotte Thompson, and Ashley Simmons
AA Men: Colton Wadman and Zach Mallett
AA Women:  Rebecca Parnham

To the following students who are participating in the Skills Canada competition at Holland College this week:
Auto Service- Scott Richard, Cody Cole
Workplace Safety- Jordan MacLean
Welding- Bloyce Walfield, Travis Glover
Aerospace Essential- Christopher Gallant
Carpentry- Jake Cormier, Russell DesRoches

To the following students who helped run Welcome Tours for our incoming Grade 9's these past couple of weeks:
Scott Richard
Bloyce Walfield
Ashley White
Jake Cormier
Bruce Ramsay
Millee McKay
Shalynn Buss
Brittan Turner
Maggie Finkle-Aucoin
Bronwyn Bridges
Nicole Gallant
Kelsey McIsaac
Breann Hastings
Jill MacIntyre
Justin MacEachern
Logan Maddix 

Anthony Chaisson

Challenge:  Ask to see your son/daughter's Course Selection Handbook and have some good conversation about what courses he/she would like to schedule for the next school year. Help him/her make a course plan that ends in graduation!

Quote of the Week: "Start with the end in mind."~ Stephen R. Covey

Have a wonderful week!