Friday, March 21, 2014

Nicole's Notes: Volume 25 (March 24, 2014)

Calvin Sullivan MacPhail
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

I hope that everyone enjoyed a restful March Break, whether you traveled away or decided to stay put. It is always great to have that gift of time, regardless, and I hope that our staff and students will return to school on Monday renewed and ready to ride the quick wave to the end of this school year. Please take some time to note the "Upcoming Dates" below and be sure to mark "Parent Teacher Interviews" on your family's calendar. If you do not receive an appointment form delivered home by your son/daughter by the end of this week, simply call the school to book an appointment.

Baby Calvin (pictured above), son of Rochelle Sullivan and her husband Brandon, visited us the week before March Break. He was pretty easy to get along with!! We also extend sincere congratulations to our former staff member, EA Jeff Richard, on the birth of his baby girl, Gracelyn, this past week.

We recently activated the automatic e mail notification option on SAS, which means that if we have your e mail address stored on SAS, you will be receiving an e mail notification each time that new information is added to your son/daughter's SAS screen (attendance and marks). This has proven to be very useful to parents/guardians in other schools, and we hope it will increase our school community's usage of SAS as an information sharing tool re: student progress. We will send a separate e mail indicating what you can do if you do NOT wish to receive these automatic notifications.



24-28 Mr. Jason Gallant Out
28    30 Hour Famine Overnight Event (must be pre-registered)
29    Music Council presents: "Coffee House in a Coffee House" at Samuel's (11 a.m.- 1 p.m.)
31    Presidents' Council Meeting-@ noon in the Conference Room with Ms. HaireApril:
1 - " Financial Lunch and Learn", Session #1: Wealth Advisement (12 noon in LT)
3      Parent Teacher Interviews (Evening)
4      Parent Teacher Interviews (Day-No Classes)

        Parent Council Meeting- 6:30 PM TOSH Library
7-11 DELF Testing (Grade 12 FI Students)

9      "Financial Lunch and Learn", Session #2: Credit/Credit Management (12 noon, location TBA)
16    "Financial Lunch and Learn", Session #3: Personal Finance (12 noon in LT)
18    Good Friday-No Classes
21    Easter Monday-No Classes

23    "Financial Lunch and Learn", Session #4: Entrepreneurship (12 noon in LT)
24    Principals' Meeting-Nicole Out

30    "Financial Lunch and Learn", Session #5: Insurance (12 noon in LT)


I stopped in to visit Mrs. Tammy Craig's Grade 10 Math class the week before the Break. It was great to see the learning goal for that class prominently displayed at the top of each slide in her teaching presentation (See above). This is a great example of our School Effectiveness goal in action!

Mrs. Craig also used the formative assessment (practice) her students had done to help inform her homework assignment (See above). Students were assigned homework problems based on whether they were "Not Quite Getting" the concept, "Getting There", or were "Pretty Sure They Had It!" Great evidence of a teacher using formative assessment to drive instruction decisions! Plus, the group I participated in kicked those conversion problems to the curb! :)

Ashley, Jessica and Bronwyn present the cheque

A big shout out to the Climate Crew/SADD members and their teacher advisor, Mrs. Kelly Power, who organized an awesome awareness assembly on Wednesday before the Break. The video we watched was a powerful reminder about the devastating effects of drinking and driving, and we were grateful to Gloria McNeill for accepting our school's donation to our local chapter of MADD.

Kyle in search of a fork!

Mr. Oulton proved himself to be a master auctioneer last Friday when the TOSH GSA (Gender and Sexuality Alliance) group held its cake auction fundraiser on stage at noon in the cafeteria. Monies raised will go toward the inaugural PEI GSA conference that is planned for May at TOSH. The focus of that conference will be finding ways to support sexual minority youth in Island schools, and how we can better promote inclusion for all in our school communities and in society.


TOSH was pleased to host the Light Garden cross-curricular in service held by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development for Agriscience and Culinary teachers from Island high schools on the Tuesday before the Break. Herbs grown in the light gardens by Agriscience students will be used in recipes created by their peers taking the Culinary course. Thanks to the folks from the Culinary Institute who came in to help (pictured below with Ms. Michelle Silliker). The lunch was AMAZING!!!
Light Garden waiting for plants!

Ms. Silliker hosting a Dept. in service in her first week as TOSH Culinary teacher! :)

Mrs. Ashley Bell's Grade 10 English class is currently involved in a pilot project with Mrs. Kendra MacLaren, former TOSH teacher and now Language Arts Specialist with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. Last Friday, Mrs. MacLaren was filmed presenting a Reading Workshop to Mrs. Bell's students. The presentation can then be viewed on line by teachers wishing to use this strategy in their own Language Arts classrooms. Our students were great participants and added a lot of value to this important professional development opportunity for teachers. Mrs. MacLaren co-teaches with Mrs. Bell Tuesday-Thursday in her morning ENG 421 class this semester.

Speakers from the financial community will be coming in to share their expertise for 30 minutes each day at noon in the Lecture Theatre beginning on April 1. See the "Upcoming Dates to Note" section for scheduled dates. Parents are always welcome to come in and learn, as well! Topics include: Saving and Investment, Personal Finances, Insurance, Credit and Credit Management (Loans, Credit Cards, etc.), and Entrepreneurship. Check the blog each week for information about the featured speaker and topic!

The day is always brighter when your glasses sparkle! :)


To the students who acted as "Greeters" for the teachers coming for their in service on Tuesday: Ashley Cameron, Jessica Campbell, Jessie MacFarlane, Bronwyn Bridges, Kristyn Reeves, Justin MacEachern, Colin Loerick, Logan Maddix, and Millee McKay.

To Cameron Gillis, Christopher MacDonald, Ivy Walfield, Allison MacKay, and Kristen Mann for their excellent contributions during filming in their ENG 421 class on Friday!

To the TOSH members of the Kensington Wild Major Midget hockey team who will represent PEI at the Atlantic Major Midget AAA Championships April 3-6 in Pictou County, NS: Austin Taylor, Dylan Wall, Max Morrison, and Lucas Beaulieu!

Challenge:  Check your son/daughter's SAS screen to see how he/she is doing in his/her courses to date. That will help inform you as you decide which teachers you need to see during Parent Teacher Interviews.

Quote of the Week: "No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn."~ Hal Borland
(Here's hoping!! :) )

Have a wonderful first week back!

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