Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Nicole's Notes: Volume 5 (October 20, 2014)

Happy Monday (but actually Tuesday) TOSH Parents and Guardians! 

I apologize for the lateness of this post. I returned from visiting my daughter in Ottawa late Sunday night and spent the next two days at the ELSB Principals' Retreat in Brudenell. I am looking forward to getting back to school and back to business tomorrow, but I also appreciated the time for reflection and learning that resulted when I was away. Sometimes you have to step out of the forest in order to see the trees!!

I left the retreat last evening so that I could attend the Parent Council meeting at the school Monday evening. Thank you to Parent Council Chair, Karen Smith, for running a great meeting and to all parents who attended. One of our three Department Heads, Sarah Jane Barrett, presented some of our school data and our school goal to those in attendance. We will be posting a link to this goal and the teaching support materials that go along with it for parents to see on our website in the near future, by parental request. Our school goal involves all of our students improving their expository writing skills to a significant degree by June 2015. All of our Block D teachers have done a first assessment to see where our students are now and we will be putting interventions in place in every class across the curriculum areas during Semester 1 to see what advances can be made in this area. The end result will determine our goals for Semester 2. We are grateful to Sarah Jane and her fellow Department Heads: David Ramsay and Beth Peters for the leadership they have provided around our school goal and professional development this year. We're in great hands!

On another note, the Parent Council have booked a table for the Craft Fair and are looking for parent volunteers to help man the table for 2 hour shifts: November 8 from 9 AM-8 PM and November 9 from 10 AM-5 PM. If you can spare an hour or two to help, please contact Karen Smith at


Oct. 20-21   Principals' Retreat- Nicole Out
Oct. 26        Student Leadership Training for Council Executives and Climate Crew
Oct. 28        Island Storm Exhibition Game Fundraiser- 7 PM

Nov. 2         TOSH Band and UPEI Wind Symphony Performance- 2 PM
Nov. 3         Presidents' Council- 11:50 AM with Ms. Haire (Conference room)
Nov. 5         Principals' Meeting- Nicole Out
Nov. 6         Remembrance Day Assembly- 1 PM
                    Parent Teacher Interviews- 3:45-5 PM; 6-9 PM
Nov. 7         Parent Teacher Interviews- NO CLASSES
Nov. 8-9     Annual TOSH Christmas Craft Fair
Nov. 11      Remembrance Day- NO CLASSES
Nov. 13      Report Cards Home
Nov. 21      PEITF Professional Learning Day- NO CLASSES
Nov. 27      Principals' Meeting- Nicole Out


The Island Storm have graciously offered to play their ONLY pre-season exhibition game at Three Oaks in support of our "In Our Own Backyard" Breakfast and Lunch program! The game against the St. John Mill Rats will take place in the TOSH gym on Tuesday, Oct. 28 beginning at 7 PM. Tickets are on sale in the Main Office at the school for $5 each. A draw from the first 100 tickets sold will result in the lucky winner enjoying "Best Seats in the House" and VIP treatment the night of the game. All proceeds from the door, canteen and 50/50 draw will go directly to TOSH students in need, so please spread the word and get your tickets today! 

"It takes a community to raise a child."


The TOSH Yearbook, which includes two free custom pages that students create themselves, is now available via on line sales at a cost of $32 USD. Simply log on to the following site: and enter the school passcode: 10 13 79 116 50 54328. Any questions can be directed to Mrs. Tracy MacDonald:


Time & Location

King’s University open house
Oct. 24th
King’s University Halifax
Queen’s University
Oct. 24
Sign up in Student Services, Lecture theater 11:30 – 12:15.
UNB St John open house
Oct 25th
Saint John, NB
Mount Alison University
Nov. 4
Sign up in Student Services, Lecture theater  2-3 p.m.
Memorial University
Nov. 4
Sign up in Student Services, Lecture theater , 12:30 - 1:30 
UNB Coffee Talk -Summerside
One on one sessions about UNB

NOTE:  Check out this site for some awesome career exploration information:

Mr. David Gallant makes MAT621A FUN!


To Sarah Jane Barrett and David Ramsay for filling in for Admin in the office on Monday!

To Sarah Jane Barrett for taking the time to present our school data and school goal information to the Parent Council Monday evening! They were very receptive to the work we intend to do and want to support our efforts from home. More on that to come!

To Gerald MacCormack for filling in for me as Acting Principal in my absence on Friday!

To Erin Peterson who ran the 10K race and Amanda Allen who finished her first half-marathon in the Island Marathon event this past weekend!

To Jason Gallant for his ongoing work with the Craft Fair again this year!

To Meghan Etchell for her work overseeing the Culinary staff meal program! YUM! :)

My Culinary Treat Last Week :)

To our Culinary 801 class for the awesome meals they are providing for staff!

To our Leadership 621 class for their work planning the Island Storm fundraising game!

Challenge:  If you are the parent of a Grade 10 student, ask to see the copy of their provincial assessment results that are going home with them after school on Wednesday.

Quote of the Week:  "Intense love does not measure; it just gives."~ Mother Teresa

Have an awesome week!

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