Monday, October 8, 2012

Nicole's Notes: Volume 6

Happy Thanksgiving Monday Parents and Guardians!

I hope everyone had a restful long weekend complete with meals shared with family and friends! It has been a busy start to the school year and we are headed full-tilt into the interesting month of October, complete with Octoberfest activities, preparations for the Annual Christmas Craft Fair, and the Annual Teacher's Convention this Thursday and Friday. We have two days of classes this week and I realize that there can be varying opinions about the importance of professional development for teachers. I can assure you that our staff are doing their best to stay current and "cutting edge" when it comes to meeting the learning needs of our students/your children. I will update you on my next blog about what we learned this week. In the meantime, rest assured that this is time invested rather than lost!

Dates to Remember:
8            Thanksgiving Monday (No school)
9            Umea University Education Faculty visit (Umea, Sweden)
              Pre-Service Teacher Observation Days
              PEISAA Golf Championships
10          Lockdown Drill- 10:40 a.m.
11-12    Annual PEITF Teacher's Convention (No school)
22         Career Day (7-8:30 p.m. for parents in gym) 
7           Remembrance Day Assembly- 1 p.m.
             Parent Teacher Interviews (PM)
8           Parent Teacher Interviews- No classes
9           Provincial PD Day- No classes
             TOSH Christmas Craft Fair Begins
10-11    Craft Fair
12         Remembrance Day Holiday- No classes

Welcome Pre-Service Teachers!
On Tuesday we will welcome five pre-service (student) teachers from the Bachelor of Education program at UPEI to our school. They will observe classes this week and then return to us in November to begin their practicum placements. They are:
*Joel Banks who is placed with Krista Hickey.
*Roslyn Riddlington -Abbott who will be working with Mario Fiset. 
*Michelle Morrison who is placed with Rochelle Sullivan/Ms. Peterson.
*Jason Hogan and Neil Toombs who will be working with David Ramsay and Laurie Callbeck.

Umea University Guests!
We are also hosting some visitors from Umea University in Northern Sweden all day on Tuesday. They are part of an 11 day visit to PEI in conjunction with UPEI, and we were asked to provide a program for them that showcases some of the innovations happening at our school. They will be accompanied by Carolyn Francis and Basil Favaro from UPEI and will be visiting the following teachers/classrooms:
David Ramsay (SCI 421), Laurie Callbeck (MAT 521E), Erin Peterson (Learning Support), Karen Gaudet and Shirlee Anne Campbell (Independent Study), Trades Teachers (Auto, Aviation, Carpentry, Robotics, Welding) and Rochelle Sullivan (CUL 801).

Yearbook Sales Coming Up!
This year's edition of the Three Oaks Enhancer yearbook will go on sale from Wednesday, Oct. 17 until Tuesday, Oct. 23. The cost per full colour book is $45 ($50 if you want your son/daughter's name printed on the cover). Please make cheques payable to Three Oaks Yearbook and avoid disappointment when they arrive for distribution in June! There may not be extra copies for sale at that time.

Christmas Dance Date Change!
We have a number of students involved in a local theatre production in December that has led us to consider a change in our Christmas Dance date. It was originally scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 8/12 but will now take place on:
Saturday, Dec. 15/12 instead.
I announced this at school but thought parents might like to know, as well. Please note that this is NOT a "prom": It is a "dressier than usual", semi-formal school dance and all the usual school dance rules apply. See page 23 in the Student Handbook if any clarification is needed.

Kudos to Our Kids! 

To D.J. Gaudet for placing 13th in the high school division in Cross Country last week. D.J. advances to the provincials!

To our Men's AAA Volleyball team who finished the Dal tournament this weekend with a 4-2 record, winning the "Black" division!

To Marcus Richard who received an Honorable Mention for his poetry submitted in the Rotary Club of Charlottetown's Royalty Creative Writing Awards for Young People (Senior High Division)!

To Matthew McKenna for getting this month's inaugural edition of The Oaks newspaper out to readers!

To all award winners at our Academic Awards assembly last week! A complete list of recipients will be posted on our website soon and placed on a banner to be hung in the cafeteria all year!

Challenge:  Discuss with your son/daughter how best to use their time off school on Thursday and Friday. Maybe they could catch up/work ahead in classes, read a good book for a bit, do some volunteer service, or do some chores around the house for you! 

Quote of the Week!: "I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder."  ~G.K. Chesterton

Enjoy your week and thanks for sharing your kids with us!

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