Sunday, January 20, 2013

Nicole's Notes: Volume 19 (Jan. 21/13)

Hannah Arsenault sporting her new Storm jersey!
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

One more week of classes and we are into Final Exams! Please read the Dates to Note section below carefully so that you will know the schedule for the next two weeks.

This past weekend, Three Oaks Athletics partnered with the City of Summerside and the Summerside Storm  Basketball team to present an invitational Men's AA Basketball tournament on the Storm's court at Credit Union Place. The following teams competed: TOSH, KISH, KRHS, and Bluefield and KISH came out on top, winning the final game against Three Oaks. Special thanks goes out to Storm Basketball Coach, Joe Salerno and Assistant Coach, Mike Leslie for their support. Also, thanks to Storm players: Louis Birdsong, Antonio Ballard, Omari Johnson, and Brandon Robinson who rode the team benches and cheered the players on! Kudos to TOSH Player of the Game against KRHS: Colton Wadman (Grade 10) and the Player of the Game in the final against KISH: Brady Arsenault (Grade 12)!
Brett Poirier interviews Brady Arsenault

Congratulations to TOSH teachers Joel and Amanda Arsenault on the birth of their beautiful baby boy, Gus! No doubt he will look awesome in Green and Gold, and we are happy to have our TOSH family expanded to include him!

Also, congratulations to EPPY Coordinating Teacher, Elsa Riley, on the birth of her new granddaughter, Riley

Upcoming Dates to Note:
23       HIS 421 Medieval Fair
24-25  SCI 421 World Builder Project Presentations
28       BLOCK A Final Exam- 9 a.m.
29       BLOCK B Final Exam- 9 a.m.
30       BLOCK C Final Exam- 9 a.m.
          Nicole to CASAA Winter Board Meeting in Toronto (Jan. 30-Feb. 3)
31       BLOCK D Final Exam- 9 a.m.

1        Turnaround Day- No classes
4        First Day of Semester 2

          Parent Council Meeting- 6:30 p.m. (Speaker: Andrew Richardson)
7        Principals' Meeting- Nicole out

18      Islander Day- No classes

Final Exam week is scheduled for Jan. 28-31 inclusive. While the final assessment in courses can take forms other than the traditional "pen and paper" style exam (presentations, projects, debates, etc), there will be meaningful assessment taking place in every class that week. This means that attendance during exam week is mandatory and it will be important for parents/guardians to alert the administration if their son/daughter is not going to be in school any of those days. Please note that attendance will be taken at the beginning of the exam period and calls made home if students are missing.

In the event that we have a Snow Day off school during the regular Final Exam schedule (See above), all schools in the former Western School Board will be following the same protocol:
* The exam that should have happened on the Snow Day will take place the morning of the very next day and any future exams scheduled will be bumped ahead in order
* Feb. 1 will remain as Turnaround Day (no school) regardless of exams
* Monday, Feb. 4 will become the final day for exams, if the need arises, with Semester 2 beginning on Feb. 5
We are hoping that week will go as scheduled!

Mr. Oulton's class is organizing three fundraisers this week in an effort to provide mosquito netting that will help stop the spread of malaria in Third World countries. $10 buys one bed net.
Jan. 22-24: Video Game Tournament in the Lecture Theatre
Jan. 23: Coffee House in the caf at noon
Jan. 23: Homeroom Challenge= $10 donated per HR

Community donations for this project will also be accepted in the Main Office.


To Emmalee Dunn, Zach Phillips, and Brett Poirier for their work timing, scoring, and announcing the basketball games at the tournament at the CUP on Saturday! So pro!

To Emmalee Dunn for her Random Act of Kindness in bringing Ms. Haire a Tim Horton's coffee at the CUP Saturday afternoon!

To Rachel Barry, Colton Profitt, Noah Richardson, and Maria Dalton who represented TOSH at the Rotary Youth Parliament event this weekend!

To Robbie Squires for his tech expertise at the assembly this past week!

To CJ Kitts and Jake McAleer for kindness and concern shown to a fellow student in need this past week!

To the students who gathered with Ms. Haire Thursday at noon to discuss a plan for school climate work this coming semester! Some great ideas shared, so stay tuned!

Challenge: Help your son/daughter find that importance balance between staying focused and getting prepared for exams without allowing the stress that sometimes accompanies this assessment period to take over. Let us know if he/she needs help from us this week!

Quote of the Week:  "One who walks the road with love will never walk the road alone."
                                     ~ C. T. Davis

Have a wonderful last week of Semester 1 classes!


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