Monday, April 1, 2013

Nicole's Notes: Volume 28 (April 1, 2013)

Andrew MacLean 

Happy Easter Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians! 

Here's hoping that you enjoyed a restful long weekend. It was hard not to smile with all that sunshine about! I walk inside at the CUP all winter and, while I appreciate having that option when the cold winds blow, I have to say that nothing beats getting outside in the fresh air and soaking up some much needed Vitamin D!

I wanted to put Andrew MacLean (picture above) at the top of my post this week. Andrew positions himself at the main door of the school each morning and welcomes every person in-staff and student alike. He opens the door for people wearing a warm smile, offers a cheery greeting, and then wishes each person a nice day. I have benefited from his kindness many times over, and I thought that he deserved a special "shout out" for walking the talk and being the change he wishes to see. THANK YOU, Andrew! You help make TOSH a great place to be!

Upcoming Dates to Note:
1         Easter Monday- No Classes
2         Presidents' Council Meeting (11:45 a.m.)
8         Parent Council Meeting- 6:30 p.m.
11       Parent Teacher Interviews (After school and evening)
12       Parent Teacher Interviews (Daytime)
18       Semester 2 Progress Report Cards Home
19       30 Hour Famine Overnight Event
23-25  Climate Workshop Days
26       PD Day- No Classes

3        Area Association Day- No Classes
7        Presidents' Council Meeting (11:45 a.m.)
20      Victoria Day- No Classes
25      Grad Prom
30      Youth Advocacy Expo (more info to follow) and Kirk Smalley presentation to parents- 7 p.m.
31      Kirk Smalley Keynote- Full School Assembly

Tickets for GAME 5 of the semifinal playoff series between the Summerside Storm and Windsor Express on TUESDAY, APRIL 2 at 7 p.m. at Credit Union Place can be purchased through the Phys Ed Office or Main Office at TOSH for $5. All proceeds from these ticket sales goes to TOSH Athletics and the Storm will need substantial fan support in the seats as they battle for their berth in the NBL finals against the London Lightning. We have an awesome Summerside team, so get your ticket and come on out to cheer them on this Tuesday night!


Three Oaks was happy to welcome Summerside Storm players, Antonio Ballard (#5-pictured here having a chat over lunch with Zak Farah) and Nick Evans (#50-pictured below with a crew of fans in the cafeteria) last week.  This was not the guys' first visit to our school this year, and they looked pretty comfortable walking around the halls and chatting it up with staff and students. Thanks for taking the time to connect, Tone and Nick! Our school has benefited in many ways from the sponsorship partnership we have shared with the Storm organization again this year, and we wish the team all the best in their current playoff series and beyond!

March 26-28 and 30

TOSH was well represented by our Men's and Women's team (A and AA players) in this year's 2nd Annual Bluefield High School Friendship Hockey Tournament. Both teams finished with a 1-2 record and had a great time in the process. Thank you to all our players for representing our school so well and thanks to Mr. Arsenault, Mr. Chisholm, and Mr. Gregory for the time they spent preparing for, and coaching, this event. We also appreciate all the fans who bought tickets to TOSH games and 50-50 tickets to help us with this fundraiser!

Please mark your calendar for the evening of April 11, or the day of April 12, and plan to attend Parent Teacher Interviews with your son/daughter's teacher(s). This will give you a chance to discuss his/her progress to date this semester. We want all our students achieving at maximum academic capacity and this takes teamwork between the school, the parents/guardians, and...of course, the student! I would encourage you to bring your son/daughter along with you for the ride. High school students should be taking ownership of their own learning, and what better way than to have everyone around the same table?! If your child does not bring home an interview sign up form this coming week, simply call the school yourself (888-8460) to indicate that you would like appointments set up.

Now that Spring is in the air, we have seen an increase in dress code violations, especially in the girls' "skirt and shirt department". Skirts that are very short (i.e. shorter than the finger tips when held by their side) and shirts that are worn off the shoulder showing bra or spaghetti straps are not appropriate for school. The specifics of our policy are found in the student agenda and these have been reviewed...again...with our students via the PA. Please take the time to review our dress code expectations with your son/daughter at home and please be diligent when they are getting their fashions ready for school in the morning. I know I have had to turn my own kids around in the past and send them back upstairs to choose an outfit that is more appropriate for school, but it beats having them sent home later on for violating the dress code policy. Thanks in advance for your help!!


To the TOSH Men's and Women's hockey team members who participated in the Bluefield tournament this week/weekend!

To the members of Mrs. Callbeck's math class who celebrated "Pi Day" before the Break by visiting elementary schools and sharing some fun math activities with the younger students!

Challenge:  Try your best to make an appointment with the teachers you want to speak with about your son/daughter's progress before interviews next week!

Quote of the Week: "Love is giving someone your undivided attention."~ Author Unknown

Have a great week!

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