Monday, September 30, 2013

Nicole;s Notes: Volume 4 (Sept. 30, 2013)

Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!  
Mr. Harvey in uniform

I am hoping that you all got outside to enjoy the taste of summer we were blessed with this past weekend. The simple pleasures are the best ones of all, for sure!

If all goes as planned, I will be heading out on leave for a minimum of 4 weeks beginning this Thursday. We have an awesome team here at TOSH and I have every faith that the school will run as per usual in my absence. Faber MacDonald, Acting VP, will be continuing the Parent Blog while I am away. Jason Gallant will be Acting Principal and he can be reached at 888-8460 or via e mail: as needed.

The month of October, as usual, has several interruptions to the regular schedule (Please see the calendar below).  I have challenged our teachers to dig in and get as much learning momentum going as possible on the days when we are in classes, so please encourage your son/daughter to come on those days prepared and ready to bring their best to the table. 


The first meeting of the TOSH Parent Council will be held in the Three Oaks Library beginning at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 30/13. All TOSH Parents and Guardians are welcome! The more ideas people bring along, the better this year's school experience will be for everyone. The Council meets once a month for about an hour and you can become as involved as you have time for. Hope to see you there!

Dates to Remember:
30          Parent Council Meeting- 6:30 p.m.

2            Nicole's Last Day Before Leave
              Fred Fox Presentation (optional)- 2:30 p.m.
14          Thanksgiving-No Classes
17-18    Annual Teachers' Convention-No Classes
21          Career Day       
23          Student Photo Retakes

Research shows that students who eat breakfast have the fuel they need to power their brains for learning. Our TOSH Breakfast Program runs five mornings a week from 8 a.m. until bell time so that all TOSH students can make sure they eat before school starts for the day. This program receives a bit of funding, but not enough to cover the cost of running it five days/week. Monetary and food donations are always accepted, and we thank you in advance for supporting this initiative. The Breakfast Program is open to all students, and it will take all of us working together to keep it operating. If you want to know what kind of food to send, please call or e mail Tami Arsenault (YSW) at school: 
Monetary donations can be handed in at the Main Office and any cheques made payable to: Three Oaks Senior High School.


Terry Fox's eldest brother, Fred Fox, will be at Three Oaks on Wednesday, October 2 at 2:30 p.m. to present to classes (optional to teachers). Fred is the provincial director of the Terry Fox Foundation in BC and he is a proud and active Manager of Support Relations for the Terry Fox Foundation. We will be excited to present Fred with our school's charity jar and Terry Fox walk donation in aid of this important cause.


Naval Reserve and Military Display
Hall by Student Services-11:43
Military bus display at noon in the front parking lot
Oct. 1st
Oulton College (Moncton, NB)
Hall by Student Services-11:43
Oct. 8th
Dalhousie Open House
Dalhousie University, Halifax,NS
Register by Oct. 15. Open House is Oct. 18th
Universite Sainte Anne (Church Point, NS)
Student Services
10:30 a.m. Oct. 23rd
TOSH Career Day
In the Gym: 7 – 8:30 p.m.
Open to parents and students (Students also visit the displays during the school day)
Oct. 21
McGill Open House
McGill University (Montreal, QC)
Oct. 27th
Queens University (Kingston,Ont.)
Pre-registration required in Student Services-11:30 in Lecture Theatre
Nov 4th
Mount Allison University (Sackville, NB)
Hall by Student Services-11:43
Nov. 5th
Dalhousie University (Halifax, NS)
Hall by Student Services-11:43
Nov. 25th
Memorial  University of NFLD
(St. John’s, NL)
Evening session. Pre-registration requested. Open to the public , as well- 6:30 p.m. start in the  Lecture Theatre
Nov. 28th

** Any parents/guardians willing to present an information session about their job during Career Day at TOSH is asked to contact Mr. Jim Donovan:

Gus Arsenault leads the cheers!
The PEISAA website ( contains some useful information for athletes and parents this year:  Standings for ALL senior and midget fall season leagues: Field Hockey, Soccer and Volleyball are on the website. Simply go to the PEISAA website, click on the sport you wish to check, click "Standings" and a PDF file will show updated standings in chart form with scores against each team played and point standing to date.

Also follow the Three Oaks Athletic Department on Twitter for news, updates, schedules, results etc.  Username is @TOSHathletics. 

Reach for the Top at noon in Room 417


There are many Councils, groups, and clubs at Three Oaks that cater to a variety of student interests. I have listed some of these below along with the name of the Teacher Advisor(s) and where those staff are located in the school if your son/daughter wants to join or ask some questions:

*   Auto Club-Mike MacKinnon, Scott Harvey (CTEC-trades-building)
*   Axe Outlet Bookstore-Sean MacDonald (114)
*   Carpentry Club- Rob Corkum (CTEC)
*   Climate Crew-Kelly Power (621), Mark Gregory(111) (Open to Grade 10 in February)
*   Chorale Ensemble-Shirley Anne Cameron (409)
*   DJ Club-Forrest Lilly (307)
*   Dungeons and Dragons Club-Erin Peterson (CSLC room)
*   EcoEthics-Rochelle Sullivan (420), Mike MacKinnon (CTEC)
*   Envirothon Team-Chris Higginbotham (611), Heather Pringle (610)
*   GSA- Mrs. Sheridan (Student Services)
*   Improv Group and Improv Team-Sandra Sheridan (Student Services), Rick Sparkes (109)
*   Lunch Buddies-Fran Gillis (421)
*   Reach for the Top-David Gallant (417)
*   Texas Hold Em-Chris Higginbotham (611)
*   The Oaks Newspaper-Barb Forbes(Library), Shannon Evans (617)
*   People Helping People/Free the Children-Tammy Craig (407)
*   Rotary Youth Parliament-Mike Trainor (306)
*   Yearbook-Rochelle Sullivan (420)

*   Activities-Dia Lynn Keough (609), Ashley Bell(613), Lyndon Oulton (309)
*   Athletic-Joel Arsenault, Sue Thomson (GYM)
*   Community Works-Tammy Craig (407), Erin Peterson (CSLC room-Library), Tracy MacDonald (406)
*   Fundraising and Finance- Carrie Watters (612)
*   Multi-Media- Shannon Evans (617)
*   Music- Krista Carruthers (205)
*   Student Government
- Mike Trainor (306)


The ELSB has asked that we provide winter school closure information to parents early. I guess you just never know! :) Please see the notice below: 



All school cancellations will be announced on local radio stations and posted on our websites by 7:00 A.M. If all schools are closed, it will be announced that all English language schools in the province are closed for the day. In some instances it may only be necessary to close an individual school or a “family of schools”. Partial school closures or delays will be announced by family of schools. 

NOTE:  The Three Oaks Family of Schools includes all our feeder schools:  Parkside Elementary, Elm Street Elementary, Greenfield Elementary, Athena Consolidated, Miscouche Consolidated, and Summerside Intermediate School.


If a decision on cancellation cannot be made by 7:00 A.M., a one hour delay will be announced whereby all schools and buses will operate one hour later than usual. A further announcement will be broadcast by 8:00 A.M.


In some instances, even in fine weather, buses may be delayed. Parents will be notified via radio broadcast that a bus will be delayed (i.e. Bus #97 is running 30 minutes later).

It may be necessary to close a school or a family of schools part way through a school day. Detailed announcements will be made on local radio stations and school board websites.

Parents who will not be at home when children arrive are responsible for making alternate arrangements for the care of their children on such days. Please notify the school of these changes as soon as possible.

Should Transportation Infrastructure Renewal and/or the RCMP recommend that school buses remain off Island roads, students may be required to remain at school beyond their normal dismissal time (unless picked up by a parent or designate). Announcements will be made on local radio stations and school board websites.

  1. The final decision to attend school or to travel to school via school bus always rests with the parent.
  2. Please do not drop children off at school unless you are certain that school is operating that day and that staff are present to supervise the children.
  3. Please listen to the radio and check school board websites frequently between 6:30 and 8:00 A.M. daily to determine if schools are operating. Every effort will be made to have announcements broadcast by 7:00 A.M.
  4. Please do not call the school, school board office, or the radio stations for information on cancellations or delays. Such calls tie up telephone lines which may be needed for emergency use.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Together we will work to ensure safe winter travel for all of our children.


To Caitlin Carr and Caitlin Gallant for being selected as Co-Managers of the Axe Outlet Bookstore this year!

To the members of the Leadership 621 class and Athletic Council for organizing and facilitating the TOSH Annual Terry Fox Walk on Friday!

To the members of the women's soccer team for representing us so well at their tournament in Antigonish, NS this weekend! Congrats to Carrie McGuire, Tara Campbell, and Savannah Arsenault for being chosen as Players of the Game and Ashley White, Jessica Gillis, and Alisha MacDonald for scoring goals!

To the members of the men's soccer team for representing us so well at their tournament in Moncton, NB this weekend!

To Rachel Barry for representing our school at Encounters with Canada this week!

To our newly formed Baseball teams for winning their opening games this weekend!

To the students who received awards at the Academic Awards Assembly on Wednesday! Special thanks to our sponsors who provided prizes for the award winners:  Credit Union Place, Island Storm Basketball, and TOSH Administration!

Grade 10 Honours and Subject Prize Winners:

Brett Arsenault
Fallon Arsenault
Monica Arsenault
Shane Arsenault
                           - ITC 401
Sara Bajelan
                          - Science 421 
Shobhitha Balasubramaniam
                          - Design  701
                          - French 421 
                          - History 421 
                          - Math 521B 
                          - Writing 421
                          - Science 421B  
                          - Computers 521
Matthew Barlow
Morgan Boyd
Brohan Brennan
                         - Math 421
Bronwyn Bridges
Jordan Bridges
Beatrice Brown
Rachel Brown
Hilary Bulger
Liam Bulger
Carly Butler
Hailey Caissie
Sam Cameron
Tiffany Cameron
Cecilia Campbell
Julie Campbell
  - Physical Education 401
Kaylee Campbell
Ryan Campbell
Alex Casey
Lindsey Clow
MacKenzie Clow
Brianna Corkum
Hannah Cormier
Kristan Coughlin
Ava Coulter
James Dalton
Aaron Dawson
Morgan Dehmel
Bethany DesRoches
Taylor DesRoches
Taylor Doherty
Zach Doiron
Lucas Donovan
             – Transitions 602
Reilly Doucet
Zachary Doucette
Matthew Downey
Lexi Drummond
Cindy Gallant
Jacob Gallant
Jordan Gallant
Joshua Gallant
Keira Gallant
Kelsey Gallant
Noah Gallant
Noah Gallant
Kristin Gardiner
Danielle Gosse
Bethany Harbord
Samantha Harris
Sarah Hilvers
Ian Hink
Olivia Inman
Molly Johnston
Tyler Jurkowski
Jason Kennedy
Christopher Kristiansen 
  - Canadian Studies 401 
Hyacinth Laval
Connor Loerick
Brooke MacArthur
Allison MacAusland
Rebecca MacCormack
Alisha MacDonald
Mikailla MacDonald
Jesse MacFarlane
Samantha MacIntyre
Melissa MacKay
                         -  Art 401 
                         - Music 421
Erin MacKinnon
Allison MacNeill
Taylor McAulay
Santana McCue
Carrie McGuire
Jakob McKenna
Jayk McLure
                         - Geography 421 
Nick Meade
Daniel Meister
Jacob Melanson
Stacy Montgomery
Kaitlin Morrison
                         - English 421 
Umara Muhammad
                        - Dramatic Arts 701 
Lexi Norden
Logan O’Brien
JJ Oram
Rebecca Parnham
Lexy Paynter
Dempsey Perry
Lucas Picard
Keisha Poirier
Taran Price
Jessica Procter
Elise Profit-Jeffery
Colton Profitt
Kristyn Reeves
                           - CEO401
Madison Reeves
Mallory Reeves
Julia Richard
Allison Ridler
Andree Roy-Garand
                           - French 421FI
                          - History 421FI
Gentrit Sadiku
Ligrit Sadiku
                         - Woodworking 701
Jillian Silliker
Kendra Smith
Ryan Sonier
Haley Stavert
Jorgen Strom
Marry Taha
Samuel Tanton
Megan Todd
Evan Tynski
Nigel Waite
Sahara Wallace
Jillian White
Josie Williams
Sami Zaki

Further Subject Prize Winners
Bethany Hughes  - English 431
Jenna Arsenault  - English 431AR
Lillian (Lily)Coughlin  - Math 421 Full Year 
Lucas Donavan  - Transitions 602
Melissa MacIntyre - Foods 421 
Nathan MacDonald  - Science 431A
Raven Trevors  - English 421AR
Scott Hashie  - Math 431 

Outstanding Effort/ Improvement in the Gr 10 Year
Thomas Gallant           
Monika Stewart          
Ryan Merrett                 
Lilly Coughlin                 
Jamie Doyle                  
Tristan Campbell
 Jessica Foster
Courtney Johnston
Breanna MacDougall
Brae-Ann Shea
Scott Hashie

Grade 11 Honours and Subject Prize Winners:
                        Chandler Acorn
Mallory Ahern
Rachel Barry
Frank Bowness
                          - Music 521
                          - Physics 521
                          -Chemistry 521 
Jessica Brander
                          - English 531AR
                          - Math 531 AR
                          - Science 531AR
                          - Social Studies 531AR
Logan Bryanton
Jesse Cameron
Kaitlin Cameron
Sam Cameron
Jessica V. Campbell
Julia Campbell
Justin Campbell
Olivia Cass
Adis Causevic
                          - Canadian Law 531A 
Phillip Clark
Jenna Clow
                         - Canadian Law 521FI
                         - English 521
Kyle Compton
                         - Welding 701
Adam Cousins
Kelly Curley
Maria Dalton
Jenna DesRoches
                         - Culinary 801
Marc DesRoches
Miranda Dingle
                         - Math 521 A
Megan Doherty
                         - Art 501 
Rebecca Drummond
                         - French 521FI
Jason Dunn
Emily Eddie
Maggie Finkle- Aucoin
Mitchell Fraser
Alex Gallant
Austin Gallant
                          - Robotics 801
Brette-Lynn Gallant
                         - French 521A 
Caitlin Gallant
Nicole Gallant
Paige Gallant
Rachael Gardiner
Aaron Gillis
Jessica Gillis
                         - Accounting 621
                        - Biology 521 
Danielle Glover
Reanna Graham
Blaire Guptill
Marissa Hashie
Breann Hastings
Coriander Irvine
Chloe Journeau
Tyler Kelly
Caraleise Laughlin
Colin Loerick
Justin MacEachern
                        - AAR802
Lauren MacFadyen
Jill MacIntyre
                         - Canadian Law 521 
                         - Coop Work Studies 502 
                         - English 511
                         - Global Issues 521
                         - Family Living 621 
Brett MacKay
Colin MacKay
Tara MacKey
Morgan MacKinnon
Emily MacLellan
Curtis MacNevin
Jacob Majcan
Kelsey Marchand
Kelsey McIsaac
Millee McKay
                         - Family Living 421
Jenny McLean
Brittany McLennan
David McNeill
James Meek
Tanner Mendoza
Jayme Misener
Dustin Moase
Adam Moore
Taylor Morrison
Bradley Murphy
Brett Murphy
                          -Business 701 
Rachel Murray
James Myers
Kristen Neal
Laura O’Neill
Dakota Pardy
Brett Paynter
                         - Auto 701 /801
Ashley Perry
Taylor Poirier
Emma Pollock
Aimee Poulin
Rebecca Ramos Armstrong
Bruce Ramsay
                         - English 531
Madison Reeves
Scott Richard
                         -Auto 701 /801                          
                         - Math 531
Noah Richardson
                        - Peer Helping 701 
Brody Riehl
Hailey Rix
Zachary Rochford
Colby Ronahan
Jillian Russell
Lauren Sheidow
Ashley Simmons
Ben Smith
Katie Steele
Lauren Steele
Patrick Steele
                         - History 521 
                         - Math 521E
Charlotte Sullivan
Devan Surkan
Kaitlyn Taylor
                         - Hospitality & Tourism 801
Charlotte Thompson
Samantha Thorne
Brittan Turner
                         -Accounting 801
Emily Vaniderstine
Bloyce Walfield
Dillon Wall  
 - Woodworking 801                                
Chelsey Wilson
Brandon Worth
                         - Science 701
Ty Wright

Further Subject Prize Winners:
Aidan Smith  - Physical Education 801
Brittany Bernard  - English 521AR
Mathieu Gunning  - Carpentry 701

Outstanding Effort/Improvement in the Grade 11 Year:
Justin Laviolette                     
Alex MacBeth                        
Connor O’Hara                      
Christie-Anne Campbell       
Emma Gaudet                       
Nathan Irwin
Mitch Mac Nevin
Lezlie Murphy
Karl Nelson
Chris Mollins
Julia McIntyre
Grace Stavert

Challenge:  Encourage your son/daughter to concentrate on the work at hand from now until Thanksgiving Break. Let's get some flow going!

Quote of the Week:  "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." -- Benjamin Franklin

Have a wonderful week and I hope to see you soon!

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