Sunday, November 24, 2013

Nicole's Notes: Volume 13 (November 25, 2013)

LED 621 Class ROCKS PD Play Day Friday!
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

The weather this weekend and the Christmas carols in the stores leave no doubt that we are approaching those busy, pre-holidays weeks! The talk around school at the moment (or "atm" if you're social network savvy!) is the Christmas Dance on December 7th from 8-11 p.m. I am providing some "myth busters" early for parents in an attempt to avoid any misunderstandings later on. The same was shared with students via a PA announcement last week, as we do every year:

Myth #1:  The Christmas Dance is a "Prom". Fact: It is a "dressier than usual" school dance and has not been called a "prom" for over a decade.

Myth #2:  You have to have a date to attend. Fact: Any TOSH student can attend this dance, as they can every other dance, with or without a "date".

Myth #3:  You have to spend a lot of money on fancy clothes. Fact: This is a semi-formal dance which means "dressier than usual". Parents would be well advised to save their money for when their son/daughter wishes to attend their graduation prom. That can sometimes lead to some expenses depending on personal preference.

Myth #4: Anyone can attend. Fact: The rules for student sign ins for dances is found on Page 24 of the Student Agenda book. The following people are welcome to attend the Christmas dance: 1) Students currently in good standing at TOSH (fees paid, outstanding books handed in, good behaviour, etc.), 2) Students in good standing currently in Island high schools, 3) TOSH grads from the previous year only (i.e. 2013). Sign in sheets will be available in the Main Office beginning on Monday and our admin team will be calling other high schools to see if there are any concerns with individual students attending our dance (as per usual). If there is an issue, we will let the student trying to sign the person know ASAP. NOTE: The quicker we get the sign in sheet handed in to us, the quicker we can approve the sign in.

CHANGES TO NOTE: Tickets will be sold at the door this year rather than in advance, and the price of admission is $10 (same as last year). The dance will take place in the Gymnasium and entrance to the dance will be through the main doors of the school. Picture stations will NOT be available at the school as in previous years, so parents are asked to make alternate arrangements for taking of pictures before students come to the dance.

The professional development day time spent by our staff on Friday was definitely time well spent! Our teachers formed their own teams with professional from across the Island who shared similar professional development goals and needs. Our support staff updated their training in First Aid and CPR, as well. The learning for all was specific and authentic to what we do, which means it is more easily transferred into everyday practice. I have no doubt that our students will feel the positive benefits of the work our staff continue to do as lifelong learners.

Upcoming Dates to Remember:
25           Grad Activity at Dooley's: 4-6 p.m.
27           Band Parents' Meeting- 6:30 p.m. in Lecture Theatre 
28           Principals' Meeting- Nicole Out

5             Band Christmas Concert- 7 p.m.
7             Christmas Dance (NOTE: Not "Prom"!)- 8-11 p.m.
12-14     TOSH Christmas Classic Basketball Tournament
20           Last Day of Classes-Christmas Holidays! :)  

2            First Day of Classes-2014


The Class Officers are hosting an activity for Grads at Dooley's on Monday, November 25 from 4-6 p.m. Grads can pay the $5 admission fee on Monday and all members of the Class of 2014 are welcome to come and make some positive memories together during their final year together at TOSH!


The TOSH Band Parents' Association will be holding a Christmas Tree Sale fundraiser at Three Oaks during the Annual Christmas Classic Basketball Tournament on Saturday, Dec. 14 beginning at 10 a.m. Trees will be selling for $30 and the proceeds will go to support our awesome TOSH Band program.

We're into basketball season now and our Athletic Council will be hosting the Island Storm basketball players for a practice at TOSH on Tuesday at noon hour. Our student athletes can learn a lot from watching players at the pro level perform and our school made some very positive connections last year with five returning players. We look forward to welcoming them and their new teammates!

TICKETS FOR SAT. GAME ON SALE THIS WEEK! Tickets for Saturday's home game will be on sale for $5 at the TOSH Main Office and the Phys Ed Office beginning Tuesday this week. All proceeds go to TOSH Athletics, so consider getting yours!

WE DAY 2013!

38 of our TOSH students will be traveling to Halifax on Nov.27 to participate in one of this year's "We Day" celebrations sponsored by Free the Children. Our students will have the unique opportunity to gather with other Maritime student leaders to hear top notch keynote speakers and focus on some of the issues facing our global community today. We Day is a call to solidarity and action and we look forward to seeing some of the "ripple effects" that come after!

To the members of the CUL 801 course for representing our school so well during their field trip to the Culinary Institute of Canada and the mushroom plant this week! Ms. Sullivan was very proud of you all!
To Rebecca Drummond for being my Climate Crew liaison during the Positive School Climate Days last week!
To Jacob Brown for being awarded the Major General W.A. Howard Award for being considered by his commanding officer to be the top cadet on the Island!
To the members of the LED 621 class for running an awesome "PD Play Day" for elementary students at the CUP on Friday! Many kids did not want to leave when their parents came to pick them up at the end of the day!

 To the members of our Improv Team (pictured above) for representing our school so well at their competition this weekend!

Challenge:  Help your child find his/her focus and be present to this full week of class time and learning. There is still important work to be done despite the many happy distractions this time of year!!
Quote of the Week:  "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
                                          ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Have a wonderful week!

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