Sunday, December 8, 2013

Nicole's Notes-Volume 15 (Dec. 9/13)

Logan sporting the t shirt that always makes me smile! :)
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians! 

It's "that time of year", for sure! We just had an awesome week which included the Band Christmas Concert, the annual Christmas dance, participation in basketball tournaments, some wonderful classroom work, and even our first Snow Day! I have lots of pictures to share throughout this post to celebrate the fun and learning that is happening in our school, and this week promises to be just as eventful! At this rate, the holiday will be here before we know it!!

I just wanted to share with parents/guardians how PROUD I am of our students who attended the Christmas Dance Saturday evening. We had ZERO discipline issues that night (YAY!) and everyone looked so wonderful all "spiffed up"! At one point in my supervision duty, I witnessed some of our Grade 12 students encouraging the Grade 10's to get out onto the dance floor. We have a wonderful school community, and our students warm my heart more times than I can take the time to say. I just wanted to thank parents/guardians for the good work you are doing at home and thank you for sharing your awesome kids with us! Stay tuned for some dance pics below and sorry in advance that I am in so many of them! :)


9         Presidents' Council Meeting-Noon in conference room with Ms Haire
12-14 TOSH Christmas Classic Basketball Tournament
13       Shortened PM classes for TOSH Classic game-2:15 PM
18       Living Museum-HIS 521(BLOCK D)
19       Chorale Ensemble Christmas Concert (with Fandango) at Summerside Christian Church- 7 p.m.
20       Last Full Day of Classes-Christmas Holidays! :)
           Mr. Faber MacDonald's Last Day :(

2         First Day of Classes for 2014
6         Presidents' Council Meeting-Noon in Conference Room with Ms Haire        
13       Parent Council Meeting-6:30 p.m.-TOSH Library (everyone welcome!)
16       PBL Night- 6:30 p.m.
24-28 CSLA Winter Board Meeting-Nicole Out
27      FINAL EXAMS-BLOCK A (9 AM)      
          Principals' Meeting-Nicole Out
31      Turn Around Day-No Classes


Final Exams for Semester 1 are scheduled for January 27-30, 2014. Attendance is mandatory unless permission has been granted from Administration and alternate arrangements made. If your son/daughter must miss one or more of his/her final exams for whatever reason, we ask that you contact Nicole Haire directly via e mail: phone: 888-8460.

The TOSH Band Parents' Association will be holding a Christmas Tree Sale fundraiser at Three Oaks during the Annual Christmas Classic Basketball Tournament on Saturday, Dec. 14 beginning at 10 a.m. Trees will be selling for $30 and the proceeds will go to support our awesome TOSH Band program.
Our Annual Christmas Classic is scheduled for this coming weekend: Thursday, Dec. 12-Saturday, Dec. 14. Follow @TOSHathletics on Twitter for tournament news and updates! We encourage our school community to come out, enjoy some great basketball, and support our Men's AAA Basketball team and TOSH Athletics!
The tournament schedule is as follows:

GREEN POOL                                               RED POOL
Three Oaks                                                       Charlottetown Rural
Bluefield                                                            Colonel Gray
Miramichi Valley                                                Prince Andrew
Amherst                                                             Westisle

Thursday, Dec. 12/13:
5:30  Bluefield vs. TOSH                                   5:30   Colonel Gray vs. Rural (@ RURAL)
7:15  Prince Andrew vs Westisle

Friday, Dec. 13/13:
12:30 Rural vs Prince Andrew                           12:15  Bluefield vs Miramichi Valley (@SIS)
2:15   TOSH vs Amherst (school attends)           2:00   Colonel Gray vs Westisle (@SIS)
3:45   3 Point Contest and Star Shooting
5:00   Bluefield vs Amherst                                 3:00    Rural vs Westisle (@SIS)
6:45   TOSH vs Miramichi Valley                       6:45    Colonel Gray vs Prince Andrew(@SIS)

Saturday, Dec. 14/13:
9 AM  Amherst vs Miramichi Valley
12:00   3 vs 3                                                     12:00  4 vs 4 (@SIS)
1:45     2 vs 2                                                      
3:30     1 vs 1

**Game times are approximate, play will be continuous. 20 minute warm ups.**

Last year, TOSH basketball team members sold Storm game tickets. This year, they are taking orders for Super Value Coupon booklets. These are full of "Buy 1, Get 1 Free" coupons and are $20 each. They make great stocking stuffers and the proceeds from sales go to support TOSH Athletics. For more information, go to: and all coupons are good from the time of sale until Dec. 31, 2014. Booklets can be purchased from TOSH basketball players or through Joel Arsenault in the Phys Ed office:

Monday is the final day for Rafiki chain sales through our People Helping People/Free the Children group. Each chain is $10 and proceeds from these sales provides a child in a developing country with school supplies for a year!


The TOSH Class of 2014 members are invited to attend a Grad Potluck and Christmas Activities event on December 18 beginning at 6 PM. There is no cost to attend, but everyone is asked to bring something for the potluck. Grads are also invited to wear their Christmas pajamas!


MANY of our students enjoy going to our neighbours', the Summerside Presbyterian Church, to enjoy a free lunch on "KD Thursdays". Ms. Peterson and some of her students have decided to give something back to this program by collecting boxes of Kraft Dinner to donate. Students can bring their boxes of Kraft Dinner to the CSLC room in the library this week, or community members can drop their donations off in the Main Office. 

    The Open College Day that had to be cancelled last week due to the bad weather will be replaced by tour days happening on the college campus in February. 
  • Feb. 8: Tours offered at the Tourism and Culinary Center, Charlottetown Centre, and Georgetown Campus
  • Feb. 22: Tours offered at Alberton campus, Atlantic Police Academy, and Summerside Waterfront Campus
  • NOTE: All tours will be offered between 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. Anyone who is interested should RSVP to Tracey Vessey to say what program they are interested in and to suggest a tour time.
  • Please contact Jim Donovan here at school if you have any questions:

    Courtney and Mr. Oulton 
  • To the members of Mr. Oulton's class for the awesome work they are doing fundraising for their proposed class trip in their graduating year!(picture above)
  • To Brad Murphy, Maria Dalton, and Darcie Martin who all qualified to represent PEI at the Youth Bowling Nationals in Hamilton, Ontario in March 2014!
  • To Zak Farah for lending his DJ skills at the Christmas Dance! (picture above)
  • To the Class Officers who helped plan and clean up after the Christmas Dance!
  • To John Smith, Caitlin Gallant, Rachel Barry, and Ian Hink for helping Mr. Higginbotham run the "Green Screen Shots" at the dance on Saturday! Neat souvenirs!
  • To the students who attended the candle lighting ceremony organized by the East Prince Women's Information Centre on Dec. 6 in support of Canada's National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women (picture above)!
  • To the members of the TOSH bands for awesome performances at their Band Christmas Concert last week!(some members pictured above)
  • To the members of the new Rhythm and Blues Band for their wonderful debut performance at the Band Christmas Concert: Marissa Hashie, Brooke MacArthur, Jillian Russell, Melissa MacKay, Alex Casey, Curtis MacNevin, Zach Doucette, Shane Arsenault, Mitch Fraser, Marc DesRoches, Blaire Guptill, Taylor Poirier, Keirsten Perry, Jacob Gallant, and Brohan Brennan! Check them out!:
  • To Marc DesRoches for doing a fantastic job as "guest conductor" of the Symphonic Band at the Christmas Concert!
  • To the students in Mrs. Gillis' class who participate in a basketball program at noon time each week! We also appreciate the support staff and student volunteers who come out to play and help teach skills!(picture above)
  • "All on the Nice list!", says Santa!

  • Nicole leading the crafts :)
    To the members of the Activities Council who ran the Staff Kids' Christmas Party at the school on Sunday! (pictures above)
  • To the members of the Women's AAA Basketball team who won the Bluefield tournament this past weekend! (picture above)

  • Challenge: Consider sending in a box or two of Kraft Dinner to support the "KD Thursdays" donation initiative. You might be surprised how many TOSH students make the trek to the church for KD on Thursdays!
  • Quote of the Week: "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."~ Nelson Mandela
  • Have a wonderful week!
  • Nicole

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