Monday, June 9, 2014

Nicole's Notes: Volume 36 (June 9, 2014)

Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!
Harper DesRoche cheering our rugby teams on!

Believe it or not, this is the final week of regular classes for this school year! There is still a lot of business to be taken care of with Final Exams on the horizon, but I want to wish our Grads all the best this Monday as they finish up their final day of classes for their public school education. The month of June is a big one for them and we look forward to celebrating them all on June 24!

It will be important that parents of Grade 12 students, especially, check the blog each week for information about graduation. When you see the graduation cap image, that's your cue to start reading! ;-)


Please make certain that your son/daughter completed the Grad Info Sheet that was given out in homeroom last week!   

Our Three Oaks Graduation will take place on Tuesday, June 24 at Credit Union Place beginning at 6:45 PM when the Class of 2014 processes into the stadium. There will be no access to the stairs leading up to the bowl between 6:45 and the 7 PM start time, so please arrive early! Everyone is welcome and there are no tickets or admission to this celebration.

Safe Grad permission forms have been handed out to grads and will be collected with the $30 registration fee on the following dates ONLY! from 11:45-12:30 outside the Lecture Theatre:

Monday, June 9 
Wednesday, June 11
Friday, June 13

NOTE:  Any forms handed in after June 13 will be accepted with a $50 fee. 
If parents have any questions or concerns, they are asked to contact Ms. Haire.

HELP!!!!!:  We need parent/guardian volunteers to help with Safe Grad from:
10 PM-2:30 AM (accompanying the buses to Sandspit)
2-4:15 AM (@ TOSH)
4:15-6:30 AM (@ TOSH)

If you can help, please e mail Krista Hickey:


10     Grade 12 Final Exam- Block A (9 AM); Regular classes for grades 10 and 11
11     Grade 12 Final Exam- Block B (9 AM); Regular classes for grades 10 and 11
12     Grade 12 Final Exam- Block C (9 AM); Regular classes for grades 10 and 11
13     Block D Final Exam- All students (9 AM)
14     Athletic Banquet-5:30 PM
16     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block A (9 AM)
17     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block B (9 AM)
18     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block C (9 AM)
24     Grad Breakfast and Rehearsal- 8:45 AM at the school until noon
24     2014 Graduation Ceremony- 7 PM Credit Union Place (Grads arrive 6:15 PM)
         Safe Grad Activity immediately following Graduation
26     Report Cards distributed to Grade 10 and 11 students (9-10:30 a.m.)
27     School Ends for the Summer

ART 621 Students

Graduating students of the TOSH Art 621 program are currently displaying their work at an art exhibit from June 2-13 at McNaught House, 75 Spring Street in Summerside. Featured artists include:  Emily Eddie, Christian MacDonald, Maria Dalton, Brette Lynn Gallant, Ebonee Clow, Megan Doherty, Blaire Guptill, Colby Ronahan, Jillian Russell, Mallory Ahern, Ceilidh Lapointe, and Blythe Locke.

The Summerside Lighthouse Project Reveal Night is scheduled for Saturday, June 14. All completed lighthouses will be on display at the Loyalist Lakeview Hotel from 7-9 PM. TOSH is represented x 3 in this project by: Jessica Foster, Santana McCue, and Erin Peterson. Tickets are required for this event and are available through our art teacher, Ms. Shannon Evans ( 

Mrs. Evans and TOSH Alumni (2011) Turned Artist, Meghan Graham 

A Summer School program is being offered at Colonel Gray High School in Charlottetown again this year. Students can get information on courses being offered via the following website: 

The deadline for Coop course has passed and the registration deadline for all other courses is June 19.


A big THANK YOU goes out to our Activities Council members and their advisors: Mrs. Dia Lynn Keough, Mrs. Ashley Bell, and Mr. Lyndon Oulton for leading the way in the planning and execution of this year's "Three Oaks Activities Day" a.k.a. TOAD! This afternoon of fun allows our school community to connect on a different level through play before the more serious business of Final Exams begins. It was a privilege to walk around and see the smiles, hear the laughter, and witness the pure joy that is TOAD! Take a peek for yourself:

The day began with a free pancake breakfast...

Then after morning classes, we moved to Karaoke in the Caf at noon...

Then launched into the activities, beginning with the Amazing Race...

Followed by the Physics PBL display...

And on to Blow Up Games...

Ball Hockey Tournament...

Slip 'n Slide...

Texas Hold 'Em Tournament...

Barbeque and Sno Cone Sales PLUS Lemonade Stand Run By Rainbow Daycare in support of Cystic Fibrosis...

Flight Simulator...

Coffee House/Talent Show...

Video Games...

Table Tennis Tournament...

And TONS of School Spirit!

There was even an "Impromptu Water War", which was started by our Social Studies Department...

PS. They were nice enough to take our phones first!! 

For the record, TOAD ROCKS! :)


We have a lot of fun at TOSH, and that happens both outside and INside the classroom! Here are some pictures from my wander throughout the building during instructional time last week:

Carpentry students hard at work

Science 701 robots almost ready for action

Biology 521 Flower Dissection Lab...and Rourke the Charmer!

Santana doing Lighthouse Project work


Climate Crew Members Tanner, Ty, and Colin on Patrol :)
Mr. Trainor's "Who's Your Father?" Hat


To the members of our shOUT GSA group and their advisors, Ms. Janet Bradshaw and Mrs. Sandra Sheridan, for being recognized with the 2014 Youth Project Rainbow Apple Award!

To the members of our AAA Men's and Women's Rugby teams (pictured above) for winning the PEISAA banners this year! Pure Green and GOLD!!

To our Extra-Curricular Certificate Award Winners (500-999 hours of extra-curricular involvement):

Rachel Barry, Jesse Cameron, Christie-Anne Campbell, Jessica Campbell, Justin Campbell, Jenna Clow, Kelly Curley, Marc DesRoches, Megan Doherty, Rebecca Drummond, Emily Eddie, Nathan Fraser, Caitlin Gallant, Nicole Gallant, Paige Gallant, Emma Gaudet, Jessica Gillis, Blaire Guptill, Marissa Hashie, Breann Hastings, Colin Loerick, Justin MacEachern, Jillian MacIntyre, Colin MacKay, Jacob Majcan, Zach Mallett, Julia MacIntyre, Millee McKay, David McNeill, James Meek, Tanner Mendoza, Logan Millar, Rachel Murray, Laura O'Neill, Taylor Poirier, Paige Rankin,Scott Richard, Noah Richardson, Alex Rose, Jillian Russell, Lauren Sheidow, Ashley Simmons, Aiden Smith, Ben Smith, Charlotte Thompson, Brittan Turner, and Ty Wright.

To our Extra-Curricular Pin Award Winners (1000+ hours of extra-curricular involvement-pictured above):

Jessica Gillis, Blaire Guptill, Millee McKay, James Meek, Tanner Mendoza, Laura O'Neill, Noah Richardson, Alex Rose, Ashley Simmons, Aiden Smith, Charlotte Thompson, and Ty Wright.

To the members of our R & B Band (pictured above) for an excellent performance at the Extra-Curricular Awards Assembly last week!

To Frank Bowness (pictured above) for being crowned our TOSH Texas Hold 'Em Champion for 2014!

To Carter Moase and Breann Hastings (pictured above) who participated in the Habitat for Humanity Picnic Table Build with their advisor, Mrs. Tammy Craig and her family! They built 8 tables in 4 hours!! Well done!

To Paige Rankin, Millee McKay, and Bruce Ramsay for helping with the provincial rugby championships last week!

To Jordan MacLean who won the Silver medal at national level for Workplace Safety at this year's Skills Canada competition!

To Cody Cole (Auto Service) and Bloyce Walfield (Welding) who represented us well at the national Skills Canada competition last week!

To the TOSH members of Team MacFadyen- Alex MacFadyen and James Dalton- for being recognized as the Team of the Year for the ADL/Curl PEI Awards!

To the members of the Cougars- Chandler Acorn, David McNeill. Brett Murphy, and Devan Surkan- who are the Reach for the Top Champions for Semester 2!

To the students who were nominated by staff for Student of the Week recognition:

To Reilly MacKay for great work in Computer class!
To Emma Paynter for great work in Computer class!
To Tanner Mendoza for his great attitude in Computer class!
To Charlie Steele for his honesty in handing in lost money he found!
To Rourke Perry for his honesty in handing in lost car keys!
To Kristyn Reeves for her great effort and teaching skills in Phys Ed class!
To Mikailla MacDonald for her great effort and teaching skills in Phys Ed class!
To Paige Rankin for her thoughtfulness and positivity in Phys Ed class!
To Seabille Bergeron Dawe for all her help in the library!
To Jasmin Geary for all her help in the library!
To Jessica Stewart for all her help in the library!
To Amanda Getson for all her help in the library!
To Katilyn Jeffery for a great presentation in Canadian Studies!
To Steven Smith for a great presentation in Canadian Studies!
To Cooper Phillips for a great presentation in Canadian Studies!
To Eddie Wells for a great presentation in Canadian Studies!
To Aaron Dockendorff for a great presentation in Canadian Studies!
To Matthew Bagnall for a great presentation in Canadian Studies!
To Justin Gallant for a great presentation in Canadian Studies!
To Sherry Anne Hiscock for working hard to get her English assignments completed!
To Chris Mollins for his incredible study skills!
To Marissa Hashie for her extra positive Peer Helping skills!
To Santana McCue for being an incredible Peer Helper in Ms. Peterson's room!
To Savannah Mahar for being such a great reader!
To Rebecca Matthews for her honesty in returning a lost cell phone!

To the Track and Field athletes (some pictured above) who represented us so well at this year's provincial meet on a rainy, cold weekend:
Hannah Taylor, Tara Campbell, Megan Morrow, Carrie McGuire, Taran Price, Jordan Bridges, Jack Fingler, Austin Taylor, Alex MacFadyen, Brolin Turner, Sebastion Roy Garand, Jesse MacFarlane, Ryan Merrett, Brittan Turner, Hartlen Haley, Jordon Gallant, Daniel Meister, Logan Vanderveldon and Matt Tanton.  

To Ryan Merritt for winning the Senior 1500m, 800m races and coming 2nd in the 3000m race at the Track and Field Provincials on Saturday!

To Austin Taylor for winning the Midget 1200m and 800m races at the Track and Field Provincials on Saturday!

To the new Council Executive members chosen to lead during the 2014-15 school year:

Activities Council:
Kristyn Reeves-President
Bronwyn Bridges- Gr. 12 Vice-President
Rebecca Smith- Gr. 11 Vice-President
Melissa MacKay- Communications Officer

Fundraising and Finance:
Lucas Picard and Josh Gallant- Co-Chairs
** Interested Grade 10 students are asked to see Mrs. Watters (Room 612) ASAP**

Music Council:
Alex Casey- President
Rachel Brown- Vice-President

Athletic Council:
Jesse MacFarlane-President
Brolin Turner- Vice-President
Alex MacFadyen-Treasurer

Multi-Media Council:
Charlie Steele-President

**Interested students are asked to see Mrs. Evans (Room 617) ASAP**

Community Works Council:

**Interested students are asked to see Mrs. Craig (Room 407) ASAP**

Student Government Council:
Brohan Brennan- President
Jesse MacFarlane- Vice-President
Logan O'Brien- Communications Officer

To the students who have been chosen to represent our school and province at the Canadian Student Leadership Conference (CSLC) 2014 in Kelowna, BC this coming September: 
Bronwyn Bridges, Colton Profitt, Jordan Gallant, Rebecca Smith, and Hannah Taylor.

Challenge:  Help your son/daughter plan how he/she will prepare for final exams and then make sure there is follow through! Let's finish strong!!

Quote of the Week:  "It always seems impossible until it's done."~ Nelson Mandela

Have an awesome week!

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