Sunday, December 14, 2014

Nicole's Notes: Volume 12 (December 15, 2014)

Calvin trying to figure this Santa guy out :)
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

'Twas the Week Before Christmas at Three Oaks...o.k., more like the last 7 teaching days before Christmas! Our Activities Council has lots planned for dressing up and noon hour fun (see daily schedule below), but it will also be our goal to stay focused and make the most of few instructional days remaining this semester! There are only 20 school days between now and the start of final exams on January 22, so please encourage your son/daughter to stay tuned in and finish strong.

PLEASE NOTE:  If your son/daughter is going to miss any school time due to leaving early for holidays, he/she is responsible to catch up on any missed instruction and complete any work due before the holidays in advance of departure. Late assignments will not be accepted in January, so please encourage him/her to talk with teachers ASAP!


Mon., Dec. 15          Candy Grams on sale at noon
                                 The Hunger Game begins!
Tues., Dec. 16         Wear Your Santa Hat and Cookie                                       Decorating in the caf at noon
Wed., Dec. 17          Egg Noggin' on stage in the caf at                                         noon
Thurs., Dec. 18       Candy Grams on sale and Pictures                                       with Santa at noon

Fri., Dec. 19            Wear Your Ugly Sweater Day!
                                 Candy Grams on sale/Mistletoe                                            Video and So You Think You                                            Can Carol? on stage in caf at noon
Mon., Dec. 22         Karaoke on stage in caf at noon
Tues., Dec. 23         Wear Your Christmas Jammies and Dodgeball Finals in gym at noon


Dec.15-23    'Twas the Week Before Christmas!
Dec. 23        Last Day of Classes for 2014

Jan. 5          Happy New Year!! First Day of Classes for 2015

                    Presidents' Council Meeting- 11:45 a.m. in Conference room with Ms. Haire

Jan. 12         Parent Council Meeting- 6:30 p.m. in the Library
Jan. 22         Final Exams Begin:  MAT 521 Provincial Math Assessment

Jan. 23         Block A- 9 a.m.
Jan. 26         Block B- 9 a.m.
Jan. 27         Block C- 9 a.m.
Jan. 28         Block D- 9 a.m.
Jan. 29         Exam Conflict Day- No classes
Jan. 30         Turnaround Day- No classes
Feb. 2         First Day of Semester 2
                   Presidents' Council Meeting-11:45 Conference room with Ms Haire


All members of the Class of 2015 are invited to get on their comfy pj's, bring some food to share, and come to the school for a Grad Potluck and movie night on Tuesday, Dec. 16 beginning at 6 p.m. Grads can see or message one of the Class Officers if they have any questions.

A huge thank you goes out to the youth group at Trinity United Church who hosted a fundraising breakfast on Sunday morning in aid of the breakfast programs in our Summerside schools. Some of our Climate Crew members were there to help out (see pics below), and we appreciate TOSH father, Ken Trenholm, approaching us to partner with this group. 

It is an annual tradition at TOSH for our Activities Council to host a Christmas celebration for the youngest members of our TOSH family: our staff kids! The appearance of Santa (aka Mr. Trainor) is always the highlight of the event, and he didn't disappoint again this year! Thank you to Ms. Peterson for her leadership with this and I will mention her "elves" in the student kudos section below. Check out the smiles! TOSH spirit is Christmas spirit all year round!

This was truly a great week of learning and celebration at school. From basketball action at the Annual Christmas Classic, to the spirit shown on Green and Gold Day, to carols being performed by the Choral Ensemble, to crafts made compliments of our students in Room 421:  There is never a dull moment in the run of a week at Three Oaks and our students and staff continue to make me so proud! Enjoy the pictures that prove it! :-)

Mrs. Halupa and Xander stopped in for a visit!

Classic Free Throws

Green and Gold Day Pride

Gabbie's Awesome Face Painting Station

Chasse and Alex sporting their new Leadership shirts

Original composition and an awesome performance!

Choral Ensemble as guests of Fandango

Billy and Mitch just hanging out!

All smiles :)

Mrs. Vardon's awesome craft activity

Jerrica making ornaments to admire!

Crafts galore!

All the right moves! #chessatnoon


To Joel Arsenault for his hard work in organizing and facilitating the Christmas Classic tournament this weekend!

To Erin Peterson for organizing and hosting the Staff Kids' Christmas party on Sunday!

To all staff who participated with their families in the Staff Kids' Party! 

To Mike Trainor (pictured above) for showing his "Santa side" on Sunday and in the days ahead during the activities helping us countdown to Christmas holidays!

To Dia Lynn Keough and Lyndon Oulton for advising the Activities Council in their "'Twas the Week Before Christmas" planning!

To Lyndon Oulton for overseeing our inaugural "Hunger Games" activity!

To Ken MacMillan and Jason Gallant for working hard to get our school computers up to date and operational!

To Shirley Anne Cameron for directing our Choral Ensemble during their concert with Fandango last week!

To Janet Surette for supporting the students who were running the TOSH Closet collection as well as all staff who donated!

To Krissy Vardon for making such beautiful crafted Christmas decorations available to our staff for purchase and for sharing her craft skills with the students in Room 421 last week!

To Trudy DesRoche for her patience, understanding, and compassion this week!

To David Chisholm for giving his GEO 621 students the opportunity to present their research via a project fair! A creative way for them to learn from one another!

To Emily Perry for offering holiday baking to staff!

To Carrie Watters and Heather Pringle for braving the elements to get themselves to school from the far West last week despite the rainstorm devastation there! Grateful you stayed safe!


To members of the Activities Council (including Hannah and Reegan pictured above) who planned and facilitated the Staff Kids' Christmas Party on Sunday: Julie Campbell, Hannah Taylor, Cody Gaudet, Reegan Gaudet, Marlee Springer, Maddie Fisher, Tara Campbell, Dirk Locke, Ben Mellish and Madison Wood!

To the members of our Men's AAA Basketball team for representing us so well at their Christmas Classic tournament this weekend!

To Keegan Gray and Matthew Kays for their time working the scoring table at the Classic!

To Kendra Smith for using her Political Studies writing assignment as a means to secure a meeting with Education Minister, Alan McIsaac, to discuss issues pertaining to education on PEI!

To the student volunteers who helped set up, run, and tear down our Christmas Classic tournament:
Leadership 621 class members
Athletic Council Members:
Kate Steele
Lauryn Reeves
Jansen Gallant
Brolin Turner
Ally Simmonds
Kelsey MacKinnon
Darian Demchuck
Tiffany Cameron

To Divine Pascal for being chosen to attend the Honeywell Leadership Challenge Academy in Alabama!

To Jack DesRoches for being selected to play hockey at Canada Games!

To the members of the "Balls of Duty" dodgeball team who placed third in the girls division at an Island Dodgeball tournament this weekend!:
Emily MacArthur
Morgan Dehmel
Molly Johnston
Lexi Drummond
Julie Campbell
Sydney Strongman
Stacy Montgomery
Jessica Procter
Kristyn Reeves
Morgan Boyd
Mikailla MacDonald
Brooke MacArthur
Jessica Gillis
Tiffany Cameron
Bronwyn Bridges

Challenge:  Check in with your son/daughter to see if he/she is on track with assignments and has a plan for how to finish this semester in fine form! Also see if he/she has spirit wear ready for these final days before the holiday (Ugly Christmas Sweater, Santa Hat, Jammies that can be worn to school).

Quote of the Week: "Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before! What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. What if Christmas...perhaps...means a little bit more!"~ Dr. Seuss, How the Grinch Stole Christmas!

Enjoy the ride to the holidays!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Nicole's Notes: Volume 10 & 11 (December 8, 2014)

Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

This week's post is a 2 week combo. Sorry for the delay from last week! I try my best to dedicate the time necessary for this each week, but sometimes my many commitments get in the way of that.

It's definitely busy times here at school as we ride the wave towards the holidays! We have classes until Dec. 23 this year, so we appreciate anything you can do at home to help your son/daughter stay focused and productive for the remaining weeks of December. We only have 2 1/2 instructional weeks left in the semester when we return from Christmas break, so every day counts!! We have our Academic Recognition banner up in the caf (awards given for the 2013-2014 school year) and we look forward to seeing our students make academic history again this year.


We were pleased to hear of the safe arrival of Mrs. Natasha Bromley's bundle of joy-Elliot Michael-last week. Welcome to our TOSH family, Elliot! Both he and mom are doing well.

We also had a visit this week from Mrs. Amanda Arsenault who is currently on maternity leave. She and Mr. Joel Arsenault are the proud parents of Gus and baby Scarlett.


Dec. 8           Presidents' Council Meeting- 11:45 a.m. in Conference Room with Ms. Haire
Dec. 11         Nicole Out
                     Choral Ensemble performing at S'side Christian Church- 6:30 p.m.
Dec. 11-13   Annual Christmas Classic Basketball Tournament
Dec. 23        Last Day of Classes for 2014

Jan. 5          Happy New Year!! First Day of Classes for 2015

                    Presidents' Council Meeting- 11:45 a.m. in Conference room with Ms. Haire

Jan. 12         Parent Council Meeting- 6:30 p.m. in the Library
Jan. 22         Final Exams Begin:  MAT 521 Provincial Math Assessment
Jan. 23         Block A- 9 a.m.
Jan. 26         Block B- 9 a.m.
Jan. 27         Block C- 9 a.m.
Jan. 28         Block D- 9 a.m.
Jan. 29         Exam Conflict Day- No classes
Jan. 30         Turnaround Day- No classes
Feb. 2         First Day of Semester 2
                   Presidents' Council Meeting-11:45 Conference room with Ms Haire

We had a great turnout for our annual Christmas dance and appreciated all the students who stayed behind to help tear down. Thanks to Mrs. Keough, Mr. McNeill, M. Allen and Mrs. Hickey for their help with the organization of this event and to the staff members who volunteered their time to supervise. Lots of fun was had by all and everyone looked fabulous! Take a peek below...They're all from my camera so I apologize in advance that I'm in so many of them! :)




All ELSB school cancellations will be announced on local radio stations and posted on our website by 7:00 A.M. An announcement that "classes in all English Language School Board schools are cancelled" means that there is no school for students. An announcement of a "system wide shutdown" indicates that all schools and offices are closed. In some instances it may only be necessary to close an individual school or a “family of schools”. Partial system closures or delays will be announced by family of schools. (See Below)
If a decision on cancellation cannot be made by 7:00 A.M., a one hour delay will be announced whereby all schools and buses will operate one hour later than usual. A further announcement will be broadcast by 8:00 A.M.
In some instances, even in fine weather, buses may be delayed. Parents will be notified via radio broadcast that a bus will be delayed (i.e. Bus #97 is running 30 minutes late).
It may be necessary to close a school or a family of schools part way through a school day for weather related concerns. Detailed announcements will be made on local radio stations and posted to our school board website.
Parents who will not be at home when children arrive are responsible for making alternate arrangements for the care of their children on such days. Please notify the school of these arrangements as soon as possible.
Should Transportation Infrastructure Renewal and/or the RCMP recommend that school buses remain off Island roads, students may be required to remain at school beyond their normal dismissal time (unless picked up by a parent or designate). Announcements will be made on local radio stations and posted to our school board website.
On days when classes are in session, and the low temperature combined with wind provides a wind chill of -20 or below, students will not be required to go outside at recess or lunch, or remain outside upon morning arrival.
1. The final decision to attend school or to travel to school via school bus always rests with the parent.
2. Please do not drop children off at school unless you are certain that school is operating that day and that staff are present to supervise the children.
3. Please listen to the radio and check the school board website frequently between 6:30 and 8:00 A.M. daily to determine if schools are operating. Every effort will be made to have announcements broadcast by 7:00 A.M.
4. Please do not call the school, school board office, or radio stations for information on cancellations or delays. Such calls tie up telephone lines which may be needed for emergency use.
Elm Street Elementary
Parkside Elementary
Greenfield Elementary
Athena Consolidated
Miscouche Consolidated
Summerside Intermediate School


  Follow @TOSHathletics on twitter for Tournament news and updates

Green Pool:                                                                                           Red Pool:
Three Oaks                                                                                          Charlottetown Rural
North Nova                                                                                           Prince Andrew
Amherst                                                                                                Bluefield

Thursday Dec. 11th:
6:00  Bluefield  vs. Rural @ Bluefield                                                                                                                             
Friday Dec. 12th:
12:00  Three Oaks vs. Amherst                                                            
1:45  Bluefield vs. Prince Andrew
3:30  Amherst vs. North Nova
5:00 *3 point and star shooting                                                      
6:00 Charlottetown Rural vs. Prince Andrew
7:45  Three Oaks vs. North Nova
Saturday Dec. 13th:
9:45    1A vs. 2B                                           1B  vs. 2A  @ Summerside Intermediate       
11:30   3A vs. 3B (5th)                                                      
1:15   Loser of 9:45 games (3rd)
3:00   Winner of 9:45 games (1st)


The competition is already fierce as several teams from our school vie for the right to represent Three Oaks at the provincial dodgeball championships! 

The noon hour action has been drawing lots of spectators to the gym and there are some big plans in the works for the championship game scheduled for December 23 at noon. Wishing all teams the best in the days ahead and may the best dodgers win!

We were excited to hear that our application for a School Health Grant was accepted from among 50 school applications! We will be receiving the following and look forward to putting these materials to good use in the weeks ahead:
1 Yoga kit
1 Exercise kit
$300 for instruction
$150 for healthy snacks
go!PEI hats and mitts


To Danielle Smith (Student Teacher) for participating for the morning on Climate Day! Danielle was a grade 12 Spirit Leader at CSLC 2008 and this workshop is part of her leadership legacy at our school. I appreciate Erin freeing her up so that she could witness it! Kudos to Lucas MacLean (Student Teacher) who was a grade 11 Spirit Leader at CSLC 2008, as well!

To Joel Arsenault and Sue Thomson for giving up their classroom for Climate Day on Friday and to Joel for his help with videos, etc.!

To Gerald MacCormack for his help setting up technology for Climate Day!

To Sandra Sheridan and Janet Bradshaw for accompanying our GSA students to the "Outstanding" conference in Nova Scotia this weekend!

To Tammy Craig and Mike MacKinnon for accompanying our We Day participants to Halifax on Friday!

To Krista Carruthers for preparing and accompanying our music students for their Honour Band weekend experience!

To Donnie Gallant for supporting our Aviation students and supervising them in their Santa Claus Parade float submission!

To David Ramsay for being selected to participate on the Science 421 Pilot Committee!

To David Gallant for seeking his own professional development by traveling to Dalhousie University to sit in on a Calculus class there in an effort to better prepare his grade 12 math students for their next steps!

To Jim Donovan for accompanying Ms. Emily Perry on her CUL 801 field trip to Charlottetown!

To Shirlee Anne Campbell for leading our TOSH Staff giving to families in need again this Christmas!

To Dia Lynn Keough, Krista Hickey, Amanda Allen and David McNeill for their work organizing and facilitating the Christmas dance Saturday night!
To the staff who helped supervise the Christmas Dance: Sarah Jane Barrett, Barb Forbes, Fran Gillis, Gerald MacCormack and to Forrest Lilly for providing the music!
To the staff who sold items in the caf in aid of our Christmas Families at the Christmas Dance:  Shirlee Anne Campbell, Katherine Clow and Ian Gillis!
To Joel Arsenault for securing a Canadian Tire/School Health Grant for our school!
To Donnie Gallant for being a "lunch angel"!
To Tim Hockin for the excellent "out of the box" 1984 empathy experience he provided for his ENG 621 class last week!
To Pam Walsh, Lyndon Oulton and Nancy Milton for the work they are doing to prepare for the Literacy pilot courses we are offering Semester 2!


To the members of our TOSH Bands for their wonderful Christmas concert performances last week! (Picture above)

To the members of our GSA group who attended the Outstanding conference in Nova Scotia: Zach Bullard, Keisha Clements, Zander Gallant, Lexi Norden, Tasha Rafuse, and Gabbie Richard.

To members of the Leadership and Global Issues 621 classes for collecting and organizing Christmas hampers this year!

To Bronwyn Bridges for going the extra mile for Climate Day planning!

To the 112 students who participated in our Climate Day workshop for demonstrating open minds and hearts and for committing to "be the change"!

To Darcie Martin and Maddy Maxwell  for qualifing to represent PEI at the 5 Pin Bowling Youth Challenge Tournament in March 2015!

To Thayne Clow for stopping to help a person in need in the parking lot last week!

To the students who helped organize and/or clean up after the Christmas dance
Bronwyn Bridges
Samantha Harris
Colton Profitt
Brooke MacArthur
Mikailla MacDonald
Samantha MacIntyre
Charlie Steele
Beatrice Brown
Riley DesRoches
Logan O'Brien
Tyler Snyder
Kyle Richard
Carlos Gutierrez
Sam MacPhail (Bluefield)

To the members of the AAA Women's Basketball team for placing third in the Bluefield tournament this weekend!

To the TOSH Honour Band participants (pictured above) for representing our school so well!

Challenge:  Help your son/daughter plan what needs to be done in order to finish strong in his/her courses this semester.

Quote of the Week:  "Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more."~ H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Have a wonderful week ahead!