Sunday, December 14, 2014

Nicole's Notes: Volume 12 (December 15, 2014)

Calvin trying to figure this Santa guy out :)
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

'Twas the Week Before Christmas at Three Oaks...o.k., more like the last 7 teaching days before Christmas! Our Activities Council has lots planned for dressing up and noon hour fun (see daily schedule below), but it will also be our goal to stay focused and make the most of few instructional days remaining this semester! There are only 20 school days between now and the start of final exams on January 22, so please encourage your son/daughter to stay tuned in and finish strong.

PLEASE NOTE:  If your son/daughter is going to miss any school time due to leaving early for holidays, he/she is responsible to catch up on any missed instruction and complete any work due before the holidays in advance of departure. Late assignments will not be accepted in January, so please encourage him/her to talk with teachers ASAP!


Mon., Dec. 15          Candy Grams on sale at noon
                                 The Hunger Game begins!
Tues., Dec. 16         Wear Your Santa Hat and Cookie                                       Decorating in the caf at noon
Wed., Dec. 17          Egg Noggin' on stage in the caf at                                         noon
Thurs., Dec. 18       Candy Grams on sale and Pictures                                       with Santa at noon

Fri., Dec. 19            Wear Your Ugly Sweater Day!
                                 Candy Grams on sale/Mistletoe                                            Video and So You Think You                                            Can Carol? on stage in caf at noon
Mon., Dec. 22         Karaoke on stage in caf at noon
Tues., Dec. 23         Wear Your Christmas Jammies and Dodgeball Finals in gym at noon


Dec.15-23    'Twas the Week Before Christmas!
Dec. 23        Last Day of Classes for 2014

Jan. 5          Happy New Year!! First Day of Classes for 2015

                    Presidents' Council Meeting- 11:45 a.m. in Conference room with Ms. Haire

Jan. 12         Parent Council Meeting- 6:30 p.m. in the Library
Jan. 22         Final Exams Begin:  MAT 521 Provincial Math Assessment

Jan. 23         Block A- 9 a.m.
Jan. 26         Block B- 9 a.m.
Jan. 27         Block C- 9 a.m.
Jan. 28         Block D- 9 a.m.
Jan. 29         Exam Conflict Day- No classes
Jan. 30         Turnaround Day- No classes
Feb. 2         First Day of Semester 2
                   Presidents' Council Meeting-11:45 Conference room with Ms Haire


All members of the Class of 2015 are invited to get on their comfy pj's, bring some food to share, and come to the school for a Grad Potluck and movie night on Tuesday, Dec. 16 beginning at 6 p.m. Grads can see or message one of the Class Officers if they have any questions.

A huge thank you goes out to the youth group at Trinity United Church who hosted a fundraising breakfast on Sunday morning in aid of the breakfast programs in our Summerside schools. Some of our Climate Crew members were there to help out (see pics below), and we appreciate TOSH father, Ken Trenholm, approaching us to partner with this group. 

It is an annual tradition at TOSH for our Activities Council to host a Christmas celebration for the youngest members of our TOSH family: our staff kids! The appearance of Santa (aka Mr. Trainor) is always the highlight of the event, and he didn't disappoint again this year! Thank you to Ms. Peterson for her leadership with this and I will mention her "elves" in the student kudos section below. Check out the smiles! TOSH spirit is Christmas spirit all year round!

This was truly a great week of learning and celebration at school. From basketball action at the Annual Christmas Classic, to the spirit shown on Green and Gold Day, to carols being performed by the Choral Ensemble, to crafts made compliments of our students in Room 421:  There is never a dull moment in the run of a week at Three Oaks and our students and staff continue to make me so proud! Enjoy the pictures that prove it! :-)

Mrs. Halupa and Xander stopped in for a visit!

Classic Free Throws

Green and Gold Day Pride

Gabbie's Awesome Face Painting Station

Chasse and Alex sporting their new Leadership shirts

Original composition and an awesome performance!

Choral Ensemble as guests of Fandango

Billy and Mitch just hanging out!

All smiles :)

Mrs. Vardon's awesome craft activity

Jerrica making ornaments to admire!

Crafts galore!

All the right moves! #chessatnoon


To Joel Arsenault for his hard work in organizing and facilitating the Christmas Classic tournament this weekend!

To Erin Peterson for organizing and hosting the Staff Kids' Christmas party on Sunday!

To all staff who participated with their families in the Staff Kids' Party! 

To Mike Trainor (pictured above) for showing his "Santa side" on Sunday and in the days ahead during the activities helping us countdown to Christmas holidays!

To Dia Lynn Keough and Lyndon Oulton for advising the Activities Council in their "'Twas the Week Before Christmas" planning!

To Lyndon Oulton for overseeing our inaugural "Hunger Games" activity!

To Ken MacMillan and Jason Gallant for working hard to get our school computers up to date and operational!

To Shirley Anne Cameron for directing our Choral Ensemble during their concert with Fandango last week!

To Janet Surette for supporting the students who were running the TOSH Closet collection as well as all staff who donated!

To Krissy Vardon for making such beautiful crafted Christmas decorations available to our staff for purchase and for sharing her craft skills with the students in Room 421 last week!

To Trudy DesRoche for her patience, understanding, and compassion this week!

To David Chisholm for giving his GEO 621 students the opportunity to present their research via a project fair! A creative way for them to learn from one another!

To Emily Perry for offering holiday baking to staff!

To Carrie Watters and Heather Pringle for braving the elements to get themselves to school from the far West last week despite the rainstorm devastation there! Grateful you stayed safe!


To members of the Activities Council (including Hannah and Reegan pictured above) who planned and facilitated the Staff Kids' Christmas Party on Sunday: Julie Campbell, Hannah Taylor, Cody Gaudet, Reegan Gaudet, Marlee Springer, Maddie Fisher, Tara Campbell, Dirk Locke, Ben Mellish and Madison Wood!

To the members of our Men's AAA Basketball team for representing us so well at their Christmas Classic tournament this weekend!

To Keegan Gray and Matthew Kays for their time working the scoring table at the Classic!

To Kendra Smith for using her Political Studies writing assignment as a means to secure a meeting with Education Minister, Alan McIsaac, to discuss issues pertaining to education on PEI!

To the student volunteers who helped set up, run, and tear down our Christmas Classic tournament:
Leadership 621 class members
Athletic Council Members:
Kate Steele
Lauryn Reeves
Jansen Gallant
Brolin Turner
Ally Simmonds
Kelsey MacKinnon
Darian Demchuck
Tiffany Cameron

To Divine Pascal for being chosen to attend the Honeywell Leadership Challenge Academy in Alabama!

To Jack DesRoches for being selected to play hockey at Canada Games!

To the members of the "Balls of Duty" dodgeball team who placed third in the girls division at an Island Dodgeball tournament this weekend!:
Emily MacArthur
Morgan Dehmel
Molly Johnston
Lexi Drummond
Julie Campbell
Sydney Strongman
Stacy Montgomery
Jessica Procter
Kristyn Reeves
Morgan Boyd
Mikailla MacDonald
Brooke MacArthur
Jessica Gillis
Tiffany Cameron
Bronwyn Bridges

Challenge:  Check in with your son/daughter to see if he/she is on track with assignments and has a plan for how to finish this semester in fine form! Also see if he/she has spirit wear ready for these final days before the holiday (Ugly Christmas Sweater, Santa Hat, Jammies that can be worn to school).

Quote of the Week: "Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before! What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. What if Christmas...perhaps...means a little bit more!"~ Dr. Seuss, How the Grinch Stole Christmas!

Enjoy the ride to the holidays!

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