Sunday, May 6, 2012

Nicole's Notes: Volume 4

Hello TOSH Parents/Guardians!

Welcome May! With that comes the warm weather and the promise of summer holidays. Believe it or not, we are a mere five weeks away from the start of Grade 12 Final Exams! Right now, many seniors are in "prom mode" (an exciting time for them, as well!). Anything you can do to help us keep their eyes on their academic goals as they ride the wave to June would be much appreciated! We also need your help on the topic of dress code. Clothes that are "in style" are not always appropriate school attire. Please review the school's Dress Code with your son/daughter so that we can avoid the awkward situation of having to address infractions at school.

Dates to Remember:
7      Student Government Council (SGC) Campaigns Begin
8      Michael Kennedy Workshops
        Michael Kennedy session for public: 7-9 p.m. Cost is $8/person
9      Michael Kennedy Workshops continue
        SGC Leaders' Debate in LT at noon (moderated by David Gallant)
11    30 Hour Famine Overnight Event
        David Voye Memorial Rugby Tournament
14    Parent Council Meeting-6:30 p.m. in the library-All are welcome!
18    Advance Polls for SGC Election
21    Victoria Day- No Classes 
22    Grade 12 assembly-PARTY program-Block D
         PARTY program presentation for parents- 7 p.m.
22     SGC Election Day
24     Full School Motivational Assembly: Tom Yonge-9 a.m.
26     Grad Prom- Credit Union Place
28     SGC Oath Taking-caf stage at noon

NOTE:  The date for this year's graduation ceremony is June 21 (7 p.m.) at Credit Union Place.

PARTY Program Presentation for Parents: May 22 at 7 p.m. 
We have decided to move our PARTY program presentation for parents closer to the date of the prom. It will take place on Tuesday, May 22 beginning at 7 p.m. and the focus of the presentation is some of the at-risk behaviours that young people can engage in during this time of year. Our goal is to work with you to keep our kids safe. Please make time in your busy schedule to come to this important information session. NOTE:  This session is not only for parents of Grade 12 students! This is an important topic for all parents, especially considering the fact that students of all grade levels seem to be buying "tickets" to attend the prom "after party" (which is NOT a school-sanctioned event). In fact, this is not a "safe" event for your child to attend, despite what people tell you. We deal with the after-effects of this party annually, and it is not something we endorse our students attending.

Prom Policy
The prom is in celebration of those students who are in a position to graduate from Three Oaks in June 2012. We have reworked our Prom policy in order to create some flexibility for students who wish to bring dates who are not current TOSH students while still trying to keep the participants age-appropriate for a high school dance. Prom dates must be: students out of high school no more than 2 years, no older than 21 years of age, and students in good standing at their last school. All prom dates are subject to administrative approval and all school rules apply at the prom. Prom tickets were on sale this past week, but there will be a "late sale" on Tuesday of this week for those who neglected to get their tickets on time. NOTE: All late book and student fees must be paid prior to prom tickets being issued.

Advanced Placement Courses 2012-2013
At Three Oaks, we value the enrichment of curriculum and instruction for all students and we will continue to offer Advanced Placement courses where enrolment numbers warrant. This year we will be offering the following AP courses:
*   Grade 12 AP Math
*   In English, we will be offering our usual ENG 611(Advanced) course with the option for those students to write the AP exam in the spring if they choose to do so.
* CHM 621S and BIO 621S will not be offered this coming year due to low enrolment numbers
I will be meeting with AP designated students on Monday, May 7 and sending an information letter home to parents that day. If you have further questions, feel free to contact me via e mail or call the school.

Student Government Council Elections!
The process is well under way for this year's Student Government Council elections. Here are some media links-in case you missed the recent coverage-that might better explain the new student leadership model we have created for next year: "Student Council 2.0".
CBC Radio:
CBC Compass: (Scroll to 17:28)

Bringing Home the Golden Apple Award! 
We are proud to announce that one of the two Western Area Teachers' Association "Golden Apple Award" winners this year is our own Gerard Moulins! Gerard is a founding faculty member of Three Oaks and has served students here for 36 years. His involvements in the school over the years have been extensive with special mention going to his roles as Student Council and Class Officers advisor and the part he played in the creation of Safe Grad. Gerard meets his students where they are and then takes them farther than they thought they could go, both academically and as people. It is wonderful to see Gerard's ongoing hard work and dedication recognized!

Kudos to Our Kids!
To Maggie Finkle-Aucoin for being selected to participate in the Quebec exchange next year!

To Maria Dalton for being selected to attend the National Student Commonwealth Forum in Ottawa this week!

To the candidates running in the four parties for Student Government Council election:
The Revolutionary Student Government (RSG) Party: 
Kitt Carey-Campbell, Clayton Smith, and Andrew Farag
The New Age Student Association Party:
Wayne Pike, Patrick Strongman, and Mitch Rayner
The For-Oaks Party:
Noah Richardson, Rebecca Drummond, and Maria Dalton
The Rhinoceros Party:
Joel Hansen, Liam McDonald, and James Brown

To Brendan Ronahan for his excellent representation of a Confederation "father" during our assembly on Thursday.

To Dakota Oliver for her beautiful rendition of "O Canada" at the assembly.

To Ryan MacArthur for his awesome spotlight work at the assembly!

To Greg MacCormack and Hannah Graham who were our emcees!

To the LED 621 class for providing the spirit!

To the Student Council members who ran the barbeque at noon!

To TOSH alumni, Alex Clark, for his help with the assembly video!

Quote of the Week:  "Sow an act, and you reap a habit; sow a habit, and you reap a character; sow a character, and you reap a destiny."~George Dana Boardman

Have a wonderful week!

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of a blog Nicole. It's a personal way of communicating what is going on in the school and it shows you are an interested participant. Thank you.
    Mary Lee
