Saturday, May 12, 2012

Nicole's Notes: Volume 5

Hello TOSH Parents and Guardians!

I am writing this week's update from the 30 Hour Famine overnight event! What better way to get some things checked off the "To Do" list than to hang out with some awesome kids at school from 9 p.m.-7 a.m.! They raised a substantial donation for World Vision and a lot of awareness around the issue of world hunger. What a  positive way to end a busy week and what a privilege to work with such globally minded students!

Upcoming Dates to Remember:
14    Parent Council Meeting-6:30 p.m.(TOSH Library-Everyone welcome!)
18    Advance Polls for Student Government Council Election
21    Victoria Day- No Classes 
22    Grade 12 assembly-PARTY program-Block D
        PARTY program presentation for parents- 7 p.m.
22    SGC Election Day
24    Full School Motivational Assembly: Tom Yonge-9 a.m.
        TOSH Band Concert-6:30 p.m.
25    Provincial SC Training Day
26    Grad Prom
28    SGC Oath Taking-caf stage at noon
5      Extra-curricular Awards Assembly
7      "TOAD" (Three Oaks Activity Day-PM only!)
9      Athletic Banquet
11    Grade 12 Final Exams-Block A (9-11:30 a.m.)
12    Grade 12 Final Exams-Block B (9-11:30 a.m.)
13    Grades 10-12 Final Exams-Block C (9-11:30 a.m.)
14    Grades 10-12 Final Exams-Block D (9-11:30 a.m.)
15    Grade 10-11 Final Exams-Block A (9-11:30 a.m.)
18    Grade 10-11 Final Exams-Block B (9-11:30 a.m.)
19    Grad List Posted-9 a.m.
21    Graduation Practice Breakfast and Rehearsal (Grade 12)
        Graduation- 7 p.m. (Credit Union Place)
        Safe Grad Activity
26    Report Cards distributed for Grades 10-11 (9-10:30 a.m.)
29    School Closes for Summer Holidays!

Election Update
Last week we had our inaugural "Leaders' Debate" in the Lecture Theatre at noon. We took down the walls to open up the space for the 100+ students who came out to listen to our Student Government Council Presidential candidates speak to the issues. It was enlightening for all and will better prepare our student voters to make an informed choice when they go to the polls on May 22. A big thank you to Mr. David Gallant for facilitating and to Mr. Trainor for his organization of the event. This coming week will feature campaign rallies in the caf at noon.

Scholarships and Bursaries
This is a busy time of year in Student Services as our potential graduates fill in any number of scholarship and bursary applications available to them. Having seen my daughter through her first year of post-secondary study, I can tell you that these awards help A LOT and will offset some of the trips you will have to make to the "money tree" growing in your backyard as fees come due. If your child is confused about the process, please encourage him/her to stop into Student Services and see Mr. Donovan for help. The door is always open and the bursary list is available via the link on our school website:

TOSH Women's team with their championship banner!

TOSH Men's team with their championship banner!

Voye Memorial Rugby Tournament Double Gold!
Congratulations to our Three Oaks Women's and Men's rugby teams who captured gold at the tournament hosted by our school this past weekend. This was a first time tournament banner for our ladies and number 6 for our TOSH men. Looks like an interesting run to the provincials this year! We might have to extend our gym hallway to accommodate all the banners our TOSH athletes keep bringing home! Proud of everyone and thanks to our coaches, as well as to Mrs. Sue Thomson and Mr. Joel Arsenault who set everything up and kept it running smoothly all weekend!

Gerard Moulins with his
Golden Apple Award
A TOSH Retiree!
Congratulations to our Woodworking teacher, Gerard Moulins, on his decision to retire after 36 awesome years of teaching this June. Gerard is a "Founding Father" of Three Oaks, beginning his career in the shop he loves when the school opened in 1976. He has been an active contributor to our school community and we will feel his loss on staff in September. We know that he will find lots to keep him busy, however, as his skills are numerous and transferable. Many of our staff have benefited from Gerard's teaching and mentorship and we will wish him well during this next stage of life. Gerard will be celebrated at the Western School Board's retirement dinner on June 2 and tickets are available from Pam Rodgerson in the main office. At Gerard's request, we will not be hosting a tea at the school in his honour.

Did You Know This Fun Fact?:
Queen Victoria (whose reign we celebrate next Monday and who survived 7 assassination attempts!) wore a white wedding dress when she married her first cousin, Prince Albert, thereby setting the trend for wearing white wedding dresses? Who knew?!

Quote of the Week:
“Courage: the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently.” ~Maya Angelou

Kudos to Our Kids!
To Nick Kelly (Automotive) and Brandon Neal (Outdoor Powered Equipment) as they represent our school at the National Skills competition this week.

To our AP Calculus, English and Biology students for giving their best effort on the AP exams which finish up on Monday. Thank you to Mrs. Keough for her leadership and organization of this program!

To Logan Crossman  for being selected as this week's "Student of the Week"! Our bulletin board was FILLED with the great things that many of our students are doing and Logan's name was chosen to receive a prize donated by Summerside Consolidated Credit Union.

To Alex Mitchell for the many noon hours he spends offering friendship to our students with special needs.

To Hannah Graham for her tireless effort in planning this year's 30 Hour Famine activity and to Greg MacCormack for his help with set up and running the event.

To the 30 Hour Famine participants for their participation and help to make this year's Famine such a success!

To Olivia Fraser and her Leadership 621 crew mates for their work at the Voye Memorial Rugby tournament this weekend. Mrs. Thomson said they could not have run the tournament without their help!

Enjoy your week!


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