Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Nicole's Notes: Volume 5

Happy Monday (Still!) Parents and Guardians!

First of all, please accept my apology for the late post this week.
I accompanied three of our students (Michaela Walker, Brooke Blanchard, and Katie MacKay) and their teacher advisor, Dia-Lynn Keough, to the Canadian Student Leadership Conference (CSLC) 2012 in Weyburn, SK last week. We had a fun day of flying home yesterday on very little sleep, hence the delay in my post! All in all, it was a fantastic conference experience, and I can't wait to see all that the girls learned play out in our school culture and events this year. This conference, which TOSH hosted for the first time on PEI in 2008, is coming home to Montague High School next year. Check out the Closing Ceremonies "conference promo" that they performed on Saturday evening in Weyburn!:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmVddxI6EQc

Dates to Remember:
1           First Parent Council Meeting:  6:30 p.m. in the library. Everyone welcome!
2           Academic Awards Assembly (2011-2012 school year)
3           PEI Principals' Association Meeting (Nicole out)
8           Thanksgiving Monday (No school)
11-12    Annual PEITF Teacher's Convention (No school)
22         Career Day (Post-secondary information meeting for Grade 12 parents: 6-7 p.m. 
                                  Displays in gym for all parents: 7-8:30 p.m.)

TOSH Parent Council
The first Parent Council meeting on Monday, Oct. 1, 2012 was VERY well attended! Thanks to all who came out to show their support and share ideas. The Council has set three goals for this school year:
1. To assess TOSH student readiness for post-secondary study
2. To consider ways to more actively connect parents to our school and to make some of these a reality
3. To define the Council's mission statement/purpose

The Co-Chairs of this year's Council are Pam Montgomery and Karen Smith. The next meeting is scheduled for Nov. 5 beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the TOSH Library. Plan to come out and bring a friend!
The PEI Home and School Federation has been updated, as well: www.peihsf.ca.

Academic Awards Ceremony- Oct. 2, 2012
We will be celebrating students who achieved academic success during the 2011-2012 school year on Tuesday of this week. Students may receive recognition in the following areas: Grade 10 or 11 Honours, Highest Standing in a course (Subject Prize) and/or Outstanding Effort or Improvement.  The names of all our award winners will be proudly displayed on a large "Academic Wall of Fame" banner in the cafeteria until this time next year.

TOSH Good Neighbour Policy!
We are fortunate to have great neighbours bordering our school property: The Summerside Presbyterian Church community. They have been a wonderful support to our students over the years, providing the popular "KD Thursdays" lunches for anyone who wants to drop in and a final exam daycare space for our CHD 701 students. We are asking that our students not "hang out" on the church property-either on foot or in cars. If students are found disrespecting this policy, there will be school-related discipline as a result. Please have a chat with your son/daughter to make sure that this rule is clearly understood. I will be making an announcement, as well.

Formative versus Summative Assessment
You may notice on SAS that some of your son/daughter's marks are indicated as "Formative" assessment. This is assessment "FOR" learning. You can think of it as the "practice" students will do as they work towards learning a concept or achieving a curriculum outcome or goal in the course. Practices don't really "count", but they do help you to do better on game day! "Summative" assessments are the things that "count" toward the student's final grade (assessment "OF" learning) and these happen after there has been lots of practice and feedback about how a student can improve. These marks ARE counted toward the student's final total in the course for the year. If you do not have a SAS login and password, please contact Mr. Jason Gallant: xjgallant@edu.pe.ca.

As part of our new Grade 10 initiative this year, we have established two assignment completion centres in the school which are open and staffed at noon time each day: Math/Science (620) and English/Social Studies (619).  Students in Grade 10 who do not complete required assignments for completion of any core course will be required to attend a noon hour "catch up" session until the work is complete. Our goal is to have all our Grade 10 students working at maximum capacity and meeting curriculum outcomes before heading into Grade 11 next year. This space is also open to Grade 11 and 12 teachers who want to mandate its use with their own students. There will be teachers there to help each day, and we will need your support if/when your child refuses to attend his/her assigned work session. If that happens, we will contact you to let you know! School success depends on three partners: teachers, students, and parents. We promise to do our part, which is to offer help as needed and keep you informed of your child's progress throughout the semester.

TOSH Councils (Stud Co. 2.0)
There are EIGHT Councils now active in our school. Students were elected to Student Government Council as Homeroom Reps last week. The remaining seven are open for free membership any time! Your son/daughter can choose to join:

Activities Council
Athletic Council
Community Works Council
Extra-Curricular Council
Fundraising and Finance Council
Multi-Media Council
Music Council

He/She can see me in the Main Office if further information is needed about how to get involved in this way!

Challenge:  Talk to your son/daughter about how he/she can get connected to our school community via extra-curricular clubs, teams or Councils. Happiness starts with a sense of belonging!

Quote of the Week: "We should all stop counting crayons and start colouring pictures."~ Mark Scharenbroich

Have a great week and thanks again for your patience!
Nicole :-) 

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