Friday, October 12, 2012

Nicole's Notes: Volume 7

Happy Monday Parents and Guardians!

I just realized that I did not send my e mail "reminder" about the blog update last week. That means you will have to scroll down and read two entries! Sorry! If that was the only ball I dropped last week, I consider myself lucky! :-) We packed a lot of punch into two school days and the Annual Convention offered our staff a lot of food for thought (You will find some updates below). Congratulations to our staff member, Pam Walsh, who chaired the planning committee for this year's event!

Please note that the next Parent Council Meeting is on Monday, Nov. 5. There was misinformation provided in the "This Week at Three Oaks" column this week.

Dates to Remember:
22         Grade 12 Parents' Meeting (6-7 p.m. in Lecture Theatre)
             Career Day (7-8:30 p.m. for all parents in gym) 
5           Parent Council Meeting- 6:30 p.m. in TOSH Library
7           Remembrance Day School Assembly- 1 p.m.
             Parent Teacher Interviews (PM)
8           Parent Teacher Interviews- No classes
9           Provincial PD Day- No classes
             TOSH Christmas Craft Fair Begins
10-11    Craft Fair
12         Remembrance Day Holiday- No classes
22         Grade 11 Trip to Tour UPEI and Holland College

PEITF Annual Convention Update
The theme of this year's Annual Teachers' Convention was: Reaching Out: A Voice for All Students.  
Keynote presenters were:
Dr. Jeffery Wilhelm: Teaching Literacy for Love and Wisdom
* importance of teaching through inquiry
* the need to connect what students are reading and writing about in class to their real lives
* how to activate students' prior knowledge and then build on what is missing
Dr. Debbie Silver: Fall Down 7 Times, Get Up 8. Teaching Kids to Succeed
* the importance of students building self-efficacy (ability to dig deep when things get tough)
* the importance of student engagement if learning is to take place
* making connections with students and raising the bar for them to achieve more is the job of the teacher
Angie DeMarco: LD Means Learn Differently
* what Learning Disabilities are and are not
* how LD's play out in a student's school experience
* what teachers can do to help

There were other, worthwhile workshop sessions to choose from as well. Personally, I attended one facilitated by the Bluefield High School's  "RAP" (anti-bullying awareness) Team and another on Differentiating Instruction to meet the diverse needs of students. Kudos to TOSH teacher, Sarah Jane Barrett, who presented a workshop based on her Masters thesis work entitled: "Ahead of the Class: Teaching the High Achieving Student". All in all, the two days offered an opportunity for reflection on our own practice, some tips on how to improve and grow as educators, as well as a chance for some valuable networking opportunities with colleagues from other schools.

Yearbook Sales! 
This year's edition of the Three Oaks Enhancer yearbook will go on sale from Wednesday, Oct. 17 until Tuesday, Oct. 23. The cost per full colour book is $45 ($50 if you want your son/daughter's name printed on the cover). Please make cheques payable to: Three Oaks Yearbook and avoid disappointment when they arrive for distribution in June! There may not be extra copies for sale at that time.

Career Day 2012: Monday, Oct. 22
Students will have the opportunity to visit the post-secondary and career displays in the gym during the school day on Oct. 22. Parents are encouraged to attend the evening session (and bring their son/daughter along!) from 7-8:30 p.m. that same day. GRADE 12 PARENTS NOTE: There is a session for you pertaining to post-secondary applications from 6-7 p.m. in the Lecture Theatre that same evening. Having a career goal in mind often lends "method to the madness" for many students. They tend to commit more willingly to their course work during high school if they "see the point". See you there!

Attendance Matters! 
We are trying to stay on top of calls made home when students are missing class time for unexcused reasons. Too many "excused" absences can cause issues, as well, but we can at least offer supports if we know why a student is missing classes. Parents should be checking SAS regularly to track their child's attendance. Please give us a call or drop me an e mail if you think a mistake has been made. If you require a SAS login/password, please e mail Mr. Jason Gallant: Students fall behind quickly when they miss too many 73 minute high school classes. Let's work together to make sure every student is present and ready to learn each and every day!

 Basketball Coached Needed for 2012-13 Season!
The Three Oaks Athletic department is seeking basketball coaches for its male and female 'AA' basketball teams. 

Anyone interested can contact Joel Arsenault by email at  or by phone at 888-8284. Tryouts start Nov. 5th.

Kudos to Our Kids!

To Joel Hansen, Matt Dehmel, James Brown, and Logan R. MacLean for their awesome entertainment at the Academic Awards Assembly. I had "Wagon Wheel" stuck in my head for days! :-) "Not A Band", but very talented!

To Carlie Plooster and Brandon Bagnall for helping tidy up the CSLC Room after our Swedish visitors ate lunch there on Tuesday!

To Noah Richardson for taking over Teacher of the Week duties!

To Katarina Oram for overseeing the Student of the Week board!

To Jacob Gallant for serenading our Swedish visitors in the band room on Tuesday!

To Jayme Misner, Maria Dalton, MacKenzie Clow, Logan Crossman, Adam Cousins and Matt Montgomery who represented our school so well in the provincial finals for golf on Tuesday! The boys finished a very respectable 5th place out of 14 teams and the girls finished 5th and 7th in the individual competition.

Congratulations to Adam Gallant who scored FOUR touchdowns during his football game last weekend!

To the following students who were elected by their graduating class last week to serve as Class Officers:
President- Becky Clark
Vice-President- Erica Gillis
Secretary- Alya Ahmed-Praught
Reunion Chair- Abbey McQuaid
Valedictorian- Ellen Arsenault

Kudos to all Grade 12 students who put their names forward for these positions. We appreciate your leadership!

Challenge:  In anticipation of Career Day next week, take some time to chat with your son/daughter about what he/she would like to do after finishing high school. If they do not know what specific area of study or training they wish to pursue, at least talk with them about where their strengths lie. That is always the best place to start!

Quote of the Week: "Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort."~Franklin D. Roosevelt

We are looking forward to getting some momentum going at TOSH this five day week. Hope this is a positive week for you and yours!


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