Sunday, November 18, 2012

Nicole's Notes: Volume 12

Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

Well, the Annual TOSH Christmas Craft Fair has been over for a week, but I couldn't help but share this awesome picture (above) of "Santa" (aka TOSH teacher, Mike Trainor) shown here with some adoring fans. If you are not in the Christmas spirit just yet, all you need to do is head to the County Fair Mall. Santa will be landing there too eventually, it seems!

This Monday we are going to be having a special, in house, celebration. TOSH Social Studies teacher, David Chisholm, is a 2012 recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal!  David was one of only 4 teachers nominated in Canada for this prestigious award that celebrates an individual's positive contribution to Canadian society. David is being honoured for his work over the past several years planning the EF student tours to Europe to commemorate WWI and WWII battles. The most recent tour was last spring's Vimy Tour to France for the 95th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge. The Honourable H. Frank Lewis, Lieutenant Governor of PEI, will be on hand Monday to present David with his medal. A CBC radio interview will be aired on Island Morning on Monday at 8:15 a.m. if you would like to listen in! David will be holding a meeting on Monday evening at 7 p.m. in the Library for the parents of students interested in a possible trip to Belgium for Remembrance Day in November 2013. We are just gauging interest at the moment, as this trip still has to be approved by the school board.

Dates to Remember:
19       The Mural Project-Open to parents and community members- 6:30 p.m. (Cafeteria)
           Meeting for possible EF tour trip to Belgium in Nov. 2013- 7 p.m. (Library)
22       School Dance: 8-11 p.m.
23       Report Cards Home (NOTE CHANGE!)
30       School Based PD Day- No school

3         Parent Council Meeting- 6:30 p.m.
15       Christmas Dance
21       Last Day of Classes

We would argue that EVERY week should be "Bullying Awareness Week"! That being said, we tried to be conscious of the issue this past week and Ms. Haire had the privilege of debriefing a Dateline NBC documentary about this topic with Mrs. Arsenault's Block A WRT 421 class this week.  Alexis Stephens is shown here sporting her pink, Anti-Bullying t-shirt at school on Friday.  The climate work we began last year will likely continue into the new year, as we all could use the constant reminder that everyone has the right to be and everyone has a story worth hearing!

On Tuesday, our Athletic Council members hosted the players from the Summerside Storm team for lunch at our school.  "The boys" were awesome guests and mixed and mingled very naturally with our students. All involved shared a meal in the cafeteria before heading out to tour the school. Eventually, they ended up in the gym...go figure?! Posing for a group photo are members of the Storm and our awesome TOSH hosts!

It was a big week for important guests! On Wednesday, the Honourable Gail Shea, Minister of National Revenue, joined us at Three Oaks for a Q & A session in the Lecture Theatre with our Political Studies students.  Minister Shea shared the story of her journey into political life with our students and then answered questions about her job and challenges as a federal cabinet minister. We thank Minister Shea for taking time out of her busy schedule to bring a real "face" to federal politics.

We are proud to be hosting The Mural Project this week and next at Three Oaks. We are one of two Island schools who will be hosting The Mural Project for two weeks (November 15-29). The mural is the culmination of the artistic work done by eight adolescents who had experienced mental illness and who worked with an artist to capture their visual perceptions of this. Our students will be interacting with the mural throughout the school days, and we will be opening the school to parents and community members who wish to view the mural on Monday, November 19 beginning at 6:30 p.m. The evening will begin with a half hour session on the topic of mental wellness in the cafeteria. Mark this important session in your calendar! We look forward to seeing you there!

Believe it or not, it's that time of the semester already!  I will be reading all report cards early next week, and then we will be sending them home to parents via the students on FRIDAY, NOV. 23!  Feel free to remind your son/daughter to dig theirs out of their backpack so that you will be updated on his/her progress to date! Please remember that the marks indicated on this report card are PROGRESS marks to date! There is still time for students to dig in and complete the work needed to meet curriculum outcomes in their courses. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the teachers or myself via e mail or phone.

Only 50% of our Grade 11 class returned their permission forms for the scheduled tours of UPEI and Holland College on Wednesday. That would have seen over 150 students remaining behind at the school that day with no scheduled classes. As a result of this, and a busing mix up, we are cancelling this tour for this year. There will be classes as usual for Grade 11's on Wednesday.

We will be having another school dance on Thursday evening from 8-11 p.m. and admission is $5. Any students wishing to sign in a friend (who is in good standing) from another Island high school must do so in the Main Office by the end of the day on Wednesday.  We have not had any issues that we have discovered yet this year, but it wouldn't hurt to remind your son/daughter that there is a very strict Board policy re: drug and alcohol use during school events.**See page 21 of the Student Handbook (available on our website). "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". We look forward to celebrating the term's halfway point with our kids!

T Shirts-$18

Raglan shirts-$25

Our Athletic Council is selling TOSH Athletics T shirts and raglans from now until Christmas in the Phys Ed Office. Sizes are Small to Xtra Large and there are "sizers" that can be tried on in advance of purchase, as well. Please note that we also have lots of other TOSH gear on sale through our Axe Outlet Bookstore every Wednesday at noon (top of the 600's staircase). TOSH gear makes a great Christmas gift for our students! 

Jason Hogan in Mr. Ramsay's class 
We are lucky to have 6 Pre-Service (Student) Teachers working with us over the next few weeks. Some are in their first year of study in their Bachelor of Education degree, while others are in the final year of their program. We know they will be contributors in their time with us and welcome them to our TOSH family! Here are their names and the name of the supervising teacher(s) to whom they are assigned:
Joel Banks (Krista Hickey)
Roslyn Riddington-Abbott (Mario Fiset)
Michelle Morrison (Rochelle Sullivan/Erin Peterson)
Jason Hogan (David Ramsay)
Neil Toombs (Laurie Callbeck)
Nick Cameron (Joel Arsenault)


To Morgan Boyd (picture above) who has spent the past several weeks in Mozambique, Africa serving others on a mission trip! Safe trip home, Morgan!

To the members of the Athletic Council for making the Summerside Storm players feel so welcome at TOSH!

To the students in Mrs. Evans afternoon Art 421 class for helping with the installation of The Mural Project on Thursday!

To Kennedy Clark for her leadership in her Adopt a Family project!

To the members of Mr. Trainor's POL 621 classes for your thought provoking questions to Minister Shea and for representing our student body so well!

To the CUL 801 students who are ROCKING their PBL "meals on wheels" (my term!) gourmet meals for staff!

To the following students who will be learning at Encounters with Canada this week: Chad Townsend and Kristen Pyke. Have fun and safe travels!

To Justin and Cecilia Campbell for showing awesome care and empathy as swimming instructors to a child with special needs at the CUP last week!

Challenge:  Sit down with your son/daughter next weekend and review his/her progress report. Read the teachers' comments carefully (I have asked them to be sure these offer descriptive feedback about your child's progress) and help your student set some academic goals for Term 2. It's a short hop to final exams and then the year will be halfway over!

Quote of the Week:  "Even as kids reach adolescence, they need more than ever for us to watch over them. Adolescence is not about letting go. It's about hanging on during a sometimes very bumpy ride."-Ron Taffel

Enjoy your week and we hope to see you at school for the mental health information session Monday at 6:30 p.m.!


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