Sunday, November 25, 2012

Nicole's Notes: Volume 13 (Nov. 26)

Brandon Bagnall and Frankie Reeves
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

And another week begins! Happy start to Term 2 of the first semester and I hope that you enjoyed reading the comments from your son/daughter's teachers on the report card that went home with them on Friday. We put a lot of time into those and tried to make them as descriptive as possible. Please note that there is still lots of time for our students to "take care of business" before final marks are entered in January, so let us know if you need any support with that!

I appreciate Brandon Bagnall and Frankie Reeves taking the time to console me on Friday after the students beat the teachers in a game of Dodgeball at noon. (See photo above)  They even brought me a treat! :-)

The provincial government has posted a video on YouTube capturing the spirit of the Official Opening of our Career and Technical Education Centre Oct. 29:
Thanks to our staff and students for making us all look so good!

Best wishes to our student nurse, Kayla Perry, who will be finishing her placement with us this Wednesday. Kayla will be running information sessions about drug and alcohol abuse with selected classes on Tuesday in the Lecture Theatre.

Welcome to Ms. Samantha Perry who will be filling in for Kendra MacLaren for the remainder of this school year. Mrs. MacLaren is on secondment with the Department of Education where she is now the Language Arts Curriculum Specialist. All the best to her as she embraces this new professional challenge!

The Parent Council Meeting is next Monday at 6:30 p.m. in the Library and will feature a guest speaker: Superintendent Jane McMillan. This will be one of her final appearance as our Superintendent and we encourage all parents to consider coming out to this event.
Just as follow up: Three parents came to our session on Mental Health last Monday, which was a bit discouraging considering the scope of this issue in our school and society. We will continue to provide opportunities for parents to come into the school for various information sessions throughout the year, and encourage you to make some-or all-of these a priority in your busy schedules. I promise that the topics will always be relevant to student life here at TOSH!

NOTE:  No school on Friday-PD Day!

Dates to Remember:
29       Memorial University Info Night for Parents and Students- 7 - 9 p.m. in Lecture Theatre
30       School Based PD Day- No school

3         Parent Council Meeting- 6:30 p.m.
11       Band Concert- 7 p.m. in the cafeteria
15       Christmas Dance

21       Last Day of Classes

3         First School Day for 2013

The annual PCH Lights for Life campaign is well underway and this year Three Oaks will be putting Charity Jar donations toward the purchase of a Snowflake and a Gold Light in memory of Destiny Arsenault.
Last week, we had a "Wear Purple Day" on Wednesday in honour of Destiny on what would have been her birthday. On Thursday, we received a picture taken of  Westisle Composite High School students who had also worn purple that day to show their solidarity with our staff and students.  A heartfelt thank you to Westisle's Leadership teacher, Darcy Harris, for organizing this. We appreciate you!

Our Music Council members will be providing entertainment at the annual CBC Turkey Drive broadcasting from the Salvation Army Thrift Store on Tuesday, December 4 from 6-8:30 p.m. Our students plan to arrive around 7 p.m. and all are welcome to come out and enjoy some great music while you support this important cause! Donations from December Charity Jars will be in support of the Salvation Army.

T Shirts-$18

Raglan shirts-$25

Our Athletic Council is selling TOSH Athletics T shirts and raglans from now until Christmas in the Phys Ed Office. Sizes are Small to Xtra Large and there are "sizers" that can be tried on in advance of purchase, as well. Please note that we also have lots of other TOSH gear on sale through our Axe Outlet Bookstore every Wednesday at noon (top of the 600's staircase). TOSH gear makes a great Christmas gift for our students! 

Our Political Studies classes are involved in this project that has the students of 175 teachers across Canada registered to participate in providing input to the federal Finance Minister, Jim Flaherty on the upcoming federal budget. The consultation will run from November 26th through to December 17th and a two minute video describing the project can be viewed on YouTube:

All the best to our TOSH students and staff who are involved in the Fandango Production of Beauty and the Beast opening Friday, November 30 at the Jubilee Theatre in Summerside. The show runs until December 8 and tickets are available through the Jubilee Theatre Box Office. Kudos to Ms. Cameron for her direction of this community production.

Katelyn Bridges
Ever want to get rid of all those pennies you have at your house? We'll take them! Some of our Leadership students and Free the Children group members have joined Free the Children's "Water for Change" initiative. Every penny bag we fill with $25 worth of pennies equals water for LIFE for one person in another part of the world. The campaign runs from now until December 18 and we have accepted a challenge from KISH to see which school raises the most money! Penny donations can be dropped off in the Main Office or your son/daughter can participate in the homeroom challenge here at school. Thanks in advance for your support of this important cause!

Alex Perry, Mrs. DesRoche, and Chris  MacAusland in SCI 701

To Ryan Gallant (12) for helping Ms. Haire bring in the coffee on Friday morning for the Staff Breakfast!

To the TOSH Band members who represented us so well this past weekend at the PEI Senior High Honours Band!:

Ami O'Brien
Shanae Rogers
Emmalee Dunn
Grace Bowness
Kelsey MacIsaac
Emily Eddie
Dakota Oliver
Julia McIntyre
Marc DesRoches
Tanner Harvey
Kyle Doucette
Robbie Squires
Brohan Brennan
Veronica Sullivan
Zak McLure

To the TOSH members of the Summerside Dolphins Swim Club who competed so well this weekend at the swim meet held at the CUP!

To the hockey players from TOSH who competed in Charlottetown all weekend at the Early Bird tournament!

To Evan Tynski and Torri Dexter who are representing us at Encounters with Canada this week! Safe travels!

To Jaime MacLean for her selfless donation to the Lights for Life campaign! Thanks, also, for writing the thank you card to Westisle!

To the Water for Change student leaders for organizing and facilitating this campaign!:
Katelyn Bridges
Chelsey Bulger
Hannah Hunter
Hailie Melanson
Jill MacIntyre
Megan Doherty

To Becca Gallant for her leadership in getting the Extra-Curricular Council up and running!

To the members of the SADD committee for all the positive sticky notes that were plastered around the school last week! What a great way to make people smile!

To the Activities Council members for organizing and working at the dance Thursday evening. A good time was had by all!

To the 30-40 students who came out to give the teachers a run for their money in the Student vs. Teachers Dodgeball game on Friday!

To Caitlin Carr for filming the video with Mrs. Schurman on Friday!

Challenge:  Encourage your son/daughter to set an academic goal for Term 2 and put it up somewhere he/she can see it everyday. It will help bring some method to the madness on tough days!

Quote of the Week:  "Affirming words from moms and dads are like light switches: Speak a word of affirmation and the right moment in a child's life and it's like lighting up a whole roomful of possibilities."~ Gary Smalley

Have a great week and thanks for partnering with us! We truly care about your/our kids!

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