Monday, April 21, 2014

Nicole's Notes: Volume 29 (April 21, 2014)

Happy Easter Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!
Grad Pot Luck Supper Line :)

I hope that you enjoyed a restful long Easter weekend. The first of my three kids came home Easter Sunday, and I have to say that it is a little surreal to think that this year of post-secondary study for them has come to a close so soon. I plan to catch up on lots of missed hugs and stories of their many adventures in the weeks ahead. Seeing so many of our alumni trickling home is definitely one of the many exciting signs of Spring! However, there is still a lot of work to be done at TOSH as we launch into the final term of this school year. There will be many potential distractions in the days ahead as the warmer weather begins and the Grad prom nears. Please encourage your son/daughter to find the balance and keep on top of his/her school work as we enjoy the ride to June together!

You should have received your son/daughter's Semester 2 Progress Report Card by now. If you did not, and the copy has been lost, let us know in the Main Office and we will print you another one! Please take the time to read teacher comments, as they took a lot of time giving their descriptive feedback re: student progress.

Also, please note that "vapour cigarettes" will be treated like ordinary cigarettes: They should not be visible or used inside the school building. If students are seen with one of these, they will be asked to hand them in to the office and are expected to do so.

Welcome to Ms. Heidi Quinlan who is joining our staff as an Educational Assistant in the mornings from now until the end of the year!

This is Administrative Assistant Appreciation Week!
THANK YOU to our three Administrative Assistants for the excellent work they do each and every day to keep things running smoothly for us all!:
Linda Cashin and Pam Rodgerson (Main Office)
Donna MacKay (Student Services)


22-25   Second Block D Assessment of School Literacy Goal 
23         Financial Lunch and Learn #3 @ noon in LT
             TOPIC: Personal Finance (Rudy Smith)
23-24    Band Trip
24         Principals' Meeting- Nicole Out
30         Financial Lunch and Learn #4 @ noon in LT
             TOPIC: Insurance (Mike Bradley)

2        Area Association Day- No Classes
9-10   Voye Memorial Rugby Tournament
10-12 Nicole Out of Province-CSLA Executive Meeting
16      Band/R&B Band Concert- Ecole Sur Mer (evening)
19      Victoria Day- No Classes
22      Band Spring Concert (evening)
24      Grad Prom
29      Principals' Meeting- Nicole Out
31      Band Banquet
          Summerside Relay for Life


Speakers from the financial community will be coming in to share their expertise for 30 minutes each day at noon in the Lecture Theatre for the month of April. See the "Upcoming Dates to Note" section for scheduled dates. Parents are always welcome to come in and learn, as well! Topics include: Saving and Investment, Personal Finances, Insurance, Credit and Credit Management (Loans, Credit Cards, etc.), and Entrepreneurship. 

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23 is Session #3!
SESSION #2 TOPIC:  Personal Finance
PRESENTER:  Rudy Smith, PEI Mutual
LUNCH TREAT SPONSOR:  Clark's Toyota and Samuel's Coffee House

You only have 2 DAYS LEFT TO ORDER the Three Oaks Senior High School Yearbook for 2013-2014! The cost is $35 and it includes two customizeable pages (the student adds his/her own photos!). These two pages are optional but those wishing to create them must have them completed by April 24, 2014.

To order your yearbook: 
1.  Go to:
2.  Enter our school's passcode: 1013791165054328

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Mrs. Tracy MacDonald (

When our Parent Council met last week, I shared the results from our recent Staff Survey. Three areas of major concern identified by our staff were:

1.  Student Work Ethic and Engagement (i.e. Students not handing in assignments-either on time or at all!)
2.  Attendance (i.e. Missing class time and perpetual lates)
3.  Quality of Student Work (i.e. Students handing in work that is below their ability level-done quickly, last minute, or with minimal effort)

We will be working internally and in collaboration with parents and students in the months leading up to September 2014 to consider how we can best tackle these complex issues head on for the 2014-15 school year. These are critical topics when we consider what must be in place in order for our students to be set up for success in high school and in the years beyond. Anything you can do at home to check in/help in the meantime is always appreciated.

The Parent Council are looking for donations of baked goods to the Bake Sale they plan to operate during the Voye Rugby Tournament May 9 & 10. Please drop your donation off to the Main Office at the school during the school day on May 9. The sale will begin when school ends and continue into Saturday. Any parent/guardian willing to help at the table those two days can e mail Karen Smith at:

Reg and Toby MacDonald have organized another draw with ticket proceeds going to our school's Breakfast and Lunch programs:

1st Prize: $100 of lobster and/or scallops
2nd Prize: $75 of Epicure spices
3rd Prize: $50 gift certificate from Kelly's Flower Shoppe

Tickets will be available in the Main Office this week and at the Parent Council Bake Sale at the Voye tournament May 9 & 10. The draw date is Friday, May 16...just in time for the Victoria Day weekend celebrations!

PARENTS AND GUARDIANS PLEASE BE ADVISED that "prom party" tickets are now printed and ready to be sold to students, apparently. While our Grad Prom is a school sanctioned event, the after party is NOT, as it is highly dangerous and involves underage drinking and drug use--something we obviously do not support. We just want parents to be aware if/when their child asks to attend prom party what risks are involved. The potential for harm is substantial and tickets, in the past, have been sold to students as young as junior high age and to those much older than high school age. We ask that you please give your decision to support this event some sober thought. We worry...every year.


To our badminton players who rocked the zone competition recently!:

Tara Campbell and Marisa McInnis- 1st place in Juvenile Girls' Doubles
Alex MacFadyen and Logan Vander Velden- 1st place in Juvenile Boys' Doubles
Jesse Cameron and Owen Arsenault- 1st place in Senior Boys' Doubles
Connor Loerick and Matt Barlow- 2nd place in Senior Boys' Doubles
Jessica Gillis and Kelly Curley- 1st place in Senior Girls' Doubles
Colin Loerick and Jessica Gillis- 1st place in Senior Mixed Doubles
Connor Loerick and Carrie McGuire- 2nd place in Senior Mixed Doubles

Our players are off to the Badminton Provincials this Thursday and Saturday! Good luck! 
Thank you to Mr. Joel Arsenault for his time spent coaching them, as well!

To our AAA rugby teams who are representing us this coming weekend at the tournament in Rothesay, NB! Good luck!

To the 38 Grade 10 students who signed up to join our Climate Crew and attended the meeting last Thursday! Lots of great times ahead and we appreciate you stepping up to be the change you wish to see!

To the students who attended the Financial Lunch and Learn session #2 on Entrepreneurship!

To Brooke MacArthur for agreeing to introduce the presenter at the Financial Lunch and Learn last week!

To Caitlin Gallant, Chelsea Wilson, Maggie Finkle-Aucoin, and Jillian MacIntyre for their participation in the Lion's Club public speaking contest! Congratulations to Maggie who won and moves on to the regional competition!

Challenge:  Encourage your son/daughter to get to class each day, on time, and to hand all work in as assigned on time. You can check SAS anytime to see how he/she is getting along with that!

Quote of the Week: "If you take responsibility for yourself, you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams."~ Les Brown

Have a great week!

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