Sunday, April 13, 2014

Nicole's Notes: Volume 28 (April 14, 2014)

Tanner and Nicole accept a generous donation!
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians! 

We were pretty pumped to get a five day week of learning in last week! It was also a busy one with our Grade 12 French Immersion students participating in the international DELF French proficiency testing. We heard very positive feedback from the examiners and are very proud of our students! A huge thank you goes out to Mme. Emma Boswell for keeping things running smoothly on site all week and to Mme. Fabienne Vialle for her preparation work with Mme. Boswell in the weeks prior to the test. A shout out to M. Mario Fiset, who is currently on leave, as well as Mme. Vialle for their work in preparing our students for this test the past three years.

Please note that there are no classes this coming Friday or next Monday due to the Easter holiday.

We also had some special visitors come to our school last week. The children at Summerside's Rainbow Day Care recently ran various fundraisers in support of the TOSH "In Our Own Backyard" Breakfast and Lunch program, and a group of 3 year olds from the day care brought in their $213 donation on Thursday. Who says that little ones can't change the world for the better?! THANK YOU, children of Rainbow Day Care, for setting such a great example for us all!

CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. Mark Gregory and his wife, Kathryn, on the birth of their twin boys last week: Nathan and Cameron!

PARENTS AND GUARDIANS PLEASE BE ADVISED that "prom party" tickets are now printed and ready to be sold to students, apparently. While our Grad Prom is a school sanctioned event, the after party is NOT, as it is highly dangerous and involves underage drinking and drug use--something we obviously do not support. We just want parents to be aware if/when their child asks to attend prom party what risks are involved. The potential for harm is substantial and tickets, in the past, have been sold to students as young as junior high age and to those much older than high school age. We ask that you please give your decision to support this event some sober thought. We worry...every year.

                                                    REPORT CARD DATE CHANGE!!

Report cards will be sent home with students this week on THURSDAY, APRIL 17.  If your son/daughter does not have a copy of his/her report card after Thursday, please contact the school and we will reissue a copy. Teachers spend a lot of time writing descriptive comments on these reports as feedback to you on your child's progress, so we want to be sure that you have a chance to read them and ask any questions you may have.


14    Parent Council Meeting- 6:30 PM
16    TOSH Family of Schools Principals' Meeting- Nicole Out AM only
        Financial Lunch and Learn #2 @ noon in LT
        TOPIC: Entrepreneurship with Bill Martin, Water Street Bakery

        LUNCH TREAT SPONSOR: Dominoes Pizza
17    Report Cards go home!
18     Good Friday- No Classes
21     Easter Monday- No Classes

22-25 Second Block D Assessment of School Literacy Goal 
23     May Bus Deadline
         Band Trip (23-24)
         Financial Lunch and Learn #3 @ noon in LT     
24    Principals' Meeting- Nicole Out
30    Financial Lunch and Learn #4

Speakers from the financial community will be coming in to share their expertise for 30 minutes each day at noon in the Lecture Theatre for the month of April. See the "Upcoming Dates to Note" section for scheduled dates. Parents are always welcome to come in and learn, as well! Topics include: Saving and Investment, Personal Finances, Insurance, Credit and Credit Management (Loans, Credit Cards, etc.), and Entrepreneurship. 

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16 is Session #2!
SESSION #2 TOPIC: Entrepreneurship
PRESENTER: Bill Martin, Water Street Bakery
LUNCH TREAT SPONSOR:  Dominoes Pizza, Summerside


Members of the TOSH Class of 2014 are invited to attend the Grad Easter Pot Luck taking place at the school on Wednesday, April 16 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. Bring along a food item to share and celebrate the final term of your school years with your fellow grads!


Free the Children is an international non-profit organization founded by Canadians Craig and Marc Kielburger. It seeks to eliminate poverty through a sustainable development model that empowers a community, ensuring they will never need charity again.
The TOSH branch of this organization has a goal of raising $10,000 to build a schoolhouse in a developing nation. They are asking that our students set aside $2 a day for one week-the price of a coffee each morning-and donate it to the cause. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated, and any community donations will be gratefully accepted in our Main Office via the schoolhouse shaped donation box located there! Income tax receipts can be issued upon request for donations over $20.
Sweets and treats will also be sold every Wednesday at noon outside the Lecture Theatre during the month of April. Anyone wishing further information can contact Mrs. Tammy Craig (

You only have 10 DAYS to order the Three Oaks Senior High School Yearbook for 2013-2014! The cost is $35 and it includes two customizeable pages (the student adds his/her own photos!). These two pages are optional but those wishing to create them must have them completed by April 24, 2014.

To order your yearbook: 
1.  Go to:
2.  Enter our school's passcode: 1013791165054328

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Mrs. Tracy MacDonald (

Read a book, earn a moustache?! Alright! :)


To Jessica Gillis, Colin MacKay, Jillian MacIntyre and Rachel Barry (pictured below) for representing TOSH at the Northern Regional competition for Reach for the Top and qualifying for the provincials April 26 and 27 in Truro!

To our Grade 12 French Immersion students for doing such an AWESOME job during their DELF testing last week! Twelve years of hard work in French study paid off! They are:
Chandler Acorn
Blake Arsenault
Owen Arsenault
Frank Bowness
Jesse Cameron
Jessica Campbell
Julia Campbell
Caitlin Carr
Olivia Cass
Jenna Clow
Maria Dalton
Megan Doherty
Rebecca Drummond
Maggie Finkle-Aucoin
Nathan Fraser
Alex Gallant
Caitlin Gallant
Sierra Gallant
Danielle Glover
Marissa Hashie
Skyler Hardwick
Breann Hastings
Chelsea Hastings
Brianna Higdon
Colin Loerick
Lauren MacFadyen
Emily MacLellan
Isaiah Martin
Logan Millar
Bradley Murphy
Noah Richardson
Zach Rochford
Lauren Sheidow
Ben Smith
Grace Stavert

To the TOSH badminton players who competed in zone competition last week!:
Juvenile Girls Singles:
Kerrstin Trainor
Tara Campbell
Riley Glover
Marissa McInnis

Juvenile Boys Singles:
Alex MacFadyen
Logan Vandervelden

Senior Boys Singles:
Jesse Cameron
Matt Barlow
Brohan Brennan
Mike Thompson
Owen Arsenault

Senior Girls Singles:
Tiffany Cameron
Kelly Curley
Carrie McGuire

To our TOSH student curlers whose teams both won Bronze at the Atlantic competition in Oromocto, NB last weekend!:
Jenny McLean, Lauren MacFadyen, Ava Whitney-Coulter and Emily Vaniderstine
Alex MacFadyen and James Dalton

Congrats to Jenny McLean for winning the Female Sportsmanship and All-Star Skip awards!

To Hannah Taylor and Ligrit Sadiku for their awesome showing at the National Wrestling competition recently in Guelph, Ont.! Hannah won Gold in the 52 kg class and Ligrit won Silver in the Juvenile Men's category. Both are well decorated wrestlers, winning top prizes in many competitions!

To Hannah Taylor for being recognized as PEI's Junior Female Athlete of the Year!

To Noah Richardson for time spent being a friend to a fellow student who needed one!

To Kaitlyn Taylor (pictured above with her Rainbow Day Care friends) for her dedication to our school's Breakfast Program!

To Travis Glover for offering a helping hand to a guest to our school!

To Colin MacKay for being a welcoming host to our Financial Lunch and Learn speaker last week!

To Logan Costain (pictured above) for his good work in Coop this semester!

To the following students who were recognized by staff for our Student of the Week board!:

To Thomas Ridler for being an exceptionally hard worker in Foods class!

To Dakota Pardy for her generous donation to the library collection!

To Jill MacIntyre for all the work she is putting into our Free the Children "Build a School" campaign!

To Nathan Fennel for great improvement in factoring polynomials!

To Alex Gallant for great improvement with permutations and combinations!

To Rebecca MacCormack for keeping up with all of her math work when she was on exchange in Quebec! Bravo and welcome back, Becca!

To Chris Mollins for working so hard in Physics and English!

To Mark Haidar for his willingness to help others in Computer class!

To Millee MacKay for representing TOSH and volunteering at the Clara Hughes Gala on Friday, April 11!

To Katie Geary for her willingness to go above and beyond as a Peer Helper!

To Sahara Wallace for her awesome placing in the Oral French competition!

To Matt MacNabb for showing integrity by keeping his word!

Challenge:  Mark Thursday, April 17 on your calendar and ask to see your son/daughter's report card that evening. Then, sit down and discuss the feedback provided together!

Quote of the Week: "If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome."~ Anne Bradstreet

Have a wonderful week and Happy Easter to you and yours!

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