Sunday, June 15, 2014

Nicole's Notes: Volume 37 (June 16, 2014)

Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians! 
Mr. MacDonald Goes Above and Beyond! :)

The Grade 12's have finished their final exams! Grade 12 marks are due on Monday at 9 AM, and we will be meeting as a team on Monday evening to review results and finalize the Grad list. If there are any issues with students achieving graduation, parents/guardians will receive a call. The official Grad List will be posted in the Main Foyer of the school on Wednesday, June 18. 

Grade 10 and 11 students continue with Final Exams this coming week. See the "Upcoming Dates to Note" section for more information. All exams begin at 9 AM sharp and students are expected to attend. Calls home will be made if/when students are absent.

Class of 2014 Party on the Lawn!
Grad Breakfast, Report Card/Transcript Distribution, and Rehearsal: Will take place beginning at the school at 8:45 AM on Tuesday, June 24. All grads are asked to attend.

Graduation: Will take place on Tuesday, June 24 at Credit Union Place beginning at 6:45 PM when the Class of 2014 processes into the stadium. There will be no access to the stairs leading up to the bowl between 6:45 and the 7 PM start time, so please arrive early! Everyone is welcome and there are no tickets or admission to this celebration.

Safe Grad: Permission forms and money were collected from Grads last week.
NOTE:  Any forms handed in from now until June 24 will be accepted with a $50 fee. 
If parents have any questions or concerns, they are asked to contact Ms. Haire.

HELP!!!!!:  We need parent/guardian volunteers to help with Safe Grad from:

10 PM-2:30 AM (accompanying the buses to Sandspit)
2-4:15 AM (@ TOSH)
4:15-6:30 AM (@ TOSH)

If you can help, please e mail Krista Hickey:

Applicants must be a resident of the City of Summerside, and past award winners have been students who have given extensive volunteer hours in service to their school and the community.

Value: $250 and trophy recognition on stage at graduation

If you are interested in applying for this award and have ALREADY completed the scholarship application form for other awards through Student Services, just let Ms Haire know that you are interested (via FB message, text, email: or message at school: 888-8460) ASAP. If you have NOT filled in one of those forms, you will need to come into Student Services on Monday morning to do so!

DEADLINE is MONDAY, June 16 at 3 PM, so act QUICKLY!


16     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block A (9 AM)
17     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block B (9 AM)
18     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block C (9 AM)
24     Grad Breakfast and Rehearsal- 8:45 AM at the school until noon
24     2014 Graduation Ceremony- 7 PM Credit Union Place (Grads arrive 6:15 PM)
         Safe Grad Activity immediately following Graduation
26     Report Cards distributed to Grade 10 and 11 students (9-10:30 a.m.)
27     School Ends for the Summer

A Summer School program is being offered at Colonel Gray High School in Charlottetown again this year. Students can get information on courses being offered via the following website: 
NOTE: The deadline for the Coop course has passed and the registration deadline for all other courses is June 19.

Students interested in joining the Climate Crew for this coming fall are asked to sign up in the Main Office during exams or let one of the following Crew Chiefs know they are interested: Bronwyn Bridges, Jayden Reid, and Colton Profitt.

The Climate Crew's mandate is to help make school and safe and inclusive place for ALL students. They will be planning the Welcome Back activities for new students in the fall, as well as a variety of activities throughout the year that will help students continue to connect with one another and build an even stronger positive school climate.

Mr. Ramsay's Advanced Grade 10 Science class will be hosting a presentation evening for their PBL "World Builder" projects on Tuesday, June 17 from 7-8 PM. All parents and guardians are invited to come in and witness the great work our students have done together this semester!

Congratulations to all our student athletes, coaches, and our Phys Ed teachers: Mr. Joel Arsenault and Mrs. Sue Thomson, on another successful year of sport at TOSH! The Athletic Banquet was very well run, thanks to the leadership of Lauren Sheidow and her team! Below is the list of award winners and a picture peek into the festivities:

Field Hockey:
Alexa MacDougall- Most Improved Player
Rebecca Drummond- Coach's Choice
Paige Gallant- Coach's Choice

Austin Taylor- Rookie of the Year
Allison MacNeill- Most Improved Player
Ryan Merrett- Most Valuable Player

Men's AAA Soccer:
Brittan Turner- Coach's Choice
Nathan Fraser- Most Dedicated Player
Jesse Cameron- Most Valuable Player

Jaymee Misner- Coach's Choice
Maria Dalton- Most Improved Player
Mackenzie Clow- Most Valuable Player

Power Lifting:
Riley DesRoches
Logan O'Brien

Women's AAA Soccer:
Tara Campbell- Rookie of the Year
Savannah Arsenault- Coach's Choice
Jessica Gillis- Most Valuable Player

Women's A Volleyball:
Jessica Campbell- Leadership Award
Shelby MacNaught- Offensive Player of the Year
Grace Stavert- Most Valuable Player

Men's AAA Volleyball:
Ty Wright- Most Improved Player
Tanner Mendoza- Most Dedicated Player
Alex DesRoches- Most Valuable Player

Women's AAA Volleyball:
Rachel Murray- Most Valuable Player
Hayley Hartlen- Rookie of the Year
Laura O'Neill- Most Valuable Player

Women's AA Basketball:
Taran Price- Rookie of the Year
Morgan MacKinnon- Most Improved Player
Rebecca Parnhum- Most Valuable Player

Men's AA Basketball:
Zack Mallett- Most Dedicated Player
Hogan Arsenault- Most Improved Player
Colton Wadman- Most Valuable Player

Women's AAA Basketball:
Ashley Simmons- Coach's Choice
Julie Campbell- Most Improved Player
Jessica Gillis- Most Valuable Player

Men's AAA Basketball:
James Meek- Most Dedicated Player
Ty Wright- Breakout Player of the Year
Tanner Mendoza- Most Valuable Player

Matt Barlow- Coach's Choice
Tiffany Cameron- Most Valuable Player (Female)
Jesse Cameron- Most Valuable Player (Male)

Women's Softball:
Jasmin Geary- Coach's Choice
Madiso Reeves- Most Improved Player
Stacy Montgomery- Most Valuable Player

Men's Softball:
Matt Barlow- Top Offensive Player
Sam Cameron- Top Defensive Player
Owen Arsenault- Most Valuable Player

Women's AAA Rugby:
Lauren MacFadyen- Coach's Choice
Jessica Gillis- Most Valuable Player
Lauren Sheidow- Most Valuable Player

Men's AAA Rugby:
Dan Fingler- Most Valuable Forward
Alex Rose- Most Valuable Forward
Ty Wright- Most Valuable Player

Men's A Rugby:
Cameron Gillis- Most Dedicated Player
Matthew Tanton- Coach's Choice
Riley Gallant- Most Valuable Player

Women's A Rugby:
Hannah Taylor- Coach's Choice
Segolene Farges- Most Improved Player
Hayley Hartlen- Most Valuable Player

Ligrit Sadiku- Coach's Choice and PEI Jr. Male Wrestler of the Year
Hannah Taylor- Coach's Choice and PEI Jr. Female Wrestler of the Year

Track and Field:
Austin Taylor- Rookie of the Year
Brittan Turner- Coach's Choice
Ryan Merrett- Most Valuable Player

PEISAA Award for Highest Academic Standing:
Jessica Gillis and Tanner Mendoza

Athletic Council and Alumni Scholarship Winner: Ty Wright

Female Rookie of the Year: Tara Campbell

Male Rookie of the Year:  Matthew Tanton

Female Athlete of the Year: Jessica Gillis

Male Athlete of the Year:  Ty Wright

Athletic Alumni Association Award Winners:  Edwin and Janice Gillis

Mr. Arsenault congratualates Ty and Jessica!

Alec Parise and Mark Matheson (2012)
It is heart warming to realize how many of the coaches who volunteer so much of their time and talents with our student athletes each season are actually TOSH Grads themselves! Some have become TOSH staff, while others are caring community members who are willing to give back to our school. We appreciate all our coaches and we could not run such a high quality extra-curricular athletic program without them!

TOSH Alumni Coaches are:  Sue Thomson (staff), Krista Hickey (staff), Joel Arsenault (staff), Sarah Ballum, Jill Kelly, Megan Kennedy, Jason Wood, Matt Champion, Shawn Bradley, Cameron Davis, Tim Hockin (staff), Faro Halupa, James Voye, Alex Forrest, Chris Gallant, Andrew Brawn, Brandon Adams, Brian MacKay, Shanda Mosher-Gallant, Kaitlin Gamble, Michelle Sillker (staff), Becky Clark, Sean MacDonald (staff), Brett Montgomery, Kayla Paynter, and James Yeo. Other Appreciated Coaches include: Steve Boyd, Leslie MacKinnon, Les Smith, Jennifer Halupa (staff), Faber MacDonald, Paul McGuire, Rochelle Sullivan (staff), Mark Gregory (staff), Garth Turtle (former staff), Brandy Richard, Gian Martinson, and Jim Donovan (staff).

Senior Snuggle :)


The last of week of the school year is always bitter sweet. The excitement of graduation, closing celebrations, and impending summer holidays is tempered by the serious business of final exams. Our students weather it all well and there were many awesome moments that I managed to capture for you this past week. Take a peek!

Colin dressed the same on his last day of school as he did on his first (Grade 1!)

Senior Snuggle Supporters

All About the Love!

"RISK"y Business

Debbie keeping Mr. Gallant in line on Caf duty! :)

Drake Looking Pro for his Culinary 801 Exam 

A Different Kind of Chef's Hat!

Exam Teamwork

Leadership 621 Exam Interview Prep

Peace Out, Mr. Trainor!

Safe Grad 2014 Anticipation!

"This is NOT your exit route", says Mr. Gallant ;-)

Hannah and Rebecca fundraising for CSLC 2014 in Kelowna, BC!

Happy Supporters

To Jacob Brown who will be competing at the international level this summer for large bore marksmanship shooting as a member of the Royal Canadian Army Cadet National Rifle Team!

To Lauren Sheidow for her excellent organization of this year's Athletic Banquet!

To Rachel Murray and Reanna Graham (pictured above) for emceeing the Athletic Awards Banquet!

To Hailey MacIsaac for her excellent rendition of "O Canada" to begin the Athletic Awards Banquet!

To Owen Arsenault for offering grace at the Athletic Awards Banquet!

To the 2014 Class Officers for organizing the "Senior Snuggle" to help our grads recognize their final day of regular high school classes in a positive way!

To all Peer Helpers who assisted students this year. Who you are, and what you do MATTERS!

To all Lunch Buddies volunteers for helping to make noon hour such an enjoyable time for our students with special needs!

Challenge:  Try to enjoy the ride to the end and remind students still writing exams that "Worry is not preparation"...but studying sure is!!

Quote of the Week: "You don't reach points in life at which everything is sorted out for us. I believe in endings that should suggest our stories always continue."~ Lauren Oliver

There is only one more blog update to go this school year! Enjoy your week in the meantime!

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