Sunday, June 1, 2014

Nicole's Notes: Volume 35 (June 2, 2014)

Mrs. Gaudet coolin' with her peeps!
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

What a beautiful start to the month of June! We are coming into the most intense time of year and it makes sense that folks are feeling like their fuel tanks might be a little low. It will be important for your son/daughter to get lots of rest and try to stay focused as we head into the year end celebrations and Final Exam period.

This post is going to have lots of pictures because there was a TON going on last week!: Climate Night, Grad activity, Relay for Life, Band Banquet...the fun never ends! It only takes a wander through the building during class time to see the awesome work our students and teachers are doing together. I captured some of that for you to enjoy as well. Thank you for sharing your awesome kids with us!

It will be important that parents of Grade 12 students, especially, check the blog each week for information about graduation. When you see the graduation cap image, that's your cue to start reading! ;-)


On Monday, June 2, graduating students will be asked to fill in a sheet asking for important information we need for our graduation ceremony on June 24. 
Here is what we need from them:

1.  How they wish their parent/guardians' names read as they cross the stage to get their diploma (i.e. Hannah Graham, daughter of Nicole Haire and Eamon Graham) This is important because names matter and we don't want to make any mistakes on stage graduation night that might offend families! **Check with your son or daughter Monday evening to see what they wrote on their sheet to make sure you agree! If you want anything, please call the school ASAP and ask to speak to Nicole.

2.  What post-secondary institution they plan to attend this fall, if any. This is important because the school forwards their final transcripts to schools for final acceptance into programs. It also helps us inform university presenters who they will be congratulating on stage during the ceremony.

3.   Any scholarships they are accepting from their post-secondary school of choice. This is important because if we do not receive proof of this scholarship (a copy of the letter of offer) in Student Services by June 6, we will not be announcing the scholarship on graduation night.  

Our Three Oaks Graduation will take place on Tuesday, June 24 at Credit Union Place beginning at 6:45 PM when the Class of 2014 processes into the stadium. There will be no access to the stairs leading up to the bowl between 6:45 and the 7 PM start time, so please arrive early! Everyone is welcome and there are no tickets or admission to this celebration.

Ms. Haire teaching the Leadership 621 class a lesson on "Empathy" 

There have been an excessive number of dress code violations lately. We have reviewed our expectations with our students and those who continue to be in violation of the dress code will be asked to cover up immediately or go home to change. Parents will be called, as well. We are having particular issue with shorts that are far too short (pockets sometimes lower than the hem of the shorts), as well as short skirts/dresses. Please note that shirts should be long enough to cover the stomach and spaghetti straps should not be seen. As I mentioned to our students, the school is their workplace and what might be acceptable fashion for social time does not always work at school. We want them to respect themselves and others as young adults, so please have a conversation with your son/daughter to make sure they understand the dress code policy. 


2       Final Parent Council Meeting-6:30 PM in the Library
3       Extra-Curricular Awards Assembly (AM full school assembly)
5       TOAD (Three Oaks Activity Day)- PM only
10     Grade 12 Final Exam- Block A (9 AM); Regular classes for grades 10 and 11
11     Grade 12 Final Exam- Block B (9 AM); Regular classes for grades 10 and 11
12     Grade 12 Final Exam- Block C (9 AM); Regular classes for grades 10 and 11
13     Block D Final Exam- All students (9 AM)
14     Athletic Banquet
16     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block A (9 AM)
17     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block B (9 AM)
18     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block C (9 AM)
24     Grad Breakfast and Rehearsal- 8:45 AM at the school until noon
24     2014 Graduation Ceremony- 7 PM Credit Union Place (Grads arrive 6:15 PM)
         Safe Grad Activity immediately following Graduation
26     Report Cards distributed to Grade 10 and 11 students (9-10:30 a.m.)
27     School Ends for the Summer

Cool and Colourful Kicks for Spring!


Next Meeting Date is Monday, June 2, 2014 at 6:30 PM in the Library. Everyone is welcome! We will be discussing a model for effective school/parent communication currently being practiced by Bluefield High School and an "In Our Own Backyard" fundraising proposal for September. This is the final Parent Council meeting until the fall, and we are so grateful for the faithful members who have attended meetings and worked so hard this year!


Graduating students of the TOSH Art 621 program will be displaying their work at an art exhibit from June 2-13 at McNaught House, 75 Spring Street in Summerside. Opening night is tentatively booked for June 3 from 7-9 PM and our artists will be present to welcome everyone who wants to drop in.

The Summerside Lighthouse Project Reveal Night is scheduled for Saturday, June 14. All completed lighthouses will be on display at the Loyalist Lakeview Hotel from 7-9 PM. TOSH is represented x 3 in this project by: Jessica Foster, Santana McCue, and Erin Peterson. Tickets are required for this event and are available through our art teacher, Ms. Shannon Evans ( 


A Summer School program is being offered at Colonel Gray High School in Charlottetown again this year. Students can get information on courses being offered and fill in a registration form in Student Services. The deadline for Cooperative Education course applications is FRIDAY, JUNE 6 and June 19 is the deadline for all other courses being offered. 

Smiling Award Winners!
Our Band students celebrated another successful year of music making at their annual banquet and awards ceremony on Saturday evening. Thank you to Mrs. Krista Bryson, our capable Music Director, for the time and dedication she brings to our band program. We also appreciate the parents who deliver their sons/daughters to all those early morning practices! When you hear the quality of their musicianship, it is obvious that it's all worth it!
Band Award Winners 2014

Most Improved Grade 10~Christopher MacDonald
Most Improved Grade 11~Kaitlin Morrison
Most Improved Grade 12's~Jillian Russell and Charlotte Sullivan
Woodwind Award of Merit~Ivey Walfield
The Woodwind Award of Merit~Christie-Anne Campbell
Brass Award of Merit goes to Blaire Guptill
Percussion Award of Merit goes to Frank Bowness
Oustanding R&B Band Member~Mitch Fraser
Dedication Award~Keirsten Perry
Dedication Award goes to Kelsey MacIsaac
Award of Merit (Grade 10)~Max Gallant
Award of Merit (Grade 11)~Alex Casey
Award of Merit (Grade 12)~Taylor Poirier
Student Choice Award – Symphonic Band 
Student Choice Award – Wind Ensemble 
Section Awardthe Wind Ensemble Clarinet Section: 
Emily Eddie, Kelsey MacIsaac, Breann Hastings, Melissa MacKay, Daniel Meister, Devan Poirier, Sahara Wallace, and Kaitlin Morrison
Director’s Choice Award~Marc DesRoches

Kelsey MacIsaac

Keirsten Perry

Mitch Fraser

Frank Bowness

Christie-Anne Campbell

Jillian Russell

Charlotte Sullivan

Taylor Poirier

Max Gallant presented by Mikaila Murray

Taylor Poirier presented by Noah Richardson

Blaire Guptill

Members of the Wind Ensemble Clarinet Section

Marc DesRoches


Our TOSH Relay for Life team had a very successful fundraising campaign this past month, resulting in over $1400 raised for the cause! They were also voted the "Most Spirited" group at this year's event! Go figure! ;-) Thank you to the Community Works Council and teacher advisor, Mrs. Tammy Craig for their hard work raising so much money for an important cause and for representing us so well Friday evening!

Climate Night Crew Chiefs, Bronwyn and Rebecca, Hard at Work!

About 80 students took five hours out of their Tuesday evening to participate in our Climate Night activity planned by members of our Climate Crew. Ms. Haire and Mr. Gregory facilitated the event and our students were nothing short of remarkable! There was 100% buy in from everyone involved and this resulted in a powerful evening of sharing and learning for all. Check out the smiles in the pictures below!

Here are some images you might see if you were to wander the halls and classrooms of our school the way I can! What a privilege it is to witness the great learning opportunities our staff creates for our students! Check it out!


Our Climate Crew has been hosting events targeting various areas of the school at noon hour this past month in an effort to bring some "fun" to all corners of the building and to encourage our students to visit one another's "hangouts" and share some laughs together. Last week, there was a wicked game of "Duck, Duck, Goose!" happening in the Gym! :-)


To Jessica Campbell (pictured above) for being selected recently as Miss PEI International!

To Jillian MacIntyre, Megan Doherty, Millee McKay, Jessica Gillis (Gr.10) and Sidney Strongman for being our Relay for Life Team Captains!

To Carter MacDougall for raising the most individual pledges in this year's TOSH Relay for Life campaign!

To Cody Cole, Bloyce Walfield, and Jordan MacLean who are competing in the National Skills Canada competition in Toronto this week!

To our Envirothon team (pictured above) who took first place at the Envirothon Nova Scotia competition last week! Team members are: Chandler Acorn;  Shobhi Balasubramaniam;  Sarah Meister;  John Smith;  and Kyle MacIsaac.

Challenge:  Encourage your son/daughter to participate in the TOAD activities happening at the school Thursday afternoon. This is a great opportunity to have some fun and celebrate another awesome school year!

Quote of the Week:  "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."~ C.S Lewis

Have a great week!

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