Sunday, May 25, 2014

Nicole's Notes: Volume 34 (May 26, 2014)

But first, lemme take a selfie! #ellenstyle
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

We had a great week last week which ended with our Graduation Prom celebration on Saturday evening. The Class of 2014 turned out in fine style and a good time was had by all in attendance. A huge thank you goes out to our Class Officers and their advisors, Mrs. Dia Lynn Keough and Mr. David McNeill for the hard work and time that went into organizing this event. The decorations were awesome, the candy bar was a hit, and it was wonderful to see so many parents, family members, and friends at the CUP. Our grads are truly well loved, and we are grateful to be welcoming them all back to school, safe and sound, on Monday morning!

There have been an excessive number of dress code violations lately. We have reviewed our expectations with our students and those who continue to be in violation of the dress code will be asked to cover up immediately or go home to change. Parents will be called, as well. We are having particular issue with shorts that are far too short (pockets sometimes lower than the hem of the shorts), as well as short skirts/dresses. Please note that shirts should be long enough to cover the stomach and spaghetti straps should not be seen. As I mentioned to our students, the school is their workplace and what might be acceptable fashion for social time does not always work at school. We want them to respect themselves and others as young adults, so please have a conversation with your son/daughter to make sure they understand the dress code policy. 


27      Climate Night- 3:30-9 PM (Permission Forms needed)
29      Principals' Meeting- Nicole Out
31      Band Banquet-5:45 arrival time
          Summerside Relay for Life

2       Final Parent Council Meeting-6:30 PM in the Library
3       Extra-Curricular Awards Assembly (AM full school assembly)
5       TOAD (Three Oaks Activity Day)- PM only
10     Grade 12 Final Exam- Block A (9 AM); Regular classes for grades 10 and 11
11     Grade 12 Final Exam- Block B (9 AM); Regular classes for grades 10 and 11
12     Grade 12 Final Exam- Block C (9 AM); Regular classes for grades 10 and 11
13     Block D Final Exam- All students (9 AM)
14     Athletic Banquet
16     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block A (9 AM)
17     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block B (9 AM)
18     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block C (9 AM)
24     Grad Breakfast and Rehearsal- 8:45 AM at the school until noon
24     2014 Graduation Ceremony- 7 PM Credit Union Place (Grads arrive 6:15 PM)
         Safe Grad Activity immediately following Graduation
26     Report Cards distributed to Grade 10 and 11 students (9-10:30 a.m.)
27     School Ends for the Summer


Next Meeting Date is Monday, June 2, 2014 at 6:30 PM in the Library. Everyone is welcome! We will be discussing a model for effective school/parent communication currently being practiced by Bluefield High School and an "In Our Own Backyard" fundraising proposal for September. This is the final Parent Council meeting until the fall, and we are so grateful for the faithful members who have attended meetings and worked so hard this year!


Grads who have purchased $10 tickets in advance last week will be headed to Crystal Palace for a Grad event on Thursday, May 29. Permission forms must be signed by parents/guardians and received by Mr. McNeill or Mrs. Keough before students will be allowed on the bus. They
 leave from the school May 29 at 3:30 p.m., returning at approximately 9:30 PM


Our Climate Crew is hosting a night of positive climate and empathy building activities at the school on Tuesday, May 27 from 3:30-9 PM. They circulated sign up sheets in homerooms and have put several calls out to interested students on Facebook in an effort to reach as many students as possible. We are still determining final numbers to a maximum of 100 participants who have received permission forms that require a parental signature. We are looking forward to an awesome evening of fun and fellowship. Supper will be provided with the workshop being facilitated by Ms. Haire.

This year's Summerside Relay for Life event is taking place at the Red Shores Raceway (overnight event beginning Friday evening until 6 AM Saturday). Over 30 students have expressed an interest in becoming involved thus far, and registration forms/$10 registration fee were due last week. Students are encouraged to do their own fundraising, and Charity Jars this month are in support of this cause. Sending a shout out to the Community Works Council and their advisor, Mrs. Tammy Craig, for organizing this campaign!


Members of Mrs. Power's Grade 11 History 521 class dressed up in period costumes on Friday to represent people and aspects of World history from 1600 onward. A lot of research and effort went into these projects, which is obvious when you take a peek at the pictures below!


Our Climate Crew has been hosting events targeting various areas of the school at noon hour this past month in an effort to bring some "fun" to all corners of the building and to encourage our students to visit one another's "hangouts" and share some laughs together. Last week, there was "Karaoke" happening in the Cafeteria! :-)


Noah and Minister Wes Sheridan

To Noah Richardson (pictured above) for his well delivered address to Prince Charles and Camilla in the PEI Legislature!

To Rebecca Drummond, Nicole Gallant, Bronwyn Bridges, and Jayden Reid for their work as the planning committee for Climate Night!

To Jacob Campbell for getting the Karaoke party started on stage in the caf on Thursday! He set the bar pretty high!

To the members of the Class Officers for their great work organizing the Grad Prom!

To the members of our two bands for an awesome Spring Concert last Thursday!

To our students who had a great provincial results for the Canadian Physics High School Exam!:
Patrick Steele- 1st Place
Brett Murphy- 2nd Place
Paige Gallant and Colin MacKay- Honorable Mention

To Kaitlyn Taylor and Hailey MacIsaac for representing our school and province at the Motivate Canada program in Ottawa last week!

To Hannah Arsenault-Gallant for being a wonderful prom date and friend!

Challenge:  There are ELEVEN school days remaining before our Grade 12's begin their final exams! Encourage your son/daughter to stay focused on the work at hand and finish this school year strong!

Quote of the Week:  "Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go: they merely determine where you start."~ Nido Qubein

Have a wonderful, productive week!

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