Monday, May 19, 2014

Nicole's Notes: Volume 33 (May 19, 2014)

Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!
Canadiens and Boston shake hands!

I hope everyone enjoyed the sunshine that graced us this long Victoria Day weekend! It has been a long winter and it is wonderful to see the many signs of spring surfacing all around. We will be celebrating one of our springtime rituals this coming weekend: the Grad Prom. This is always an important night of celebration for our students, their families, and our staff. Prom tickets are still on sale for $20 from Mr. McNeill (Room 310) for those who happened to miss the week of regular sales. TOSH Grads who wish to attend Prom must also have any outstanding school fees paid in full (student fees, textbooks, and library books). If there are any issues surrounding this, please contact Ms. Haire (; 888-8460) Prom sign ins are subject to the criteria found on page 24 of the Student Agenda book. 

The doors open for prom this Saturday, May 24 at 7 PM and the festivities begin at 8 PM. Doors close at 9 PM and the event will run until 10:30 PM. We wish all our grads a safe and happy prom night!

PARENTS AND GUARDIANS PLEASE BE ADVISED that "Prom Party" tickets are currently being sold to students, apparently. While our Grad Prom is a school sanctioned event, the after party is NOT, as it is highly dangerous and involves underage drinking and drug use--something we obviously do not support. We just want parents to be aware if/when their child asks to attend prom party what risks are involved. The potential for harm is substantial and tickets, in the past, have been sold to students as young as junior high age and to those much older than high school age. We ask that you please give your decision to support this event some sober thought. We worry...every year.

There have been an excessive number of dress code violations as the warmer weather arrives. I made an announcement on Friday asking students to review the policy in the student agenda book and to be diligent in meeting dress code expectations when they get ready for school each day. As of Tuesday, those who are in violation of the dress code will be asked to cover up immediately or go home to change. Parents will be called, as well. We are having particular issue with shorts that are far too short (pockets sometimes lower than the hem of the shorts), as well as short skirts/dresses. Please note that shirts should be long enough to cover the stomach and spaghetti straps should not be seen. As I mentioned to our students, the school is their workplace and what might be acceptable fashion for social time does not always work at school. We want them to respect themselves and others as young adults, so please have a conversation with your son/daughter to make sure they understand the dress code policy. 


19      Victoria Day- No Classes
22      Dept Head/Principals' Meeting-Nicole Out AM 
          Band Spring Concert (7 PM-TOSH Gym)
23      History 521 "Living Museum" afternoon classes
24      Grad Prom
27      Climate Night- 3:30-9 PM (Permission Forms needed)29      Principals' Meeting- Nicole Out
31      Band Banquet-5:45 arrival time
          Summerside Relay for Life

5       TOAD (Three Oaks Activity Day)- PM only
10     Grade 12 Final Exam- Block A (9 AM); Regular classes for grades 10 and 11
11     Grade 12 Final Exam- Block B (9 AM); Regular classes for grades 10 and 11
12     Grade 12 Final Exam- Block C (9 AM); Regular classes for grades 10 and 11
13     Block D Final Exam- All students (9 AM)
14     Athletic Banquet
16     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block A (9 AM)
17     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block B (9 AM)
18     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block C (9 AM)
24     Grad Breakfast and Rehearsal- AM at the school
24     2014 Graduation Ceremony- 7 PM Credit Union Place
         Safe Grad Activity immediately following Graduation
26     Report Cards distributed to Grade 10 and 11 students (9-10:30 a.m.)
27     School Ends for the Summer


Next Meeting Date is Thursday, June 5, 2014 at 6:30 PM. Everyone is welcome! We will be discussing a model for effective school/parent communication currently being practiced by Bluefield High School and an "In Our Own Backyard: fundraising proposal for September. This is the final Parent Council meeting until the fall, and we are so grateful for the faithful members who have attended meetings and worked so hard this year!


Winners of the draw were chosen by Mr. Rob Corkum on Friday.

1st Prize: Reg MacDonald
2nd Prize: Cheryl Ramsay
3rd Prize: Barb Robinson

Congratulations to all our winners and to everyone who bought tickets in support of our Breakfast and Lunch Program!


Congratulations to our TOSH GSA group for planning and executing the first ever provincial GSA conference on PEI!  We appreciated the support and attendance of Minister Janice Sherry who addressed the delegates Saturday morning. Kudos to Ms. Janet Bradshaw and Mrs. Sandra Sheridan for their organization and facilitation of this important event!

A warm welcome!

Smiling hosts!

Standing up for tolerance!


Crystal Palace tickets will be on sale this week (Wednesday-Friday) for a Grad event happening on May 29. Tickets are $10 each and permission forms must be signed by parents/guardians. The buses leave from the school May 29 at 3:30 p.m., returning at approximately 9:30 PM


Our Climate Crew is hosting a night of positive climate and empathy building activities at the school on Tuesday, May 27 from 3:30-9 PM. They circulated sign up sheets in homerooms and have put several calls out to interested students on Facebook in an effort to reach as many students as possible. We have a maximum of 100 participants who will be receiving permission forms that require a parental signature, and we are looking forward to an awesome evening of fun and fellowship. Supper will be provided with the workshop being facilitated by Ms. Haire and, potentially, Peter Bolo.

Our school has been an active supporter of Relay for Life (in support of cancer research) for as long as I can remember! This year's Summerside event is taking place at the Red Shores Raceway (overnight event beginning Friday evening until 6 AM Saturday). Over 30 students have expressed an interest in becoming involved thus far, and registration forms/$10 registration fee is due to Mrs. Craig by May 21st. Students are encouraged to do their own fundraising, and Charity Jars this month are in support of this cause. Students are voting this week for 6 male teachers who have agreed to be "dressed up" by the highest bidder on May 23! (i.e. Who wouldn't pay to see Mr. Chisholm bedazzled ala Montreal Canadiens gear?!) Mr. Sparkes, Mr. Oulton, Mr. Trainor, Mr. Chisholm, Mr. Lilly, and Mr. Hockin are "on sale" this week via donation jars sporting their names in front of the Lecture Theatre this week and next! The jar with the most money wins and all proceeds go to Relay for Life! That sounds like a WIN-WIN situation to me!! Sending a shout out to the Community Works Council for organizing this campaign!


Our Climate Crew has been hosting events targeting various areas of the school at noon hour this past month in an effort to bring some "fun" to all corners of the building and to encourage our students to visit one another's "hangouts" and share some laughs together. Last week, there was "Three Legged Races" happening in the Lower Skylight. :-)

Winning is a state of mind!


Carter scores some Ms. Haire Smarties!

To Carter Moase (pictured above) for being recognized at the Army Cadets Ceremonial Review recently with the Lord Strathcona Medal of Honour! Carter has also been accepted to Connaught Marksmanship training in Ottawa for 6 weeks this summer! Well done!

To the members of the R & B Band for an awesome performance Friday evening at Ecole Sur Mer!

To Noah Richardson for representing our school and Island youth in an address to Prince Charles and his wife, Camilla, in the PEI Legislature on Tuesday morning and for his emceeing skills at the R & B concert on Friday!

To the members of the TOSH GSA group for an awesome conference on Saturday! Members are:
Vanora MacLean
Lexi Norden
Keisha Clements
Jessica Brander
Sarah Compton
Taitania Calarco
Kaylee Boates

Challenge:  If you are the parent of a student attending the prom this weekend, have an honest conversation with your son/daughter about how to keep him/her safe that evening.

Quote of the Week:  "Nothing is impossible; the word itself says "I'm possible'!"~ Audrey Hepburn

Have a wonderful week!

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