Monday, May 5, 2014

Nicole's Notes: Volume 31 (May 5, 2014)

TOSH Rotary Youth Parliament Members in Period Costume!
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

You know the year is flying when the final weeks of school all fit into the "Upcoming Dates to Note" section of the blog! Wow! Please check the blog weekly from now on for important updates about Graduation and other "end of the year" business. May is "Prom Month", so there will be lots of excitement as our Class of 2014 begin their end of high school celebrations.

Grade 12 students have an information sheet going home to parents on Monday about a Department of Education survey in which they will be participating May 14-16. There are also 108 Grade 12 students who have received parental permission forms allowing them to get the Whooping Cough vaccination at the school on May 7 (Wednesday of this week). PLEASE NOTE: This is being organized by Health PEI and all questions can be directed to Public Health Nurse, Leila Coughlin (888-8160). We are hearing that failure to have this immunization may prevent students from attending some post-secondary institutions, so please ask your son/daughter if they received a form for you to sign.


9-10   Voye Memorial Rugby Tournament
12      Nicole Out of Province-CSLA Executive Meeting
16      Band/R&B Band Concert- Ecole Sur Mer (7 p.m. and $10 admission)
19      Victoria Day- No Classes
22      Band Spring Concert (evening)
24      Grad Prom
29      Principals' Meeting- Nicole Out
31      Band Banquet
          Summerside Relay for Life

5       TOAD (Three Oaks Activity Day)- PM only
10     Grade 12 Final Exam- Block A (9 AM); Regular classes for grades 10 and 11
11     Grade 12 Final Exam- Block B (9 AM); Regular classes for grades 10 and 11
12     Grade 12 Final Exam- Block C (9 AM); Regular classes for grades 10 and 11
13     Block D Final Exam- All students (9 AM)
14     Athletic Banquet
16     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block A (9 AM)
17     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block B (9 AM)
18     Grade 10 and 11 Final Exam- Block C (9 AM)
24     Grad Breakfast and Rehearsal- AM at the school
24     2014 Graduation Ceremony- 7 PM Credit Union Place
         Safe Grad Activity immediately following Graduation
26     Report Cards distributed to Grade 10 and 11 students (9-10:30 a.m.)
27     School Ends for the Summer


There will be a presentation on the topic of Student Loans for TOSH students on May 8 at noon sharp in the Lecture Theatre. That evening, there will be a repeat presentation for parents and guardians beginning at 7:30 PM in the Lecture Theatre. Families of Grade 12 students attending post-secondary schools next year are encouraged to come out and get the important information that these sessions provide!


The Parent Council are looking for donations of baked goods to the Bake Sale they plan to operate during the Voye Rugby Tournament May 9 & 10. Please drop your donation off to the Main Office at the school during the school day on May 9. The sale will begin when school ends and continue into Saturday. Any parent/guardian willing to help at the table those two days can e mail Karen Smith at:

Reg and Toby MacDonald have organized another draw with ticket proceeds going to our school's "n Our Own Backyard" Breakfast and Lunch programs:

1st Prize: $100 of lobster and/or scallops
2nd Prize: $75 of Epicure spices
3rd Prize: $50 gift certificate from Kelly's Flower Shoppe

Tickets are now available in the Main Office and at the Parent Council Bake Sale at the Voye tournament May 9 & 10. The draw date is Friday, May 16...just in time for the Victoria Day weekend celebrations!


The annual Voye Memorial Rugby Tournament will be taking place at Three Oaks this coming weekend, May 8-10. This is the biggest Voye tournament ever and we encourage our school community to come out and cheer on our Men's and Women's rugby teams as they host teams from across the Maritimes!

Check out the schedule below and note the times when TOSH is playing!:

         Pool A                             Pool B                           Pool C                                Pool D
      1.  TOSH                                  4. Gray                        7. Avonview                10. Westisle
2. Northumberland                    5. Horton                      8. Bluefield                  11. Halifax West
                                                 6. CEC                          9. Hants East              12. North Nova
          Pool A                              Pool B                        Pool C                           Pool D    1. TOSH                                   4.Bluefield                  7. Montague                 10.  Gray        2. Northumberland                    5. Lockview                8. CEC                        11. North Nova
3    3. Westisle                                6. Hants East              9. Avonview                 12. Horton

Thursday May 8th:
5:00pm TOSH vs. Westisle (M)

Friday May 9th:
12:00pm  Avonview vs. Hants East (W)     Montague vs Avonview (M)      Gray vs. CEC (W)
 1:00pm Gray vs. Horton (M)   Westisle vs. North Nova (W)    Lockview vs. Hants East (M)     
2:00pm Northumberland vs. Westisle (M)     CEC vs. Avonview (M)
3:00pm Bluefield vs. Lockview  (M)   Bluefield vs. Hants East (W)    Horton vs.  CEC (W) 
4:00pm  Halifax West vs. North Nova (W)    Gray vs. North Nova  (M)
5:00pm TOSH vs. Northumberland (M)    TOSH vs. Northumberland (W)  Montague vs. CEC (M)
6:00pm Gray vs. Horton (W)   Westisle vs. Halifax West (W)
7:00pm  Hants East vs. Bluefield (M)  Avonview vs. Bluefield (W)      Horton vs. North Nova (M)

Saturday May 10th:
9:00am  2A vs. 2C  (M and W)
10:00am 1B vs. 1D  (M and W)
11:00am 1A vs 1C (M and W)
12:00pm 3B vs 3D  (M and W)   2A vs. 3C  (W)  
1:00pm  2B  vs. 2D  (M and W)
2:00pm Women’s Final   
3:00pm Men’s Final   

NOTE:  All field locations to be determined. Men’s and women’s finals could potentially be played at the same time (2pm), depending on weather and pitch conditions. 

Erin hard at work for the CBC cameras last week!

Our TOSH artists are rocking the City of Summerside's Lighthouse 2014 Project! The aim of the project is to enhance the residents' and visitors' summer experience of PEI by creating dozens of magnificent 6ft lighthouse sculptures that will be finely crafted by schools and artists from across PEI. These lighthouses will then be placed across the city in a route that will make a wonderful summer attraction. At the end of the summer, the lighthouses will be auctioned off to raise funds for various Island charities, organizations, and causes. The lighthouses will be revealed on a special night on June 14 once they are completed for public viewing around Summerside. Check out: for more information!

PARENTS AND GUARDIANS PLEASE BE ADVISED that "Prom Party" tickets are now printed and ready to be sold to students, apparently. While our Grad Prom is a school sanctioned event, the after party is NOT, as it is highly dangerous and involves underage drinking and drug use--something we obviously do not support. We just want parents to be aware if/when their child asks to attend prom party what risks are involved. The potential for harm is substantial and tickets, in the past, have been sold to students as young as junior high age and to those much older than high school age. We ask that you please give your decision to support this event some sober thought. We worry...every year.


To Noah Richardson (pictured above) who was the recipient of the 2014 Frank Zakem Memorial Award for the most outstanding youth parliamentarian in this year's Rotary Youth Parliament which took place in Ch'town this past weekend!

To Jill MacIntyre who is participating in the Adventures in Citizenship program in Ottawa this week!

To Kaitlyn Taylor for her help with the presentation I gave to Local 1775 members on Friday morning! 

To Jillian Russell for spreading sunshine in the life of another last week!

To Santana McCue, Erin MacKinnon, and Jessica Foster whose original designs were chosen for the 2014 Lighthouse project! Honourable Mention goes to Connor Perry, as well!

To the TOSH students who were chosen to participate in UPEI's Math Camp this past weekend: Shabbitha Balasubramaniam, Anna Buerglen, Alyson MacKay, Morgan Mollins, and Noah Wallace! Thanks to Mr. David Gallant and Mrs. Tammy Craig for nominating them!

To Mr. Corkum's Carpentry students who were given Honourable Mention in the workplace safety video contest recently! They were applauded for their use of humour and creativity!

To the members of the Leadership 621 class who helped with preparations for/organization of the Voye tournament happening this weekend!

Challenge:  Grade 12 parents please check with your son/daughter for survey information and/or vaccination permission forms!!

Quote of the Week:  "The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot."~ Michael Altshuler
Have a great, five day week!

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