Monday, November 24, 2014

Nicole's Notes: Volume 9 (November 24, 2014)

Harrison Bell on his first visit of many to TOSH!
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

I apologize for missing my blog post last week. I value this communication tool but just couldn't find the couple of hours this takes to get it ready in the midst of an incredibly busy week. Hopefully, this post will help you "catch up" on all of the great things that have been happening lately at our school!

We had a visit this past week from Mrs. Ashley Bell (English) and her new arrival, Baby Harrison. Mrs. Bell is enjoying her time at home with him and his big sister, Sophia. Mrs. Natasha Bromley (Science and Chemistry) also begins her maternity leave on Monday and will be replaced from now until April by Mr. Todd Arsenault. Our TOSH family sure is growing!!

The week before that included the Remembrance Day holiday. Our school was well represented at the City of Summerside Remembrance Day service at Credit Union place by Mr. Chisholm and Brohan Brennan (picture below) who spoke, as well as by Kyle MacIsaac who accompanied one of the veterans as an Air Cadet, by Nathaniel Lykow and Jonathan Palmer of the Summerside Sea Cadets who participated in the Colour Party, and several Army and Sea Cadets who participated in various capacities. TOSH Alumni (Class of 2014), Blaire Guptill also played "Last Post" and "Reveille".
Brohan representing the voice of Summerside's youth

Kyle honouring one who served for his freedom

Brohan and Mr. Chisholm: Dynamic Speaking Duo!


The Community Works Council is pleased to report that they far exceeded their goal of filling 10-12 shoe boxes for the annual Operation Christmas Child campaign. In fact, our TOSH community managed to donate enough items to fill 34 shoe boxes with gifts for children in need around the world!! Congratulations goes out to Council President, Julia Richard and her crew for leading the way on this worthwhile project. Also, thank you to everyone who gave so generously! The Charity Jar collection for this month will go towards the postage costs involved in delivering our shoe boxes to the children.


Nov. 27        Principals' Meeting- Nicole Out
Nov. 28        Climate Day 2014-by invitation and in school

Dec. 1          Presidents' Council Meeting- 11:45 a.m. in conference room with Ms. Haire
Dec. 3          Band Christmas Concert
Dec. 4          Principals' Meeting- Nicole Out
Dec. 5          Collaborative Team PD Day- NO CLASSES
Dec. 6          Christmas Dance: 8-11 p.m.
Dec. 11-13   Annual Christmas Classic Basketball Tournament
Dec. 18        Choral Ensemble Christmas Concert
Dec. 23        Last Day of Classes for 2014

Jan. 5          Happy New Year!! First Day of Classes for 2015

                    Presidents' Council Meeting- 11:45 a.m. in conference room with Ms. Haire


Increasingly, we are seeing students receiving text messages-and sometimes even phone calls-when they are in class from their parents/guardians. This puts the teacher at a bit of a disadvantage, because our cell phone policy requires our students to have their phones off and away during class time unless they are asked to use them for instructional purposes. We are always available in the Main Office to forward a message to your son/daughter if there is an emergency: (902) 888-8460 (press #3). Otherwise, I ask that you help us by only contacting your son/daughter during breaks, noon time, or before and after school. Here are the times for your consideration:

Start of Classes AM     8:50 a.m.
AM Break                    10:22-10:30 a.m.
Lunch                           11:46-12:40 p.m.
PM Break                     1:56-2:04 p.m.
End of Classes PM       3:20 p.m.

Thank you in advance for helping us to minimize distractions for students while our teachers are teaching!


The Island Storm have generously donated 100 tickets for each of the team's home games for us to sell in aid of our student programs. These tickets are a $15 value but will be sold for $10, with $5 going to the school. Win-Win!! Tickets are available in the Main Office and the next home game in Charlottetown is Sunday, November 30 beginning at 2 p.m.


Pete Richard, TOSH Alumni and owner of Domino's Pizza has generously donated two pizzas/week to our Lunch program, as well as enough pizza to feed 140 students at the Climate Day workshop on Friday! We truly appreciate his support and look forward to partnering with him this year.

Post Secondary Career Visits 2014 / 2015

Time & Location
UNB coffee talk Summerside
One on one sessions on UNB

Dalhousie U. Lunch visit
Nov. 24th
Hall outside Student Services.
St Mary’s University Open House

Nov 20
Halifax NS
St Mary’s University.
Fall information session
Nov. 26 th
Holiday Inn, Charlottetown 
7 – 8:30 p.m.
St. Thomas University
Nov. 28thHallway outside Student Services Lunch visit
St FX University
Dec. 2, 2014
Hallway outside Student Services Lunch visit


Some classes and groups in the school will be attending a Small Halls presentation of the play, "Jake's Gift" on Thursday, November 27 beginning at 10:30 a.m. in the cafeteria. "Jake’s Gift" is a multi-award winning Canadian play about a World War II veteran’s reluctant return to Normandy, France, for the 60th Anniversary of the D-Day landings. While revisiting the shores of Juno beach, Jake encounters Isabelle, a precocious 10-year-old from the local village. Isabelle’s inquisitive nature and charm challenge the old soldier to confront some long-ignored ghosts – most notably the war-time death of his eldest brother, Chester, a once promising young musician. At its heart, "Jake’s Gift" is about the legacy of remembrance and makes personal the story behind one soldier’s grave. More information can be found about this tour at: and


There will be and activity including Black Light Bowling and Swimming at Credit Union Place on Friday, Nov 28 from 5:30-6:30 for members of the TOSH Grad Class of 2015. The $5 admission includes food, music and fun. Grads are encouraged to come out and enjoy some time with their fellow classmates. This event is being organized by the Class Officers.


Tickets go on sale this week for the Christmas dance taking place on Saturday, Dec. 6 from 8-11 p.m. I will update the dates of sales to each grade level and the price of tickets when I talk to the Class Officers advisors in the a.m. Please note that this is NOT a prom!! It is a semi-formal dance and falls under the policy for school dances in the Student Agenda. Students are NOT required to bring a date and dress is semi-formal, which means a bit dressier than the usual, not jeans if possible.


To David Chisholm (Lucas), Erin Peterson (Danielle), and Beth Peters, Krista Hickey and Shirlee Anne Campbell (Elizabeth) who have agreed to mentor our UPEI student teachers this year as supervising teachers!

To Sandra Sheridan, Karen Gaudet, Tami Arsenault and Erin Peterson for the work they have already done as Case Managers with our ISD team and for the capable way they sought support for their assigned students during the first ISD Team meeting here on Friday!

To Pam Walsh, Lyndon Oulton and Nancy Milton for attending a workshop for the new Literacy course being piloted at our school Semester 2! 

To Sandra Sheridan for presenting a workshop for EA's and YSW's on Friday's PD day and to Janet Bradshaw for the work she did organizing that day for participants!

To Joel Arsenault and Sue Thomson for agreeing to give up their classroom (gym) on Friday for Climate Day!

To Sarah Jane Barrett for providing instructional staff with a list of transition words to use as we work on the organization of student writing across our courses this coming week! 

To Amanda Allen, Tim Hockin, Sarah Jane Barrett and Cindy MacKendrick who met with our school assigned Board Curriculum Coach, Jane Hastelow, last week to discuss ENG 421 curriculum for Semester 2!  

To last week's Staff Member of the Week, Sarah Jane Barrett!

To this week's Staff Member of the Week, Rob Corkum!

To Amanda Allen for facilitating the Small Halls presentation, Jake's Gift on November 27! Thanks to Jim Campbell for helping with sound!

To Scott Harvey for taking time on his prep period Thursday to look into my car issues!

To Shirlee Anne Campbell and Fran Gillis for the time and effort they are putting into getting food supplies ready and available for our Lunch Program students!

To Tammy Craig and Mike MacKinnon for accompanying 16 of our students to the We Day celebrations in Halifax on Friday!

To Krista Bryson for the work she has done to prepare our Honour Band students for Honour Band weekend!

Buddies :)


To those students who participate as Lunch Buddies (see above), enjoying some noon hour fun and friendship with some of our special students. Who you are and what you do matters!

To GSA club (shOUT) members Zach Bullard, Lexi Norden, and Keisha Clements who conducted a workshop during the PD day for Educational Assistants and Youth Service Workers from across the province!

To shOUT club members who have been invited to attend the Nova Scotia GSA conference hosted by the Youth Project at Prince Andrew High School in Dartmouth!

To Community Works Council members Lydia MacDonald, Carissa Thompson, and Julia Richard (pictured above) for spending two hours on Friday packing shoe boxes on behalf of our school for distribution to children in need!

To the musicians from the TOSH band program who will represent our school at the provincial Honour Band weekend!: Melissa MacKay, Daniel Meister, Devan Poirier, Morgan Dehmel, Jacob Gallant, Kristin Gardiner, Alex Casey, Rachel Brown, Max Gallant, and Nigel Waite.

To the students who will be representing our school at We Day this Friday!: Sarah Meister, Julia Richard, Taylor Gallant, Allison MacNeill, Phoebe Vandermeulen, Ashley Stewart, Kayla Bridges, Rachel Dunn, Bethany DesRoches, Keara Butler, Dan Gosse, Kaleigh Clow, Nikki Arsenault, Lauryn Reeves, Alexa MacDougall, and Hannah Taylor.

To Rachel Brown for having the news article she wrote as part of her Coop placement appear on the front page (above the fold!) of the Journal Pioneer last week!

To Riley DesRoches for having the best overall score for weight divided by pounds lifted during the first provincial qualifier for power lifting!

To those who represented our school at Encounters with Canada last week for the special focus sessions around students and Mental Health: Kennedy Crossland, Jayden Reid, Hannah Arsenault-Gallant, Chris Richard, Lucas Donovan, Emma Paynter, Sebastien Roy-Garand (pictured above).

To those students who received Student of the Week nominations recently:

Madeline Perry- Good Effort in Math! Attitude, Attendance and Work are all Awesome!
Mallory Green- Working Hard in Math every day!  Your determination to get it done and do well is really paying off! Great Job!
Jarod MacKendrick- For handing in a lost phone to the office!   
Sara Meister- For handing in a lost phone to the office!
Tanner Clark- For handing in a lost phone to the office!
Morgan Boyd- For handing in a lost phone to the office!
Nikki Arsenault- For handing in lost money to the office!
Kaylee Boates- For always putting her best foot forward in Computer class!
Braden MacRea- Excellent work ethic in Computer class!
Jasmin Howatt- Excellent effort in Science!
Karly Phillips- Great presentation in Science!
Shannon Palmer- Working hard in Science!
Devon Goode- Great results in Science!
Darcie Martin- For her great improvement on her Biology test!
Emma Penton- For her great improvement on her Biology test!
Carly Butler- Excellent Peer Helper in WRT 421!
Stephanie Higgins- For always working so hard!
Darian Demchuck- F
or excellent effort and leading by example in Physical Education!
Emma MacKenzie- For excellent effort and leading by example in Physical Education!
Melissa MacKay- For being an Awesome student tutor!
Sarah Compton- For being an Awesome student tutor!
Anna Son- For being Awesome student tutor!
Bronwyn Bridges- For being an Awesome student tutor!
Julia Richard- For spearheading the Operation Christmas Child campaign!
Alex Casey- Excellent job at his Coop worksite!
Samantha Paugh- Great work at a daycare for Coop!
Sabrina DesRoches- Excellent results in math!
Beatrice Brown- For handing in lost money to the main office!

Challenge: Take a moment to check SAS to see how your son/daughter is doing with attendance and handing in assignments. Both of these will determine his/her success at the end of the semester...which is only two months away!

Quote of the Week: "The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. ~ Hans Hofmann

Have an awesome week!

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