Sunday, April 12, 2015

Nicole's Notes: Volume 17 (April 13/15)

Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!
Grade 12 Trip with Mr. Oulton

It's beginning to look a lot like Spring!! Yay! We have Parent Teacher Interviews on Thursday evening this week: 3:45-5 p.m. and 6-9 p.m. If your son/daughter did not bring home an interview request form for you to complete and send back, you can call the school ASAP and request your interview times instead. The Leadership 621 class will be taking donations that evening for the Parent Council Bursaries that will be awarded at graduation, so bring some extra change with you! Cookies made by our Food classes and coffee are free! Please note that we only have the one evening to accommodate parent visits, so if you would prefer a phone call or e mail communication with your son/daughter's teachers, feel free to request that instead. Any parents/guardians who can not be accommodated that night will be contacted by teachers soon after that date. Friday, April 17 is now a regular instructional day. Semester 2 first term progress report card distribution was pushed ahead to allow teachers to assess a bit more before assigning progress marks. Report cards will be sent home with students on April 23. Please note that April 24 is no longer a PD day, but a regular day of instruction.


April 13            Secondary Literacy Assessment (SLA) Pilot Last Practice Day (Grade 10 English classes)
                         Presidents' Council- at noon with Ms. Haire
April 14            EURO Trip Veterans Night- CUP (Open to the public) @ 7 p.m.
April 15            SLA Pilot Test Day (Grade 10 English students- AM and PM)
April 16             Parent Teacher Interviews-Evening: 3:45-5 p.m.; 6-9 p.m.
April 17             Regular classes-Day 1
April 18             shOUT Standing 2nd Annual Provincial GSA Conference (TOSH 10 a.m.-4 p.m)
April 23             Report Cards go home
                         "Spring Into Action" Drug Awareness Presentation- 6:30-8 p.m. in Caf
                         (Sponsored by TOSH Parent Council)
April 24              Regular classes-Day 2
April 29              PISA testing- approx. 50 pre-selected 15 year olds only
April 30-May 11  EURO Trip
May 5-11           Band Trip
May 5                Transition Expo
May 7-9             Voye Rugby Tournament
May 11-14         DELF Testing (Grade 12 FI students only)
May 14              TOSH Family of Schools Principals' Meeting- Nicole out AM
May 18              Victoria Day- No Classes
May 23              Grad Prom (CUP)
May 25              Principals' and VP Retreat- All Admin Out
May 26              Principals' Retreat- Nicole Out
May 28              Principal Meeting- Nicole Out

May 30              Band Banquet


SECONDARY LANGUAGE ARTS ASSESSMENT PILOTOur current Grade 10 students will be piloting the Literacy assessment tool that our future Grade 10's will need to pass in order to graduate with their high school diplomas effective Class of 2018. We will practice the SLA Pilot test in English classes this week and all Grade 10 students will write a 70 minute practice version of the on line test on April 15/15. Teachers will get the multiple choice results of this test back this year to see how our current students are doing with reading comprehension. The writing results of this pilot will not be returned to teachers.

PISA- A random selection of our 15 years olds (approx. 50) will be asked to write the international PISA test on April 29/15. The ELSB is posting a sample PISA question on its website each week. Check it out and see how you and your students do! Answers will be posted on the same site the following week.

The next TOSH Parent Council meeting will take place on Monday, April 13/15 beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the library. New members are always welcome!

Book Thursday, April 23/15 into your family's calendar!
The TOSH Parent Council is hosting a drug and addictions information session in the school cafeteria from 6:30-8 p.m. called 
                   "SPRING INTO ACTION!"
Panelists Dr. Steven MacNeill, Joint Forces RCMP Officer Andy Cook, and other invited guests from community support agencies will be on hand to share a very real account of the current drug situation in our Island community and important information that parents of teens need to know. This is one parent event you won't want to miss and it is open to the community, so bring a friend!

Students were given Course Selection Handbooks, a copy of their accumulated credits to date, and course registration forms a month ago. Homeroom teachers have now entered student course choices for the 2015-16 school year into the system and we will begin the process of building our course schedule for next year. We have encouraged students to have conversations with their parents/guardians about course selection, so if this is news to you, you may want to touch base and see what your son/daughter has chosen to take next year! We always cross check graduation requirements, but students who plan to attend university will need five 621 courses minimum on their final transcript if they wish to be considered. Please note that other post-secondary programs may have specific high school course pre-requisites, as well. Mr. Jim Donovan in Student Services is a great resource for any questions you may have around this! Just give him a call or e mail him at:

On April 30/15, some of our students are being accompanied by Mr. Chisholm, Ms. Allen, and Mr. McNeill on a life changing journey to the WWI and WWII battlefields and cemeteries of Central Europe. They will be hosting a "Veterans' Night"for anyone interested in hearing about the stories and research they have collected in preparation for this trip on April 14, 2015 at 7 PM at Credit Union Place. Admission is free.

They will also have one final fundraiser in advance of their trip: Trivia Night for those 19 years and older- April 25, 2015 beginning at 8 p.m. upstairs at the Miscouche Legion. Admission is $5.

The East Prince Youth Development Centre is hosting a Job Fair at Credit Union Place on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 from 9:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. This gives employers and job seekers a unique opportunity to find one another! For more information, e mail: or call (902) 436-2815. Free admission and parking!


The R&B Band will be hosting their annual spring concert at Ecole Sur Mer school on April 24 beginning at 7 p.m. Admission is $10 and they always provide a wonderful evening of musical entertainment. 


Our policy for date sign ins for graduation prom is not new and is clearly stated in our Student Agenda. There have been a lot of students asking questions about who they can/can not sign in lately, so I will be reviewing the policy with our students on the PA tomorrow. Here is the policy in case parents are also wondering:
Graduating students may sign in current high school students from Three Oaks and other high schools, as well as previous graduates from TOSH or other high schools who:
a) have not been out of school longer than 2 years,
b) who are under the age of 21,
c) who were students in good standing at the school they last attended.
All sign ins are subject to approval by the Administration. Students must pay any outstanding fees including athletic, book or student fees before purchasing a prom ticket.

Former TOSH Parent, Barb Arsenault, is a distributor of Organo Gold coffee and other products. She has generously offered to donate 25% from her sales toward the TOSH "In Our Own Backyard" Breakfast and Lunch program! For more information and/or to place an order, you can call her at (902) 439-8679 or (902) 836-3339. Thank you, Barb!!

The second annual provincial PEI Gender and Sexuality Conference will be happening at TOSH on Saturday, April 18 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Registration is due Monday, April 13. Fax your registration to: (902) 888-8261 or e mail information to: Or, call Sandra Sheridan at: (902) 888-8463.

Mr. Gallant and Edison doing caf duty Friday!


To Pam Rodgerson for the time she is putting into scheduling Parent Teacher interviews for Thursday evening!
To David McNeill for helping out in the office when Admin went to the board staffing meeting on Thursday!
To Sean MacDonald for helping out with lunch duty last week so that Ms. Haire could attend the Student Services Team meeting!
To David Chisholm, Amanda Allen, and David McNeill for their organization of the Veterans' Night event happening at the CUP this Tuesday beginning at 7 p.m.! 

To Mario Fiset for inviting Ms. Haire in to speak to his Grade 11 FI class about our Student Council 2.0 model in preparation for their conversation with students in Poland!

Creative Multimedia Project in Action!

To Will Coughlin for offering friendship and support to a student in need last week!

To Sarah Hilvers for being selected to read her poetry at the City Council meeting recently!

To John Smith, Kyle MacIsaac and Emma Paynter for being selected to attend UPEI's Math Camp this year!

To Hannah Taylor who came second in her category at the national wrestling championships! She also took the top spot for 56 kg in Fila trials which earned her a spot on Team Canada!

Challenge:  Take a moment to go on SAS and check your son/daughter's attendance record and progress to date prior to Parent Teacher Interviews this week! If you don't have a log in and password, please e mail Mr. Jason Gallant:

Quote of the Week:  "Sweet April showers do spring May flowers."~ Thomas Tusser

Have a wonderful week!

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