Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Nicole's Notes: Volume 18 (April 27, 2015)

Student talent everywhere you look!
Happy Start to the Week TOSH Parents and Guardians!

We have been in full swing here with a couple of full weeks of classes in the books. Please note that this week, there will not be classes on Friday, May 1 due to the PEITF Annual Meeting that teachers are attending.

Our TOSH Parent Council sponsored Drug Information Panel last Thursday went well. About 40 people attended and the information provided by Andy Cook (RCMP), Stephen MacNeill (MD), Katie Gaudet (Youth Engagement Centre) and Cindy Galt (Addictions Services) prompted some good questions and discussions afterwards. We are moving toward spring (give or take some snowflakes) which usually means more "social events" for students and the dreaded Prom Party, which always means a sleepless night of worry for the adults here. There will be further information and clarification around this at a later date, but suffice it to say for now that the Prom Party is NOT a school sanctioned event, and we do not wish students to be selling tickets for it in our school. 


April 29              PISA testing- 31 pre-selected 15 year olds only
April 30-May 11  EURO Trip
May 5-11           Band Trip
May 5                Transition Expo
May 6                Student Loan Presentation for Grade 12 students and parents: 7:30 PM in LT
                          Student Session at 11:45 a.m. in LT
May 7-9             Voye Rugby Tournament
May 11-14         DELF Testing (Grade 12 FI students only)
May 14              TOSH Family of Schools Principals' Meeting- Nicole out AM
May 18              Victoria Day- No Classes
May 23              Grad Prom (CUP)
May 25              Principals' and VP Retreat- All Admin Out
May 26              Principals' Retreat- Nicole Out
May 28              Principal Meeting- Nicole Out
May 30              Band Banquet

June 1              Presidents' Council Meeting (Final)- at noon in Conference Room with Ms Haire
June 10            Last day of review for classes with students involved in Grade 11 Math assessment
June 11          Grade 11 Provincial Math Assessment; Regular Review classes for rest

NOTE:  Final Exam Schedule is for all three grades, 10-12
June 12            Final Exams- Block A
June 15            Final Exams- Block B
June 16            Final Exams- Block C
June 17            Final Exams- Block D
June 24            Grade 10 & 11 Report Cards Distributed at TOSH
June 25            Graduation- 6:45 PM at Credit Union Place! Everyone welcome and no ticket needed

Gr. 10's completing Literacy Assessment Pilot

The SHAPES Surveys and test drive of the new provincial Literacy Assessment are now complete and...It's PISA time! There are 31 of our TOSH 15 year olds completing this international assessment on Wednesday, April 29: All 31 in the morning and 8 staying through for the additional afternoon segment. These students were randomly selected by computer to represent 15 year olds at our school, and we appreciate their effort and time in advance. We will be treating them to a snack during their morning break and are grateful to the folks at Domino's Pizza for partnering with us in providing participants with a pizza lunch, as well. 

Our next round of assessments will be the international DELF involving our Grade 12 French Immersion students from May 11-15. This is a French proficiency test that is recognized world wide.

Lexi and Mrs. Sheridan thank sponsors

shOUT Standing Conference a Success!
The second annual GSA shOUT conference brought together teens and adults to learn from each other and from guest facilitators, to have questions answered, and to show support for one another. The following are some of the excellent community resource people who came out to share their knowledge with conference participants:

Dori Palmiere and Samson Learn- Youth Project NS
Derrick Biso- Get Real UPEI/PridePEI
Andrew Richardson- Minister at Trinity United Church, S'side
Cybelle Rieber- Pride Health Coordinator for Halifax, NS

This conference was made possible, in part, due to the generous support of sponsors (pictured above): Peter Pierre, Maureen Pendergast and Brenda Doucette, CUPE. Thanks, also to the Department of Labour, Justice and the Environment; the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, and the Province of PEI.


Students wishing to order a yearbook need to do so asap. On line orders can be placed by logging into: www.treering.com and using the school passcode: 1013791165054328. If you experience any difficulty with on line ordering, please see Mrs. MacDonald in Room 410 here at school ASAP!

It is always a treat to wander down hallways, and in and out of classrooms, to witness the awesome learning that is happening. "A picture says a thousand words", as they say, so enjoy these moments from a recent "Happy Wander":

Day of Silence Pledge Wall

Aviation Class making rivets

Mr. MacKinnon teaching trouble shooting

The Masked Welders!

Computer class hands on

Just happy to be here! :)

Debates on World Overpopulation Issues in Global Issues 621

Administrative Assistants Appreciation...Colton Style!

No, we don't mind the smell... really...

Dr. Pringle's Biology Class Pet

Pig Part Problems

Foods and Culinary Class "Burger Love" Staff Judges #lucky

Burgers and a Gluten Free option for each

Ms. Sullivan smiling at the end of a busy Burger Love day!

Thirteen of our students and three staff members (David Chisholm, Amanda Allen, and David McNeill) will make a pilgrimage to the World War battlefields and cemeteries of Europe from April 30-May 10. They presented their veteran research recently at a community event at Credit Union Place, and I was humbled by the stories they captured and the learning they have already done in preparation for this trip. We wish them safe travels and can't wait to hear all about the trip when they arrive home!


To David Gallant (pictured above) for running our awesome Reach for the Top intramural program each week at noon!

To Sandra Sheridan and Janet Bradshaw for their organization and facilitation of the shOUT Standing conference this past weekend! Thanks to Jim Campbell for his tech support, as well!
To Ken MacMillan for his work setting up and facilitating the SLA Pilot test! Above and beyond!!
To Tim Hockin, Cindy MacKendrick, Lyndon Oulton, Nancy Milton, Rick Sparkes, Pam Walsh, and Amanda Allen for preparing their Grade 10 English students for the SLA and for their patience with the process! Thanks, also, to Jason Gallant for his work scheduling lab times and locations.
To Rochelle Sullivan and her crew for the awesome cookies they prepared for Parent Teacher Interview Night!
To Joel Arsenault and his Leadership class for overseeing donations for the Parent Council Bursary! They raised $187 at PT Interviews! 

To Mike Trainor and the Student Government Council for organizing the "Meet the Candidates" event here last week and the Student Vote on May 4!

To Forrest Lilly for helping set up sound for the "Meet the Candidates" event in the Lecture Theatre!

To Sandra Sheridan and her team of student Tour Guides for organizing and facilitating a successful flight of Grade 9 tours!

To Natalie Hardy for helping to prepare our R&B Band and other student musicians for their concert on Friday! Fabulous show! Thanks, also, to Jim Campbell, "Roadie Extraordinaire"!

To Joel Arsenault for organizing and facilitating the PEISAA Badminton Round Robin and Provincials here last week and on Saturday!

To David Chisholm, Amanda Allen, and David McNeill for giving up time away from their classes and families to accompany our students on the EURO trip this Thursday! This promises to be a life-changing trip for all involved!

To Dia Lynn Keough and the Activities Council for providing the Hypnotist event here on Sunday evening! Great attendance and lots of laughs!

To Sean MacDonald for the work he has done ensuring that all Band Trip fees are in and accounted for!

To Mario Fiset for arranging the Skype debate between his French Immersion students and students in Poland around the topic of student voice!

To Rochelle Sullivan and Tracy MacDonald for an awesome "Burger Love" campaign run with their Foods and Culinary classes! Thanks, also, to the following staff members who acted as judges: David McNeill, David Gallant, Dia Lynn Keough, Beth Peters, Chris Higginbotham, David Chisholm, Barb Forbes, Amanda Allen, Ian Gillis, Carrie Watters, Sean MacDonald, Mike MacKinnon, Forrest Lilly, Heather Pringle and Jennifer Halupa!

Jacob accepts the cheque on behalf of Easter Seals!

To the members of our Community Works Council (some pictured above) for raising money for this year's TOSH Easter Seal's contribution!

To the members of our badminton teams who made an excellent showing in PEISAA play this past week. Our school captured FOUR provincial banners in the end: Juvenile Boys, Juvenile Girls, Senior Boys, and Senior Mixed Doubles! Several of our athletes had great individual showings, as well: 

Juvenile Boys: Owen Hall: 1st in doubles and 1st in singles
                       Logan MacDougall: 1st in doubles and 2nd in singles

Juvenile Girls: Nikki Arsenault: 1st in Singles and 4th in doubles
                      Kelsey MacKinnon: 3rd in singles and first in doubles
                     Keirstin Hamlin: 1st in doubles
                     Emily Steele: 4th in doubles 

Senior Boys: Matt Barlow: 1st in doubles and singles

                    Connor Loerick: 1st in doubles
                    Brohan Brennan: 1st in doubles and 4th in singles 

Senior Girls: Tiffany Cameron 1st in singles

Senior Mixed doubles: Tiffany Cameron and Connor Loerick: 1st and banner winners

Special thanks to TOSH Alumni and badminton coach, Neil Moore for his support of our student athletes this season!

To the members of the R & B Band (pictured above) who gave an excellent concert Friday evening:
Brohan Brennan
Zach Doucette
Malcolm MacArthur
Kierstin Perry
Kristin Gardiner
Morgan Lollins
Sebastien Roy-Garand
Melissa MacKay
Bethany Harbord
Brooke MacArthur
Max Gallant
Shane Arsenault
Alex Casey
Brett Gallant
Katilin Scheculski

To the student musicians who opened for the R & B Band Friday night!:
Rachel Brown
Brett Gallant
Alex Casey
Zach Doucette
Nigel Waite
Max Gallant
Dylan MacIssac
Kirstin Gardiner
Shane Arsenault
Devon Praught

To the members of the Student Government Council (pictured above) who facilitated our "Meet the Candidates of District 21" Student Forum at noon on Wednesday last week!: Brohan Brennan, Allison MacNeill, and Robert Larson.

To the GSA members who organized the shOUT Standing Conference:  Nate Rafuse, Lexi Norden, Zach Bullard, Gabrielle Richard, and Zander Gallant.

To our student tour guides who helped show our incoming Grade 9's around the school and made them feel so welcome!:
Colton Profitt
Taran Price
Lexi Drummond
Sarah Bajelan
Zack DesRoche
Jonathan Palmer
Thomas Gallant
Divine Pascual
Jorgen Strom
Krysten Reeves
Keisha Clements
Lexi Norden
Monica Arsenault
Ava Coulter
Samantha Harris
Jillian White
Olivia Inman
Breanna MacDougall
Jacob Brown
Alex Casey
Rachel Brown

Challenge:  Things are going to ramp up in course assessments as we motor through the second half of the semester. Check in with your son/daughter to see if he/she is on top of assignments and completing assigned homework each night! If you have any questions about what has been assigned, teachers are only an e mail away!!

Quote of the Week:  "I want my kids to have a good work ethic. I believe you can achieve anything if you work hard enough to get it."~ Victoria Beckham

Have a great week!
Nicole :)

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