Sunday, May 3, 2015

Nicole's Notes: Volume 19 (May 4, 2015)

Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

SUNSHINE!! It's amazing what a little Vitamin A can do for the soul. Spring has been a long time coming this year and we welcome it with open arms. The challenge between now and final exams in June will be encouraging our students to stay focused and finish this academic year strong. Thank you in advance for anything you can do to help us with that goal!

Friday's Annual Western Area Teacher's Association yielded some good discussion with political candidates and some great results for two TOSH staff members. In the morning, David Chisholm (pictured left with our EURO trip students this weekend) was elected by the membership to the Executive of the PEITF as a Member at Large. Dave will bring the concerns of teachers to the attention of the PEITF and will, no doubt, work hard on behalf of his teaching colleagues. Congratulations!
If you would like to follow our EURO trip participants on their learning adventure, check out David's blog:

Golden Apple Winner!

In the afternoon, Shirlee Anne Campbell was recognized with the prestigious Golden Apple Award for 2015. This award acknowledges one or two teachers from each Area Association who demonstrate excellence in their practice and a genuine love for their profession. Our school is blessed to have Ms. Campbell working tirelessly on the behalf of her math students and our greater school community. It is obvious to us all that she loves what she does and the people she serves. She does all that she does with a smile on her face and a great deal of humility, never looking for thanks or recognition for her efforts. She does the awesome she work she does simply because "it's the right thing to do." We applaud the committee's choice this year and thank seconded TOSH teacher, Laurie Callbeck, who is currently working at the Department of Education for spearheading this nomination on our school's behalf. Congratulations!


April 30-May 11  EURO Trip
May 5-11           Band Trip
May 5                Transition Expo
May 6                Student Loan Presentation for Grade 12 students and parents: 7:30 PM in LT
                         Student Session at 11:45 a.m. in LT
May 11-14         DELF Testing (Grade 12 FI students only)
May 14              TOSH Family of Schools Principals' Meeting- Nicole out AM
May 14-16         Voye Rugby Tournament
May 18              Victoria Day- No Classes
May 23              Grad Prom (CUP)
May 25              Principals' and VP Retreat- All Admin Out
May 26              Principals' Retreat- Nicole Out
May 28              Principal Meeting- Nicole Out
May 30              Band Banquet

June 1              Presidents' Council Meeting (Final)- at noon in Conference Room with Ms Haire
June 10            Last day of review for classes with students involved in Grade 11 Math assessment
June 11          Grade 11 Provincial Math Assessment; Regular Review classes for rest

NOTE:  Final Exam Schedule is for all three grades, 10-12
June 12            Final Exams- Block A
June 15            Final Exams- Block B
June 16            Final Exams- Block C
June 17            Final Exams- Block D
June 24            Grade 10 & 11 Report Cards Distributed at TOSH
June 25            Graduation- 6:45 PM at Credit Union Place! Everyone welcome and no ticket needed

Our Parent Council will be holding their final meeting this Monday beginning at 6:30 PM in the library. Everyone who would like to come is welcome, so be sure to cast your election vote early and then come join us. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the dedicated Parent Council members who have given their ideas and time in support of our school this year. Special mention goes to our President, Karen Smith, who has provided excellent leadership and donated a lot of her time to various projects this year. Thank you all and we hope to see some of you back next year!


Graduating students are invited to attend an information session regarding Student Loans on May 6 beginning at 11:45 a.m. in the Lecture Theatre, They can bring their lunch and should not miss this if they plan to apply for student loans for next year, There will be a parent information session that same day beginning at 7:30 p.m. also in the Lecture Theatre. Students are welcome to come, as well.

I have attended these sessions in the past as my three children came 1-2-3 towards graduation, and I found the information provided to be very valuable. There is a process associated with student loan applications that is made much easier to understand through this session. We look forward to hosting you and encourage you to bring your son/daughter along.

Our Fundraising and Finance Council will be hosting a Financial "Lunch and Learn" session at noon hour on May 19, as well. This is sponsored by the Summerside Credit Union and lunch treats will be provided to participants. This presentation will aim to educate students about the different ways they will be required to spend money, ways to afford their post-secondary education, and how to make sound budgeting decisions, We hope to see lots of students at this session, especially our seniors! Many will be managing their own funds for the first time next year and that can be a little overwhelming to think about. Encourage them to mark the date on their calendar and attend.


The annual Expo for organizations providing services and support to students with special needs will take place at TOSH again this year on May 5 from 5-8 p.m.

Mrs. Keough and Mrs. Walsh keeping the ship afloat!


To Dia Lynn Keough, Pam Walsh (pictured above) and Karen Gaudet who kept the office running smoothly last week while our VP's treated our hard working administrative assistants to lunch!

To Jim Donovan for his organization of the PISA testing last week! Thank you to David Ramsay, Ken MacMillan, and Jason Gallant for their support, as well!

To Tim Hockin for spending the weekend away from his family coaching our AAA Women's rugby team to a Bronze medal at the Rothesay tournament! The Men's team brought home Siliver, as well!

To Forrest Lilly for acting as David Chisholm's scrutineer on Friday!

To Natalie Hardy, Sean MacDonald, and Jason Gallant for taking time away from those they love and school to accompany our Band students to Toronto! Safe travels!

To Cindy MacKendrick for her work helping to organize the WATA Annual Meeting that took place at TOSH on Friday! Thanks to "Roadie" Jim Campbell for his sound work that day! 

To Cindy MacKendrick and Barb Forbes for their time and work representing our TOSH Staff as PEITF Board of Governor Reps this year!

Kennedy at Rideau Hall, Ottawa

To Kennedy Crossland (pictured above) who was presented with the Governor General's Medal of Bravery at a ceremony in Ottawa on Friday! Kennedy and her friend rescued two young swimmers in distress at Twin Shores this past summer. Proud of you for always looking out for others, Kennedy!

To the members of our Women's and Men's Rugby teams who represented us so well at the Rothesay tournament this past weekend. Bronze and Silver respectively! Bravo!

To Emily Todd (pictured above) for reading a whopping 104 books so far this school year! WOW!!

To the senior members of our band program who will be representing our school on their Band Trip to Toronto this coming week! Safe travels to all and have fun!

Challenge:  Cast your election vote carefully on Monday for the person and political party who you feel has the best interest of our education system and our students at heart. There are important educational decisions to be made that affect our kids most of all.

Quote of the Week:  "Learning never exhausts the mind."~Leonardo da Vinci

Have a wonderful week!

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