Monday, May 11, 2015

Nicole's Notes: Volume 20 (May 11, 2015)

Lucas is Leader of the Herd :)
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

We are grateful to welcome back our world travelers this week, as members of the EURO and Band trips return home to us safe and sound. The week ahead promises to be another busy one with lots going on in classrooms and the Voye Memorial Rugby tournament taking place here this weekend. Check out the schedule for that below, and then come on out to help cheer on our men's and women's teams. There's never a dull moment here, which is why TOSH is such an awesome place to be, learn, and grow!

With the warmer weather and Spring Fever in the air, our staff are focusing on ways to encourage students to get to class on time and stay put to learn each day. With only a little over four weeks remaining between now and the start of final exams, it is important for your son/daughter to be "present" in every way, four periods per day.  

If your son/daughter must leave school for an important reason during the day, we ask that you instruct him/her to remain in class until you arrive in the main office for pick up. We will call him/her out of class for you. Thanks in advance for your support!

We could also use some help encouraging students to follow the school dress code: no skirts shorter than the length of fingertips by your side, no short shorts, no tops with spaghetti straps or shoulderless, and no inappropriate and/or drug or alcohol related clothing please and thanks! The school is their workplace, so we ask that students dress in a way that shows respect for themselves and others. Students who do not follow the dress code will be asked to cover up or change. 


May 11-14         DELF Testing (Grade 12 FI students only)
May 14-16         Voye Rugby Tournament
May 18              Victoria Day- No Classes
May 21              TOSH Family of Schools Principals' Meeting- Nicole out AM
                          Final Band Concert
May 23              Grad Prom (CUP)
May 25              Principals' and VP Retreat- All Admin Out
May 26              Principals' Retreat- Nicole Out
May 28              Principal Meeting- Nicole Out
May 30              Band Banquet

June 1              Presidents' Council Meeting (Final)- at noon in Conference Room with Ms Haire
June 10            Last day of review for classes with students involved in Grade 11 Math assessment
June 11          Grade 11 Provincial Math Assessment; Regular Review classes for rest

NOTE:  Final Exam Schedule is for all three grades, 10-12
June 12            Final Exams- Block A
June 15            Final Exams- Block B
June 16            Final Exams- Block C
June 17            Final Exams- Block D
June 24            Grade 10 & 11 Report Cards Distributed at TOSH
June 25            Graduation- 6:45 PM at Credit Union Place! Everyone welcome and no ticket needed

Our Grade 12 French Immersion students are taking their DELF tests this week. This is an international French competency test whose results are recognized wherever they go in the world from here. M. Fiset and Mme. Vialle have done an awesome job preparing them for the task, and we know that they will achieve to the best of their abilities. Proud of you all!

GRAD PROM-MAY 23, 2015 
Believe it or not, it is that time of year again! Tickets for the prom were sold last week and the final sale date is this Wednesday, May 13. Tickets are $10 each and only graduating students who have paid any outstanding student/lost book fees,and their dates who meet the criteria for sign ins, are permitted to attend. The Grad Prom takes place at Credit Union Place on Saturday, May 23, 2015 and grads are encouraged to take pictures with family, etc. prior to arriving at the CUP. 

PLEASE NOTE:  The event that is approved by the school and chaperoned by TOSH staff is the Prom Dance ONLY! The "prom party" that often happens later on prom night is NOT a school event and is something that causes us a sleepless night of worry each year. 
Parents who are not aware of the potential dangers associated with this party are encouraged to educate themselves and/or call me at (902) 888-8460 to ask questions. Tickets for this party are sold "under the table" to hundreds of people of all ages, many of whom do not attend our school. The party features underage drinking and illegal drug use, as well as other potential dangers. We pray every year that no one gets hurt or worse, but it is beyond the school's control. Someone "hosts" this party and, therefore, assumes the liability. "What we permit, we promote" and this is certainly not what we consider to be a safe way for our students to spend their grad prom night.

MAY 14-16, 2015!
Location:  Three Oaks Senior High School

         Pool A                                          Pool B                       Pool C                                Pool D
TOSH                                 Northumberland                    Avonview                        Westisle
Montague                        Hants East                               Bluefield                          Halifax West
Saint John                        CEC                                           Horton                             North Nova

          Pool A                                          Pool B                        Pool C                           Pool D
TOSH                                   Bluefield                                Westisle                         KISH
Montague                          Northumberland                    North Nova                    CEC
Saint John                          Hants East                             Avonview                       Horton

Friday May 15th:

12pm   TOSH vs. Montague (W) (CG)       KISH vs. CEC (M) (VIC)      TOSH vs. Montague (M) (BD)
1pm    Bluefield vs. Avonview (W) (CG)    Avonview vs. Westisle (M) (BD) CEC vs. Hants East (W) (VIC)
2pm   Montague vs. Saint John (M) (CG) Westisle vs. North Nova (W) (BD) Northumberland vs. Hants East (M) (VIC)
3pm    Northumberland vs. Hants East (W) (CG)      CEC vs. Horton (M) (BD)   Avonview vs. North Nova (M) (VIC)
4pm    Montague vs. Saint John (W) (CG) Bluefield vs. Hants East (M)  (VIC)  Bluefield vs. Horton (W) (BD)
5pm    Halifax West vs. Westisle (W) (CG)    CEC vs. Northumberland (W)  (BD)   KISH vs. Horton (M) (VIC)
6pm    TOSH vs. Saint John (W) (CG)   Westisle vs. North Nova (M) (BD)   Avonview vs. Horton (W) (VIC)
7pm   TOSH vs. Saint John (M) (CG) Halifax West vs. North Nova (W) (BD) Bluefield vs. Northumberland (M)) (VIC)
Saturday May 16th:
9:00am   2A vs. 2C  (M) (CG)     2A vs. 2C (W) (BD)                                                                    Field Locations:
10:00am 1B vs. 1D  (W) (BD)     1A vs. 1C (W) (CG)                                               *CG – Canada Games beside gym
11:00am 1B vs 1D (M)  (BD)     1A vs. 1C (M) (CG)    3A vs. 3C (M)  (VIC)         *VIC – Victoria Rd. along main entrance
12:00pm 3B vs 3D (M) (CG)     3B vs. 3D (W) (VIC)    3A vs. 3C  (W) (BD)         *BD – Bus Depot on MacEwen Rd.
1:00pm  2B  vs. 2D  (M) (CG)      2B vs. 2D (W) (BD)
2:00pm Women’s Final (CG) 

3:00pm Men’s Final (CG) 

On May 4, our student body went to the "polls" to practice exercising their democratic right to cast their vote and have their voice heard in the provincial election. The event was coordinated by the Student Government Council and Mr. Trainor's Political Science 621 class. Results were sent to Elections Canada in Ottawa for tabulation with the votes from other students across the Island. Several of our senior students were able to vote "for real" in their first election, which is always an exciting rite of passage! Kudos to our students for attending the Meet the Candidates event in advance and for taking the vote seriously. Our right to vote is a freedom we should never take for granted.

As often as I can, I get out of my office and wander the halls, cafeteria and gathering spots of our school. It is such a privilege to be part of this warm and vibrant school community, and I am so proud of our staff and students and the work they do together here each and every day! 

Crazy Eights at Noon :)

Pie in the Face Event Prep

Poetry can be fun ala Mr. Hockin!

Chief Electoral Officer, Mr. Trainor, making sure Devon gets his vote in!


To Mike Trainor (pictured above) for overseeing the Student Vote that took place in conjunction with the provincial election May 4!

To Joel Arsenault for the work he has done organizing the Voye Memorial Rugby tournament this coming weekend! 

To Pam Rogerson for collecting all those outstanding student fees in time for prom ticket sales with patience and a smile!

To Dia Lynn Keough for orchestrating the prom ticket sales!

To Mario Fiset for his organization of the DELF testing this week!

To Chris Higginbotham and Heather Pringle for accompanying our Envirothon team to the NS competition on the weekend!

To Shirlee Anne Campbell for collecting and adding up all those extra-curricular points in anticipation of the awards assembly coming up! 

To Erin Peterson, Fran Gillis and Gerald MacCormack for their work planning and facilitating the Community Access and Inclusion Expo last week!

To Ian Gillis for nominating student Emma Paynter for the International Summer School for Young Physicists! 

To Shannon Evans for keeping the Principal's Choice Award display in the office current!


To Seabille Bergeron-Dawe (pictured above) for helping to welcome incoming Grade 9's to our school!

To Emma Paynter for being selected to attend the International Summer School for Young Physicists! Emma was one of 40 students from across Canada selected from hundreds of applicants for this awesome learning opportunity!
Karlie Johnston

Reilly MacKay

Emma Bergeron-Dawe

Taitania Calarco
To the student artists whose original work was selected for the Principal's Choice Collection this month!: Taitania Calarco, Karlie Johnston, Emma Bergeron-Dawe, Reilly MacKay (art pictured above) and Vicki Gallant.

To Colton Profitt (pictured above with Austria's High Commissioner to Canada) who represented the S'side Rotary Club recently at the Adventure in Citizenship program in Ottawa!

To our Track and Field athletes who can be seen running the fields in the early morning hours, rain or shine: Logan O'Brien, Alex MacFadyen, Cody Rogers, Ryan Merrett, Darian Demchuk, Brolin Turner, and Daniel Meister!

To the Leadership students and Peer Helpers who volunteered to help set up and facilitate the Community Access and Inclusion Expo last week:
Tye MacFarlane
Jordan Bridges
Mallory Green
Phoebe van der Muelen
Elise Profit-Jeffery
Stacy Montgomery
Darcie Martin
Mikailla MacDonald
Alisha MacDonald
Emily MacArthur
Brooke MacArthur
Molly Johnson
Allison Gillis
Emma Fraser
Carly Butler
Morgan Boyd
Julie Biggar
Dayz Perry
Sam MacIntyre

To Shaelin Richard for supporting a friend!

To Hannah Taylor (pictured above) for winning a Bronze medal in international wrestling competition in Romania last week!

To Gibson Gallant (pictured above) for receiving the "Most Improved" award for Sea Cadets!

To Nathaniel Lykow (pictured above) for receiving the "Excellent Attendance Medal" and for being promoted to Chief Petty Officer 2nd class at Sea Cadets!

To Liam Broderick for receiving the "Best Dressed Junior Cadet" award for Army Cadets!

To the members of our senior band program (pictured above) for representing our school so well in Toronto last week!

To our EURO Trip participants (some pictured above) for representing our school so well overseas!

To our Student of the Week nominees:
Johnathan Brown- For having a positive attitude!
Jaycee Galego-For taking the time to help another student!
Logan Maddix- For taking care of the environment on Earth Day!
Sheldon Blanchard-Hard Worker!
Brett Silliker-For returning a lost phone!
Parker Compton-For returning a lost phone!
Victoria Murphy-For returning lost money!
Brianna MacDougall-For returning lost money!
Emma Gallant-For all her hard work!
Brett Higdon-For his dedication to math!
Matthew Williams-For striving to do his best in math!
Gabbie Richard-For working hard in making shOUTstanding such a success!
Zander Gallant-For working hard in making shOUTstanding such a success!
Nate Rafuse-For working hard in making shOUTstanding such a success!
Lexi Norden-For working hard in making shOUTstanding such a success!
Zach Bullard-For working hard in making shOUTstanding such a success!
To all of the Peer Helpers-For their work ethic and helpfulness!  
Alyssa Vriends-For a perfect score on a Science test!
Brianna Cormier-For a perfect score a Science test!
Ashlynn Cormier-For a perfect score on a Science test!

Challenge:  Check SAS to see how your son/daughter's attendance has been this semester. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the school or e mail me at:

Quote of the Week:  "There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots; the other, wings."~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Have a fabulous week!


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