Sunday, May 24, 2015

Nicole's Notes: Volume 21 (May 25, 2015)

Kyle builds his own police siren/lights!
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

Believe it or not, there are only 13 instructional days left in this school year!! Our Class of 2015 have enjoyed their Grad Prom (check out the pics below!), and now it is the time of year for end of the year awards ceremonies, final banquets, championship tournaments, and graduation itself. I had more than a few Grade 12's come up to me these past few weeks and say, "You weren't lying in Grade 10 when you told us high school would fly fast!" No matter where your son/daughter is on his/her high school journey, we hope they are ready to finish strong!


May 25              Principals' and VP Retreat- All Admin Out/Dept.Heads In
May 26              Principals' Retreat- Nicole Out
May 30              Band Banquet

June 1              Presidents' Council Meeting (Final)- at noon in Conference Room with Ms Haire
June 2-4           PEISAA Rugby Championships
June 3              PEISAA Softball Championships
June 5-6           PEISAA Track and Field Championships
June 10            Last day of review for classes with students involved in Grade 11 Math assessment
June 11          Grade 11 Provincial Math Assessment; Regular Review classes for rest
June 13           Athletic Banquet- 5-8 p.m.

NOTE:  Final Exam Schedule is for all three grades, 10-12
June 12            Final Exams- Block A
June 15            Final Exams- Block B
June 16            Final Exams- Block C
June 17            Final Exams- Block D
June 24            Grade 10 & 11 Report Cards Distributed at TOSH
June 25            Graduation- 6:45 PM at Credit Union Place! Everyone welcome and no ticket needed

Supervisor Selfie :-)

I'll apologize in advance that I am in so many of these pictures, but every time one of our students asked if we could get a picture together, I handed their unsuspecting family member or friend my camera too! It was a beautiful night of celebration after 12 or more years of hard work, and we are always SO proud to see our students dressed up and looking their very best!  If the prom shoes were more comfortable, I might suggest that we all come dressed in our finery some day at school! :-) Here's a sneak peek from the festivities at the CUP on Saturday evening...

Jesse came to cheer!

I try my best to keep these posts updated weekly, but sometimes, life gets in the way! We had a busy week, the week before last, that ended with our Annual David Voye Memorial Rugby Tournament. David was a founding faculty member here at TOSH and served as it's first music teacher up until his death in 1996. I was blessed to have him as my band and Glee Club director and, eventually, as my friend. His son, James Voye, has dedicated countless hours to the rugby program at TOSH-the program his father began-and we are proud to host this tournament each year in David's memory. 

This year, 24 teams competed in the tournament and the TOSH Men's and Ladies' teams made us usual! Both advanced to semi final play, with our Women's team breaking the tie with a nail biting series of "kick offs", and our men falling in a close 5-3 game. Our Women's team went on to win the tournament, bringing the banner home to TOSH once again. A huge thank you goes out to Head Coaches Tim Hockin (Women) and James Voye (Men), along with their assistants, for the time and expertise they share so willingly with our student athletes!

Our ladies show solidarity during the kick off! #stress


Our local Sea Cadets Corps recently held their Ceremonial Review with some of our TOSH students taking top honours! Congratulations to all members of the Corps (pictured above) and to Jonathan Palmer and Nathaniel Lykow for being recognized with special prizes!


Our Climate Crew ran a successful "Pie in the Face" event this past week in aid of the PCH Equipment Fund. Several people stepped up to show what good sports they are and "took one for the team" after the right to "pie" them went to the highest bidder!: Mr. David McNeill, Kennedy Crossland, Mr. Lilly, and Riley DesRoches. Mr. Oulton proved himself to be a stellar auctioneer and a large crowd in the caf kept the bidding wars going well to the end of noon hour. Things got interesting when the bidding war for Riley ended in a second pie being made and both teams donating over $30 for the cause. Thanks to all who participated!


To all staff (some pictured above) who volunteered their time to supervise the Prom on Saturday!

To Tim Hockin for coaching our women's rugby team to a Gold medal finish at the Voye this year!

To Sarah Jane Barrett for organizing the baby shower for Krista Bryson!

To David Chisholm, Chris Higginbotham, Sarah Jane Barrett and Mark Gregory for agreeing to welcome UPEI BEd students into their classrooms for observation this week!

To Tracy MacDonald and Katherine Clow for an excellent Yearbook product this year! Copies are available now!

To Dia Lynn, David McNeill and Amanda Allen for their organization of this year's Grad Prom!

To Jim Donovan, Sandra Sheridan, and Tami Arsenault for helping some of our students work through a difficult time following the accident last week!

To Rochelle Sullivan for taking the lead in organizing the catering of the Dept/Board CEO training event that happened here May 20-21!

To all who helped make the CEO 401 training here last week a success! A huge thank you to Joel Arsenault and Sue Thomson for giving up their gym classroom so that this training could happen!

To Jim Donovan who was recognized by the AARAO organization at the conference he attended this past week (with Atlantic post-secondary institutions) for excellence in his work helping students make sound post-secondary and career choices! Congrats, Jim!

To Sarah Jane Barrett, Beth Peters, and David Ramsay for filling in for VP's last Friday and all Admin again this Monday! Your time and leadership are greatly appreciated!

To Shannon Evans and her students for designing the Anniversary Athletic logo (40 years of athletic excellence in 2016)!

To Natalie Hardy for the excellent job she has been doing in Krista's absence and for directing our band students through an excellent final concert last week!

To David McNeill and Forrest Lilly for stepping up to "take one for the team" in the Pie in the Face event on stage Thursday! Great spirit shown and the crowd LOVED it! Shout out to MC (not Hammer), Lyndon Oulton, for getting the donation numbers up there and bringing so much fun to the event!

To Sean MacDonald for always being such a good staff friend!

To Erin Peterson, Fran Gillis, Sandra Sheridan, Janet Surette, Norma SmallmanDebbie MacArthur, Scott MacGregor, Nora Connell, Trudy DesRoche and Krissy Vardon who helped our graduating students with special needs prepare for, and enjoy, their Grad Prom! Everyone looked fabulous and all had a great time!


To John Smith (pictured above Right) for being invited to attend a national chess tournament in Quebec City recently!

To Kendra Smith for being chosen to represent our school at the Royal Commonwealth Society of Canada event in Ottawa recently!

Jonathan Palmer

Nathaniel Lykow
To Jonathan Palmer and Nathaniel Lykow (pictured above) for receiving special recognition at this year's Sea Cadet's Ceremonial Review! Jonathan received the award for Best Uniform, Gunnery and the Excellent Attendance Award. Nathaniel received the Sheena Bradshaw Memorial Award, the Cadet Choice Award, the Navy League of Canada Medal of Excellence, and as chosen as Top Sea Cadet for PEI!

To the members of the TOSH Bands (some pictured above) for their excellent performance at the end of the year concert last week!

To members of the Leadership 621 class (some pictured above) for their organization of the Voye Memorial tournament!

To Taran Price (pictured above) for successfully kicking the final field goal to put our Women's rugby team into the Voye final under EXTREME pressure!

To Kennedy Crossland and Riley DesRoches for agreeing to take a pie in the face to raise money for charity!

To members of Class Officers for organizing a wonderful Grad Prom night for their classmates!

Challenge:  Help your son/daughter map out an assignment and study completion schedule for the next 13 days leading up to final exams. Post the calendar somewhere and then help him/her stay on schedule!

Quote of the Week:  "The last thing you want to do is finish playing or doing anything and wish you would have worked harder."~ Derek Jeter

Have a wonderful week!