Monday, October 6, 2014

Nicole's Notes: Volume 3 (Oct. 6, 2014)

Nathan rockin' his Island Storm pride!
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

And there goes the first month!! Wow! We have a busy month of October ahead, so please check out the "Upcoming Dates to Note" section below. This is a short week with our Annual Convention days happening on Thursday and Friday. These days are always chock full of professional learning opportunities, and I will let you know some of the highlights in next week's post. In the meantime, we plan to maximize the other three days we have with our students so it is important that they are present and ready to learn!

Our school's Terry Fox Walk and Charity Jar collection raised $890 for the cause! Congratulations to our Leadership 621 students and Community Works Council members for a well run campaign! Kudos to teachers Joel Arsenault and Tammy Craig for working with our students on this important fundraising event.


Patti Beauchamp will be joining us as an Educational Assistant in the afternoons beginning on Monday!

We have three UPEI Pre-Service teachers who came to observe classes last week and who will be returning to do their practicum placements with us in November:  Elizabeth Miner, Danielle Smith (TOSH 2009), and Lucas MacLean (TOSH 2010).


We have received several complaints from concerned citizens about students driving recklessly in our parking lot at the beginning of lunch hour and again after school. We have asked the S'side Police to help us monitor the parking lot during those times, and there will be a zero tolerance approach for anyone putting the lives of others at risk in this way. Charges may be laid, and there will be an automatic loss of car privileges at school. If your son/daughter takes the car to school, please have a conversation with him/her about the responsibility they have to themselves and others when they are behind the wheel.


The Credit Union Place will be offering special pricing and activities on Thursday and Friday when students are off school for Convention. $5 bracelets can be purchased and are good for swimming, bowling and Western Capitals players will be playing ball hockey on the rink surface with interested children both days from 11 a.m.- 5 p.m. For more information, please contact The Credit Union Place at (902) 432-1234, ext. "0" or 


Proceeds to: TOSH "In Our Own Backyard"          Breakfast and Lunch Program
Date:  October 11th, 2014 
Location: The Rotary Friendship Park (Entrance behind the PCH)

Registration is after 9:00 am.  Run starts at 10:00 am.  (Rain or Shine)
Cost:  $10 person.  $5.00 Students or Children.  $20 for a Family of 4 or more.
Refreshments:  There will be treats provided along the way by volunteers.

Friends and family are encouraged to start their Thanksgiving weekend off the right way by doing some good for the benefit of others.  Please share this with your colleagues, students, as well as any other friends of TOSH.  

NOTE: If anyone is interested in helping out, please contact Heather Matheson at: (902) 315-2302. If everyone can promote this walk to friends and try to attend, if possible, we should have a very successful fundraiser! Check out the Facebook page by searching for the event under "Friends for a Cause".  


The Boys' and Girls' Club of Summerside is in need of votes! They are hoping to win funding to go towards their new Youth Engagement Centre for At Risk Youth. Please log on to the following site and vote each day from now until Oct. 13: and support them so that they can support some of our students who are in need!

Parents/Guardians of students of all three grade levels are encouraged to mark OCTOBER 14 on the calendar! That evening, we will be hosting Career Day information for students and their families beginning with general post-secondary information from 6-7 PM in the Lecture Theatre followed by a tour of the many displays in the Gym from 7-8:30 PM.

Our Leadership class is facilitating this year's Magazine Campaign, and they kicked things off by handing information out in homeroom on Monday. This is a great opportunity to raise funds for our necessary school programs and to acquire one of many subscriptions available in the catalogue. There are two more collection dates:Tuesday October 7 and Thursday, October 16.  Students who sell a certain number of magazines may be given the opportunity to pick a prize (which will be outlined in the packet they received). Also, selling certain magazines will give sellers an immediate prize of a super bear plush toy and a ballot to win various gift cards.  The more they sell, the more rewards they will receive both individually and for the school! There will also be a grand prize for the top seller and the top selling homeroom will win a pizza party. Anyone wishing to purchase one or more magazine subscriptions can do so through TOSH students or by filling out an order form in the Main Office. 

We received word that we will NOT be receiving any grant monies from the Breakfast for Learning program this year, as the demand for funds exceeded the funds they had available for support. Research shows that basic needs are the very foundation of learning, and we want to ensure that ALL our students have equal opportunity to enjoy a nutritious breakfast and, as needed, lunch at school. We will continue to raise awareness around this issue and accept donations of food items for the breakfast program and/or monetary donations in the Main Office. If people have questions, please feel free to contact me via e mail: or call the school (902) 888-8460.
NOTE: We are also in need of VOLUNTEERS to help us on TUESDAY mornings, at least, from 8-9 AM. Please contact the school if you are interested in helping. It would just involve putting the food items out and then putting them all away again. Our students are pretty self-sufficient!


The Island Storm will be playing their ONLY pre-season exhibition game against the St. John Mill Rats in the TOSH gym on Tuesday, October 28 beginning at 7 PM with ALL PROCEEDS from the evening going towards the TOSH "In Our Own Backyard" Breakfast and Lunch program! Those purchasing any of the first 100 numbered tickets will have their name put into a draw for a chance to win "Best Seats in the House" and VIP treatment the night of the game. Tickets are $5 each (seating will be first come, first served) and are available in the Main Office at Three Oaks. There will be a 50/50 draw and canteen run by the TOSH Athletic Council and Leadership 621 students, as well. "It takes a whole community to raise a child", so let's fill our gym in support of our own!


The TOSH Yearbook, which includes two free custom pages that students create themselves, is now available via on line sales at a cost of $32 USD. Simply log on to the following site: and enter the school passcode: 10 13 79 116 50 54328. Any questions can be directed to Mrs. Tracy MacDonald:

Post Secondary Career Visits 2014 / 2015

Time & Location

Career Day
Oct. 14th
Student walkabout in gym 2 – 3:15 PM, Evening session for parents re: post-secondary info- 6-7 PM followed by walkabout for parents in gym 7 – 8:30PM
Acadia University open house
Oct. 17th
On site admissions- bring your transcript
King’s University open house
Oct. 24th
King’s University Halifax
Queen’s University
Oct. 24
Sign up in Student Services, Lecture theater 11:30 – 12:15.
UNB St John open house
Oct 25th
Saint John, NB
Mount Alison University
Nov. 4
Sign up in Student Services, Lecture theater  2-3 p.m.
Memorial University
Nov. 4
Sign up in Student Services, Lecture theater , 12:30 - 1:30 
UNB Coffee Talk -Summerside
One on one sessions about UNB

NOTE:  Check out this site for some awesome career exploration information:


To Mr. Sean MacDonald for coaching our golf teams this season! Strong showing at provincials!

To Mrs. Tracy MacDonald and Mrs. Katherine Clow for working with the Yearbook staff this year!

To Mr. Tim Hockin for using Edmodo as a way to better communicate with his classes!

To Mrs. Dia Lynn Keough, Ms. Krista Hickey, and Mr. David McNeill for advising the Class Officers this year! (Election speeches for nominated Grade 12 students are Monday after lunch)

To Mrs. Nancy Milton for the cool display of student writing (pictured above) outside her classroom!


To Kaitlin Morrison for being selected as Manager of the Axe Outlet!

To Mary Anne Pham for her awesome help with book inventory in the library!

To Kristyn Reeves for a wicked run of volleyball serves against Westisle!

To our golf teams who represented us so well at provincials last week!:
A Boys- Bronze Medal:  Alex Gallant, Malone MacArthur, and Connor McAulay
AAA Boys- 5th place- MacKenzie Clow, Owen Hall, and Brodie MacDonald
AAA Boys Individual- Bronze- MacKenzie Clow

To Robyn Banks for making a guest to our school feel welcome!

To Riley Forbes for joining the Climate Crew Executive!

To those students who were recognized on the Student of the Week board last week!:
Elise Profitt-Jeffery- Working hard in Math! Keep up the good work!
Shannon Palmer- Great start! Keep up the good work!
Brittany McArthur- For working hard in Block D!
Stephanie Higgins- For helping Ms. Peterson in her room!
Daniel Meister- For his hard work on the Terry Fox Run Event in Leadership class!
Marissa Buote- Great work in Math!
Emily Pasha- Great test results in Math!
Tylan MacAusland- Great first test in Math!
Patrick Chappell- Great start to the semester in Math!
Blinera Musliu- Fantastic Peer Helper in Math!
Emma MacKenzie- Great test result in Math!
Liam Broderick- WOW in Math!
Tyson Sauve- WOW in Math!
Kelsey MacKinnon- Great start in Math!
Ally Simmons- Great beginning to the semester in Math!
Tyson Clow- "DECENT" start in Design Technology!
Keenan Crozier- Great work on design brief and careers assignment!
Marc Gunning- Great design brief on NFL game in Design Technology!
Branden Gaudet- Excellent work on the CUSTOMZ design brief in Design Technology!
Danny Nispel- For his hard work on the Terry Fox Run Event in Leadership class!
Dylan Murchison- Great start this semester in Design Technology!
Zach Speight Mason- Above average skill sets in Carpentry!
Rebecca Myers- Working hard in Science class!
Chase Frost- Excellent effort in Science!
Chris MacDonald- Exceptional effort in Computers!
Kaylee Boates- Great work in Creative Multi Media class!

Challenge: Watch the following and discuss its message with your son/daughter or as a family:

Quote of the Week: "The secret of getting ahead is getting started."~ Mark Twain

Have a wonderful week!

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