Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Nicole's Notes: Volume 4 (Oct. 13, 2014)

Happy Thanksgiving Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

I hope you enjoyed a wonderful, long weekend with family and friends! I took some time this weekend to count my blessings and our TOSH family was definitely on that list!

We had a great two days of Convention with lots of professional learning opportunities. Our support staff had a meaningful two days of sessions, as well, and I had the privilege of spending some time with them on Friday afternoon. The keynote speakers (Damian Cooper, Donalyn Miller, and Dave Burgess) shared their passion for assessment, reading, and student engagement. There were numerous concurrent sessions and a unique opportunity to connect with fellow educators from across the Island. We are very lucky to have all our teachers under the same roof for this convention-the only province in Canada able to do so! It will be great to see our teachers applying what they learned this past week when we welcome our students back to school tomorrow!


To Ashley, Zack, and Sophia Bell on the birth of the newest member to their family; Harrison Drezden, born on Oct. 9. Mrs. Bell is a valued member of our English Department, and we wish her a fun and restful maternity leave home with her beautiful family!


Oct. 13         Thanksgiving Day- NO CLASSES
Oct. 14         Career Day: 1-3 PM (Students) & 7-8:30 PM (Parents/Guardians) in GYM
Oct. 17         Nicole Out
Oct. 20-21   Principals' Retreat- Nicole Out
Oct. 26         

Nov. 2         TOSH Band and UPEI Wind Symphony Performance- 2 PM
Nov. 3         Presidents' Council- 11:50 AM with Ms. Haire (conference room)
Nov. 5         Principals' Meeting- Nicole Out
Nov. 6         Remembrance Day Assembly- 1 PM
                    Parent Teacher Interviews- 3:45-5 PM; 6-9 PM
Nov. 7         Parent Teacher Interviews- NO CLASSES
Nov. 8-9     Annual TOSH Christmas Craft Fair
Nov. 11      Remembrance Day- NO CLASSES
Nov. 13      Report Cards Home
Nov. 21      PEITF Professional Learning Day- NO CLASSES
Nov. 27      Principals' Meeting- Nicole Out

Parents/Guardians of students of all three grade levels are encouraged to come to the school tomorrow, OCTOBER 14! We will be hosting Career Day information for students and their families beginning with general post-secondary information from 6-7 PM in the Lecture Theatre followed by a tour of the many displays in the Gym from 7-8:30 PM.

Our Leadership class is facilitating this year's Magazine Campaign. This is a great opportunity to raise funds for our necessary school programs and to acquire one of many subscriptions available in the catalogue. Students were given packets containing all the necessary components to sell and purchase magazine subscriptions. The final collection date is Oct. 16. Students who sell a certain number of magazines may be given the opportunity to pick a prize (which will be outlined in the packet). Also, selling certain magazines will give sellers an immediate prize of a super bear plush toy and a ballot to win various gift cards.  The more they sell, the more rewards they will receive both individually and for the school! There will also be a grand prize for the top seller. Anyone wishing to purchase one or more magazine subscriptions can do so through TOSH students or by picking up an order form in the Main Office.


The Island Storm have graciously offered to play their ONLY pre-season exhibition game at Three Oaks in support of our "In Our Own Backyard" Breakfast and Lunch program! The game against the St. John Mill Rats will take place in the TOSH gym on Tuesday, Oct. 28 beginning at 7 PM. Tickets are on sale in the Main Office at the school for $5 each. A draw from the first 100 tickets sold will result in the lucky winner enjoying "Best Seats in the House" and VIP treatment the night of the game. All proceeds from the door, canteen and 50/50 draw will go directly to TOSH students in need, so please spread the word and get your tickets today! 
"It takes a community to raise a child."


The TOSH Yearbook, which includes two free custom pages that students create themselves, is now available via on line sales at a cost of $32 USD. Simply log on to the following site: 

www.TreeRing.com/validate and enter the school passcode: 10 13 79 116 50 54328. Any questions can be directed to Mrs. Tracy MacDonald: trlmacdonald@edu.pe.ca.


The next Parent Council meeting will take place on Monday, Oct. 20 in the TOSH Library. All new members are welcome and the meeting will begin with a brief update on school data collected and our school goal by Department Head, Sarah Jane Barrett.


Time & Location

Career Day
Oct. 14th
Student walkabout in gym 2 – 3:15 PM, Evening session for parents re: post-secondary info- 6-7 PM followed by walkabout for parents in gym 7 – 8:30PM
Acadia University open house
Oct. 17th
On site admissions- bring your transcript
King’s University open house
Oct. 24th
King’s University Halifax
Queen’s University
Oct. 24
Sign up in Student Services, Lecture theater 11:30 – 12:15.
UNB St John open house
Oct 25th
Saint John, NB
Mount Alison University
Nov. 4
Sign up in Student Services, Lecture theater  2-3 p.m.
Memorial University
Nov. 4
Sign up in Student Services, Lecture theater , 12:30 - 1:30 
UNB Coffee Talk -Summerside
One on one sessions about UNB

NOTE:  Check out this site for some awesome career exploration information:


TOSH has been twinned with Ndunyu Secondary School for six years now. Our People Helping People club members exchange letters at least twice per year and also do fundraising. Our annual donation of $1000-$1500 goes directly to Ndunyu, with no administration costs deducted. The school was opened in 2007 by community members to meet the needs of students who couldn't afford to attend provincial schools or travel to schools farther away. The current enrollment is 150-200 students with 7 teachers (3 are paid by government, 4 paid by parents). The funds from TOSH have helped Ndunyu pay for items such as: pit latrines, hand washing station, water storage tanks, school garden, school kitchen and lunch program, electricity, additional classrooms, desks and chairs, textbooks. The People Helping People members will be selling baked goods at the Island Storm fundraising game in aid of our sister school.


To Pam Walsh for her excellent work with the Annual Convention Planning Committee this year!

To Janet Bradshaw (EA) for her excellent organization of the professional development days for EA's, Youth Service Workers, and Workplace Assistants!

To Erin Peterson (pictured above), Norma Smallman (EA), and Janet Surette (EA) for providing some of our students with an awesome pumpkin decorating experience last week!

To all Council Advisors for the great work they are doing with their Councils this year! The Presidents' Council meeting last week was inspiring!!

To Jim Donovan and Donna MacKay (Admin Assistant) for the great work they have done organizing this year's Career Day!

To Tammy Craig and the People Helping People club members for their work supporting our sister school in Africa...for six years!

To Dia Lynn Keough, Krista Hickey, Amanda Allen, and David McNeill for their work getting Class Officers in place for the Class of 2015!

To Sean MacDonald for his creative fundraising ideas for the Storm game!


To Spencer Groom for representing PEI at the U18 national soccer competition in Surrey, BC!

To members of our AAA Baseball Team for capping off a perfect season with provincial Gold!

To Emma Paynter for being selected to represent TOSH as a Guardian Teen Scene writer!

Presidents' Council Meeting Monday
To our Council Presidents for the awesome leadership they are already demonstrating this year!

Challenge:  Consider purchasing a ticket for the Island Storm fundraising game on Oct. 28 or plan to come out for the Parent Council meeting next Monday, Oct. 20!

Quote of the Week:  "Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving."~ W.T. Purkiser

Thank you for sharing your awesome kids with us! Have a great week!

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