Saturday, June 16, 2012

Nicole's Notes: Volume 10

Hello TOSH Parents and Guardians!

If you are a parent of a grade 12 student, their school year is officially over! If your son/daughter is with us in grade 10 or 11, they only have one final exam standing between them and the relaxation of summer holidays! Wow. If the old adage, "Time flies while you're having fun" rings true, then we must have had one humdinger of a time this school year! Time has never flown so fast!!

Dates to Remember:

18    Grade 10-11 Final Exams-Block B (9-11:30 a.m.)
19    Grad List Posted-9 a.m.
21    Graduation Practice Breakfast and Rehearsal (Grade 12 Grads)
        Graduation- 6:50 p.m. (Credit Union Place)
        Safe Grad Activity following Graduation
26    Report Cards distributed for Grades 10-11 (9-10:30 a.m.)
29    School Closes for Summer Holidays!


UPDATE!:  The 2012 Grad List has been posted in the main lobby of the school. Grade 12 students should check to be sure that their name appears!

Our Grade 12 parents have a busy-and probably emotional!-week ahead! Here are some "should know" info for now, but please do not hesitate to contact us at the school if you have any further questions or concerns!:

When?: Thursday, June 21, 2012. The Processional of Graduates begins at 6:50 p.m. and the Graduation Ceremony will begin at 7 p.m. We are hoping to streamline things this year and aiming for a 2.5 hour long ceremony.
Where?: Credit Union Place, Summerside
Tickets?: None needed! Everyone is welcome to help celebrate our graduating students. Seating will be in the bowl only (Grads and VIP's only on the floor) on a first come, first served basis.
Dress?: Students will be wearing graduation gowns, but it looks much classier if boys wear pants, rather than shorts, and a tie (optional). Girls can wear either pants, dresses, or skirts but should make sure that their shoes are comfortable to walk in! This is NOT the night to try high heels for the first time! :-) Please also remind all grads: NO GUM!! It looks terrible on stage!
CD Souvenir: We have a professional photographer hired again this year to stand front and centre and take a professional photo of everything that happens on stage. Each grad will receive a complimentary CD containing all the pictures taken at the graduation for you to enjoy!

Grad Rehearsal and BreakfastThe Grad Breakfast begins at 9 a.m. on June 21 at the school. We then bus the students to the CUP for rehearsal around 10:30 a.m. and back to the school afterwards. Grads need to arrive at the CUP by 6:15 p.m. on graduation night.
Safe Grad Activity for Grads AfterwardsRegistration forms have already gone out to students for Safe Grad, and the form and money collection times have passed. Parents interested in volunteering snack food, or time as supervisors, are encouraged to contact Dia-Lynn Keough ASAP at:
NOTE!!!!:  **Post-Secondary Information!**:  Students headed to post-secondary schools next year MUST come in to Student Services to sign the sheet saying where their final transcripts are to be sent OR THEY WILL NOT BE SENT, WHICH IS NOT GOOD!! Also, if your son/daughter has received a scholarship and you would like this recognized during the graduation, they must bring in a copy of the scholarship information to Student Services ASAP.

Five Eleven West and Buffet 511 Graduation Meal Specials!
Families interested in sharing a meal together before the graduation are invited to come to Five Eleven West Restaurant or Buffet 511 (at Credit Union Place) for their Grad Specials!

Five Eleven West:  Grilled Island Prime Rib with Baked Potato and Caesar Salad for $18.95
                               All Grads receive a free dessert! :-)
                               Open 4-9 p.m.
                               Call 436-5551 for reservations

Buffet 511  :            Featuring BBQ Roasted Pork Loin, Honey Garlic Meatballs and Rice and Chicken
                                 Pasta Alfredo
                              Enjoy the Salad Bar, Soup and Desserts- including a special dessert for Grads!
                              $13.95 pp + taxes
                              Kids 6 and under are free!
                              Open 4-7 p.m. Call 436-5551 for reservations

LIBRARY UPDATE:  There are still many outstanding library books out there that we would love to see returned. Grade 12's can bring their outstanding books in on rehearsal day (Thursday) and Grade 10's and 11's can bring theirs along on when they come in to pick up report cards (Tuesday AM, June 26).

LAST CHANCE!! Survey Monkey for Parents!  We are looking for some feedback-positive and constructive-regarding how we did reaching our school goals for this year. So far, 66 parents have responded. 574 of our students completed the Student survey on line during Block A classes (229 grade 10, 226 grade 11, 117 grade 12), and we will consider all comments and results as we begin setting our goals for next year.  Thanks in advance for taking the 10-15 minutes necessary to do this! Just click on the following link and thanks in advance for your input and honesty!:  
Course Selection Verification for 2012-2013
Mr. Jason Gallant posted a draft list of course selections for current grade 10 and 11 students on the Lecture Theatre walls last week. We have asked students to check first to be sure that they have 8 courses selected in their schedule and then to see Mr. Gallant to talk about any necessary changes that might need to be made. We are hoping to get most conflicts settled before heading out for the summer and calls home will be made if any clarification is needed. If your son/daughter has not already consulted this list, please ask them to do so ASAP.

Kudos to Our Kids!

The following students have been selected as executive members for the various Councils next year. There will be an opportunity for ALL students to join one of these councils when we return in the fall. 

Activities Council:
Michaela Walker- President 
Brooke Blanchard- Grade 12 Vice-President
Nicole Gallant- Grade 11 Vice-President
Katie MacKay- Communications Officer

Athletic Council:
Becky Clark-President
TBD- Communications Officer

Community Works Council:
TBD- President
TBD- Communications Officer

Extra-Curricular Council:
Becca Gallant- President
Marissa Hashie- Vice-President
TBD- Communications Officer

Fundraising and Finance Council:
Andrew Farag- President
Zachary Phillips- Vice-President
Clayton Smith-Communications Officer

Multi-Media Council:
Brett Poirier- President
Other Chairs and CO TBD

Music Council:
James Brown- President
Dakota Oliver- Grade 12 Vice-President
Jillian Russell- Grade 11 Vice-President
Emmalee Dunn- Communications Officer
Christie Anne Campbell- Assistant Communications Officer 

Student Government Council:
Noah Richardson- President
Rebecca Drummond- Vice-President
Maria Dalton- Communications Officer

Delegates attending the Canadian Student Leadership Conference (CSLC 2012) in Weyburn, Sask Sept. 25-30:
Michaela Walker, Brooke Blanchard, and Katie MacKay

Our initial survey results show that parents are finding this blog to be a helpful source of information, so I will be continuing it in the fall. Please take a moment to complete the survey if you have not already and have a safe and happy summer!

Nicole :-)

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