Saturday, June 2, 2012

Nicole's Notes: Volume 8

Hello TOSH Parents and Guardians!

I am taking a break from walking around the track at the Relay for Life all night event to update my blog for you this week. Tonight has been an inspiring experience, and I am SO proud of our 8 TOSH student Relay teams! Kudos to Ms. Cara DeCoste and our team leaders for getting organized enough to raise over $4500 for the cause. TOSH kids making a positive difference...Awesome!

Dates to Remember:
5      Extra-curricular Awards Assembly
7      "TOAD" (Three Oaks Activity Day-PM only!)
9      Athletic Banquet
11    Grade 12 Final Exams-Block A (9-11:30 a.m.)
12    Grade 12 Final Exams-Block B (9-11:30 a.m.)
13    Grades 10-12 Final Exams-Block C (9-11:30 a.m.)
14    Grades 10-12 Final Exams-Block D (9-11:30 a.m.)
15    Grade 10-11 Final Exams-Block A (9-11:30 a.m.)
18    Grade 10-11 Final Exams-Block B (9-11:30 a.m.)
19    Grad List Posted-9 a.m.
21    Graduation Practice Breakfast and Rehearsal (Grade 12 Grads)
        Graduation- 7 p.m. (Credit Union Place)
        Safe Grad Activity following Graduation
26    Report Cards distributed for Grades 10-11 (9-10:30 a.m.)
29    School Closes for Summer Holidays!

Cell Phone Policy "Tweak"!
As you may have already heard, we decided to align our Cell Phone Use policy with that of the WSB, allowing students to use their cell phones responsibly in school during non-instructional time. Between period bells (everywhere in the building), which is deemed instructional time, students will be expected to have phones turned off/on silent and away unless teachers decide to use them for an educational purpose. Infractions during instructional time will reflect the original cell phone use policy. Our students have also been reminded that FOIP restrictions prohibit the use of cameras or video devices in school without administrative approval.

Extra-Curricular Awards Assembly: June 5
We will be celebrating some of our Grade 12 students on June 5 at our annual Extra-Curricular Awards Assembly. For the three years that students are involved in activities at TOSH (sports teams, clubs, groups, special initiatives, etc.), they receive "points" for the hours of time they have invested in making our school a better place to be: 1 point for every 10 hours of time spent. Students who accumulate 500 hours of extra-curricular involvement by the end of Grade 12 receive a certificate, while those who acquire 1000 or more hours receive a certificate and an extra-curricular award pin. We are proud of all students who have taken the time to get involved. Three years can fly pretty fast when you're having that much fun!

Survey Monkey for Students and Parents!  We are looking for some feedback-positive and constructive-regarding how we did reaching our school goals for this year. Our students will be completing the Student survey on line during Block A classes this week, and we are asking parents to complete the Parent survey from home, as well.  This will help us as we consider setting our goals for next year, so thanks in advance for taking the 10-15 minutes necessary to do this! Just click on the following link and thanks in advance for your input and honesty!:

2012 Three Oaks Senior High School Art Exhibit Showing at MacNaught History Centre and Archives:  The 2012 Three Oaks Grad Art Exhibit will be on display at the MacNaught History Centre and Archives from June 5th through to June 14th. Six students of our art teacher, Shannon Evans, will be graduating from TOSH in June and it has become a tradition for Wyatt Heritage Properties (the arts, heritage, and cultural complex for Summerside) to host an exhibit of their work.  The exhibit will feature painting and sculpture. The official opening of the exhibit will be held on Tuesday, June 5th from 7 to 9 pm.  An invitation is extended to all Islanders to attend, as our students are excited about the opportunity to meet with the public and talk about their art careers.  The MacNaught Gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm at 75 Spring Street, Summerside. Admission to the show is free and this is a wonderful opportunity for Islanders to see some of our upcoming artists.

Good Luck Rugby Players!
Both our A Men's and Women's rugby teams are headed to the provincial semi-finals at Charlottetown Rural on Monday, while both our AAA teams play provincial finals on Wednesday here at home. Good luck to all our players and congratulations on a very successful TOSH rugby season!

Quote of the Week:  "Genius begins great works; labor alone finishes them."~Joseph Joubert

Kudos to Our Kids!

To Hannah Bigelow, Bethany Farrell, and Amanda Williams for the great job they did presenting their LED 621 bullying awareness presentation to grade 7 students at Miscouche Consolidated!

To our Relay for Life TOSH participants and all those who provided entertainment or worked behind the scenes. The organizing committee members include:  Hannah Graham, Greg MacCormack, Taylor Albert, Marc Arsenault, Jill MacIntyre, Ashley Cameron, Larissa Carr, Anna Smith, Chloe Journeau, Bruce Ramsay, Jayme Misener, Katie MacKay, Alyssa Arsenault, and Savannah Campbell.

To the members of the Choral Ensemble for a great concert at the Summerside Christian Church Thursday!

To the CUL 801 students for their awesome meal plan for staff all semester! YUM!

To the MUS 521/621 students for their awesome composition projects!

To Jenny Bryce and Joel Hansen for their leadership in organizing the Coffee House in aid of Relay for Life last week! Thanks, also, to all the student performers who participated!

To the following TOSH Band students who were recognized at the Band Banquet Saturday night!:
Most Improved Grade 10: Taylor Poirier

Most Improved Grade 11: Rachel Mundy

Most Improved Grade 11: Luke Thompson

Most Improved Grade 12: Smrithi Santhosh

Woodwind Award of Merit: Emily Eddie

Woodwind Award of Merit: Logan McAulay

Brass Award of Merit: Julia MacIntyre

Brass Award of Merit: Greg MacCormack

Percussion Award of Merit: Frank Bowness

Percussion Award of Merit: Zak McLure

Dedication Award: Noah Richardson

Dedication Award: Shanae Rogers

Grade 10 Award of Merit: Marc DesRoches

Grade 11 Award of Merit: Tanner Harvey

Grade 12 Award of Merit: Sarah Eddie

Grade 10 Concert Band Student Choice: Marc DesRoches

Senior Concert Band Student Choice: Emily Fraser

Director’s Choice: Emily Roberts

Most Outstanding Section: 2012 Senior Saxophones

Have a great week!


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