Sunday, June 10, 2012

Nicole's Notes: Volume 9

Axeman Taylor Albert
Hello TOSH Parents and Guardians!

Things are winding up to wind down these days at school.  Our Grade 12's will begin their final exams on Monday, and the Grade 10's and 11's will join them in that final assessment process beginning on Wednesday of this week.  That means it will be class as usual for the 10's and 11's on Monday and Tuesday. When students are in exams, they must remain in class from 8:55-10:30 a.m. before they can leave. Exams run each morning of the schedule until 11:30 a.m. (See Dates to Remember section!). After that, students are encouraged to use the time to seek extra help or study. They do not have to remain in the building in the afternoon; but if they do, they are asked to be prepared to do something constructive with their time.

Please Note!:  There will be no cell phone use permitted in the school from 8:55-11:30 a.m. beginning on Monday due to the final assessments happening in the school. I will be making this announcement to our students on Monday morning and their teachers will be reminding them each morning, as well.

Dates to Remember:

11    Grade 12 Final Exams-Block A (9-11:30 a.m.)
        Regular classes for Grade 10 and 11
12    Grade 12 Final Exams-Block B (9-11:30 a.m.)
        Regular classes for Grade 10 and 11
13    Grades 10-12 Final Exams-Block C (9-11:30 a.m.)
14    Grades 10-12 Final Exams-Block D (9-11:30 a.m.)
        Grade 12 Exams Finish
15    Grade 10-11 Final Exams-Block A (9-11:30 a.m.)
18    Grade 10-11 Final Exams-Block B (9-11:30 a.m.)
19    Grad List Posted-9 a.m.
21    Graduation Practice Breakfast and Rehearsal (Grade 12 Grads)
        Graduation- 7 p.m. (Credit Union Place)
        Safe Grad Activity following Graduation
26    Report Cards distributed for Grades 10-11 (9-10:30 a.m.)
29    School Closes for Summer Holidays!

Grade 12 Extra-Curricular Award Winners!
Congratulations to all the Extra-Curricular Certificate recipients (500+ hours of involvement- I will update with the names as soon as I get hold of the file! Sorry!), and the 10 Extra-Curricular Pin recipients (1000+ hours of involvement!):
Lucas Coughlin, Sarah Eddie, Greg MacCormack, Jenna MacKinnon, Mark Matheson, Logan McAulay, Alex Parise, Emily Roberts, Amanda Rundle, and Madison Tompkins.
Our school is a better place because of your many contributions. We appreciate you!

TOSH Rugby Wins AAA Provincial Double Gold!
A huge thank you goes out to all the student and parent fans who braved the Arctic temperatures to cheer our TOSH AAA Men's and Women's rugby teams on to provincial gold against Charlottetown Rural last week. Both tries for the ladies were scored by Ashley Wright and the drop goal was scored by Erica Gillis, for a final score of 13-5.  They try for the men was scored by Luke Thompson with the conversion kick scored by Greg Arsenault for a final score of 7-0. (Can anyone lend me a "Rugby for Dummies" book?!) Thanks to all our athletes for an exciting season and for the "class" you showed as student athletes, both on and off the field, this year. We're proud of you!!
Gold Medals kept our girls warm!

TOSH AAA Women's Rugby Team:
Provincial Champs!
TOSH AAA Men's Rugby Team:
Provincial Champs!

2012 Three Oaks Senior High School Art Exhibit Showing at MacNaught History Centre and Archives 
 The 2012 Three Oaks Grad Art Exhibit will be on display at the MacNaught History Centre and Archives from June 5th through to June 14th. Six students of our art teacher, Shannon Evans, will be graduating from TOSH in June and it has become a tradition for Wyatt Heritage Properties (the arts, heritage, and cultural complex for Summerside) to host an exhibit of their work.  The exhibit will feature painting and sculpture. The MacNaught Gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm at 75 Spring Street, Summerside. Admission to the show is free and this is a wonderful opportunity for Islanders to see some of our upcoming artists. 

Students who ordered this year's copy of the Enhancer (which looks FANTASTIC!) in the fall received them last week. Mrs. Callbeck had ordered some extra copies that were to be available for a cost of $50 until they are gone, so students can see her in Room 410 if they wish to purchase a yearbook.

Grad 2011
Our Grade 12 parents have a busy-and probably emotional!-couple of weeks ahead! Here are some "should know" info for now, but please do not hesitate to contact us at the school if you have any further questions or concerns!:

When?: Thursday, June 21, 2012. The Processional of Graduates begins at 6:50 p.m. and the Graduation Ceremony will begin at 7 p.m. We are hoping to streamline things this year and aiming for a 2.5 hour long ceremony.
Where?: Credit Union Place, Summerside
Tickets?: None needed! Everyone is welcome to help celebrate our graduating students. Seating will be in the bowl only (Grads and VIP's only on the floor) on a first come, first served basis.
Dress?: Students will be wearing graduation gowns, but it looks much classier if boys wear pants, rather than shorts, and a tie (optional). Girls can wear either pants, dresses, or skirts but should make sure that their shoes are comfortable to walk in! This is NOT the night to try high heels for the first time! :-) Please also remind all grads: NO GUM!! It looks terrible on stage!
CD Souvenir: We have a professional photographer hired again this year to stand front and centre and take a professional photo of everything that happens on stage. Each grad will receive a complimentary CD containing all the pictures taken at the graduation for you to enjoy!

Grad Rehearsal and Breakfast: The Grad Breakfast begins at 9 a.m. on June 21 at the school. We then bus the students to the CUP for rehearsal around 10:30 a.m. and back to the school afterwards. Grads need to arrive at the CUP by 6:15 p.m. on graduation night.
Safe Grad Activity for Grads Afterwards?: Registration forms have already gone out to students for Safe Grad, and the form and money collection times are Tuesday and Thursday of this week from 11:30-12:15. Parents interested in volunteering snack food, or time as supervisors, are encouraged to contact Dia-Lynn Keough ASAP at:
**Post-Secondary Information!**:  Students headed to post-secondary schools next year MUST come in to Student Services to sign the sheet saying where their final transcripts are to be sent OR THEY WILL NOT BE SENT, WHICH IS NOT GOOD!! Also, if your son/daughter has received a scholarship and you would like this recognized during the graduation, they must bring in a copy of the scholarship information to Student Services ASAP.

Kudos to Our Kids!

To Leadership 621 students: Jenn Riley, Stefan Chambers, Alex Mitchell, and Zabrina Fenner for their video gift commemorating my first year as Principal. Thanks, hugs...and tears!

To Dylan Gallant (12), Alex Mitchell, and Tyler Cameron for receiving the "Friendship Award" in recognition of their kindness and friendship towards our students with special needs throughout the year!

To Mary Lynn MacFarlane for completing the first Independent Study course offered by our school (Biotech focus) after presenting her project to a panel consisting of her UPEI professor mentor and representatives from Department of Education and Early Childhood Development!

To the members of the following athletic teams who brought home TEN provincial banners this school year!:
AAA Men's Soccer
AAA Men's Volleyball
AAA Men's Basketball
AAA Women's Basketball
Juvenile Men's Badminton
Senior Men's Badminton
Senior Mixed Badminton
A Men's Rugby
AAA Men's Rugby
AAA Women's Rugby

To the following students who were provincial champions in Track and Field!:
Michaela Walker- 800m and 1500m
Nick Tanton- Triple Jump
Members of the Men's 1 x 400 Relay Team
Members of the Men's 4 x 400 Relay Team

To the following student athletes who received awards at the TOSH Athletic Banquet on Saturday!:

Field Hockey:
Janea Gallant- Most Improved Player
Kayla Arsenault- Coach's Choice
Jaime MacLean- Most Valuable Player

Taylor Albert- Most Improved Player
Ryan MacArthur- Most Dedicated Player
Kate Cashin- Most Valuable Player

Power Lifting:
Andrew Rafuse- Most Dedicated Lifter
Matt Dehmel- Best Lifter

Women's Soccer:
Charlotte Thompson- Rookie of the Year
Ashley Wright- Coach's Choice
Jill Curley- Most Valuable Player

Men's Soccer:
Jesse Cameron- Rookie of the Year
Josh Arsenault- Best Offensive Player
Andrew Richardson- Most Valuable Player

Cross Country:
Michaela Walker- Most Valuable Player

A Women's Volleyball:
Becca Gallant- Leadership Award: Most Outstanding Player
Jessica Campbell (#3): Coach's Choice
Taylor Kerwin- Most Valuable Player

AAA Men's Volleyball-Team 2
Justin MacEachern- Unsung Hero
John Paul Rice- Most Improved Player
Ben DesRoches- Most Valuable Player

AAA Women's Volleyball:
Laura O'Neill- Rookie of the Year
Hannah Steele- Best Offensive Player
Madison Tompkins- Best Blocker

AAA Men's Volleyball:
Alex DesRoches- Rookie of the Year
Mark Matheson- Most Improved Player
Alec Parise- Most Valuable Player

AA Women's Basketball:
Rachel Gallant- Most Improved Player
Logan McAulay- Coach's Choice
Ashley Simmons- Most Valuable Player

AA Men's Basketball:
Alex Rose- Most Improved Player
Mitch Mendoza- Coach's Choice
Ty Wright- Most Valuable Player

AAA Women's Basketball:

Becky Clark- Top Defensive Player
Jaime MacLean- Coach's Choice
Madison Tompkins- Most Outstanding Player

AAA Men's Basketball:
Dylan Gallant- Most Dedicated Player
Lucas Coughlin- Most Improved Player
Alec Parise- Most Valuable Player

Jesse Cameron- Rookie of the Year
Luke MacKinnon- Most Improved Player
Logan McAulay- Coach's Choice

Track and Field:
Holly Hartlen- Coach's Choice
Michaela Walker- Coach's Choice
Nick Tanton- Coach's Choice

A Women's Rugby:
Larissa Carr- Most Outstanding Forward
Marilyn Herbert- Most Outstanding Back
Paige Gallant- Most Improved Player

A Men's Rugby:
Dan Fingler- Most Valuable Forward
Jesse Cameron- Most Valuable Back
Ty Wright- Coach's Choice

AAA Women's Rugby:
Ashley Wright- Most Valuable Forward
Holly Hartlen- Most Valuable Back
Amanda Rundle- Coach's Choice

AAA Men's Rugby:
Greg Arsenault- Most Valuable Forward
Nigel Gallant- Most Valuable Back
Jordan Vos- Coach's Choice

Women's Softball:
Jasmin Geary- Rookie of the Year
Toni Geary- Coach's Choice
Bethany Smith- Most Valuable Player

Men's Softball:
Mark Matheson- Most Dedicated
Stefan LaPierre- Coach's Choice
Catlin Richard- Most Valuable Player

Athletic Alumni Association Award: Coach James Voye

Athletic Council and Alumni Scholarship:  Alec Parise

Female Athlete of the Year 2012:  Becky Clark

Male Athlete of the Year 2012:  Alec Parise

Quote of the Week (for Finals!):  "Worry is not preparation."~ Author Unknown
 (I have a sweatshirt that has this on it! :-))

Remember, June can be a very stressful time for many reasons, so give your son or daughter a little extra TLC these next two weeks. We promise to do that too! :-)


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