Saturday, January 5, 2013

Nicole's Notes: Volume 17 (Jan. 7)

S'Side Storm Player, Avery Smith, sports his TOSH pride !
Happy New Year TOSH Parents and Guardians!

I am hoping that you all had a restful holiday surrounded by family and friends! It is hard to believe that we are back to school already. Considering the fact that there are only three weeks remaining before Final Exams, we had to jump right back into course work...ready or not!

We had a great run to the holidays with lots of school spirit shown. I will throw in a few pictures throughout this week's post for you to see and enjoy. We have an awesome school community and it makes me smile to see so many staff and students working so hard to make TOSH such a great place to work and learn each day!

We welcome Mr. Mark Gregory to our staff! Mr. Gregory will be filling in for Mrs. Amanda Arsenault while she is on maternity leave. No Baby Arsenault in the house, as of yet! We'll keep you posted on that!

We also welcome Mr. Brian Carruthers who will be doing his student teaching over the next 6 weeks with Mr. Chris Higginbotham and Dr. Heather Pringle! Mr. Carruthers is studying Education at the University of Fort Kent in Maine, USA.

Upcoming Dates to Note:
3      First School Day for 2013
7      Presidents' Council Meeting- Noon in conference room
        Parent Council Meeting- 6:30 p.m. in the Library

28    BLOCK A Final Exam- 9 a.m.
29    BLOCK B Final Exam- 9 a.m.
30    BLOCK C Final Exam- 9 a.m.
       Nicole to CASAA Winter Board Meeting in Toronto (Jan. 30-Feb. 3)
31    BLOCK D Final Exam- 9 a.m.

1      Turnaround Day- No classes
4      First Day of Semester 2
7      Principals' Meeting- Nicole out
18    Islander Day


The meeting begins at 6:30 P.M. in the TOSH Library and all parents and guardians are welcome to attend!


Congratulations to the Leadership and People Helping People students and their advisors for running a very successful fundraising campaign! We met our combined goal with KISH of $2500 and will be able to provide clean drinking water for LIFE to 100 people as a result! Well done!!

Our Community Works Council will be continuing to collect non-perishable food items in aid of the Salvation Army throughout January. Donations can be made by students through their home room where they will be given a ballot to win a free cafeteria meal. Community donations can be dropped off at the Main Office. The need some local families have for food does not end with the holidays. Please be generous!


Tickets for home games played by the Summerside Storm at Credit Union Place can be purchased through the Phys Ed Office or Main Office at TOSH for $5. All proceeds from these ticket sales goes to TOSH Athletics! The next home game is January 18 at 7 p.m.

Ugly Christmas Sweater Day!

To Evan Tynski who was chosen as one of three Island youth members for the PEI 2014 Community Advisory Committee. Evan will serve for a two-year period, until the end of December 2014. At the end of their service term, the youth representatives will be awarded a PEI 2014 $1,000 bursary to be applied to their post-secondary education. In addition, the volunteer hours accumulated by the youth members of the PEI 2014 Community Advisory Committee can be applied to the Community Service Bursary Program offered by the provincial department of Innovation and Advanced Learning.

The PEI 2014 Community Advisory Committee’s role is to ensure community-based input into the planning and implementation of the 2014 program of events by providing high-level advice on the planning of the 2014 celebration, and offering practical expertise and a community perspective on local considerations.  In 2014, Canadians will mark the 150th anniversary (Sesquicentennial) of the historic 1864 Charlottetown Conference, which paved the way to Confederation. PEI 2014 Inc. is facilitating the planning, promotion and implementation of the Sesquicentennial. Through activities and initiatives that educate, inspire, and have a lasting impact, the PEI 2014 program will honour the past, celebrate the present, and plan a bold tomorrow.

To Noah Richardson who has been chosen as an Active8! Campaign PEI Ambassador!

To the students who are helping Ms. Forbes provide English lessons to local Vietnamese immigrants!

To Chandler Acorn who recently received a Canadian Parents for French (CPF) PEI French Student Excellence Award!

To the students who gave substantial amounts of their own money this holiday to help provide Christmas gifts to students/families in need, thank you for being the Spirit of the Season! Love in action=priceless!
Mr. Trainor makes the best Santa!
To the members of the various Councils who provided awesome holiday activities for all to enjoy the week before, and on, Dec. 21!

Teachers vs Students Reach for the Top Game
To the members of the Pep Band for providing music at the Christmas Classic game TOSH played Dec. 21!
Pep Band 2012-13
To the members of the Athletic Council for helping to organize and run the Christmas Classic basketball tournament!
Our Awesome Axeman, Nathan Stavert!
To the students in Mr. David Ramsay's Physics class who created and displayed their awesome Angry Birds project before the holidays!

This Week's Challenge:  Final Exams begin January 28. Please check on SAS or with your son/daughter and/or teachers this week to see what assignments need to be completed in order for your child to head into exams caught up and prepared. Any catch up work that has been arranged will need to be completed right away so that teachers can assess it properly and in time for final marks to be calculated. 
**This is crunch time!!! Please encourage your son/daughter to make sure that all their academic ducks are in a row ASAP!**

Quote of the Week:    "What seems like the right thing to do could also be the hardest thing you have ever done in your life. "~ Unknown 

Have a great week and all the best to you and yours in 2013!

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