Sunday, January 27, 2013

Nicole's Notes: Volume 20 (Jan. 28, 2013)

Dylan Champion at the Coffee House
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

I am hoping that your son/daughter had a productive weekend of studying for the upcoming week of Semester 1 final exams. The stress our students sometimes feel during assessment time will be much less if they go into the experience feeling prepared.

It is important to remember that how LONG students study for an exam is not as important as HOW they study. There are some helpful tips on the following website:

As we head into Semester 2, students should note that the best preparation for these final assessments is to be in class regularly and on top of assignments, tests, and classwork all semester long. It is difficult to cram 110 hours of course learning into a few days at the very end!

Final Exam week is scheduled for Jan. 28-31 inclusive. Please note the schedule for the week (below) and the fact that ALL exams begin at 9 a.m. The first opportunity students have to leave an exam is 10:30 a.m. each day. They will not be permitted to go to their lockers until exams end at 11:30 a.m., so they should bring their things with them to the exam if they expect to leave early. The afternoons during the exam period are meant for focused study and/or help classes. Students who remain in the school will be expected to be studying in the library, cafeteria, or working with teachers in classrooms. NOTE:  There will be a zero tolerance policy around cell phone use in classrooms during the scheduled exam periods.  

Schedule this Week:
Monday, Jan. 28:       BLOCK A Exam- 9 a.m.
Tuesday, Jan. 29:      BLOCK B Exam- 9 a.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 30: BLOCK C Exam- 9 a.m.
Thursday, Jan. 31:    BLOCK D Exam- 9 a.m.
Friday, Feb. 1:          Turnaround Day- No Classes

While the final assessment in courses can take forms other than the traditional "pen and paper" style exam (presentations, projects, debates, etc), there will be meaningful assessment taking place in every class that week. This means that attendance during exam week is mandatory and it will be important for parents/guardians to get permission from the administration if their son/daughter is not going to be in school any of those days. Please note that attendance will be taken at the beginning of the exam period and calls made to parents if students are missing.

In the event that we have a Snow Day off school during the regular Final Exam schedule, all schools in the former Western School Board will be following the same protocol:
* The exam that should have happened on the Snow Day will take place the morning of the very next day and any future exams scheduled will be bumped ahead in order
* Feb. 1 will remain as Turnaround Day (no school) regardless of exams
* Monday, Feb. 4 will become the final day for exams, if the need arises, with Semester 2 beginning on Feb. 5
We are hoping that week will go as scheduled!

Upcoming Dates to Note:
28-31   Final Exams

NOTE:  Nicole is out of province Jan. 30-Feb. 3 inclusive for a national board meeting. Please contact Mr. Jason Gallant: or Mr. Gerald MacCormack: if you have any questions or concerns during this time.

1        Turnaround Day- No classes
4        First Day of Semester 2
          Parent Council Meeting- 6:30 p.m. (Speaker: Andrew Richardson)
7        Principals' Meeting- Nicole out
18      Islander Day- No classes
21      Meet the Teacher Evening- 6:30 p.m.
Bake Sale was a hit!


Mr. Oulton's class raised over $400 this past week to provide mosquito netting that will help stop the spread of malaria in Third World countries. $10 buys one bed net. 40 nets helps 160 people! Thanks to everyone who participated in the Video Game Tournament, the Coffee House, the Homeroom $10 Challenge, and those who bought yummy treats at the Bake Sale!

James Brown, Music Council President

Great voice!


Singing "Wagon Wheel" for Ms. Haire ;-)

Ms. Allen assessing royalty! :-)

Gypsy Magic!

Popes and Princesses and Gypsies, oh my! :-) Kudos to the students in Ms. Allen's Grade 10 Ancient History 421 class who presented their medieval "characters" in the Medieval Fair held in the 100's hallway last week. The students showed an in depth knowledge of what life in those times would have been like for the people they researched and the costume creativity was awesome!


Grade 10 students in Mr. David Ramsay's SCI 421 class presented their "World Builder" projects this week. The title is self-explanatory! The students worked in groups, integrating the major curriculum outcomes for this course into one project in which they "built" a new planet from scratch that could sustain life! They had to use principles from physics, chemistry, and biology to create their world and their technology skills were challenged, as well! VERY impressive work by all involved and parents/guardians were invited into the school to witness how much these students learned through their work on this project.

Popsicle Stick Baby Barns in MAT 801
"Wrestling" with Math 421 Problems! :-)

Water for Change Meets Its Goal!
Art and Addictions Expo


To Logan MacLean (pictured above), Dakota Oliver, and James Brown from the Music Council for performing in the lobby at the Summerside Storm home games on Thursday and Friday evening!

To the members of the Summerside Silhouettes Synchro Skating team who returned from East Hantz NS with a Gold medal win at Atlantic synchro skating championships!

To Daniel Bridges on his excellent showing at the Atlantic biathlon competition for cadets at Brookvale last weekend!

To CJ Kitts who won the Legion poetry contest! One other student who wishes to remain nameless was recognized as well.

To Robbie Squires for supporting a fellow student this week!

Study for Exams? Cheer on the Storm? Why not BOTH?!

Challenge:  Offer your son/daughter some extra TLC as they work through exams this week. Make sure they are eating healthy, getting plenty of rest, and that they have a quiet place to study where they can concentrate on the task at hand.

Quote of the Week:  "I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it." ~ Thomas Jefferson

Enjoy your week!

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